;+ ; :Name: ; Roberto Livi ; ; :Program: ; MVN_STA_SC_BINS_LOAD ; ; :Syntax: ; IDL> mvn_sta_sc_bins_load, /test_plot1, /test_plot2 ; ; :Purpose: ; Fill MAVEN STATIC common block data with FOV ; obstruction by the spacecraft. ; ; :Params: ; perc_block: Set this number to the desired percentage ; of covered area before marking a bin as ; blocked. ; ; :Returns: ; None. ; ; :Keywords: ; test_plot1: Plots for debugging. ; test_plot2: More plots for debugging. ; ssave: Save file for intermediary debugging. ; rrestore: Restore file for intermediary debugging. ; verbose: Print out processing status. ; ; :Version: ; ; $LastChangedBy: jimm $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-12-17 09:53:34 -0800 (Thu, 17 Dec 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 29540 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/maven/sta/mvn_sta_programs/mvn_sta_sc_bins_load_old.pro $ ;- ;; Taken from Coyote Progrmming Library FUNCTION sc_bins_load_hist_nd,V,bs,MIN=mn,MAX=mx,$ NBINS=nbins,$ REVERSE_INDICES=ri s=size(V,/DIMENSIONS) if n_elements(s) ne 2 then message,$ 'Input must be N (dimensions) x P (points)' if s[0] gt 8 then message, 'Only up to 8 dimensions allowed' imx=max(V,DIMENSION=2,MIN=imn) if n_elements(mx) eq 0 then mx=imx if n_elements(mn) eq 0 then mn=imn if s[0] gt 1 then begin if n_elements(mn) eq 1 then mn=replicate(mn,s[0]) if n_elements(mx) eq 1 then mx=replicate(mx,s[0]) if n_elements(bs) eq 1 then bs=replicate(bs,s[0]) if n_elements(nbins) eq 1 then nbins=replicate(nbins,s[0]) endif else begin mn=[mn] & mx=[mx] endelse if ~array_equal(mn le mx,1b) then $ message,'Min must be less than or equal to max.' if n_elements(bs) eq 0 then begin if n_elements(nbins) ne 0 then begin nbins=long(nbins) ;No fractional bins, please bs=float(mx-mn)/nbins ;a correct formulation endif else message,'Must pass either binsize or NBINS' endif else nbins=long((mx-mn)/bs+1) total_bins=product(nbins,/PRESERVE_TYPE) ;Total number of bins h=long((V[s[0]-1,*]-mn[s[0]-1])/bs[s[0]-1]) ;; The scaled indices, s[n]+N[n-1]*(s[n-1]+N[n-2]*(s[n-2]+... for i=s[0]-2,0,-1 do h=nbins[i]*temporary(h) + long((V[i,*]-mn[i])/bs[i]) out_of_range=[~array_equal(mn le imn,1b),~array_equal(mx ge imx,1b)] if ~array_equal(out_of_range,0b) then begin in_range=1 if out_of_range[0] then $ ;out of range low in_range=total(V ge rebin(mn,s,/SAMP),1,/PRESERVE_TYPE) eq s[0] if out_of_range[1] then $ ;out of range high in_range AND= total(V le rebin(mx,s,/SAMP),1,/PRESERVE_TYPE) eq s[0] h=(temporary(h) + 1L)*temporary(in_range) - 1L endif ret=make_array(TYPE=3,DIMENSION=nbins,/NOZERO) if arg_present(ri) then $ ret[0]=histogram(h,MIN=0L,MAX=total_bins-1L,REVERSE_INDICES=ri) $ else $ ret[0]=histogram(h,MIN=0L,MAX=total_bins-1L) return, ret END FUNCTION mvn_sta_sc_bins_inside, x, y, px, py, Index=index ;+ ; Inside - Take the dot and cross product of point an nearby vertices ; to determine whether the point is inside or outisde of box ;- on_Error, 1 sx = Size(px) sy = Size(py) IF (sx[0] EQ 1) THEN NX = sx[1] ELSE stop,'Variable px is not a vector' IF (sy[0] EQ 1) THEN NY = sy[1] ELSE stop,'Varialbe py is not a vector' IF (NX EQ NY) THEN N = NX ELSE stop,'Incompatible vector dimensions' i = indgen(n,/Long) ;; indices 0...N-1 ip = indgen(n,/Long) + 1 ;; indices 1...N nn = n_elements(x) X1 = px[i] # replicate(1,nn) - replicate(1,n) # reform([x],nn) Y1 = py[i] # replicate(1,nn) - replicate(1,n) # reform([y],nn) X2 = px[ip] # replicate(1,nn) - replicate(1,n) # reform([x],nn) Y2 = py[ip] # replicate(1,nn) - replicate(1,n) # reform([y],nn) dp = x2*x1 + y1*y2 ;; Dot-product cp = x1*y2 - y1*x2 ;; Cross-product theta = atan(cp,dp) ret = replicate(0L, n_elements(x)) i = where(abs(total(theta,1)) gt 0.01,count) IF (count GT 0) THEN ret[i]=1 IF (n_elements(ret) eq 1) then ret=ret[0] IF (keyword_set(index)) THEN $ ret=(indgen(/long, n_elements(x)))(where(ret eq 1)) return, ret END FUNCTION mvn_sta_sc_bins_histt, map, orig_time, dat, $ phi_sc, theta_sc, xx, yy, $ perc_block=perc_block, $ test_plot2=test_plot2 ;; Setup APID varibales ndef = dat.ndef nanode = dat.nanode nswp = dat.swp_ind nnbins = dat.nbins nenergy = dat.nenergy theta = reform(dat.theta[nswp,nenergy-1,*]) ntime = n_elements(dat.time) bins_sc = intarr(ntime,nanode,ndef) bins_sc_temp = fltarr(ntime,nanode,ndef) ;; Interpolate map with new time intervals ttime = (dat.end_time-dat.time)/2.+dat.time nmap = n_elements(map[0,*]) new_map = intarr(ntime,nmap) FOR i=0, nmap-1 DO new_map[*,i] = $ ceil(interpol(map[*,i], orig_time, ttime)) ;; Cycle through all time intervals FOR i=0, ntime-1 DO BEGIN ;; To speed things up: ;; If the map is the same as in the ;; previous interval then skip IF i NE 0 THEN $ IF total((new_map[i-1,*]-new_map[i,*]) > 0) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN bins_sc_temp[i,*,*] = bins_sc_temp[i-1,*,*] GOTO, skipp ENDIF ;; 0 - Clear ;; 1 - Obstructed pp = where(new_map[i,*] eq 1,ccc) if ccc eq 0 then goto, skipp ;; orig_data - all points ;; data - obstructed points orig_data = transpose([[xx], [yy]]) data = transpose([[xx[pp]], [yy[pp]]]) ;; -------- Setup bins ---------- ;; Only Deflectors (Summed Anode) if ndef GT 1 AND nanode EQ 1 THEN BEGIN ntheta = abs(theta[i,1]-theta[i,0]) minn = [-180.0, min(theta[i,*]) - ntheta/2.] maxx = [ 180.0, max(theta[i,*]) + ntheta/2.] bins = [ 360.0, abs(theta[i,1]-theta[i,0])] nbins = [nanode+1,ndef] endif ;; Only Anodes (Summed Deflectors) IF ndef EQ 1 AND nanode GT 1 THEN BEGIN minn = [-180.0-22.5,-90.0] maxx = [ 180.0, 90.0] bins = [ 22.5,180.0] nbins = [nanode+1,ndef] endif ;; Deflectors and Anodes IF ndef GT 1 AND nanode GT 1 THEN BEGIN ntheta = abs(theta[i,1]-theta[i,0]) minn = [-180.0-22.5, min(theta[i,*]) - ntheta/2.] maxx = [ 180.0, max(theta[i,*]) + ntheta/2.] bins = [ 22.5, ntheta] nbins = [nanode+1,ndef] ENDIF ;; orig_ff - Binned map of all points ;; ff - Binned map of all obstructed points offset = 22.5/2. minn = minn + [offset, 0.] maxx = maxx + [offset, 0.] orig_ff = sc_bins_load_hist_nd($ orig_data, nbins=nbins,$ min=minn, max=maxx,$ reverse_indices=ri1) ff = sc_bins_load_hist_nd($ data, nbins=nbins,$ min=minn, max=maxx,$ reverse_indices=ri2) ;; Ratio between obstructed and non-obstructed ;; points within a given bin. bins_sc_temp[i,*,*] = $ float(ff[1:nanode,0:ndef-1]) / $ float(orig_ff[1:nanode,0:ndef-1]) ;; Skipped if qrot_test is small skipp: ;; Test Plot IF keyword_set(test_plot2) AND $ ttime[i] GT 1522588800 THEN BEGIN ind = nn(orig_time,ttime[i]) objs = indgen(11) ;; Plot spacecraft plot, phi_sc[ind,*,objs], theta_sc[ind,*,objs], $ xrange=[-180,180], $ yrange=[-90,90], $ xstyle=1, $ ystyle=1, $ /nodata,$ title=dat.data_name+' - '+time_string(orig_time[ind]) ;; Polyfill blocked sectors nano1 = ((maxx-minn)/bins)[0]-1 ndef1 = ((maxx-minn)/bins)[1] ;; Blocked bins array bb = reform(bins_sc_temp[i,*,*]) ;; Cycle through deflector bins FOR idef=0,ndef1-1 DO BEGIN ;; Cycle through anodes bins FOR iano=0,nano1-1 DO BEGIN bbb = bb[idef*nano1+iano] tmpx = minn[0]+bins[0]*iano tmpy = minn[1]+bins[1]*idef xxx = [tmpx,tmpx,tmpx+bins[0],tmpx+bins[0],tmpx] yyy = [tmpy,tmpy+bins[1],tmpy+bins[1],tmpy,tmpy] ;; Plot obscured blocks IF bbb GT perc_block THEN polyfill, xxx, yyy, color=50 ENDFOR ENDFOR ;; Plot spacecraft oplot, phi_sc[ind,*,objs], theta_sc[ind,*,objs] ;; Plot obscured points oplot, xx[pp], yy[pp], psym=1, color=250 ;; Plot Anode and Deflector maps FOR j=0, ndef DO oplot, [-180,180], replicate(minn[1]+ntheta*j,2) IF nanode NE 1 THEN FOR j=0, nanode DO $ oplot, replicate(minn[0]+22.5*j,2),$ [min(theta[i,*])-ntheta/2.,max(theta[i,*])+ntheta/2.] wait, 0.01 ENDIF ENDFOR ;; Rearrange bins to match STATIC bins IF nanode GT 1 AND ndef GT 1 THEN BEGIN ss = size(bins_sc_temp) ;; Reverse order of deflector bins_sc_temp = reverse(bins_sc_temp,3) ENDIF IF nanode EQ 1 THEN BEGIN ss = size(bins_sc_temp) ;; Reverse order of deflector bins_sc_temp = reverse(bins_sc_temp,3) ENDIF ;; Fill bins_sc bitmap ;; 0 - Blocked pp = where(bins_sc_temp gt perc_block,cc) IF cc GT 0 THEN bins_sc[pp] = 0 ;; 1 - Not Blocked ppn = where(bins_sc_temp le perc_block,ccn) IF ccn GT 0 THEN bins_sc[ppn] = 1 ;; Reform to match common block array bins_sc = reform(transpose(bins_sc,[0,2,1]),ntime,ndef*nanode) return, reform(bins_sc) END PRO mvn_sta_sc_bins_load_old, perc_block = perc_block,$ test_plot1 = test_plot1,$ test_plot2 = test_plot2,$ ssave = ssave,$ rrestore = rrestore,$ verbose = verbose ;+ ;################################################# ; Main Function ;################################################# ;- ;; Get time interval trange = timerange() ;; Default block percentage is set to 50% if ~keyword_set(perc_block) then perc_block=0.5 ;; Restore intermediary file for debugging IF keyword_set(rrestore) THEN GOTO, skip3 ;; Common Blocks COMMON mvn_spc_vertices, inst COMMON mvn_sta_fov_block, $ mvn_sta_fov_block_time, $ mvn_sta_fov_block_qrot1, $ mvn_sta_fov_block_qrot2, $ mvn_sta_fov_block_qrot3, $ mvn_sta_fov_block_qrot4, $ mvn_sta_fov_block_qrot5, $ mvn_sta_fov_block_matrix COMMON mvn_c0,mvn_c0_ind,mvn_c0_dat COMMON mvn_c8,mvn_c8_ind,mvn_c8_dat ;16D 4s Ram Conic COMMON mvn_ca,mvn_ca_ind,mvn_ca_dat ;4Dx16A 4s Ram Conic COMMON mvn_cc,mvn_cc_ind,mvn_cc_dat ;8D 32s Ram COMMON mvn_cd,mvn_cd_ind,mvn_cd_dat ;8D 4s Ram COMMON mvn_ce,mvn_ce_ind,mvn_ce_dat ;4Dx16A 32s Conic COMMON mvn_cf,mvn_cf_ind,mvn_cf_dat ;4Dx16A 4s Conic COMMON mvn_d0,mvn_d0_ind,mvn_d0_dat ;4Dx16A 128s Pickup COMMON mvn_d1,mvn_d1_ind,mvn_d1_dat ;4Dx16A 16s Pickup COMMON mvn_d4,mvn_d4_ind,mvn_d4_dat ;4Dx16A 4s Pickup ;; Check if time exists IF n_elements(mvn_c0_dat.time) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN print, 'ERROR: STATIC data needs to be loaded first.' return ENDIF ;; Generate spacecraft blockage data mvn_spc_fov_blockage, trange=mean(mvn_c0_dat.time),$ /invert_phi, $ /invert_theta,$ theta = theta, phi=phi,$ /static, /noplot ;; APID Names apid=['c0','c6','c8',$ 'ca','cc','cd','ce','cf',$ 'd0','d1','d4'] nn_apid=n_elements(apid) ;; General Info print, 'Blocked Bins - Generate block map '+$ 'using APID C0 times (~1 minute)' ;; Use APID C0 time intervals time = (mvn_c0_dat.end_time-mvn_c0_dat.time) / 2 + mvn_c0_dat.time nn1 = n_elements(time) ;; Spacecraft coordinate dimensions nn2 = (size(inst.x_sc_res))[1] nn3 = (size(inst.x_sc_res))[2] ;; Vertex array dimensions n1=3 n2=8 n3=n_elements(inst.vertex)/n1/n2 ;; Create 2D grid ;; -180 - phi - 180 ;; -90 - theta - 90 ;; nnnx - Anode bin size in degrees ;; nnny - Deflector bin size in degrees ;; xx - Rebin phi and collapse to 1D ;; yy - Rebin theta and collapse to 1D nnnx = 22.5/5. nnny = 3. tmpx = round(360./nnnx) tmpy = round(180./nnny) phi_map = indgen(tmpx)*nnnx - 180 theta_map = indgen(tmpy)*nnny - 90 xx = reform( rebin(phi_map, tmpx,tmpy) ,tmpx*tmpy) yy = reform(transpose(rebin(theta_map,tmpy,tmpx)),tmpx*tmpy) ;; Map that marks obstructed ;; coordinates final_map = intarr(nn1,tmpx*tmpy) ;; Spacecraft coordinate array phi_sc = fltarr(nn1,nn3,nn2) theta_sc = fltarr(nn1,nn3,nn2) ;; Cycle through all times and fill in map FOR iddx=1, nn1-1 DO BEGIN ;; Quick kluge idx=iddx-1 ;; Check if qrot changed. If it is the same as ;; before we do not need to recalculate map qrot_test = total(abs(mvn_sta_fov_block_qrot3[*,iddx]-$ mvn_sta_fov_block_qrot3[*,iddx-1])) + $ total(abs(mvn_sta_fov_block_qrot4[*,iddx]-$ mvn_sta_fov_block_qrot4[*,iddx-1])) IF qrot_test GT 1e-4 OR idx EQ 0 THEN BEGIN ;; Record time t1 = systime(1) ;; Generate blockage data mvn_spc_fov_blockage, trange=mvn_sta_fov_block_time[iddx],$ /invert_phi, $ /invert_theta,$ theta=theta, phi=phi, $ /static, /noplot ;; Store phi/theta values phi_sc[idx,*,*] = phi theta_sc[idx,*,*] = theta nnphi = n_elements(phi[*,0]) phitmp1 = phi ;; Only check within limits xxyy_pp = where(xx le max(phi) and xx ge min(phi) and $ yy le max(theta) and yy ge min(theta)) xtmp1 = xx[xxyy_pp] ytmp1 = yy[xxyy_pp] ;; Record time t2 = systime(1) ;; Counter jj = 0 ;; Cycle through all objects ... FOR i=0, n3-1 DO BEGIN ;; ... unless related to APP IF (i NE 11) AND $ (i NE 12) AND $ (i NE 13) AND $ (i NE 14) THEN BEGIN ;; Find boundary conditions/crossings between 180 and -180 IF max(ABS(phi[1:nnphi-1,i]-phi[0:nnphi-2-2,i])) GE 180 THEN BEGIN ptmp1 = where(xtmp1 LE 0,count) IF count GT 0 THEN xtmp1[ptmp1] = xtmp1[ptmp1] + 360. ptmp1 = where(phi[*,i] LE 0,count) IF count GT 0 THEN phitmp1[ptmp1,i] = phi[ptmp1,i] + 360. ENDIF ELSE BEGIN xtmp1 = xx[xxyy_pp] phitmp1 = phi ENDELSE ;; Loop through six sides of object FOR j=0, (30-1)*inst.prec, 4*inst.prec+inst.prec DO BEGIN ;; Result gives points within xtmp1 and ytmp1 res_ins = mvn_sta_sc_bins_inside($ xtmp1,$ ytmp1,$ phitmp1[j:j+4*inst.prec,i],$ theta[j:j+4*inst.prec,i]) ;; 0 - Outside, i.e. clear ;; 1 - Inside, i.e. blocked/obscured pp = where(res_ins EQ 1,cc) ;; If points were found then add them to map IF cc NE 0 THEN final_map[idx,xxyy_pp[pp]] = 1 ;; Plot for debugging IF 0 THEN BEGIN plot, xtmp1, ytmp1, psym=1 ,xs=1,ys=1,$ xr=[-180,360],yr=[-90,90] arr = where(final_map[idx,*] EQ 1,acc) IF acc GT 1 THEN $ oplot, xx[arr], yy[arr], psym=1, color=250 oplot, phi[j:j+4*inst.prec,i],$ theta[j:j+4*inst.prec,i],color=250 ENDIF ENDFOR ENDIF ENDFOR ;; Record time t3 = systime(1) ;; Print debug information IF keyword_set(verbose) THEN $ print, nn1, idx, ' ', t2-t1,$ ' ', t3-t2, qrot_test ;; Plot spacecraft for debugging IF keyword_set(test_plot1) THEN BEGIN pp=where(final_map[idx,*] eq 1,cc) plot, phi, theta, xr=[-180,180], yr=[-90,90], $ xs=1, ys=1,/nodata,$ title=time_string(mvn_sta_fov_block_time[iddx]) FOR ii=0, inst.nn3-1 DO BEGIN IF (ii NE 11) AND (ii NE 12) AND $ (ii NE 13) AND (ii NE 14) THEN BEGIN FOR j=0, (30-1)*inst.prec, 4*inst.prec+inst.prec DO BEGIN oplot, phi[j:j+4*inst.prec,ii],$ theta[j:j+4*inst.prec,ii] IF cc GT 1 THEN $ oplot, xx[pp], yy[pp], psym=1, color=250 oplot, xx, yy, psym=3 ENDFOR ENDIF ENDFOR ENDIF ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;; Store previous result phi_sc[idx,*,*] = phi theta_sc[idx,*,*] = theta final_map[idx,*] = final_map[idx-1,*] ENDELSE ENDFOR ;; ------------- Bin data for all APIDs ------------------- ;; Save intermediary file for debugging IF keyword_set(ssave) THEN $ save,filename='~/Desktop/final_map.sav', final_map, $ mvn_c0_dat, phi_sc, theta_sc, time, xx, yy ;; Restore intermediary file for debugging IF keyword_set(rrestore) THEN BEGIN skip3: restore, filename='~/Desktop/final_map.sav' ENDIF map = final_map time = (mvn_c0_dat.end_time-mvn_c0_dat.time)/2 + $ mvn_c0_dat.time final_map = 0 ;;--------------------------- ;; C8 - 16D 4s Ram Conic print, 'Blocked Bins - Interpolate for APID-C8' ss = size(mvn_c8_dat) if ss[2] eq 8 then $ mvn_c8_dat.bins_sc = $ mvn_sta_sc_bins_histt(map,time,mvn_c8_dat,phi_sc,theta_sc,$ xx,yy,perc_block=perc_block,$ test_plot2=test_plot2) ;;--------------------------- ;; CA 4s Ram Conic print, 'Blocked Bins - Interpolate for APID-CA' ss = size(mvn_ca_dat) if ss[2] eq 8 then $ mvn_ca_dat.bins_sc = $ mvn_sta_sc_bins_histt(map,time,mvn_ca_dat,phi_sc,theta_sc,$ xx,yy,perc_block=perc_block,$ test_plot2=test_plot2) ;;--------------------------- ;; CC - 8D 32s Ram print, 'Blocked Bins - Interpolate for APID-CC' ss = size(mvn_cc_dat) if ss[2] eq 8 then $ mvn_cc_dat.bins_sc = $ mvn_sta_sc_bins_histt(map,time,mvn_cc_dat,phi_sc,theta_sc,$ xx,yy,perc_block=perc_block,$ test_plot2=test_plot2) ;;--------------------------- ;; CD - 8D 4s Ram print, 'Blocked Bins - Interpolate for APID-CD' ss = size(mvn_cd_dat) if ss[2] eq 8 then $ mvn_cd_dat.bins_sc = $ mvn_sta_sc_bins_histt(map,time,mvn_cd_dat,phi_sc,theta_sc,$ xx,yy,perc_block=perc_block,$ test_plot2=test_plot2) ;;--------------------------- ;; CE - 4Dx16A 32s Conic print, 'Blocked Bins - Interpolate for APID-CE' ss = size(mvn_ce_dat) if ss[2] eq 8 then $ mvn_ce_dat.bins_sc = $ mvn_sta_sc_bins_histt(map,time,mvn_ce_dat,phi_sc,theta_sc,$ xx,yy,perc_block=perc_block,$ test_plot2=test_plot2) ;;--------------------------- ;; CF - 4Dx16A 4s Conic print, 'Blocked Bins - Interpolate for APID-CF' ss = size(mvn_cf_dat) if ss[2] eq 8 then $ mvn_cf_dat.bins_sc = $ mvn_sta_sc_bins_histt(map,time,mvn_cf_dat,phi_sc,theta_sc,$ xx,yy,perc_block=perc_block,$ test_plot2=test_plot2) ;;--------------------------- ;; D0 - 4Dx16A 128s Pickup print, 'Blocked Bins - Interpolate for APID-D0' ss = size(mvn_d0_dat) if ss[2] eq 8 then $ mvn_d0_dat.bins_sc = $ mvn_sta_sc_bins_histt(map,time,mvn_d0_dat,phi_sc,theta_sc,$ xx,yy,perc_block=perc_block,$ test_plot2=test_plot2) ;;--------------------------- ;; D1 - 4Dx16A 16s Pickup print, 'Blocked Bins - Interpolate for APID-D1' ss = size(mvn_d1_dat) if ss[2] eq 8 then $ mvn_d1_dat.bins_sc = $ mvn_sta_sc_bins_histt(map,time,mvn_d1_dat,phi_sc,theta_sc,$ xx,yy,perc_block=perc_block,$ test_plot2=test_plot2) ;;--------------------------- ;; D4 - 4Dx16A 4s Pickup print, 'Blocked Bins - Interpolate for APID-D4' ss = size(mvn_d4_dat) if ss[2] eq 8 then $ mvn_d4_dat.bins_sc = $ mvn_sta_sc_bins_histt(map,time,mvn_d4_dat,phi_sc,theta_sc,$ xx,yy,perc_block=perc_block,$ test_plot2=test_plot2) END