;+ ;PROCEDURE: ; MVN_SWIA_INST2MSO ;PURPOSE: ; Routine to rotate SWIA velocity and temperature moments from instrument ; coordinates to MS0 ; This routine is in the process of being modified to use Davin's routines ;AUTHOR: ; Jasper Halekas ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; MVN_SWIA_INST2MSO ;INPUTS: ;KEYWORDS: ; LOAD: if set, load (and unload) the spice kernels ; ; $LastChangedBy: jhalekas $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2017-02-01 18:41:41 -0800 (Wed, 01 Feb 2017) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 22714 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/maven/swia/mvn_swia_inst2mso.pro $ ; ;- pro mvn_swia_inst2mso, load = load compile_opt idl2 common mvn_swia_data unixt = swim.time_unix trange = [min(unixt),max(unixt)] if keyword_set(load) then kernels = mvn_spice_kernels(trange=trange,/load) et = time_ephemeris(unixt) nt = n_elements(et) crmat = replicate(!values.d_nan,nt,3,3) for i = 0,nt-1 do begin cspice_sce2t,-202,et[i],sclkdp cspice_ckgp,-202000,sclkdp,0,'IAU_SUN', cmat, clkout, found if found then begin cspice_sxform,'MAVEN_MSO','MAVEN_SWIA',et[i],xform crmat[i,*,*] = xform[0:2,0:2] endif endfor if keyword_set(load) then cspice_unload, kernels store_data,'crmat',data = {x:swim.time_unix,y:crmat} tvector_rotate,'crmat','mvn_swim_velocity',suffix = '_mso',/vector_skip,/matrix_skip get_data,'mvn_swim_pressure',data = pr get_data,'mvn_swim_density',data = dens ntemp = fltarr(nt,3) for i = 0,nt-1 do begin cmati = reform(crmat[i,*,*]) pmatrix = [[pr.y[i,0],pr.y[i,3],pr.y[i,4]],[pr.y[i,3],pr.y[i,1],pr.y[i,5]],[pr.y[i,4],pr.y[i,5],pr.y[i,2]]] npmatrix = cmati # pmatrix # transpose(cmati) ntemp[i,0] = npmatrix[0,0]/dens.y[i] ntemp[i,1] = npmatrix[1,1]/dens.y[i] ntemp[i,2] = npmatrix[2,2]/dens.y[i] endfor store_data,'mvn_swim_temperature_mso',data = {x:pr.x,y:ntemp} end