;+ ;PROCEDURE: mvn_mars_terminator ;PURPOSE: ; Given a time, uses SPICE to determine the location of the ; terminator and the subsolar point in IAU_MARS coordinates. ; The terminator is calculated with 1-deg resolution (360 points). ; The result is returned via keyword. ; ; It is assumed that you have already initialized SPICE. (See ; mvn_swe_spice_init for an example.) ; ;USAGE: ; mvn_mars_terminator, time, result=dat ; ;INPUTS: ; time: Time for calculating the terminator ; ;KEYWORDS: ; RESULT: Structure containing the result: ; ; time : unix time for used for calculation ; t_lon : terminator longitude (deg) ; t_lat : terminator latitude (deg) ; s_lon : sub-solar point longitude (deg) ; s_lat : sub-solar point latitude (deg) ; frame : coordinate frame ("IAU_MARS") ; ; SHADOW: Choose which "shadow" to calculate: ; 0 : optical shadow at surface (default) ; 1 : optical shadow at spacecraft altitude ; 2 : EUV shadow at spacecraft altitude ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2017-03-01 14:56:42 -0800 (Wed, 01 Mar 2017) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 22890 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/maven/maven_orbit_tplot/mvn_mars_terminator.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell ;- pro mvn_mars_terminator, time, result=result, shadow=shadow ; Terminator is the plane defined by X = 0 in the MSO frame if keyword_set(shadow) then begin R_m = 3389.9D if (shadow gt 1) then R_m += 300D get_data,'alt',data=alt dt = min(abs(alt.x - time), i) iref = (i > 3) < (n_elements(alt.x) - 4) indx = lindgen(7) + iref - 3L h = spline(alt.x[indx], alt.y[indx], time, /double) sza = acos(R_m/(R_m + h)) + !dpi/2D x = cos(sza) s = sqrt(1D - x*x) endif else begin x = 0D s = 1D endelse phi = dindgen(361)*!dtor t_mso = dblarr(3,361) t_mso[0,*] = x t_mso[1,*] = s*cos(phi) t_mso[2,*] = s*sin(phi) t = replicate(time_double(time), 361) from_frame = 'MAVEN_MSO' to_frame = 'IAU_MARS' t_geo = spice_vector_rotate(t_mso, t, from_frame, to_frame) t_lon = reform(atan(t_geo[1,*], t_geo[0,*])*!radeg) t_lat = reform(asin(t_geo[2,*])*!radeg) indx = where(t_lon lt 0., count) if (count gt 0L) then begin t_lon[indx] = t_lon[indx] + 360. indx = sort(t_lon) t_lon = t_lon[indx] t_lat = t_lat[indx] endif ; Sun is at MSO coordinates of [X, Y, Z] = [1, 0, 0] s_mso = [1D, 0D, 0D] s_geo = spice_vector_rotate(s_mso, time, from_frame, to_frame) s_lon = atan(s_geo[1], s_geo[0])*!radeg s_lat = asin(s_geo[2])*!radeg if (s_lon lt 0.) then s_lon = s_lon + 360. result = {time:t[0], tlon:t_lon, tlat:t_lat, slon:s_lon, slat:s_lat, frame:to_frame} return end