;+ ; PROCEDURE: ; maven_orbit_movie ; PURPOSE: ; 3D visualization of MAVEN orbit using IDL 8 new graphics ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; timespan,'2015-01-01' ; maven_orbit_movie, dim=[640,480], rate=3600 ; OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: ; TRANGE: time range (if not present then timerange() is called) ; DIMENSIONS: [width,height] (Def: half of the screen size) ; MOVIENAME: name of the output movie file (Def: 'maven_orbit.mp4') ; RATE: speed of the movie (Def: 4*3600 = 4 hr/sec) ; FPS: frames per sec of the movie (Def: 20) ; ZOOMSCALE: zoom in/out scale (Def: 1.5) ; FONT_SIZE: font size of the time stamp (Def: 24) ; BOXSIZE: minmax of the 3D box in km (Def: [-3.,3.]*R_M) ; BCMODEL: specifies crustal field model (Def: 'morschhauser') ; SNAP: if set, generate a snapshot instead of a movie ; TSNAP: time of the snapshot (Def: start time of timerange()) ; FIGNAME: name of the snapshot file (Def: 'maven_orbit.png') ; most file formats are acceptable ; (http://www.exelisvis.com/docs/save_method.html) ; CLOSEWIN: close the graphic window when finished ; CREATED BY: ; Yuki Harada on 2015-11-04 ; ; $LastChangedBy: haraday $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2021-10-17 22:40:06 -0700 (Sun, 17 Oct 2021) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 30373 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/maven/maven_orbit_tplot/maven_orbit_movie.pro $ ;- function maven_orbit_movie_altidx, rmso ;- returns nominal region index[N] of rmso[N,3] in km R_M = 3389.9 x = rmso[*,0]/R_M & y = rmso[*,1]/R_M & z = rmso[*,2]/R_M r = (x^2+y^2+z^2)^.5 & s = (y^2+z^2)^.5 idx = replicate(0,n_elements(x)) ;- 0: SW x0 = 0.600 & ecc = 1.026 & L = 2.081 phm = 160.*!dtor phi = atan(s,(x - x0)) rho_s = sqrt((x - x0)^2. + s*s) shock = L/(1. + ecc*cos(phi < phm)) w = where( rho_s lt shock , nw ) if nw gt 0 then idx[w] = 1 ;- 1: sheath x0 = 0.640 & ecc = 0.770 & L = 1.080 phi = atan(s,(x - x0)) rho_p = sqrt((x - x0)^2. + s*s) mpb = L/(1. + ecc*cos(phi)) w = where( x gt 0 and rho_p lt mpb , nw ) if nw gt 0 then idx[w] = 2 ;- 2: MPR x0 = 1.600 & ecc = 1.009 & L = 0.528 phi = atan(s,(x - x0)) phm = 160.*!dtor rho_p = sqrt((x - x0)^2. + s*s) mpb = L/(1. + ecc*cos(phi < phm)) w = where( x le 0 and rho_p lt mpb , nw ) if nw gt 0 then idx[w] = 2 ;- 2: MPR w = where( x le 0 and s le 1 , nw ) if nw gt 0 then idx[w] = 3 ;- 3: wake return,idx end pro maven_orbit_movie, trange=trange, dimensions=dimensions, moviename=moviename, boxsize=boxsize, fps=fps, rate=rate, font_size=font_size, zoomscale=zoomscale, bcmodel=bcmodel, verbose=verbose, snap=snap, tsnap=tsnap, figname=figname, closewin=closewin, irregular=irregular ;- return if IDL version < 8 if float(!version.release) lt 8 then begin dprint,'This routine requires IDL version 8 or later...' return endif ;- set parameters R_M = 3389.9 tr = timerange(trange) if ~keyword_set(dimensions) then dimensions = get_screen_size()/2. if ~keyword_set(rate) then rate = 4.*3600. ;- 4 hr/sec if ~keyword_set(boxsize) then boxsize = [-3.,3.]*R_M if ~keyword_set(moviename) then moviename = 'maven_orbit.mp4' if ~keyword_set(fps) then fps = 20. if ~keyword_set(font_size) then font_size = 24 if ~keyword_set(zoomscale) then zoomscale = 1.5 if ~keyword_set(bcmodel) then bcmodel = 'morschhauser' if ~keyword_set(tsnap) then tsnap = tr[0] else tsnap = time_double(tsnap) if ~keyword_set(figname) then figname = 'maven_orbit.png' if size(irregular,/type) eq 0 then irregular = 0 ;- passed on to surface() ;- load spice if not loaded (trange is not checked) if total(strlen(spice_test('*mvn*'))) eq 0 then mvn_spice_load, trange=trange, verbose=verbose ;- read in crustal field data fbc = mvn_pfp_file_retrieve('maven/data/mod/bcrust/alt/' $ +bcmodel+'_400km_360x180_pc.sav', verbose=verbose) if total(strlen(fbc)) gt 0 then begin restore,fbc br = model.br brlon = model.lon brlat = model.lat endif else begin brlon = findgen(360)+.5 brlat = findgen(180)-89.5 endelse xbr = R_M * rebin(cos(brlon*!dtor),360,180) $ *transpose(rebin(cos(brlat*!dtor),180,360)) ybr = R_M * rebin(sin(brlon*!dtor),360,180) $ *transpose(rebin(cos(brlat*!dtor),180,360)) zbr = R_M * transpose(rebin(sin(brlat*!dtor),180,360)) ;- set up a video stream dtorb = double(rate)/double(fps) nstep = long((tr[1] - tr[0])/dtorb) + 1 if ~keyword_set(snap) then begin ovid = idlffvideowrite(moviename) vidst = ovid.addvideostream(dimensions[0],dimensions[1],fps) endif else nstep = 1 for irot=0,nstep-1 do begin ;- movie loop start tnow = tr[0] + irot*dtorb if keyword_set(snap) then tnow = tsnap dprint,verbose=verbose,irot,' /',nstep,' : ',time_string(tnow) ;- set up graphic window if size(gr_win,/type) ne 0 then gr_win.erase else gr_win = window(dimensions=dimensions) gr_win.refresh,/disable gr_win.background_color='black' ;- set up a 3d box gr_box = plot3d(/nodata,/overplot,[0],[0],[0], $ aspect_r=1,aspect_z=1, $ xrange=boxsize,yrange=boxsize,zrange=boxsize, $ axis_style=0,/perspective) ;- add MSO axes gr_xax = plot3d(/data,/overplot,[0,max(boxsize)],[0,0],[0,0], $ color='blue',thick=2) gr_yax = plot3d(/data,/overplot,[0,0],[0,max(boxsize)],[0,0], $ color='green',thick=2) gr_zax = plot3d(/data,/overplot,[0,0],[0,0],[0,max(boxsize)], $ color='red',thick=2) ;- add Br/red surface if size(br,/type) ne 0 then begin ;- rotate into MSO (cf. quaternion_rotation.pro) q = spice_body_att('IAU_MARS','MAVEN_MSO',tnow, $ ;- using center time /quaternion,verbose=verbose) t2 = q[0]*q[1] t3 = q[0]*q[2] t4 = q[0]*q[3] t5 = -q[1]*q[1] t6 = q[1]*q[2] t7 = q[1]*q[3] t8 = -q[2]*q[2] t9 = q[2]*q[3] t10 = -q[3]*q[3] xbr2 = 2*( (t8 + t10)*xbr + (t6 - t4)*ybr + (t3 + t7)*zbr ) + xbr ybr2 = 2*( (t4 + t6)*xbr + (t5 + t10)*ybr + (t9 - t2)*zbr ) + ybr zbr2 = 2*( (t7 - t3)*xbr + (t2 + t9)*ybr + (t5 + t8)*zbr ) + zbr brcol = bytescale(br,bottom=255,top=0,range=[-100,100]) gr_br = surface(/overplot,/texture_interp, $ zbr2,xbr2,ybr2,texture_image=brcol,rgb_table=70,irregular=irregular) for ilat=-60,60,30 do begin ;- lat grids xlat = R_M*cos(findgen(101)/50.*!pi)*cos(ilat*!dtor) ylat = R_M*sin(findgen(101)/50.*!pi)*cos(ilat*!dtor) zlat = R_M*replicate(1.,101)*sin(ilat*!dtor) xlat2 = 2*( (t8 + t10)*xlat + (t6 - t4)*ylat + (t3 + t7)*zlat ) +xlat ylat2 = 2*( (t4 + t6)*xlat + (t5 + t10)*ylat + (t9 - t2)*zlat ) +ylat zlat2 = 2*( (t7 - t3)*xlat + (t2 + t9)*ylat + (t5 + t8)*zlat ) +zlat gr_lat = plot3d(/overplot,linestyle=1,xlat2,ylat2,zlat2) endfor for ilon=0,330,30 do begin $ ;- lon grids xlon = R_M*cos(ilon*!dtor)*cos((findgen(51)/50.-.5)*!pi) ylon = R_M*sin(ilon*!dtor)*cos((findgen(51)/50.-.5)*!pi) zlon = R_M*sin((findgen(51)/50.-.5)*!pi) xlon2 = 2*( (t8 + t10)*xlon + (t6 - t4)*ylon + (t3 + t7)*zlon ) +xlon ylon2 = 2*( (t4 + t6)*xlon + (t5 + t10)*ylon + (t9 - t2)*zlon ) +ylon zlon2 = 2*( (t7 - t3)*xlon + (t2 + t9)*ylon + (t5 + t8)*zlon ) +zlon gr_lon = plot3d(/overplot,linestyle=1,xlon2,ylon2,zlon2) endfor endif else gr_br = surface(/overplot,zbr,xbr,ybr,color='red',irregular=irregular) ;- plot MAVEN orbit torb = tnow - dindgen(60*4.5) * 60.d rmso = transpose(spice_body_pos('MAVEN','Mars',utc=torb,frame='MAVEN_MSO')) altidx = maven_orbit_movie_altidx(rmso) colorb = replicate(1b,3,n_elements(altidx)) colgray = rebin(!color.gray,3,n_elements(altidx)) colgreen = rebin(!color.green,3,n_elements(altidx)) colyellow = rebin(!color.yellow,3,n_elements(altidx)) colblue = rebin(!color.blue,3,n_elements(altidx)) w = where( altidx eq 0 , nw ) ;- SW if nw gt 0 then colorb[*,w] = colgray[*,w] w = where( altidx eq 1 , nw ) ;- sheath if nw gt 0 then colorb[*,w] = colgreen[*,w] w = where( altidx eq 2 , nw ) ;- MPR if nw gt 0 then colorb[*,w] = colyellow[*,w] w = where( altidx eq 3 , nw ) ;- wake if nw gt 0 then colorb[*,w] = colblue[*,w] gr_orb = plot3d(/overplot,rmso[*,0],rmso[*,1],rmso[*,2], $ thick=3,vert_colors=colorb) ;- add MAVEN_SPACECRAFT axes xsc = spice_vector_rotate([1.,0.,0.],tnow,'MAVEN_SPACECRAFT','MAVEN_MSO',check='MAVEN_SPACECRAFT',verbose=-1) ysc = spice_vector_rotate([0.,1.,0.],tnow,'MAVEN_SPACECRAFT','MAVEN_MSO',check='MAVEN_SPACECRAFT',verbose=-1) zsc = spice_vector_rotate([0.,0.,1.],tnow,'MAVEN_SPACECRAFT','MAVEN_MSO',check='MAVEN_SPACECRAFT',verbose=-1) gr_xsc = plot3d([rmso[0,0],rmso[0,0]+xsc[0]*max(boxsize)*.1], $ [rmso[0,1],rmso[0,1]+xsc[1]*max(boxsize)*.1], $ [rmso[0,2],rmso[0,2]+xsc[2]*max(boxsize)*.1], $ /data,/overplot,color='blue',thick=3) gr_ysc = plot3d([rmso[0,0],rmso[0,0]+ysc[0]*max(boxsize)*.1], $ [rmso[0,1],rmso[0,1]+ysc[1]*max(boxsize)*.1], $ [rmso[0,2],rmso[0,2]+ysc[2]*max(boxsize)*.1], $ /data,/overplot,color='green',thick=3) gr_zsc = plot3d([rmso[0,0],rmso[0,0]+zsc[0]*max(boxsize)*.1], $ [rmso[0,1],rmso[0,1]+zsc[1]*max(boxsize)*.1], $ [rmso[0,2],rmso[0,2]+zsc[2]*max(boxsize)*.1], $ /data,/overplot,color='red',thick=3) ;- add eclipse layer phec = findgen(101)/50. * !pi xec = rebin(-max(abs(boxsize)) * findgen(101)/100 ,101,101) yec = transpose(rebin(cos(phec),101,101)) * R_M zec = transpose(rebin(sin(phec),101,101)) * R_M gr_ec = surface(/overplot,zec,xec,yec,transparency=50,color='blue',irregular=irregular) ;- add MPB layer x0 = 0.640 & ecc = 0.770 & L = 1.080 ;- mpb, x > 0 thmpb = findgen(101)/100. * !pi rmpb = L/(1.+ecc*cos(thmpb)) xmpb = rmpb*cos(thmpb) + x0 rhompb = rmpb*sin(thmpb) w = where( xmpb gt 0 ,nw) xmpb0 = xmpb[w] rhompb0 = rhompb[w] x0 = 1.600 & ecc = 1.009 & L = 0.528 ;- mpb, x < 0 thmpb = findgen(101)/100. * !pi rmpb = L/(1.+ecc*cos(thmpb)) xmpb = rmpb*cos(thmpb) + x0 rhompb = rmpb*sin(thmpb) w = where( xmpb lt 0 ,nw) xmpb1 = xmpb[w] rhompb1 = rhompb[w] xmpb = [xmpb0,xmpb1] rhompb = [rhompb0,rhompb1] phmpb = findgen(101)/50. * !pi nx = n_elements(xmpb) xmpb1 = rebin(xmpb,nx,101) * R_M ympb1 = rebin(rhompb,nx,101) * transpose(rebin(cos(phmpb),101,nx)) * R_M zmpb1 = rebin(rhompb,nx,101) * transpose(rebin(sin(phmpb),101,nx)) * R_M for iph=0,75,25 do $ gr_line = plot3d(/data,/overplot,xmpb1[*,iph],ympb1[*,iph],zmpb1[*,iph],color='yellow',transparency=50,thick=2) gr_mpb = surface(/overplot,zmpb1,xmpb1,ympb1,color='yellow',transparency=70,irregular=irregular) ;- add bow shock layer x0 = 0.600 & ecc = 1.026 & L = 2.081 thbs = findgen(101)/100. * !pi rbs = L/(1.+ecc*cos(thbs)) xbs = rbs*cos(thbs) + x0 rhobs = rbs*sin(thbs) phbs = findgen(101)/50. * !pi nx = n_elements(xbs) xbs1 = rebin(xbs,nx,101) * R_M ybs1 = rebin(rhobs,nx,101) * transpose(rebin(cos(phbs),101,nx)) * R_M zbs1 = rebin(rhobs,nx,101) * transpose(rebin(sin(phbs),101,nx)) * R_M for iph=0,75,25 do $ gr_line = plot3d(/data,/overplot,xbs1[*,iph],ybs1[*,iph],zbs1[*,iph], $ color='green',transparency=50,thick=2) gr_bs = surface(/overplot,zbs1,xbs1,ybs1,transparency=70,color='green',irregular=irregular) ;- tail perspective gr_box.rotate,/reset gr_box.rotate,-100,/xaxis gr_box.rotate,100,/zaxis gr_box.scale,/reset gr_box.scale,zoomscale,zoomscale,zoomscale gr_win.refresh im_tail = gr_box.copywindow() ;- copy image gr_win.refresh,/disable ;- dusk perspective gr_box.rotate,/reset gr_box.rotate,-70,/xaxis gr_box.rotate,-135,/zaxis gr_box.scale,/reset gr_box.scale,zoomscale,zoomscale,zoomscale gr_win.refresh im_dusk = gr_box.copywindow() ;- copy image gr_win.refresh,/disable ;- dawn pserspective gr_box.rotate,/reset gr_box.rotate,-100,/xaxis gr_box.rotate,-45,/zaxis gr_box.scale,/reset gr_box.scale,zoomscale,zoomscale,zoomscale gr_box.translate,/reset gr_box.translate,-0.2,0,0,/normal gr_im = image(im_tail,/current,position=[.5,.5,1,1],clip=0) ;- insert image gr_im = image(im_dusk,/current,position=[.5,0,1,.5],clip=0) ;- insert image ;- add time stamp gr_tx = text(/norm,.05,.9,/onglass,font_size=font_size,time_string(tnow),color='white') ;- add a frame to the video stream / create a snapshot file gr_win.refresh if ~keyword_set(snap) then tmp = ovid.put(vidst,gr_box.copywindow()) $ else gr_win.save,figname,width=dimensions[0],height=dimensions[1] endfor ;- movie loop end if ~keyword_set(snap) then ovid = 0 ;- close the movie file if keyword_set(closewin) then gr_win.close end