;+ ;PROCEDURE: mvn_swe_getlut ;PURPOSE: ; Determines the sweep lookup table used for each 2-sec measurement ; cycle. This information is stored in the SPEC, PAD, and 3D data ; structures. The vast majority of the time a single sweep table is ; used, in which case this routine is trivial. The exceptions are ; power on, monthly calibrations (until late 2019) and high time ; resolution campaigns. The latter two use rapid mode toggling, so ; that high cadence housekeeping is needed to keep track of the mode ; changes. Even then, there are occasional mismatches between the ; sweep table reported in housekeeping and the one actually used for ; measurements. Three methods are provided (via keyword) to identify ; and correct these mismatches. None is perfect, but at least one of ; them, depending on the circumstances, has been able to identify all ; table changes correctly ... so far. ; ;USAGE: ; mvn_swe_getlut ; ;INPUTS: ; None. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; TPLOT: Make a tplot variable. ; ; DT_LUT: Time offset between housekeeping SSCTL values and ; science data. Units: sec. Default = 0D. ; ; VOLT: Use analyzer voltage to identify tables 7 and 8. ; ; DV_MAX: Maximum absolute difference between measured analyzer ; voltage and nominal voltage. Two values: one for 50 eV ; one for 200 eV. Default: [0.7, 2.0]. ; ; DIAG: Make diagnostic plots. ; ; FLUX: Use constant flux to identify tables 7 and 8. ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2021-08-11 14:04:13 -0700 (Wed, 11 Aug 2021) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 30201 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/maven/swea/mvn_swe_getlut.pro $ ;- pro mvn_swe_getlut, tplot=tplot, dt_lut=dt_lut, volt=volt, dv_max=dv, diag=diag, flux=flux @mvn_swe_com common lutcom, dtl, vflg, fflg if (size(dtl,/type) eq 0) then begin dtl = 0D vflg = 0 fflg = 0 endif if (n_elements(dt_lut) gt 0) then dtl = double(dt_lut[0]) if (n_elements(volt) gt 0) then vflg = keyword_set(volt) case n_elements(dv) of 1 : dv_max = [dv, 2.0] 2 : dv_max = dv else : dv_max = [0.7, 2.0] endcase if (n_elements(flux) gt 0) then fflg = keyword_set(flux) ; if (vflg or fflg) then dtl = 0D if (abs(dtl) gt 0D) then begin msg = strtrim(string(dtl, format='(f12.1)'),2) print,"MVN_SWE_GETLUT% Using SSCTL offset: ",msg," sec" endif ; Make sure sufficient information is present mvn_swe_stat, npkt=npkt, /silent if (npkt[4] eq 0L) then begin print,"No science data." return endif if (npkt[7] eq 0L) then begin print,"No housekeeping." return endif ; Define arrays nhsk = n_elements(swe_hsk) lutnum = swe_hsk.ssctl ; Initialize with nominal sweep table (used almost all the time) tabnum = replicate(5B,nhsk) ; MOI and beyond indx = where(swe_hsk.time lt t_swp[1], count) if (count gt 0L) then tabnum[indx] = 3B ; Cruise phase indx = where(swe_hsk.time lt t_swp[0], count) if (count gt 0L) then tabnum[indx] = 1B ; Initial turn-on ; Identify table load during turn-on, when active LUT is set to 7 ; (Only tables 0-3 are recognized by the PFDPU.) indx = where(lutnum gt 3, count) if (count gt 0L) then tabnum[indx] = 0B ; Use V0V to identify table 6. This is reliable. indx = where(lutnum eq 1, count) if (count gt 0L) then begin indx = where(swe_hsk.v0v lt -0.1, count) if (count gt 0L) then tabnum[indx] = 6B ; V0 enabled endif ; Use analyzer voltage to identify tables 7 and 8. This method works ; in superthermal electron voids, but it can get confused when the ; nominal sweep is sampled close to one of the hires energies. This ; situation is worse in high current mode (see bi-stable ISA), where ; the noise level on the housekeeping values is larger. if (vflg) then begin print,"MVN_SWE_GETLUT% Using analyzer voltage method." indx = where(lutnum eq 2 or lutnum eq 3, count) if (count gt 0L) then begin indx = where(abs(swe_hsk.analv - 8.13) lt dv_max[0], count) if (count gt 0L) then tabnum[indx] = 8B ; hires @ 50 eV indx = where(abs(swe_hsk.analv - 32.5) lt dv_max[1], count) if (count gt 0L) then tabnum[indx] = 7B ; hires @ 200 eV endif endif else begin indx = where(lutnum eq 2, count) if (count gt 0L) then tabnum[indx] = 7B ; hires @ 200 eV indx = where(lutnum eq 3, count) if (count gt 0L) then tabnum[indx] = 8B ; hires @ 50 eV endelse if keyword_set(diag) then begin store_data,'dv50',data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:abs(swe_hsk.analv - 8.13)} options,'dv50','psym',10 options,'dv50','constant',dv_max[0] ylim,'dv50',0,2.*dv_max[0] store_data,'dv200',data={x:swe_hsk.time, y:abs(swe_hsk.analv - 32.5)} options,'dv200','psym',10 options,'dv200','constant',dv_max[1] ylim,'dv200',0,2.*dv_max[1] endif ; Use flat spectral shape to identify tables 7 and 8. This doesn't work ; in superthermal electron voids, where the signal is close to background ; at all energies. It also gets confused when there are real flux ; variations within the 2-second measurement interval (as in the sheath). if (fflg) then begin print,"MVN_SWE_GETLUT% Using constant flux method." cnts = reform(a4.data, 64L, 16L*n_elements(a4)) loav = mean(cnts[45:60,*],dim=1,/nan) ; low-energy average hiav = mean(cnts[ 5:20,*],dim=1,/nan) ; high-energy average i7_8 = where(((hiav/loav) gt 0.1) and (loav gt 10.), n7_8, comp=i1_5, ncomp=n1_5) endif ; Get timing for a4 (see mvn_swe_makespec for more info) npkt = n_elements(a4) ; number of SPEC packets npts = 16L*npkt ; 16 spectra per packet tspec = replicate(0D, 16L*npkt) ; center time for each spectrum if (n_elements(mvn_swe_engy) ne npts) then begin mvn_swe_engy = replicate(swe_engy_struct, npts) for i=0L,(npkt-1L) do begin delta_t = swe_dt[a4[i].period]*dindgen(16) + (1.95D/2D) ; center time offset (sample mode) if (a4[i].smode) then delta_t += (2D^a4[i].period - 1D) ; center time offset (sum mode) j = i*16L tspec[j:(j+15L)] = a4[i].time + delta_t endfor dt_mode = swe_dt[a4.period]*16D ; nominal time interval between packets dt_pkt = a4.time - shift(a4.time,1) ; actual time interval between packets dt_pkt[0] = dt_pkt[1] dn_pkt = a4.npkt - shift(a4.npkt,1) ; look for data gaps dn_pkt[0] = 1B j = where((abs(dt_pkt - dt_mode) gt 0.5D) and (dn_pkt eq 1B), count) for i=0,(count-1) do begin dt1 = dt_mode[(j[i] - 1L) > 0L]/16D ; cadence before mode change dt2 = dt_mode[j[i]]/16D ; cadence after mode change if (abs(dt1 - dt2) gt 0.5D) then begin m = 16L*((j[i] - 1L) > 0L) n = round((dt_pkt[j[i]] - 16D*dt2)/(dt1 - dt2)) + 1L if ((n gt 0) and (n lt 16)) then begin dt_fix = (dt2 - dt1)*(dindgen(16-n) + 1D) tspec[(m+n):(m+15L)] += dt_fix endif endif endfor mvn_swe_engy.time = tspec endif ; Insert LUT information into data structures if (fflg) then begin jndx = where(tabnum le 6B, count) if (count gt 0L) then begin indx = nn2(swe_hsk[jndx].time + dtl, mvn_swe_engy[i1_5].time) mvn_swe_engy[i1_5].lut = tabnum[jndx[indx]] endif jndx = where(tabnum ge 7B, count) if (count gt 0L) then begin indx = nn2(swe_hsk[jndx].time + dtl, mvn_swe_engy[i7_8].time) mvn_swe_engy[i7_8].lut = tabnum[jndx[indx]] endif endif else begin indx = nn2(swe_hsk.time + dtl, mvn_swe_engy.time) mvn_swe_engy.lut = tabnum[indx] endelse delta_t = 1.95D/2D ; start time to center time for PAD and 3D if (size(a2,/type) eq 8) then begin indx = nn2(mvn_swe_engy.time, (a2.time + delta_t)) a2.lut = mvn_swe_engy[indx].lut endif if (size(a3,/type) eq 8) then begin indx = nn2(mvn_swe_engy.time, (a3.time + delta_t)) a3.lut = mvn_swe_engy[indx].lut endif if (size(swe_3d,/type) eq 8) then begin indx = nn2(mvn_swe_engy.time, (swe_3d.time + delta_t)) swe_3d.lut = mvn_swe_engy[indx].lut endif if (size(swe_3d_arc,/type) eq 8) then begin indx = nn2(mvn_swe_engy.time, (swe_3d_arc.time + delta_t)) swe_3d_arc.lut = mvn_swe_engy[indx].lut endif ; Make a tplot panel if keyword_set(tplot) then begin store_data,'TABNUM',data={x:mvn_swe_engy.time, y:mvn_swe_engy.lut} ylim,'TABNUM',4.5,8.5,0 options,'TABNUM','panel_size',0.5 options,'TABNUM','ytitle','SWE LUT' options,'TABNUM','yminor',1 options,'TABNUM','psym',10 options,'TABNUM','colors',[4] options,'TABNUM','constant',[5,7,8] endif return end