;+ ; PROCEDURE: ; mms_load_tetrahedron_qf ; ; PURPOSE: ; Loads the tetrahedron quality factor from the LASP SDC ; ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2017-07-20 16:20:12 -0700 (Thu, 20 Jul 2017) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 23686 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/mms/common/load_data/mms_load_tetrahedron_qf.pro $ ;- pro mms_load_tetrahedron_qf, trange = trange, suffix=suffix if undefined(suffix) then suffix = '' mms_init, local_data_dir = local_data_dir if ~undefined(trange) && n_elements(trange) eq 2 $ then tr = timerange(trange) $ else tr = timerange() start_time = time_double(tr[0])-60*60*24. end_time = time_double(tr[1]) ; check if end date is anything other than 00:00:00, if so ; add a day to the end time to ensure that all data is downloaded end_struct = time_struct(end_time) if (end_struct.hour GT 0) or (end_struct.min GT 0) then add_day = 60*60*24. else add_day = 0. start_time_str = time_string(start_time, tformat='YYYY-MM-DD') end_time_str = time_string(end_time+add_day, tformat= 'YYYY-MM-DD') prod = 'defq' public = 1 file_dir = !mms.local_data_dir + 'ancillary/tetrahedron_qf/' ; make sure the directory exists dir_search = file_search(file_dir, /test_directory) if dir_search eq '' then file_mkdir2, file_dir qf_template = { VERSION: 1.00000, $ DATASTART: 11, $ DELIMITER: 32b, $ MISSINGVALUE: !values.D_NAN, $ COMMENTSYMBOL: '', $ FIELDCOUNT: 4, $ FIELDTYPES: [7, 4, 4, 3], $ FIELDNAMES: ['epoch', 'epoch_tai', 'qf', 'scale'], $ FIELDLOCATIONS: [0, 25, 43, 52], $ FIELDGROUPS: [0, 1, 2, 3]} ; grab the file list ancillary_file_info = mms_get_ancillary_file_info(sc_id='mms', product=prod, start_date=start_time_str, end_date=end_time_str, public=public) if is_string(ancillary_file_info) then begin ; get the filenames from the JSON remote_file_info = mms_parse_json(ancillary_file_info) filename = remote_file_info.filename num_filenames = n_elements(filename) ; grab the files for file_idx = 0, num_filenames-1 do begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Downloading ' + filename[file_idx] status = get_mms_ancillary_file(filename=filename[file_idx], local_dir=file_dir, public=public) if status eq 0 then append_array, files, file_dir + filename[file_idx] endfor if ~undefined(files) then begin for file_idx=0, n_elements(files)-1 do begin qf_data = read_ascii(files[file_idx], template=qf_template, count=num_items) append_array, time_data, time_double(qf_data.Epoch, tformat='YYYY-DOY/hh:mm:ss.fff') append_array, tetrahedron_qfs, qf_data.qf endfor idx=[uniq(time_data, sort(time_data))] time_values = time_data[idx] tqfs = tetrahedron_qfs[idx] endif endif else begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'No tetrahedron quality factor found for this trange: ' + start_time_str + ' - ' + end_time_str endelse if ~undefined(time_data) && ~undefined(tetrahedron_qfs) then begin store_data, 'mms_tetrahedron_qf'+suffix, data={x: time_values, y: tqfs} ; clip down to the requested time range time_clip, 'mms_tetrahedron_qf'+suffix, tr[0], tr[1], /replace endif end