;+ ; PROCEDURE: ; mvn_swia_diretmag ; PURPOSE: ; Makes directional E-t spectrograms in the specified pitch angle range from SWIA Coarse data. ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mvn_swia_diretmag,pitch=[150,180] ; INPUTS: ; None (SWIA data should have been loaded and magnetic field ; should have been added to SWIA common blocks by 'mvn_swia_add_magf'.) ; KEYWORDS: ; all optional ; PITCH: specifies the pitch angle range (Def: [0,30]) ; UNITS: specifies the units ('eflux', 'counts', etc.) (Def: 'eflux') ; ARCHIVE: uses archive data instead of survey ; TRANGE: time range to compute directional spectra (Def: all) ; SUFFIX: suffix of the tplot variable name (Def: e.g., '_pa000-030') ; CREATED BY: ; Yuki Harada on 2014-11-20 ; ; $LastChangedBy: haraday $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2015-01-16 12:56:29 -0800 (Fri, 16 Jan 2015) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 16665 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/maven/swia/mvn_swia_diretmag.pro $ ;- pro mvn_swia_diretmag, pitch=pitch, units=units, archive=archive, trange=trange, verbose=verbose, suffix=suffix common mvn_swia_data if not keyword_set(pitch) then pitch=[0,30] else pitch=minmax(abs(pitch)) if not keyword_set(units) then units='eflux' if keyword_set(archive) then time = swica.time_unix else time = swics.time_unix if keyword_set(trange) then begin idx = where(time ge trange[0] and time le trange[1], idx_cnt) if idx_cnt gt 0 then time = time[idx] else begin dprint,dlevel=1,verbose=verbose,'No data in the specified time range.' return endelse endif if not keyword_set(suffix) then suffix='_pa'+string(pitch[0],f='(i3.3)')+'-'+string(pitch[1],f='(i3.3)') center_time = dblarr(n_elements(time)) energy = fltarr(n_elements(time),48) eflux_dir = fltarr(n_elements(time),48) for i=0ll,n_elements(time)-1 do begin ;- time loop if i mod 1000 eq 0 then dprint,dlevel=1,verbose=verbose,i,' /',n_elements(time) d = mvn_swia_get_3dc(time[i],archive=archive) d = conv_units(d,units) center_time[i] = (d.time+d.end_time)/2.d energy[i,*] = d.energy[*,0] xyz_to_polar,d.magf,theta=bth,phi=bph pa = pangle(d.theta,d.phi,bth,bph) idx = where( pa gt pitch[0] and pa lt pitch[1], idx_cnt ) if idx_cnt gt 0 then begin w = d.data * 0. w[idx] = 1. if strlowcase(units) ne 'counts' then $ eflux_dir[i,*] = total(d.data*d.domega*w,2)/total(d.domega*w,2) $ else $ eflux_dir[i,*] = total(d.data*w,2) endif else eflux_dir[i,*] = !values.f_nan ;; for j=0,d.nenergy-1 do begin ;- energy loop ;; idx = where( pa[j,*] gt pitch[0] and pa[j,*] lt pitch[1], idx_cnt ) ;; if idx_cnt gt 0 then begin ;; if strlowcase(units) ne 'counts' then $ ;; eflux_dir[i,j] = total(d.data[j,idx]*d.domega[j,idx]) $ ;; /total(d.domega[j,idx]) $ ;; else $ ;; eflux_dir[i,j] = total(d.data[j,idx]) ;; endif else eflux_dir[i,j] = !values.f_nan ;; endfor ;- energy loop end endfor ;- time loop end if keyword_set(archive) then type = 'swica' else type = 'swics' store_data,'mvn_'+type+'_en_'+units+suffix, $ data={x:center_time,y:eflux_dir,v:energy}, $ dlim={spec:1,zlog:1,ylog:1,yrange:minmax(energy),ystyle:1, $ ytitle:type+'!c'+suffix+'!cEnergy [eV]', $ ztitle:units,datagap:180},verbose=verbose end