;+ ;PROCEDURE: mvn_sta_cio_convert ;PURPOSE: ; Converts array-of-structures to structure-of-arrays. Also performs ; several calculations and adds structure elements. ; ;INPUTS: ; data : A named variable to hold the data. Reformatted data are ; returned in same variable. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-05-01 12:26:38 -0700 (Fri, 01 May 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28659 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/maven/swea/mvn_sta_cio_convert.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell ;FILE: mvn_sta_cio_convert.pro ;- pro mvn_sta_cio_convert, data npts = n_elements(data.time) tags = tag_names(data) ; Some filters to exclude unreliable results mintemp = 0.1 ; minimum ion temperature ; Geodetic parameters for Mars (from the 2009 IAU Report) ; Archinal et al., Celest Mech Dyn Astr 109, Issue 2, 101-135, 2011 ; DOI 10.1007/s10569-010-9320-4 ; These are the values used by SPICE (pck00010.tpc). ; Last update: 2017-05-29. R_equ = 3396.19D ; +/- 0.1 R_pol = 3376.20D ; N pole = 3373.19 +/- 0.1 ; S pole = 3379.21 +/- 0.1 R_vol = 3389.50D ; +/- 0.2 R_m = R_vol ; use the mean radius for converting to Mars radii odata = mvn_sta_cio_struct() str_element, odata, 'v_sc_x', !values.f_nan, /add str_element, odata, 'v_sc_y', !values.f_nan, /add str_element, odata, 'v_sc_z', !values.f_nan, /add str_element, odata, 'vel_x', !values.f_nan, /add str_element, odata, 'vel_y', !values.f_nan, /add str_element, odata, 'vel_z', !values.f_nan, /add str_element, odata, 'vel_phi', !values.f_nan, /add str_element, odata, 'vel_the', !values.f_nan, /add str_element, odata, 'vratio', !values.f_nan, /add str_element, odata, 'fbulk', !values.f_nan, /add odata = {time : dblarr(npts) , $ ; time den_i : fltarr(npts) , $ ; ion number density (1/cc) den_e : fltarr(npts) , $ ; electron number density (1/cc) temp : fltarr(npts) , $ ; ion temperature (eV) v_sc_x : dblarr(npts) , $ ; spacecraft X velocity (km/s) v_sc_y : dblarr(npts) , $ ; spacecraft Y velocity (km/s) v_sc_z : dblarr(npts) , $ ; spacecraft Z velocity (km/s) v_tot : dblarr(npts) , $ ; spacecraft speed (km/s) vel_x : dblarr(npts) , $ ; ion bulk X velocity in MSO frame (km/s) vel_y : dblarr(npts) , $ ; ion bulk Y velocity in MSO frame (km/s) vel_z : dblarr(npts) , $ ; ion bulk Z velocity in MSO frame (km/s) vel_s : dblarr(npts) , $ ; ion bulk S velocity in MSO frame (km/s) vel_r : dblarr(npts) , $ ; ion bulk radial velocity w.r.t. Mars (km/s) vel_xe : dblarr(npts) , $ ; ion bulk X velocity in MSE frame (km/s) vel_ye : dblarr(npts) , $ ; ion bulk Y velocity in MSE frame (km/s) vel_ze : dblarr(npts) , $ ; ion bulk Z velocity in MSE frame (km/s) vbulk : dblarr(npts) , $ ; ion bulk speed (km/s) vel_phi : dblarr(npts) , $ ; ion bulk speed phi in YZ plane (deg) vel_the : dblarr(npts) , $ ; ion bulk speed theta w.r.t. X (deg) v_esc : dblarr(npts) , $ ; escape velocity (km/s) vratio : dblarr(npts) , $ ; V_ion/V_esc fbulk : dblarr(npts) , $ ; vbulk * den_i (cm-2 s-1) fradial : dblarr(npts) , $ ; vel_r * den_i (cm-2 s-1) logfrad : dblarr(npts) , $ ; sign(fradial) * log(abs(fradial)) v_app_x : dblarr(npts) , $ ; ion bulk X velocity in APP frame (km/s) v_app_y : dblarr(npts) , $ ; ion bulk Y velocity in APP frame (km/s) v_app_z : dblarr(npts) , $ ; ion bulk Z velocity in APP frame (km/s) Bmag : fltarr(npts) , $ ; magnetic field amplitude (nT) Bphi : fltarr(npts) , $ ; magnetic field MSO phi (nT) Bthe : fltarr(npts) , $ ; magnetic field MSO theta (nT) Psw : fltarr(npts) , $ ; upstream solar wind dynamic pressure (nPa) Bclk : fltarr(npts) , $ ; upstream IMF clock angle (0 = east, pi = west) energy : dblarr(npts) , $ ; ion kinetic energy (eV) VB_phi : dblarr(npts) , $ ; angle between V and B (deg) VI_phi : fltarr(npts) , $ ; angle between V and APP-i (deg) VK_the : fltarr(npts) , $ ; angle between V and APP-ij plane (deg) sc_pot : fltarr(npts) , $ ; spacecraft potential (V) mass : 0. , $ ; assumed ion mass (amu) mrange : [0.,0.] , $ ; mass range for integration (amu) frame : '' , $ ; reference frame (for all vectors) shp_a : fltarr(npts) , $ ; e- shape parameter: away shp_t : fltarr(npts) , $ ; e- shape parameter: toward ratio : fltarr(npts) , $ ; e- flux ratio (away/toward) flux40 : fltarr(npts) , $ ; e- energy flux at 40 eV topo : intarr(npts) , $ ; topology index (see below) region : intarr(npts) , $ ; plasma region index mso_x : fltarr(npts) , $ ; MSO X coordinate of spacecraft mso_y : fltarr(npts) , $ ; MSO Y coordinate of spacecraft mso_z : fltarr(npts) , $ ; MSO Z coordinate of spacecraft mso_s : fltarr(npts) , $ ; sqrt(mso_y^2. + mso_z^2.) mse_x : fltarr(npts) , $ ; MSE X coordinate of spacecraft mse_y : fltarr(npts) , $ ; MSE Y coordinate of spacecraft mse_z : fltarr(npts) , $ ; MSE Z coordinate of spacecraft sza : fltarr(npts) , $ ; solar zenith angle glon : fltarr(npts) , $ ; GEO longitude of spacecraft glat : fltarr(npts) , $ ; GEO latitude of spacecraft alt : fltarr(npts) , $ ; spacecraft altitude (ellipsoid) slon : fltarr(npts) , $ ; GEO longitude of sub-solar point slat : fltarr(npts) , $ ; GEO latitude of sub-solar point Mdist : fltarr(npts) , $ ; Mars-Sun distance (A.U.) L_s : fltarr(npts) , $ ; Mars season (L_s) sthe : fltarr(npts) , $ ; elevation of Sun in s/c frame sthe_app : fltarr(npts) , $ ; elevation of Sun in APP frame rthe_app : fltarr(npts) , $ ; elevation of MSO RAM in APP frame apid : replicate(' ',npts) , $ ; STATIC APID used for calculation flag : intarr(npts) , $ ; CIO configuration flag valid : intarr(npts) } odata.time = data.time odata.den_i = data.den_i odata.den_e = data.den_e odata.temp = data.temp indx = where(odata.temp lt mintemp, count) if (count gt 0L) then odata.temp[indx] = !values.f_nan odata.v_sc_x = data.v_sc[0] odata.v_sc_y = data.v_sc[1] odata.v_sc_z = data.v_sc[2] odata.v_tot = data.v_tot odata.vel_x = data.v_mso[0] odata.vel_y = data.v_mso[1] odata.vel_z = data.v_mso[2] odata.vel_s = sqrt(odata.vel_y^2. + odata.vel_z^2.) sc = transpose(data.mso) sc /= (sqrt(total(sc*sc,2)) # replicate(1.,3)) odata.vel_r = total(sc*transpose(data.v_mso),2) i = where(tags eq 'V_MSE') if (i ge 0) then begin odata.vel_xe = data.v_mse[0] odata.vel_ye = data.v_mse[1] odata.vel_ze = data.v_mse[2] endif odata.vbulk = data.vbulk odata.vel_phi = atan(odata.vel_z, odata.vel_y)*!radeg indx = where(odata.vel_phi lt 0., count) if (count gt 0L) then odata.vel_phi[indx] += 360. odata.vel_the = acos(odata.vel_x/odata.Vbulk)*!radeg odata.v_app_x = data.v_app[0] odata.v_app_y = data.v_app[1] odata.v_app_z = data.v_app[2] odata.v_esc = data.v_esc odata.vratio = data.vbulk/data.v_esc odata.fbulk = 1d5*data.vbulk*data.den_i odata.fradial = 1d5*odata.vel_r*odata.den_i indx = where(finite(odata.fradial),count) if (count gt 0L) then begin odata.logfrad[indx] = signum(odata.fradial[indx])*alog10(abs(odata.fradial[indx]) > 1.) endif Bx = data.magf[0] By = data.magf[1] Bz = data.magf[2] odata.Bmag = sqrt(Bx*Bx + By*By + Bz*Bz) odata.Bphi = atan(By, Bx)*!radeg indx = where(odata.Bphi lt 0., count) if (count gt 0L) then odata.Bphi[indx] += 360. odata.Bthe = asin(Bz/odata.Bmag)*!radeg i = where(tags eq 'SW_PRESS') if (i ge 0) then begin odata.Psw = data.sw_press odata.Bclk = data.imf_clk * !radeg indx = where(odata.Bclk lt 0., count) if (count gt 0L) then odata.Bclk[indx] += 360. endif odata.energy = data.energy odata.VB_phi = acos(abs(cos(data.VB_phi/!radeg)))*!radeg odata.VI_phi = data.VI_phi odata.VK_the = data.VK_the odata.sc_pot = data.sc_pot i = (where(finite(data.mass)))[0] odata.mass = data[i].mass odata.mrange = data[i].mrange odata.frame = data[i].frame odata.shp_a = data.shape[0] odata.shp_t = data.shape[1] odata.ratio = data.ratio odata.flux40 = data.flux40 odata.mso_x = data.mso[0]/R_m odata.mso_y = data.mso[1]/R_m odata.mso_z = data.mso[2]/R_m i = where(tags eq 'MSE') if (i ge 0) then begin odata.mse_x = data.mse[0]/R_m odata.mse_y = data.mse[1]/R_m odata.mse_z = data.mse[2]/R_m endif odata.mso_s = sqrt(odata.mso_y^2. + odata.mso_z^2.) odata.sza = atan(odata.mso_s, odata.mso_x)*!radeg geo_r = sqrt(data.geo[0]^2. + data.geo[1]^2. + data.geo[2]^2.) odata.glon = atan(data.geo[1], data.geo[0])*!radeg indx = where(odata.glon lt 0., count) if (count gt 0L) then odata.glon[indx] += 360. odata.glat = asin(data.geo[2]/geo_r)*!radeg odata.alt = data.alt odata.slon = data.slon indx = where(odata.slon lt 0., count) if (count gt 0L) then odata.slon[indx] += 360. odata.slat = data.slat odata.Mdist = data.Mdist odata.L_s = data.L_s odata.sthe = data.sthe odata.sthe_app = data.sthe_app odata.rthe_app = data.rthe_app odata.apid = data.apid odata.valid = data.valid ; Fix MSO --> MSE transformation cosclk = cos(odata.Bclk * !dtor) sinclk = sin(odata.Bclk * !dtor) odata.vel_ye = (odata.vel_y * cosclk) + (odata.vel_z * sinclk) odata.vel_ze = (odata.vel_z * cosclk) - (odata.vel_y * sinclk) odata.mse_y = (odata.mso_y * cosclk) + (odata.mso_z * sinclk) odata.mse_z = (odata.mso_z * cosclk) - (odata.mso_y * sinclk) ; Magnetic Field Topology if (1) then begin ; Topology index array (Xu-Weber method) ; 0-? unknown ; 1-CD closed to day ; 2-CX closed cross terminator ; 3-CT closed trapped (closed to night) ; 4-CV closed void (closed to night) ; 5-OD open to day ; 6-ON open to night ; 7-D draped ; ; All types of closed loops (1-4) are combined into one. ; 0 = unknown, 1 = closed, 2 = open to day, 3 = open to night, 4 = draped odata.topo = data.topo ; Xu-Weber method endif else begin ; Topology index array (Xu method with voids & flux ratios) ; 0 = unknown (typically insufficient pitch angle coverage) ; 1 = closed (both footpoints on day side) ; 2 = closed (cross terminator) ; 3 = closed (both footpoints on night side) ; 4 = open (one footpoint on day side) ; 5 = open (one footpoint on night side) ; 6 = draped indx = where((odata.shp_a le 1.) and (odata.shp_t le 1.), count) if (count gt 0) then odata.topo[indx] = 1 indx = where((odata.shp_a gt 1.) and (odata.shp_t le 1.) and (odata.sza gt 80.), count) if (count gt 0) then odata.topo[indx] = 2 indx = where(odata.flux40 le 1., count) if (count gt 0) then odata.topo[indx] = 3 indx = where(((odata.shp_a le 1.) and (odata.shp_t gt 1.)) or $ ((odata.shp_a gt 1.) and (odata.shp_t le 1.) and (odata.sza le 80.)), count) if (count gt 0) then odata.topo[indx] = 4 other = where((odata.shp_a gt 1.) and (odata.shp_t gt 1.), count) if (count gt 0) then begin indx = where((odata.sza[other] ge 100.) and (odata.ratio[other] le 0.75), cnt1, $ comp=jndx, ncomp=cnt2) if (cnt1 gt 0) then odata.topo[other[indx]] = 5 if (cnt2 gt 0) then odata.topo[other[jndx]] = 6 endif endelse ; CIO configuration flag indx = where(abs(odata.sthe - 45.) lt 5., count) if (count gt 0) then odata.flag[indx] = 1 ; SWEA is optimized (twist) indx = where((abs(odata.sthe_app) le 5.) and $ (abs(odata.rthe_app) le 10.), count) if (count gt 0) then odata.flag[indx] = 2 ; STATIC is optimized (APP orientation) indx = where((abs(odata.sthe - 45.) lt 5.) and $ (abs(odata.sthe_app) le 5.) and $ (abs(odata.rthe_app) le 10.), count) if (count gt 0) then odata.flag[indx] = 3 ; both STATIC and SWEA are optimized ; Stuff the result back into data data = temporary(odata) return end