;+ ;PROCEDURE: swe_pad_snap ;PURPOSE: ; Plots PAD snapshots in a separate window for times selected with the cursor in ; a tplot window. Hold down the left mouse button and slide for a movie effect. ; A PAD snapshot is an pitch angle X energy spectrogram at the selected time. ; Optionally, keyword ENERGY can be used to plot a PAD in histogram mode for a ; single energy. ; ;USAGE: ; swe_pad_snap ; ;INPUTS: ; ;KEYWORDS: ; ENERGY: Energy (eV) to use for the histogram plot. ; ; UNITS: Plot PAD data in these units. ; ; PAD: Named variable to hold a PAD structure at the last time ; selected. ; ; DDD: If set, compare with the nearest 3D spectrum. ; ; CENTER: Specify the center azimuth for 3D plots. Only works when DDD ; is set. ; ; SUM: If set, use cursor to specify time ranges for averaging. ; ; TSMO: Smoothing interval, in seconds. Default is no smoothing. ; ; SMO: Number of energy bins to smooth over. ; ; NORM: At each energy step, normalize the distribution to the mean. ; ; POT: Overplot an estimate of the spacecraft potential. Must run ; mvn_scpot first. Default = 1 (yes). ; ; SCP: Temporarily override any other estimates of the spacecraft ; potential and force it to be this value. ; ; SHIFTPOT: Correct for the spacecraft potential. If the data are in ; instrument units (COUNTS, RATE, CRATE), then the energy ; scale is shifted by the amount of the potential, but the ; signal level remains unchanged. If the data are in physical ; units (FLUX, EFLUX, DF), then the signal level is also ; adjusted to ensure conservation of phase space density. ; ; LABEL: Label the anode and deflection bin numbers (label=1) or the ; solid angle bin numbers (label=2). ; ; KEEPWINS: If set, then don't close the snapshot window(s) on exit. ; ; MONITOR: Put snapshot windows in this monitor. Monitors are numbered ; from 0 to N-1, where N is the number of monitors recognized ; by the operating system. See putwin.pro for details. ; ; ARCHIVE: If set, show snapshots of archive data. ; ; BURST: Synonym for ARCHIVE. ; ; DIR: If set, show some useful information with ; respect to the observed vector magnetic field ; in the MSO and LGEO(local geographic coordinate). ; ; ABINS: Anode bin mask -> 16 elements (0 = off, 1 = on) ; Default = replicate(1,16) ; ; DBINS: Deflector bin mask -> 6 elements (0 = off, 1 = on) ; Default = replicate(1,6) ; ; OBINS: 3D solid angle bin mask -> 96 elements (0 = off, 1 = on) ; Default = reform(ABINS # DBINS) ; ; MASK_SC: Mask the spacecraft blockage. This is in addition to any ; masking defined by the ABINS, DBINS, and OBINS. ; Default = 1 (yes). Set this to 0 to disable and use the ; above 3 keywords only. ; ; SPEC: Plot energy spectra for parallel, anti-parallel, and ; 90-degree pitch angle populations. The value of this ; keyword is the pitch angle width (deg) that is used ; to separate the populations: ; ; parallel : 0 to SPEC degrees ; middle : SPEC to (180 - SPEC) degrees ; anti-parallel : (180 - SPEC) to 180 degrees ; ; Pitch angle bins must be entirely contained within ; one of these ranges to be included. ; ; Any value of SPEC < 30 deg is taken to be 30 deg. ; ; NOMID: When using keyword SPEC, do not plot the energy spectrum ; for the middle range of pitch angles. Plot only the ; spectra for parallel and anti-parallel populations. ; ; PLOTLIMS: Plot dashed lines at the limits of the pitch angle ; coverage. ; ; PEP: Plot vertical dashed lines at the nominal photoelectron ; energy peaks at 23 and 27 eV (due to ionization of CO2 ; and O by 304-Angstrom He-II line). ; ; RESAMPLE: Two independent pitch angle distributions are measured ; for each PAD data structure. This keyword averages them ; together and plots the result. ; ; UNCERTAINTY: If set, show the relative uncertainty of the resampled PAD. ; ; ERROR_BARS: Plot energy spectra with error bars. Default = 1 (yes). ; ; MINCOUNTS: Minumum number of counts for plotting. Default = 10. ; ; MAXRERR: Maximum relative error in resampled PADs. Default = 10 ; (i.e., disabled). Set this to some lower value (~1) to ; filter out data with large relative errors. ; ; HIRES: Use 32-Hz MAG data to map pitch angle with high time ; resolution within a 2-second SWEA measurement cycle. A ; separate pitch angle map is determined for each of the ; 64 energy steps. You must first load 32-Hz MAG data for ; this keyword to be effective. Please read warnings in ; mvn_swe_padmap_32Hz.pro. ; ; FBDATA: Tplot variable name that contains the 32-Hz MAG data. ; Default = 'mvn_B_full'. ; ; ADIABATIC: Calculate and display the adiabatic condition: ; ; (1/B)*(dB/dx)*Rg << 1 ; ; which is the fractional change in the magnetic field over ; one gyroradius. Only works when HIRES is set. ; ; POPEN: Set this to the name of a postscript file for output. ; ; INDSPEC: To plot out the energy spectrum for each PA bins ; ; TWOPOT: Set to a two-element array to allow shifting different ; potentials on parallel and anti-parallel directions. ; -> Assumes data are in EFLUX units. ; -> Assumes SHIFTPOT is not set. ; ; XRANGE: Override default horizontal axis range with this. ; ; YRANGE: Override default vertical axis range with this. ; ; ZRANGE: Override default color scale range with this. ; ; TRANGE: Plot snapshot for this time range. Can be in any ; format accepted by time_double. (This disables the ; interactive time range selection.) ; ; WSCALE: Scale all window sizes by this factor. Default = 1. ; ; CSCALE: Scale all characters by this factor. Default = 1. ; ; PADMAP: Show the pitch angle map for the current spectrum. ; Boundaries for the 3D solid angle bins are shown, and ; if TSMO=0 and SUM=0, then boundaries for the PAD cut ; are also shown. Bins blocked by the spacecraft are ; marked with a yellow 'X'. ; ; NOTE: Insert a text label. Keep it short. ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2022-03-10 17:50:08 -0800 (Thu, 10 Mar 2022) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 30671 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/maven/swea/swe_pad_snap.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell 07-24-12 ;- pro swe_pad_snap, keepwins=keepwins, archive=archive, energy=energy, $ units=units, pad=pad, ddd=ddd, zrange=zrange, sum=sum, $ label=label, smo=smo, dir=dir, mask_sc=mask_sc, $ abins=abins, dbins=dbins, obins=obins, burst=burst, $ pot=pot, scp=scp, spec=spec, plotlims=plotlims, norm=norm, $ center=center, pep=pep, resample=resample, hires=hires, $ fbdata=fbdata, monitor=monitor, adiabatic=adiabatic, $ nomid=nomid, uncertainty=uncertainty, nospec90=nospec90, $ shiftpot=shiftpot,popen=popen, indspec=indspec, twopot=twopot, $ xrange=xrange, error_bars=error_bars, yrange=yrange, trange=trange2, $ note=note, mincounts=mincounts, maxrerr=maxrerr, tsmo=tsmo, $ sundir=sundir, wscale=wscale, cscale=cscale, fscale=fscale, $ result=result, vdis=vdis, padmap=padmap @mvn_swe_com @putwin_common a = 0.8 phi = findgen(49)*(2.*!pi/49) usersym,a*cos(phi),a*sin(phi),/fill cols = get_colors() tiny = 1.e-31 if (size(windex,/type) eq 0) then putwin, config=0 ; putwin acts like window ; Load any keyword defaults swe_snap_options, get=key, /silent ktag = tag_names(key) tlist = ['KEEPWINS','ARCHIVE','ENERGY','UNITS','DDD','ZRANGE','SUM', $ 'LABEL','SMO','DIR','MASK_SC','ABINS','DBINS','OBINS','BURST', $ 'POT','SCP','SPEC','PLOTLIMS','NORM','CENTER','PEP','RESAMPLE', $ 'HIRES','FBDATA','MONITOR','ADIABATIC','NOMID','UNCERTAINTY', $ 'NOSPEC90','SHIFTPOT','POPEN','INDSPEC','TWOPOT','XRANGE',$ 'ERROR_BARS','YRANGE','TRANGE2','NOTE','MINCOUNTS','MAXRERR', $ 'TSMO','SUNDIR','WSCALE','CSCALE','FSCALE','RESULT','VDIS', $ 'PADMAP'] for j=0,(n_elements(ktag)-1) do begin i = strmatch(tlist, ktag[j]+'*', /fold) case (total(i)) of 0 : ; keyword not recognized -> do nothing 1 : begin kname = (tlist[where(i eq 1)])[0] ok = execute('kset = size(' + kname + ',/type) gt 0',0,1) if (not kset) then ok = execute(kname + ' = key.(j)',0,1) end else : print, "Keyword ambiguous: ", ktag[j] endcase endfor ; Process keywords if (size(note,/type) ne 7) then note = '' if keyword_set(archive) then aflg = 1 else aflg = 0 if keyword_set(burst) then aflg = 1 if (size(units,/type) ne 7) then units = 'eflux' if keyword_set(energy) then sflg = 1 else sflg = 0 if keyword_set(keepwins) then kflg = 0 else kflg = 1 if not keyword_set(zrange) then zrange = 0 if keyword_set(ddd) then dflg = 1 else dflg = 0 if keyword_set(resample) then rflg = 1 else rflg = 0 if not keyword_set(wscale) then wscale = 1. if not keyword_set(cscale) then cscale = wscale if not keyword_set(fscale) then fscale = 1. if (n_elements(xrange) ge 2) then begin xrange = minmax(xrange) xflg = 1 endif else xflg = 0 padmap = keyword_set(padmap) case n_elements(trange2) of 0 : tflg = 0 1 : begin trange2 = time_double(trange2) tflg = 1 kflg = 0 end else : begin trange2 = minmax(time_double(trange2)) tflg = 1 kflg = 0 end endcase if keyword_set(hires) then hflg = 1 else hflg = 0 if (size(fbdata, /type) eq 0) then fbdata = 'mvn_B_full' if keyword_set(adiabatic) then begin mflg = 1 get_data, 'dBdRg', index=idbdr if (idbdr eq 0) then mvn_swe_eparam endif else mflg = 0 if keyword_set(uncertainty) then begin uflg = 1 rflg = 1 endif else uflg = 0 if (size(error_bars,/type) eq 0) then ebar = 1 else ebar = keyword_set(error_bars) if (size(mincounts,/type) eq 0) then mincounts = 10. if (size(maxrerr,/type) eq 0) then maxrerr = 100. ; disable by default if (size(center,/type) eq 0) then center = 0 if keyword_set(pep) then pflg = 1 else pflg = 0 if keyword_set(sum) then begin npts = 2 doall = 1 endif else begin npts = 1 doall = 0 endelse if keyword_set(tsmo) then begin npts = 1 doall = 1 dosmo = 1 dtsmo = double(tsmo)/2D endif else dosmo = 0 if not keyword_set(smo) then smo = 1 if keyword_set(norm) then nflg = 1 else nflg = 0 if (size(pot,/type) eq 0) then dopot = 1 else dopot = keyword_set(pot) if (size(scp,/type) eq 0) then scp = !values.f_nan else scp = float(scp[0]) if keyword_set(twopot) then shiftpot = 0 if keyword_set(shiftpot) then begin if (size(swe_sc_pot,/type) ne 8) then begin print,"No spacecraft potential. Cannot shift spectra." shiftpot = 0 endif endif if keyword_set(shiftpot) then begin spflg = 1 if (~xflg) then xrange = [1.,5000.] endif else begin spflg = 0 if (~xflg) then xrange = [3.,5000.] endelse if keyword_set(label) then begin dolab = 1 abin = string(indgen(16),format='(i2.2)') dbin = string(indgen(6),format='(i1)') obin = string(indgen(96),format='(i2.2)') endif else dolab = 0 if keyword_set(plotlims) then plot_pa_lims = 1 else plot_pa_lims = 0 if keyword_set(nomid) then domid = 0 else domid = 1 if keyword_set(sundir) then begin t = [0D] the = [0.] phi = [0.] get_data,'Sun_MAVEN_SWEA_STOW',data=sun,index=i if (i gt 0) then begin t = [temporary(t), sun.x] xyz_to_polar, sun, theta=th, phi=ph, /ph_0_360 the = [temporary(the), th.y] phi = [temporary(phi), ph.y] endif get_data,'Sun_MAVEN_SWEA',data=sun,index=i if (i gt 0) then begin t = [temporary(t), sun.x] xyz_to_polar, sun, theta=th, phi=ph, /ph_0_360 the = [temporary(the), th.y] phi = [temporary(phi), ph.y] endif if (n_elements(t) gt 1) then begin sun = {time:t[1L:*], the:the[1L:*], phi:phi[1L:*]} endif else sundir = 0 endif ; Field of view masking if (n_elements(abins) ne 16) then abins = replicate(1B, 16) if (n_elements(dbins) ne 6) then dbins = replicate(1B, 6) if (n_elements(obins) ne 96) then obins = reform(abins # dbins, 96) fovmask = byte(obins # [1B,1B]) ; same mask for both boom states if (size(mask_sc,/type) eq 0) then mask_sc = 1 if keyword_set(mask_sc) then fovmask *= swe_sc_mask ; Pitch angle resolved energy spectra if (size(spec,/type) ne 0) then begin dospec = 1 swidth = (float(abs(spec)) > 30.)*!dtor endif else begin dospec = 0 swidth = 30.*!dtor endelse if keyword_set(indspec) then doind=1 else doind=0 if keyword_set(vdis) then dov=1 else dov=0 if (size(popen,/type) eq 7) then begin psflg = 1 psname = popen[0] csize1 = 1.2 csize2 = 1.0 endif else begin psflg = 0 csize1 = 1.2 csize2 = 1.4 endelse case n_elements(center) of 0 : begin lon0 = 180. lat0 = 0. end 1 : begin lon0 = center[0] lat0 = 0. end else : begin lon0 = center[0] lat0 = center[1] end endcase case strupcase(units) of 'COUNTS' : drange = [1e0, 1e5] 'RATE' : drange = [1e1, 1e6] 'CRATE' : drange = [1e1, 1e6] 'FLUX' : drange = [1e1, 3e8] 'EFLUX' : drange = [1e4, 3e9] 'E2FLUX' : drange = [1e6, 1e11] 'DF' : drange = [1e-18, 1e-8] else : drange = [0,0] endcase if (n_elements(yrange) ge 2) then drange = minmax(yrange) case strupcase(units) of 'COUNTS' : ytitle = 'Raw Counts' 'RATE' : ytitle = 'Raw Count Rate' 'CRATE' : ytitle = 'Count Rate' 'EFLUX' : ytitle = 'Energy Flux (eV/cm2-s-ster-eV)' 'E2FLUX' : ytitle = 'Energy Flux (eV/cm2-s-ster)' 'FLUX' : ytitle = 'Flux (1/cm2-s-ster-eV)' 'DF' : ytitle = 'Dist. Function (1/cm3-(km/s)3)' else : ytitle = 'Unknown Units' endcase get_data,'alt',data=alt if (size(alt,/type) eq 8) then begin doalt = 1 get_data,'sza',data=sza get_data,'lon',data=lon get_data,'lat',data=lat get_data,'sza',data=sza endif else doalt = 0 ; Put up snapshot window(s) tplot_options, get_opt=topt str_element, topt, 'window', value=Twin, success=ok if (not ok) then Twin = !d.window wset, Twin undefine, mnum if (size(monitor,/type) gt 0) then begin if (windex eq -1) then putwin, /config mnum = fix(monitor[0]) endif else begin if (size(secondarymon,/type) gt 0) then mnum = secondarymon endelse if (rflg or hflg or uflg) then begin rflg = 1 ysize = fix(300.*float(rflg+hflg+uflg)) putwin, /free, monitor=mnum, xsize=800, ysize=ysize, dx=10, dy=10, scale=wscale ; PAD (resample) Pwin = !d.window endif if (~rflg) then begin putwin, /free, monitor=mnum, xsize=800, ysize=600, dx=10, dy=10, scale=wscale ; PAD Pwin = !d.window endif wdy = 0. if keyword_set(dir) then if (dir gt 1) then wdy = fix(0.125*450.) if (sflg) then begin putwin, /free, xsize=600, ysize=(450+wdy), rel=Pwin, dy=-10, scale=wscale ; PAD E-cut Nwin = !d.window endif if (dospec) then begin putwin, /free, xsize=400, ysize=600, rel=Pwin, dx=10, /top, scale=wscale ; PAD spec Ewin = !d.window endif if (dflg) then begin putwin, /free, monitor=mnum, xsize=500, ysize=700, dx=10, dy=-10, scale=wscale ; 3D view Cwin = !d.window endif if (doind) then begin putwin, /free, monitor=mnum, xsize=800, ysize=600, dx=-10, dy=10, scale=wscale Iwin = !d.window endif if (dov) then begin putwin, /free, monitor=mnum, xsize=800, ysize=600, dx=-10, dy=-10, scale=wscale Vwin = !d.window endif if (padmap) then begin putwin, /free, monitor=mnum, xsize=600, ysize=450, dx=-10, dy=-10, scale=wscale Mwin = !d.window endif ; Set plot options limits = {no_interp:1, xlog:1, xrange:xrange, xstyle:1, xtitle:'Energy (eV)', $ yrange:[0,180], ystyle:1, yticks:6, yminor:3, ytitle:'Pitch Angle (deg)', $ zlog:1, ztitle:strupcase(units), xmargin:[15,15], charsize:1.4*cscale} if keyword_set(zrange) then str_element, limits, 'zrange', zrange, /add ; Calculate PAD timing ptime2 = [0D] plut2 = [5B] ptime3 = [0D] plut3 = [5B] if (size(mvn_swe_pad,/type) eq 8) then begin ptime2 = mvn_swe_pad.time plut2 = replicate(5B, n_elements(ptime2)) endif else begin if (size(a2,/type) eq 8) then begin ptime2 = a2.time + 1.95D/2D ; center times plut2 = a2.lut endif endelse if (size(swe_fpad,/type) eq 8) then begin if (n_elements(ptime2) gt 1L) then begin ptime2 = [ptime2, swe_fpad.time] plut2 = [plut2, swe_fpad.lut] indx = sort(ptime2) ptime2 = ptime2[indx] plut2 = plut2[indx] endif else begin ptime2 = swe_fpad.time plut2 = swe_fpad.lut endelse endif if (size(mvn_swe_pad_arc,/type) eq 8) then begin ptime3 = mvn_swe_pad_arc.time plut3 = replicate(5B, n_elements(ptime3)) endif else begin if (size(a3,/type) eq 8) then begin ptime3 = a3.time + 1.95D/2D ; center times plut3 = a3.lut endif endelse if (size(swe_fpad_arc,/type) eq 8) then begin if (n_elements(ptime3) gt 1L) then begin ptime3 = [ptime3, swe_fpad_arc.time] plut3 = [plut3, swe_fpad_arc.lut] indx = sort(ptime3) ptime3 = ptime3[indx] plut3 = plut3[indx] endif else begin ptime3 = swe_fpad_arc.time plut3 = swe_fpad_arc.lut endelse endif ; Select the first time, then get the PAD spectrum closest that time print,'Use button 1 to select time; button 3 to quit.' wset,Twin if (~tflg) then begin ctime,trange,npoints=npts,/silent if (npts gt 1) then cursor,cx,cy,/norm,/up ; Make sure mouse button released endif else trange = trange2 pdflg = 1 if (size(trange,/type) eq 2) then begin ; Abort before first time select. if (~rflg) then wdelete,Pwin ; Don't keep empty windows. if (sflg) then wdelete,Nwin if (dospec) then wdelete,Ewin if (rflg or hflg or uflg) then wdelete,Pwin if (padmap) then wdelete,Mwin wset,Twin return endif if keyword_set(dir) then begin get_data,'mvn_B_1sec',index=i if (i eq 0) then mvn_mag_load get_data,'mvn_B_1sec_iau_mars',data=mag_pc,index=i if (i eq 0) then begin mvn_mag_geom get_data,'mvn_B_1sec_iau_mars',data=mag_pc,index=i if (i eq 0) then print,"Can't get MAG data!" endif get_data,'mvn_B_1sec_maven_mso',data=mag_ss,index=j if ((i eq 0) or (j eq 0)) then dir = 0 endif ok = 1 nplot = 0 while (ok) do begin result = {null:0} if (dosmo) then begin tmin = min(trange, max=tmax) trange = [(tmin - dtsmo), (tmax + dtsmo)] endif if (psflg) then popen, psname + string(nplot,format='("_",i2.2)') ; Put up a PAD spectrogram if (pdflg) then begin if (n_elements(trange) gt 1) then begin tmin = min(trange, max=tmax) if (aflg) then begin indx = where((ptime3 ge tmin) and (ptime3 le tmax), count) if (max(plut3[indx]) gt 6B) then dwell = 1 else dwell = 0 endif else begin indx = where((ptime2 ge tmin) and (ptime2 le tmax), count) if (max(plut2[indx]) gt 6B) then dwell = 1 else dwell = 0 endelse endif else begin if (aflg) then begin indx = nn2(ptime3, trange) if (plut3[indx] gt 6B) then dwell = 1 else dwell = 0 endif else begin indx = nn2(ptime2, trange) if (plut2[indx] gt 6B) then dwell = 1 else dwell = 0 endelse endelse if (dwell) then begin if (n_elements(trange) gt 1L) then begin tmin = min(trange, max=tmax) if (aflg) then begin indx = where((swe_fpad_arc.time ge tmin) and (swe_fpad_arc.time le tmax), cnt) pad = mvn_swe_padsum(swe_fpad_arc[indx]) endif else begin indx = where((swe_fpad.time ge tmin) and (swe_fpad.time le tmax), cnt) pad = mvn_swe_padsum(swe_fpad[indx]) endelse endif else begin if (aflg) then begin indx = nn2(swe_fpad_arc.time, trange) pad = swe_fpad_arc[indx] endif else begin indx = nn2(swe_fpad.time, trange) pad = swe_fpad[indx] endelse endelse hflg = 0 n_e = 1 tprec = 3 endif else begin dt = max(trange) - min(trange) if (dt lt 4D) then trange = mean(trange) pad = mvn_swe_getpad(trange,archive=aflg,all=doall,/sum,units=units) if (hflg) then pad = mvn_swe_padmap_32hz(pad, fbdata=fbdata, /verbose, maglev=maglev) n_e = 64 tprec = 0 endelse endif if (size(pad,/type) eq 8) then begin delta_t = pad.end_time - pad.time str_element, pad, 'trange', [(pad.time - delta_t), pad.end_time], /add pmask = replicate(1.,n_e,16) counts = pad mvn_swe_convert_units, counts, 'counts' indx = where(counts.data lt mincounts, count) if (count gt 0L) then pmask[indx] = !values.f_nan if keyword_set(dir) then begin dt = min(abs(mag_ss.x - pad.time),i) B_mso = reform(mag_ss.y[i,*]) dt = min(abs(mag_pc.x - pad.time),i) B_geo = reform(mag_pc.y[i,*]) B_azim = mag_pc.azim[i] B_elev = mag_pc.elev[i] endif if (size(swe_sc_pot, /type) eq 8) then begin pot = swe_sc_pot[nn(swe_sc_pot.time, pad.time)].potential if (~finite(pot)) then pot = 0. endif else pot = 0. if (finite(scp)) then pot = scp ; override with user-supplied value pad.sc_pot = pot ; Correct for spacecraft potential. For instrumental units (COUNTS, RATE, or ; CRATE) only shift in energy. For flux units (FLUX, EFLUX), shift in energy ; and correct the signal level to ensure conservation of phase space density. if (spflg) then begin if (stregex(units,'flux',/boo,/fold)) then begin mvn_swe_convert_units, pad, 'df' pad.energy -= pot mvn_swe_convert_units, pad, units endif else pad.energy -= pot endif case strupcase(pad.units_name) of 'COUNTS' : zlo = 1 'RATE' : zlo = 1 'CRATE' : zlo = 1 'FLUX' : zlo = 1 'EFLUX' : zlo = 1e3 'DF' : zlo = 1e-18 else : zlo = 1 endcase delta_t = pad.end_time - pad.time if (delta_t gt 1D) then begin tstart = time_string(pad.time - delta_t, prec=tprec) tend = time_string(pad.end_time, prec=tprec) tstring = tstart + ' - ' + strmid(tend,11) endif else tstring = time_string(pad.time, prec=tprec) title = strtrim(string(tstring) + ' ' + note) str_element,limits,'title',title,/add if (pad.time gt t_mtx[2]) then boom = 1 else boom = 0 indx = where(fovmask[pad.k3d,boom] eq 0B, count) if (count gt 0L) then pad.data[*,indx] = !values.f_nan x = pad.energy[*,0] y = pad.pa*!radeg ylo = pad.pa_min*!radeg yhi = pad.pa_max*!radeg z = smooth(pad.data*pmask,[smo,1],/nan)/fscale v = pad.var if (sflg) then begin case n_elements(energy) of 0 : ; this is impossible 1 : begin de = min(abs(energy - x),i) penergy = x[i] end else : begin erange = minmax(energy) i = where((x ge erange[0]) and (x le erange[1]), count) penergy = x[i] end endcase endif if (nflg) then begin zmean = average(z,2,/nan) # replicate(1.,16) z /= (zmean > 1.) endif ; Add extra elements to force specplot to show the full pitch angle range y1 = fltarr(n_e,10) ylo1 = y1 yhi1 = y1 z1 = y1 y2 = y1 ylo2 = y1 yhi2 = y1 z2 = y1 for i=0,(n_e-1) do begin indx = sort(reform(y[i,0:7])) y1[i,1:8] = y[i,indx] z1[i,1:8] = z[i,indx] ylo1[i,1:8] = ylo[i,indx] yhi1[i,1:8] = yhi[i,indx] jndx = sort(reform(y[i,8:15])) + 8 y2[i,1:8] = y[i,jndx] z2[i,1:8] = z[i,jndx] ylo2[i,1:8] = ylo[i,jndx] yhi2[i,1:8] = yhi[i,jndx] endfor y1[*,0] = ylo1[*,1] y1[*,9] = yhi1[*,8] z1[*,0] = z1[*,1] z1[*,9] = z1[*,8] y2[*,0] = ylo2[*,1] y2[*,9] = yhi2[*,8] z2[*,0] = z2[*,1] z2[*,9] = z2[*,8] str_element,limits,'zrange',success=ok ; ok = 0 if (not ok) then begin zmin = min(z, /nan) > zlo zmax = max(z, /nan) > (10.*zmin) if (nflg) then begin zmin = 0.3 zmax = 3.0 str_element,limits,'zlog',1,/add str_element,limits,'ztitle','NORM',/add str_element,limits,'zticks',2,/add str_element,limits,'ztickname',['0.3','1.0','3.0'],/add endif str_element,limits,'zrange',[zmin,zmax],/add endif if (~rflg and ~psflg) then begin wset, Pwin !p.multi = [0,1,2] specplot,x,y1,z1,limits=limits str_element, result, 'pad_1', {x:x, y:y1, z:z1}, /add if (dopot) then begin if (spflg) then oplot,[-pot,-pot],[0,180],line=2,color=cols.red $ else oplot,[pot,pot],[0,180],line=2 endif if (plot_pa_lims) then begin oplot,[3,5000],[ylo1[(n_e-1),1],ylo1[(n_e-1),1]],line=2 oplot,[3,5000],[yhi1[(n_e-1),8],yhi1[(n_e-1),8]],line=2 endif if (sflg) then for k=0,(n_elements(penergy)-1) do oplot,[penergy[k],penergy[k]],[0,180],line=2 limits.title = '' specplot,x,y2,z2,limits=limits str_element, result, 'pad_2', {x:x, y:y2, z:z2}, /add if (dopot) then begin if (spflg) then oplot,[-pot,-pot],[0,180],line=2,color=cols.red $ else oplot,[pot,pot],[0,180],line=2 endif if (plot_pa_lims) then begin oplot,[3,5000],[ylo2[(n_e-1),1],ylo2[(n_e-1),1]],line=2 oplot,[3,5000],[yhi2[(n_e-1),8],yhi2[(n_e-1),8]],line=2 endif if (sflg) then for k=0,(n_elements(penergy)-1) do oplot,[penergy[k],penergy[k]],[0,180],line=2 !p.multi = 0 endif if (rflg or hflg or uflg) then begin if (~psflg) then wset, Pwin if (rflg + hflg + uflg) gt 1 then !p.multi = [0, 1, rflg+hflg+uflg] if (rflg) then begin rlim = limits if (rflg + hflg + uflg) eq 3 then begin ymargin = !y.margin str_element, rlim, 'charsize', rlim.charsize * 1.5 * cscale, /add_replace str_element, rlim, 'xmargin', rlim.xmargin / (1.5*cscale), /add_replace !y.margin /= 1.5 endif rtime = minmax(trange) if rtime[0] eq rtime[1] then rtime = rtime[0] mvn_swe_pad_resample, rtime, snap=0, tplot=0, result=rpad, silent=3, hires=hflg, $ fbdata=fbdata, sc_pot=spflg, archive=aflg, mbins=fovmask[*,boom] if (size(rpad,/type) ne 8) then begin rpad = {time : 0.d0 , $ xax : findgen(128)*(180./127.) , $ index : replicate(!values.f_nan,1,128) , $ avg : replicate(!values.f_nan,1,128) , $ std : replicate(!values.f_nan,1,128) , $ nbins : replicate(!values.f_nan,1,128) } arpad = rpad.avg urpad = rpad.std rerr = arpad respad = arpad endif else begin arpad = rpad.avg if size(arpad, /n_dimension) eq 3 then arpad = average(arpad, 3,/nan) urpad = rpad.std if size(urpad, /n_dimension) eq 3 then urpad = average(urpad, 3,/nan) rerr = urpad/arpad bad = where(rerr gt maxrerr, count) if (count gt 0L) then arpad[bad] = !values.f_nan respad=arpad if (nflg) then arpad /= rebin(average(arpad, 2, /nan), n_elements(arpad[*, 0]), n_elements(arpad[0, *]), /sample) endelse str_element, rlim, 'title', rtitle, success=aok if (not aok) then begin str_element, rlim, 'title', strtrim(time_string(mean(rpad.time)) + ' (Resampled)' + $ ' ' + note), /add_replace endif else str_element, rlim, 'title', rtitle + ' (Resampled)', /add_replace specplot, average(pad.energy, 2), rpad[0].xax, arpad, lim=rlim str_element, result, 'pad_resample', {x:average(pad.energy, 2), y:rpad[0].xax, z:arpad}, /add if (dopot) then begin if (spflg) then oplot,[-pot,-pot],[0,180],line=2,color=cols.red $ else oplot,[pot,pot],[0,180],line=2 endif if (plot_pa_lims) then begin oplot,[3,5000],[ylo2[63,1],ylo2[63,1]],line=2 oplot,[3,5000],[yhi2[63,8],yhi2[63,8]],line=2 endif if (sflg) then for k=0,(n_elements(penergy)-1) do oplot,[penergy[k],penergy[k]],[0,180],line=2 if (uflg) then begin str_element, rlim, 'ztitle', 'Relative Uncertainty', /add_replace str_element, rlim, 'zrange', [1.d-2, 1.], /add_replace str_element, rlim, 'title', 'Resampled PAD Relative Uncertainty', /add_replace specplot, average(pad.energy, 2), rpad[0].xax, rerr, lim=rlim str_element, result, 'pad_resample_rerr', {x:average(pad.energy, 2), y:rpad[0].xax, z:rerr}, /add if (dopot) then begin if (spflg) then oplot,[-pot,-pot],[0,180],line=2,color=cols.red $ else oplot,[pot,pot],[0,180],line=2 endif endif if (dov) then begin if (~psflg) then wset, vwin ven = average(pad.energy, 2,/nan) ine = where(ven gt 0) ven = ven[ine] ;ven = pad.energy[*,0] vexam = [30.,50.,100.] emass = 9.1e-31 vtot = (sqrt(ven*1.6e-19*2./emass) * 1.e-3) ; km/s vexam = (sqrt(vexam*1.6e-19*2./emass) * 1.e-3) ; km/s vpa = rpad[0].xax vc = 2.99792458D5 ; velocity of light [km/s] vmass = (5.10998910D5)/(vc*vc) ; electron rest mass [eV/(km/s)^2] m_conv = 2D5/(vmass*vmass) ; mass conversion factor (flux to distribution function) scale = (1.d/(ven^2 * m_conv)) # replicate(1.,128) ;stop vphase = alog10(respad[ine,*] * scale) print,minmax(respad),minmax(vphase) ;vphase = transpose(alog10(pad.data * scale)) indx=where(finite(vphase) eq 0,cts) vphase[indx] = !values.d_nan mima = minmax(vphase) mima[1] = -10 mima[0]=mima[1]-5;6 !p.multi=[0,2,2,0,1] vpara=vtot#cos(vpa*!dtor) vper=vtot#sin(vpa*!dtor) nlv = 15. str_element, result, 'vdf', {vphase:vphase,vpara:vpara,vper:vper}, /add contour,vphase,vpara,vper,$;,/IRREGULAR xtit='Vpara (km/s)',ytit='Vper (km/s)',cell_fill=1,$ levels=(mima[1]-mima[0])/(nlv-1)*findgen(nlv)+mima[0],$ c_colors=findgen(nlv)*(254.-8)/(nlv-1)+8,xrange=[-1e4,1e4],$ yrange=[0,1e4],nlevels=nlv,isotropic=1;,c_spacing=0.5 vcon=(sqrt(10*1.6e-19*2./emass) * 1.e-3) oplot,vcon*cos(findgen(181)*!dtor),vcon*sin(findgen(181)*!dtor),linestyle=1 vcon=(sqrt(50*1.6e-19*2./emass) * 1.e-3) oplot,vcon*cos(findgen(181)*!dtor),vcon*sin(findgen(181)*!dtor),linestyle=1 vcon=(sqrt(100*1.6e-19*2./emass) * 1.e-3) oplot,vcon*cos(findgen(181)*!dtor),vcon*sin(findgen(181)*!dtor),linestyle=1 vcon=(sqrt(250*1.6e-19*2./emass) * 1.e-3) oplot,vcon*cos(findgen(181)*!dtor),vcon*sin(findgen(181)*!dtor),linestyle=1 draw_color_scale,range=[mima[0],mima[1]],brange=[8,254] ien=15+indgen(10)*3 ; ien=30+indgen(8)*4 nen=n_elements(ien) plot,vpa,vphase[ien[0],*],xtit='PA',ytit='df',xrange=[0,180],xstyle=1,$ yrange=minmax(vphase[ien,*]) xyouts,182,vphase[ien[0],64],string(ven[ien[0]],'(I4)')+' eV',/data ;for ie=1,nen-1 do begin ie=0 while (ie le nen-1) and (ie le n_elements(ven)-1) do begin oplot,vpa,vphase[ien[ie],*] xyouts,182,vphase[ien[ie],64],string(ven[ien[ie]],'(I4)')+' eV',/data ie++ endwhile ;endfor phi=0;75. Enp=ven;*1.6e-19 nmb=8 kTmb=25.; * 1.38e-23/8.613e-5 ;J vmb=sqrt((ven+80.)*1.6e-19*2/emass)*1.e-3 ;km/s fmb = 1.e-10*0.5*exp(-(Enp-phi)/kTmb) pmb = alog10(fmb) vnbin=10 plot,vpara[*,0],vphase[*,64],xtit='V (km/s)',ytit='df',$ ylog=0,xrange=[-1.e4,1.e4],/nodata,yrange=[mima[0],mima[1]] oplot,average(vpara[*,0:vnbin-1],2),average(vphase[*,0:vnbin-1],2,/nan) oplot,average(vper[*,63-vnbin/2-1:63],2),average(vphase[*,63-vnbin/2-1:63],2,/nan),linestyle=2 oplot,average(vpara[*,127-vnbin+1:127],2),average(vphase[*,127-vnbin+1:127],2,/nan),color=0 oplot,-average(vper[*,64:64+vnbin/2-1],2),average(vphase[*,64:64+vnbin/2-1],2,/nan),$ linestyle=2,color=0 ;oplot,vmb,pmb,linestyle=2,color=6 ;oplot,-vmb,pmb,linestyle=2,color=6 print,minmax(vtot),minmax(pmb) for i=0,n_elements(vexam)-1 do begin oplot,[vexam[i],vexam[i]],!y.crange,linestyle=1 oplot,[-vexam[i],-vexam[i]],!y.crange,linestyle=1 endfor !p.multi=0 ;stop endif endif if (hflg) then begin if tag_exist(pad, 'ftime') then begin ftime = pad.ftime - time_double(time_string(pad.ftime[0], tformat='YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm')) if (mflg) then begin get_data, 'dBdRg', data=dbdr, index=idbdr if (idbdr ne 0) then begin idx = where(dbdr.x ge pad.time and dbdr.x le pad.end_time, nidx) if nidx gt 0 then begin edbdr = dbdr.v dbdr = average(dbdr.y[idx, *], 1) fdbdr = strarr(3) jdx = where(floor(alog10(dbdr)) ge 0, njdx, complement=kdx, ncomplement=nkdx) if njdx gt 0 then fdbdr[jdx] = '(f0.1)' if nkdx gt 0 then fdbdr[kdx] = '(f0.' + string(abs(floor(alog10(dbdr[kdx]))) + 1, '(i0)') + ')' htit = 'dB/dRg = ' + string(dbdr[0], fdbdr[0]) + ' (' + string(edbdr[0], '(i0)') + ' eV), ' + $ string(dbdr[1], fdbdr[1]) + ' (' + string(edbdr[1], '(i0)') + ' eV), ' + $ string(dbdr[2], fdbdr[2]) + ' (' + string(edbdr[2], '(i0)') + ' eV)' undefine, jdx, njdx, kdx, nkdx undefine, edbdr, fdbdr endif else htit = '' undefine, idx, nidx endif else htit = '' undefine, dbdr, idbdr endif else htit = '' box, {xrange: minmax(ftime), xstyle: 1, yrange: [0., 360.], yticks: 4, yminor: 3, ystyle: 9, $ xtitle: 'Time (UT) Seconds after ' + time_string(pad.ftime[0], tformat='YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm'), ytitle: 'Baz (deg)', $ charsize: (0.7 * (rflg + uflg + hflg))*cscale > 1.4, xmargin: [15, 15] / ((rflg + uflg + hflg)/2. > 1.)} ;oplot, minmax(ftime), [180., 180.], lines=1 oplot, minmax(ftime), replicate(pad.baz*!radeg, 2), lines=1 oplot, minmax(ftime), replicate(2.*pad.bel*!radeg + 180., 2), color=254, lines=1 oplot, ftime, pad.fbaz*!radeg, psym=1 oplot, ftime, 2. * pad.fbel*!radeg + 180., psym=1, color=254 axis, /yaxis, yrange=[-90., 90.], color=254, ytitle='Bel (deg)', yticks=4, yminor=3, /ystyle, charsize=((0.7 * (rflg + uflg + hflg))*cscale > 1.4) ;axis, /xaxis, charsize=1.4, xrange=reverse(minmax(pad.energy)), xtitle='Energy [eV]', /xstyle, /xlog xyouts, mean(!x.window), mean([!y.window[1], !y.region[1]]), htit, align=.5, charsize=1.4*cscale, /normal endif endif if (rflg + hflg + uflg) ge 2 then !p.multi = 0 if size(ymargin, /type) ne 0 then begin !y.margin = ymargin undefine, ymargin endif endif if (sflg) then begin x = pad.energy[*,0] y = pad.pa*!radeg z = pad.data/fscale dz = sqrt(pad.var)/fscale pcol = !p.color if (~psflg) then wset, Nwin de = min(abs(energy - x),i) penergy = x[i] ylo = reform(pad.pa_min[i,*])*!radeg yhi = reform(pad.pa_max[i,*])*!radeg zmean = mean(z[i,*],/nan) zi = z[i,*]/zmean dzi = dz[i,*]/zmean col = [replicate(cols.blue,8), replicate(cols.red,8)] plot_io,[-1.],[0.1],psym=3,xtitle='Pitch Angle (deg)',ytitle='Normalized', $ yrange=[0.1,10.],ystyle=1,xrange=[0,180],xstyle=1,xticks=6,xminor=3, $ title=strtrim(string(tstring, penergy, note, format='(a,5x,f6.1," eV ",a)')), $ charsize=1.4*cscale, pos=[0.140005, 0.124449 - (wdy/4000.), 0.958005, 0.937783 - (wdy/525.)] for j=0,15 do oplot,[ylo[j],yhi[j]],[zi[j],zi[j]],color=col[j] oplot,y[i,0:7],zi[0:7],linestyle=1,color=cols.blue if (ebar) then errplot,y[i,0:7],(zi[0:7]-dzi[0:7])>tiny,zi[0:7]+dzi[0:7],color=cols.blue,width=0 oplot,y[i,0:7],zi[0:7],psym=4 oplot,y[i,8:15],zi[8:15],linestyle=1,color=cols.red if (ebar) then errplot,y[i,8:15],(zi[8:15]-dzi[8:15])>tiny,zi[8:15]+dzi[8:15],color=cols.red,width=0 oplot,y[i,8:15],zi[8:15],psym=4 if (dolab) then begin if (label gt 1) then begin olab = obin[pad.k3d] for j=0,7 do xyouts,(ylo[j]+yhi[j])/2.,8.,olab[j],color=cols.blue,align=0.5 for j=8,15 do xyouts,(ylo[j]+yhi[j])/2.,0.13,olab[j],color=cols.red,align=0.5 endif else begin alab = abin[pad.iaz] dlab = dbin[pad.jel] for j=0,7 do xyouts,(ylo[j]+yhi[j])/2.,8.,alab[j],color=cols.blue,align=0.5 for j=0,7 do xyouts,(ylo[j]+yhi[j])/2.,7.,dlab[j],color=cols.blue,align=0.5 for j=8,15 do xyouts,(ylo[j]+yhi[j])/2.,0.15,alab[j],color=cols.red,align=0.5 for j=8,15 do xyouts,(ylo[j]+yhi[j])/2.,0.13,dlab[j],color=cols.red,align=0.5 endelse endif IF keyword_set(dir) THEN BEGIN print,B_mso[0],B_elev oplot,[90.,90.],[0.1,10],line=2 dirname = replicate('',4) IF (B_mso[0] GT 0.) THEN dirname[0] = 'SUN' ELSE dirname[0] = 'TAIL' IF (B_elev GT 0.) THEN dirname[1] = 'UP' ELSE dirname[1] = 'DOWN' IF (B_mso[0] LT 0.) THEN dirname[2] = 'SUN' ELSE dirname[2] = 'TAIL' IF (B_elev LT 0.) THEN dirname[3] = 'UP' ELSE dirname[3] = 'DOWN' bperp = [B_mso[1], B_mso[2], -B_geo[0], -B_geo[1]] FOR j=0, 3 DO $ IF bperp[j] GT 0. THEN append_array, dircol, cols.red ELSE append_array, dircol, cols.blue FOR j=0, 3 DO $ XYOUTS, 17.5+45.*j, 7.5, dirname[j], color=!p.color, charsize=1.3*cscale, /data if (dir gt 1) then begin PLOT, [-1., 1.], [-1., 1.], /nodata, pos=[0.285892, 0.874722, 0.39075, 1.], $ /noerase, yticks=1, xticks=1, xminor=1, yminor=1, xstyle=5, ystyle=5 OPLOT, 0.9*COS(FINDGEN(361)*!DTOR), 0.9*SIN(FINDGEN(361)*!DTOR) angle = ATAN(B_mso[2], B_mso[1]) IF B_mso[0] GT 0. THEN dircol = cols.red ELSE dircol = cols.blue ARROW, 0., 0., 0.7*COS(angle), 0.7*SIN(angle), /data, color=dircol XYOUTS, 0., -1.3, 'MSO', /data, alignment=0.5 XYOUTS, 0., 0.5, 'Z', /data, alignment=0.5 XYOUTS, 0.6, 0., 'Y', /data, alignment=0.5 PLOT, [-1., 1.], [-1., 1.], /nodata, pos=[0.708061, 0.874722, 0.812919, 1.], $ /noerase, yticks=1, xticks=1, xminor=1, yminor=1, xstyle=5, ystyle=5 OPLOT, 0.9*COS(FINDGEN(361)*!DTOR), 0.9*SIN(FINDGEN(361)*!DTOR) angle = ATAN(-B_geo[1], -B_geo[0]) IF -B_geo[2] GT 0. THEN dircol = cols.red ELSE dircol = cols.blue ARROW, 0., 0., 0.7*COS(angle), 0.7*SIN(angle), /data, color=dircol XYOUTS, 0., -1.3, 'GEO', /data, alignment=0.5 XYOUTS, 0., 0.5, 'N', /data, alignment=0.5 XYOUTS, 0.6, 0., 'E', /data, alignment=0.5 endif ENDIF if (dflg and ~dwell) then begin ddd = mvn_swe_get3d(trange,archive=aflg,all=doall,/sum,units=units) if (size(ddd,/type) eq 8) then begin loadct2,34,previous=pct indx = where(fovmask[*,boom] eq 0B, count) if (count gt 0L) then ddd.data[*,indx] = !values.f_nan de = min(abs(ddd.energy[*,0] - energy),ebin) z3d = reform(ddd.data[ebin,pad.k3d]) ; 3D mapped into PAD z3d = z3d/mean(z3d,/nan) col = [replicate(cols.yellow,8), replicate(cols.green,8)] for j=0,15 do oplot,[ylo[j],yhi[j]],[z3d[j],z3d[j]],color=col[j],line=2 if (~psflg) then wset, Cwin d_dat = replicate(!values.f_nan,96) d_dat[pad.k3d] = reform(z[i,*]) ; PAD mapped into 3D ddd.data[ebin+1,*] = d_dat ; overwrite adjacent energy bin ddd.energy[ebin+1,*] = ddd.energy[ebin,*] ddd.magf[0] = cos(pad.Baz)*cos(pad.Bel) ddd.magf[1] = sin(pad.Baz)*cos(pad.Bel) ddd.magf[2] = sin(pad.Bel) plot3d_new,ddd,lat0,lon0,ebins=[ebin,ebin+1] lab=strcompress(indgen(ddd.nbins),/rem) xyouts,reform(ddd.phi[63,*]),reform(ddd.theta[63,*]),lab,align=0.5 mvn_spc_fov_blockage, clr=200, /swea, /invert_phi, /invert_theta if keyword_set(sundir) then begin dt = min(abs(sun.time - mean(ddd.time)),j) Saz = sun.phi[j] Sel = sun.the[j] if (abs(Sel) gt 61.) then col=!p.color else col=!p.color oplot,[Saz],[Sel],psym=8,color=cols.yellow,thick=2,symsize=2.0 ; Saz = (Saz + 180.) mod 360. ; Sel = -Sel ; oplot,[Saz],[Sel],psym=7,color=col,thick=2,symsize=1.2 endif loadct2, pct endif endif endif if (dospec and ~dwell) then begin if (~psflg) then wset, Ewin x = pad.energy[*,0] pndx = where(reform(pad.pa[63,*]) le swidth, nbins) case nbins of 0 : begin Fp = replicate(!values.f_nan,64) Fp_err = Fp end 1 : begin Fp = pad.data[*,pndx]/fscale Fp_err = sqrt(pad.var[*,pndx])/fscale end else : begin ngud = total(finite(pad.data[*,pndx]),2) Fp = average(pad.data[*,pndx],2,/nan)/fscale Fp_err = sqrt(total(pad.var[*,pndx],2,/nan))/(ngud > 1.)/fscale end endcase mndx = where(reform(pad.pa[63,*]) ge (!pi - swidth), nbins) case nbins of 0 : begin Fm = replicate(!values.f_nan,64) Fm_err = Fm end 1 : begin Fm = pad.data[*,mndx]/fscale Fm_err = sqrt(pad.var[*,mndx])/fscale end else : begin ngud = total(finite(pad.data[*,mndx]),2) Fm = average(pad.data[*,mndx],2,/nan)/fscale Fm_err = sqrt(total(pad.var[*,mndx],2,/nan))/(ngud > 1.)/fscale end endcase zndx = where((reform(pad.pa[63,*]) lt (!pi - swidth)) and $ (reform(pad.pa[63,*]) gt swidth), nbins) case nbins of 0 : begin Fz = replicate(!values.f_nan,64) Fz_err = Fz end 1 : begin Fz = pad.data[*,zndx]/fscale Fz_err = sqrt(pad.var[*,zndx])/fscale end else : begin ngud = total(finite(pad.data[*,zndx]),2) Fz = average(pad.data[*,zndx],2,/nan)/fscale Fz_err = sqrt(total(pad.var[*,zndx],2,/nan))/(ngud > 1.)/fscale end endcase if keyword_set(twopot) then begin php = Fp/x^2 ; assume EFLUX units php_err = Fp_err/x^2 x1 = x - twopot[0] inE = where(x1 ge 0, cts) Fp = php[inE]*x1[inE]^2 Fp_err = php_err[inE]*x1[inE]^2 php = Fm/x^2 ; assume EFLUX units php_err = Fm_err/x^2 x2 = x - twopot[1] inE = where(x2 ge 0, cts) Fm = php[inE]*x2[inE]^2 Fm_err = php_err[inE]*x2[inE]^2 endif else begin x1 = x x2 = x endelse plot_oo, [0.1,0.1], drange, xrange=xrange, yrange=drange, /xsty, /ysty, $ xtitle='Energy (eV)', ytitle=ytitle, title=time_string(pad.time), $ charsize=1.4*cscale, xmargin=[10,3] oplot, x1, Fp, psym=10, color=cols.red oplot, x2, Fm, psym=10, color=cols.blue if (domid) then oplot, x, Fz, psym=10, color=cols.green if (ebar) then begin errplot, x1*0.999, (Fp-Fp_err)>tiny, Fp+Fp_err, color=cols.red, width=0 errplot, x2*1.001, (Fm-Fm_err)>tiny, Fm+Fm_err, color=cols.blue, width=0 if (domid) then errplot, x, (Fz-Fz_err)>tiny, Fz+Fz_err, color=cols.green, width=0 endif str_element, result, 'spec_plus', {x:x1, y:Fp, dy:Fp_err}, /add str_element, result, 'spec_minus', {x:x2, y:Fm, dy:Fm_err}, /add str_element, result, 'spec_mid', {x:x, y:Fz, dy:Fz_err}, /add if (dopot) then begin if (spflg) then oplot,[-pot,-pot],drange,line=2,color=cols.red $ else oplot,[pot,pot],drange,line=cols.blue endif if (pflg) then begin oplot,[23.,23.],drange,line=2,color=cols.magenta oplot,[27.,27.],drange,line=2,color=cols.magenta oplot,[60.,60.],drange,line=2,color=cols.magenta endif xs = 0.68 ys = 0.90 dys = 0.03 pa_min = round(swidth*!radeg) pa_max = 180 - pa_min xyouts,xs,ys,string(pa_min, format='(" 0 - ",i2)'),charsize=1.2*cscale,/norm,color=cols.red ys -= dys if (domid) then begin xyouts,xs,ys,string(pa_min, pa_max, format='(i3," - ",i3)'),charsize=1.2*cscale,/norm,color=cols.green ys -= dys endif xyouts,xs,ys,string(pa_max, format='(i3," - 180")'),charsize=1.2*cscale,/norm,color=cols.blue ys -= dys if (doalt) then begin dt = min(abs(alt.x - pad.time), aref) xyouts,xs,ys,string(round(alt.y[aref]), format='("ALT = ",i5)'),charsize=1.2*cscale,/norm ys -= dys xyouts,xs,ys,string(round(sza.y[aref]), format='("SZA = ",i5)'),charsize=1.2*cscale,/norm ys -= dys endif if (dopot) then begin xyouts,xs,ys,string(pot, format='("SCP = ",f5.1)'),charsize=1.2*cscale,/norm ys -= dys endif if keyword_set(dir) then begin if (B_azim lt 0.) then B_azim = (B_azim + 360.) mod 360. xyouts,xs,ys,string(round(B_azim), format='("B_az = ",i4)'),charsize=1.2*cscale,/norm ys -= dys xyouts,xs,ys,string(round(B_elev), format='("B_el = ",i4)'),charsize=1.2*cscale,/norm ys -= dys endif if (strlen(note) gt 0) then begin xyouts,xs,ys,note,charsize=1.2*cscale,/norm ys -= dys endif endif endif if (doind and ~dwell) then begin if (~psflg) then wset, Iwin x = pad.energy[*,0] npa = 16;n_elements(pad.energy[0,*]) pas = reform(pad.pa[63,*]) inm = where(pas eq min(pas)) inm = inm[0] !p.multi=[0,4,2,0,0] ;first half of the PAD for ip=0,npa/2-1 do begin xs = xrange[1]/100. ys = drange[1]/5. dys = 10^(0.05*(alog10(drange[1])-alog10(drange[0]))) plot_oo, [0.1,0.1], drange, xrange=xrange, yrange=drange, /ysty, $ xtitle='Energy (eV)', ytitle=ytitle, title=time_string(pad.time), $ charsize=1.4*cscale, xmargin=[10,3] ipa = (ip + inm); < (ipa - npa) if ipa ge npa then ipa=ipa-npa mip = pad.pa_min[63,ipa]*!radeg maap = pad.pa_max[63,ipa]*!radeg ;if (pad.pa[63,ipa]*!radeg ge 90) then lst = 2 else lst = 0 ;clr = 244./(npa/2-1)*ip + 10 y = pad.data[*,ipa] dy = sqrt(pad.var[*,ipa]) oplot,x,y,psym=10,color=cols.green errplot, x, (y-dy)>tiny, y+dy, color=cols.green, width=0 xyouts,xs,ys,string(mip, maap, format='(i3," - ",i3)'),$ charsize=1.2*cscale,color=cols.green ys /=dys ;second half ipa=ip+npa/2+inm ipa=npa-ip-1 if ipa ge npa then ipa=ipa-npa mip=pad.pa_min[63,ipa]*!radeg maap=pad.pa_max[63,ipa]*!radeg ;if pad.pa[63,ipa]*!radeg ge 90 then lst=2 else lst=0 ;clr=254.-244./(npa/2-1)*ip y = pad.data[*,ipa] dy = sqrt(pad.var[*,ipa]) oplot,x,y,psym=10,color=cols.red errplot, x, (y-dy)>tiny, y+dy, color=cols.red, width=0 xyouts,xs,ys,string(mip, maap, format='(i3," - ",i3)'),$ charsize=1.2*cscale,color=cols.red ys /= dys if (dopot) then begin if (finite(scp)) then pot = scp $ else if (finite(pad.sc_pot)) then pot = pad.sc_pot else pot = 0. oplot,[pot,pot],drange,line=2 endif if (pflg) then begin oplot,[23.,23.],drange,line=2,color=cols.magenta oplot,[27.,27.],drange,line=2,color=cols.magenta oplot,[60.,60.],drange,line=2,color=cols.magenta endif if (doalt) then begin dt = min(abs(alt.x - pad.time), aref) xyouts,xs,ys,string(round(alt.y[aref]), format='("ALT = ",i5)'),$ charsize=1.2*cscale ys /= dys xyouts,xs,ys,string(round(sza.y[aref]), format='("SZA = ",i5)'),charsize=1.2*cscale ys /= dys endif if keyword_set(dir) then begin if (B_azim lt 0.) then B_azim = (B_azim + 360.) mod 360. xyouts,xs,ys,string(round(B_azim), format='("B_az = ",i4)'),charsize=1.2*cscale ys /= dys xyouts,xs,ys,string(round(B_elev), format='("B_el = ",i4)'),charsize=1.2*cscale ys /= dys endif if (strlen(note) gt 0) then begin xyouts,xs,ys,note,charsize=1.2*cscale ys /= dys endif endfor !p.multi=0 endif if (padmap) then begin wset, Mwin Naz = 256 daz = 2.*!pi/float(Naz) az = daz*findgen(Naz + 1) Nel = 128 elmin = (swe_el[0,63,pad.group] - 0.5*swe_del[0,63,pad.group])*!dtor elmax = (swe_el[5,63,pad.group] + 0.5*swe_del[5,63,pad.group])*!dtor del = (elmax - elmin)/float(Nel) el = elmin + del*findgen(Nel + 1) azm = az # replicate(1.,Nel+1) elm = replicate(1.,Naz+1) # el pam = acos(cos(azm - pad.Baz)*cos(elm)*cos(pad.Bel) + sin(elm)*sin(pad.Bel)) contour,pam*!radeg,az*!radeg,el*!radeg,levels=10*indgen(19),c_labels=replicate(1,19),$ xrange=[0,360],xstyle=9,xticks=4,xminor=3,yrange=[-90,90],ystyle=9,$ yticks=6,yminor=3,xmargin=[10,10],ymargin=[6,6],$ xtitle='SWEA Azimuth',ytitle='SWEA Elevation',charsize=csize2,$ c_charsize=csize1 axis,/yaxis,yrange=[1,181],charsize=csize2,ystyle=1,ytitle='Elevation Bin',$ yticks=6,yminor=0,yticklen=-0.00001,ytickv=(swe_el[*,63,0] + 91.),$ ytickname=string(indgen(6),format='(" ",i1," ")'),color=4 axis,/xaxis,xrange=[1,361],charsize=csize2,xstyle=1,xtitle='Azimuth Bin',$ xticks=16,xminor=0,xticklen=-0.00001,xtickv=(swe_az + 1.),$ xtickname=string(indgen(16),format='(i2)'),color=4 az = 22.5*findgen(17) for i=1,15 do oplot,[az[i],az[i]],[elmin,elmax]*!radeg,color=4,linestyle=1 el = [swe_el[*,63,pad.group] - (swe_del[*,63,pad.group]/2.), elmax*!radeg] for i=0,6 do oplot,[0,360],[el[i],el[i]],color=4,linestyle=1 if (~dosmo and (npts eq 1)) then for k=0,15 do begin i = pad.iaz[k] j = pad.jel[k] azbox = [az[i], az[i+1], az[i+1], az[i] ,az[i]] elbox = [el[j], el[j] , el[j+1], el[j+1] ,el[j]] oplot,azbox,elbox,color=6,linestyle=2 endfor kb = where(swe_sc_mask[*,boom] eq 0, count) ib = kb mod 16 jb = kb / 16 for k=0,(count-1) do begin i = ib[k] j = jb[k] oplot,[mean(az[i:i+1])],[mean(el[j:j+1])],psym=7,color=5 endfor az = pad.Baz*!radeg el = pad.Bel*!radeg oplot,[az],[el],psym=1,symsize=2 if (az gt 180.) then az -= 180. else az += 180. el = -el oplot,[az],[el],psym=4,symsize=2 endif if (psflg) then pclose nplot++ ; Get the next button press if (pdflg and ~tflg) then begin wset,Twin ctime,trange,npoints=npts,/silent if (npts gt 1) then cursor,cx,cy,/norm,/up ; make sure mouse button is released if (size(trange,/type) eq 5) then ok = 1 else ok = 0 endif else ok = 0 endwhile str_element, result, 'null', /del if (kflg) then begin if (~rflg) then wdelete, Pwin if (sflg) then wdelete, Nwin if (dflg) then wdelete, Cwin if (dospec) then wdelete, Ewin if (rflg or hflg or uflg) then wdelete, Pwin if (doind) then wdelete, Iwin if (dov) then wdelete, vwin if (padmap) then wdelete, Mwin endif wset, Twin return end