;+ ;PROCEDURE: maven_orbit_makeeph ;PURPOSE: ; Generates MAVEN spacecraft state vectors using the SPICE Icy toolkit. ; The result is returned in a structure with the following tags: ; ; T Time (UTC): number of seconds since 1970-01-01 ; X X position coordinate (km) ; Y Y position coordinate (km) ; Z Z position coordinate (km) ; VX X velocity component (km/s) ; VY Y velocity component (km/s) ; VZ Z velocity component (km/s) ; ;USAGE: ; maven_orbit_makeeph, frame=frame, origin=origin, eph=eph ;INPUTS: ; ;KEYWORDS: ; TSTEP: Time step (seconds). Default = 60. ; ; EPH: Named variable to hold the ephemeris structure. ; ; FRAME: Coordinate frame. Type mvn_frame_name(/list) for a full list. ; ; ORIGIN: Origin of coordinate frame. Can be "Mars", "Phobos", or ; "Deimos". Default = "Mars". ; ; TSTART: Start time for output save file ephemeris. ; ; TSTOP: Stop time for output save file ephemeris. ; ; MVN_SPK: Include the specified spacecraft kernel(s) in the loadlist. ; Full path and filename is required. Used for the long-range ; predict kernels, such as the design reference mission (DRM). ; ; UNLOAD: Unload all kernels (cspice_kclear) after completion. ; ; RESET: Unload all kernels (cspice_kclear) and start fresh. ; ; STAT: Return statistics of ephemeris coverage. (Useful to determine ; the boundary between reconstructions and predictions.) ; ; OBJECT: By default, this routine uses the name 'MAVEN' (id = -202) for ; the spacecraft, which is the definition used by NAIF. It is ; possible for an ephemeris to use a non-standard object name/id. ; Use this keyword to override the default and specify the non- ; standard name or id. Example: OBJECT='-200000'. ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-07-05 13:14:34 -0700 (Thu, 05 Jul 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 25439 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/maven/maven_orbit_tplot/maven_orbit_makeeph.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell 2014-10-13 ;- pro maven_orbit_makeeph, tstep=tstep, eph=eph, frame=frame, tstart=tstart, tstop=tstop, $ unload=unload, reset=reset, stat=stat, origin=origin, $ mvn_spk=mvn_spk, nomerge=nomerge, object=object common mvn_orbit_makeeph, kernels, tstart1, tstop1 ; Initialize SPICE and load kernels (if needed) if keyword_set(reset) then begin cspice_kclear kernels = 0 tstart1 = 0 tstop1 = 0 endif if keyword_set(nomerge) then domerge = 0 else domerge = 1 if (size(kernels,/type) ne 7) then begin moi = time_double('2014-09-22/02:24:00') now = systime(/sec,/utc) oneday = 86400D twoweeks = 14D*oneday trange = [(moi - oneday), (now + twoweeks)] if (size(mvn_spk,/type) eq 7) then begin finfo = file_info(mvn_spk) indx = where(~finfo.exists, nbad) for i=0,(nbad-1) do print,"Kernel not found: ",mvn_spk[indx[i]] if (nbad gt 0L) then return kernels = mvn_spice_kernels(['STD','SCK','FRM'], trange=trange, /valid, verbose=-1) kernels = [kernels, mvn_spk] if (domerge) then begin spk = mvn_spice_kernels(['SPK'], trange=trange, /valid, verbose=-1) indx = where(file_basename(spk) ne 'maven_orb.bsp') spk = spk[indx] ; don't include the short-range predicts kernels = [kernels, spk] endif endif else begin kernels = mvn_spice_kernels(['STD','SCK','FRM','SPK'], trange=trange, /valid, verbose=-1) endelse indx = where(kernels ne '', count) if (count gt 0) then kernels = kernels[indx] else return indx = uniq(kernels) kernels = kernels[indx] ; only one version of each kernel cspice_furnsh, kernels print," " print,"Kernels in use:" for i=0,(n_elements(kernels)-1) do print,file_basename(kernels[i]),format="(3x,a)" print," " endif if not keyword_set(tstep) then tstep = 60D else tstep = double(tstep) msg = strcompress("Time step: " + string(round(tstep),format='(i)') + " sec") print,msg print," " if not keyword_set(frame) then begin print,'You must specify a reference frame.' return endif frame = mvn_frame_name(frame[0], success=ok) if (not ok[0]) then return if (size(origin,/type) ne 7) then origin = 'Mars' origin = mvn_frame_name(origin) case strupcase(origin) of 'IAU_MARS' : center = 'Mars' 'IAU_PHOBOS' : center = 'Phobos' 'IAU_DEIMOS' : center = 'Deimos' else : begin print,'Unrecognized origin: ',origin print,'Choices are: Mars, Phobos, Deimos.' return end endcase print,"Reference frame: ",frame print,"Reference origin: ",center print," " ; Get the time range spanned by the spacecraft SPK kernels maxiv = 1000 winsiz = 2 * maxiv timlen = 51 maxobj = 1000 cover = cspice_celld(winsiz) ids = cspice_celli(maxobj) indx = where(stregex(kernels,'trj_',/boolean) or stregex(kernels,'maven_orb',/boolean), nspk) if (nspk eq 0) then begin print,"No SPK kernels!" return endif maven_spk = kernels[indx] stat = replicate({name:'', trange:[0D,0D]}, nspk) estart = [0D] estop = [0D] for k=0,(nspk-1) do begin cspice_spkobj, maven_spk[k], ids stat[k].name = file_basename(maven_spk[k]) tsp = [0D] for i=0, cspice_card(ids) - 1 do begin obj = ids.base[ids.data + i] cspice_scard, 0L, cover cspice_spkcov, maven_spk[k], obj, cover cspice_bodc2n, obj, name, found if (~found) then name = 'UNKNOWN' print,"Object : ",obj," ",name niv = cspice_wncard(cover) for j=0, niv-1 do begin cspice_wnfetd, cover, j, b, e cspice_timout, [b,e], "YYYY-MM-DD/HR:MN:SC.###", timlen, timstr tr = time_double(timstr[0:1]) estart = [estart, tr[0]] estop = [estop, tr[1]] print,i,j,timstr[0:1],format='(i3,2x,i3,2x,a23,3x,a23)' tsp = [tsp, tr] endfor endfor stat[k].trange = minmax(tsp[1:*]) endfor estart = min(time_double(estart[1L:*])) estop = max(time_double(estop[1L:*])) print, "Spacecraft SPK start time: ", time_string(estart) print, "Spacecraft SPK stop time: ", time_string(estop) print, "Number of intervals: ",niv,format='(a,i)' ; Get time range for generating ephemeris if not keyword_set(tstart) then begin if not keyword_set(tstart1) then tstart = moi - oneday $ else tstart = tstart1 endif tstart = time_double(tstart) > estart if not keyword_set(tstop) then begin if not keyword_set(tstop1) then tstop = estop $ else tstop = tstop1 endif tstop = time_double(tstop) < estop trange = [tstart,tstop] tstart1 = tstart tstop1 = tstop ; Define ephemeris structure npts = floor((tstop - tstart)/tstep) + 1L eph = {t : 0D , $ x : 0D , $ y : 0D , $ z : 0D , $ vx : 0D , $ vy : 0D , $ vz : 0D } eph = replicate(eph,npts) eph.t = tstart + tstep*dindgen(npts) timestr = time_string(eph.t,prec=3) ; Convert UTC to ET (TDB seconds past J2000) cspice_str2et, timestr, et ; Generate the ephemeris centered on Mars (or Phobos or Deimos) without ; aberration correction if (size(object,/type) eq 0) then object = 'MAVEN' cspice_spkezr, object, et, frame, 'NONE', center, state, ltime ; Package the result eph.x = reform(state[0,*]) eph.y = reform(state[1,*]) eph.z = reform(state[2,*]) eph.vx = reform(state[3,*]) eph.vy = reform(state[4,*]) eph.vz = reform(state[5,*]) ; Clean up if keyword_set(unload) then cspice_kclear return end