;+ ;FUNCTION: ; mvn_swe_sc_pospot ; ;PURPOSE: ; Estimates the spacecraft potential from SWEA energy spectra. The basic ; idea is to look for a break in the energy spectrum (sharp change in flux ; level and slope). Works for one or more spectra. ; ;AUTHOR: ; David L. Mitchell ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; scpot = mvn_swe_sc_pospot(engy, eflux) ; ;INPUTS: ; engy: Energy array with dimensions of [n_e] or [n_e, n_t]. ; ; eflux: Energy flux, with dimensions of [n_e, n_t]. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; ;OUTPUTS: ; scpot: An array of n_t spacecraft potentials. ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2017-07-31 15:24:02 -0700 (Mon, 31 Jul 2017) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 23737 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/maven/swea/mvn_swe_sc_pospot.pro $ ; ;- function mvn_swe_sc_pospot, engy, eflux compile_opt idl2 @mvn_scpot_com if (size(Espan,/type) eq 0) then mvn_scpot_defaults badphi = !values.f_nan ; Make sure engy and eflux arrays are compatible, get dimensions sz_f = size(eflux) n_e = sz_f[1] case (sz_f[0]) of 1 : n_t = 1L 2 : n_t = sz_f[2] else : begin print,"Dimensions of eflux must be [n_e,n_t]." return, badphi end endcase sz_e = size(engy) case (sz_e[0]) of 1 : if (sz_e[1] ne n_e) then begin print,"Dimensions of energy and flux arrays are incompatible!" return, badphi endif else e = engy # replicate(1., n_t) 2 : if (max(abs(sz_e - sz_f)) gt 0) then begin print,"Dimensions of energy and flux arrays are incompatible!" return, badphi endif else e = engy else : begin print,"Dimensions of energy and flux arrays are incompatible!" return, badphi end endcase ; Trim input arrays to energy < 60 eV indx = where(e[*,0] lt 60., n_e) e = e[indx,*] f = alog10(eflux[indx,*]) phi = replicate(badphi, n_t) ; Filter out bad spectra n_f = round(total(finite(f),1)) gndx = where(n_f eq n_e, ngud, complement=bad, ncomplement=nbad) if (ngud eq 0L) then begin print,"No good spectra!" return, phi endif if (nbad gt 0L) then f[*,bad] = !values.f_nan ; Take first and second derivatives of log(eflux) w.r.t. log(E) df = f d2f = f for i=0L,(n_t-1L) do df[*,i] = deriv(f[*,i]) for i=0L,(n_t-1L) do d2f[*,i] = deriv(df[*,i]) ; Oversample and smooth n_es = 4*n_e emax = max(e, dim=1, min=emin) dloge = (alog10(emax) - alog10(emin))/float(n_es - 1) ee = 10.^((replicate(1.,n_es) # alog10(emax)) - (findgen(n_es) # dloge)) dfs = fltarr(n_es,n_t) for i=0L,(n_t-1L) do dfs[*,i] = interpol(df[*,i],n_es) d2fs = fltarr(n_es,n_t) for i=0L,(n_t-1L) do d2fs[*,i] = interpol(d2f[*,i],n_es) ; Trim to the desired energy search range indx = where((ee[*,0] gt Espan[0]) and (ee[*,0] lt Espan[1]), n_e) ee = ee[indx,*] dfs = dfs[indx,*] d2fs = d2fs[indx,*] ; The spacecraft potential is taken to be the maximum slope (dlogF/dlogE) ; within the search window. zcross = d2fs*shift(d2fs,1,0) zcross[0,*] = 1. for i=0L,(n_t-1L) do begin indx = where((dfs[*,i] gt thresh) and (zcross[*,i] lt 0.), ncross) ; local maxima in slope if (ncross gt 0) then begin k = max(indx) ; lowest energy feature above threshold dfsmax = dfs[k,i] dfsmin = dfsmax/2. ; half maximum while ((dfs[k,i] gt dfsmin) and (k lt n_e-1)) do k++ kmax = k k = max(indx) while ((dfs[k,i] gt dfsmin) and (k gt 0)) do k-- kmin = k dE = ee[kmin,i] - ee[kmax,i] ; FWHM ; if ((kmax eq (n_e-1)) or (kmin eq 0)) then dE = 2.*dEmax if (kmin eq 0) then dE = 2.*dEmax if (dE lt dEmax) then phi[i] = ee[max(indx),i] ; only accept narrow features endif endfor return, phi end