;+ ; PROCEDURE: ; kgy_read_fov ; PURPOSE: ; reads in Kaguya MAP/PACE FOV files ; and stores data in a common block (kgy_pace_com) ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; kgy_raed_fov, files ; INPUTS: ; files: full paths to the FOV files (gziped or decompressed) ; e.g., ['dir/esas1-ch_angle', $ ; 'dir/esas1-pol_angle-RAM0', ...] ; KEYWORDS: ; load: if set, download and read in publicly available files ; (override any inputs) ; CREATED BY: ; Yuki Harada on 2014-07-01 ; ; $LastChangedBy: haraday $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-07-05 01:00:43 -0700 (Thu, 05 Jul 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 25438 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/kaguya/map/pace/kgy_read_fov.pro $ ;- pro kgy_read_fov, files, load=load, verbose=verbose, _extra=_ex @kgy_pace_com if keyword_set(load) then begin files = '' if ~tag_exist(_ex,'no_server') then str_element,_ex,'no_server',0,/add ; s = kgy_file_source(remote_data_dir='http://research.ssl.berkeley.edu/~haraday/data/kaguya/',last_version=0, _extra=_ex) s = kgy_file_source(remote_data_dir='http://step0ku.kugi.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~haraday/data/kaguya/',last_version=0, _extra=_ex) pfs = 'public/FOV_ANGLE_070726/'+ $ [ $ 'ESAS1/esas1-ch_angle', $ 'ESAS1/esas1-pol_angle-RAM0', $ 'ESAS1/esas1-pol_angle-RAM1', $ 'ESAS1/esas1-pol_angle-RAM2', $ 'ESAS1/esas1-pol_angle-RAM3', $ 'ESAS1/esas1-pol_angle-RAM4', $ 'ESAS1/esas1-pol_angle-RAM5', $ 'ESAS1/esas1-pol_angle-RAM6', $ 'ESAS1/esas1-pol_angle-RAM7', $ 'ESAS2/esas2-ch_angle', $ 'ESAS2/esas2-pol_angle-RAM0', $ 'ESAS2/esas2-pol_angle-RAM1', $ 'ESAS2/esas2-pol_angle-RAM2', $ 'ESAS2/esas2-pol_angle-RAM3', $ 'ESAS2/esas2-pol_angle-RAM4', $ 'ESAS2/esas2-pol_angle-RAM5', $ 'ESAS2/esas2-pol_angle-RAM6', $ 'ESAS2/esas2-pol_angle-RAM7', $ 'IEA/iea-ch_angle', $ 'IEA/iea-pol_angle-RAM0', $ 'IEA/iea-pol_angle-RAM1', $ 'IEA/iea-pol_angle-RAM2', $ 'IEA/iea-pol_angle-RAM3', $ 'IMA/ima-ch_angle', $ 'IMA/ima-pol_angle-RAM0', $ 'IMA/ima-pol_angle-RAM1', $ 'IMA/ima-pol_angle-RAM2', $ 'IMA/ima-pol_angle-RAM3' $ ] for ipf=0,n_elements(pfs)-1 do begin ; f = file_retrieve(pfs[ipf],_extra=s) ; if total(strlen(f)) then files = [files,f] f = spd_download(remote_file=pfs[ipf],_extra=s) if total(file_test(f)) then files = [files,f] endfor w = where(strlen(files) gt 0 , nw) if nw eq 0 then return files = files[w] endif for i_file=0,n_elements(files)-1 do begin fname = files[i_file] ;- file info check finfo = file_info(fname) if finfo.exists eq 0 then begin dprint,dlevel=0,verbose=verbose,'FILE DOES NOT EXIST: '+fname+' --> skipped' CONTINUE endif else dprint,dlevel=0,verbose=verbose,'open file: '+fname if strmatch(fname,'*esas1*') eq 1 then fsensor = 0 if strmatch(fname,'*esas2*') eq 1 then fsensor = 1 if strmatch(fname,'*ima*') eq 1 then fsensor = 2 if strmatch(fname,'*iea*') eq 1 then fsensor = 3 if strmatch(fname,'*ch_angle*') eq 1 then chpol = 'ch' if strmatch(fname,'*pol_angle*') eq 1 then chpol = 'pol' if strmatch(fname,'*RAM0*') eq 1 then ram = 0 if strmatch(fname,'*RAM1*') eq 1 then ram = 1 if strmatch(fname,'*RAM2*') eq 1 then ram = 2 if strmatch(fname,'*RAM3*') eq 1 then ram = 3 if strmatch(fname,'*RAM4*') eq 1 then ram = 4 if strmatch(fname,'*RAM5*') eq 1 then ram = 5 if strmatch(fname,'*RAM6*') eq 1 then ram = 6 if strmatch(fname,'*RAM7*') eq 1 then ram = 7 if strmatch(fname,'*.gz') eq 1 then compress = 1 else compress = 0 case fsensor of 0: begin ;- ESA-S1 if size(esa1_fov_str,/tname) ne 'STRUCT' then $ ;- initialize str esa1_fov_str $ = {az64:fltarr(64), $ ;- deg. az16:fltarr(16), $ ;- deg. ene:fltarr(8,32), $ ;- keV pol16:dblarr(8,32,16), $ ;- deg. pol4:intarr(8,32,4) } ;- deg. case chpol of 'ch': begin xread3 = dblarr(3) & xread2 = dblarr(2) & line_dum='' & i_az = 0 openr,1,fname,compress=compress readf,1,line_dum ;- read header while not EOF(1) do begin readf,1,line_dum reads,line_dum,xread2 i_az = fix(xread2[0]) if i_az lt 16 then begin reads,line_dum,xread3 esa1_fov_str.az64[i_az] = xread3[1] esa1_fov_str.az16[i_az] = xread3[2] endif else begin reads,line_dum,xread2 esa1_fov_str.az64[i_az] = xread2[1] endelse endwhile close,1 free_lun,1 end 'pol': begin xread5 = dblarr(5) & xread4 = dblarr(4) & line_dum='' & i_pol = 0 openr,1,fname,compress=compress readf,1,line_dum ;- read header while not EOF(1) do begin readf,1,line_dum reads,line_dum,xread4 i_ene = fix(xread4[0]) i_pol = fix(xread4[1]) if i_pol lt 4 then begin reads,line_dum,xread5 esa1_fov_str.ene[ram,i_ene] = xread5[2] esa1_fov_str.pol16[ram,i_ene,i_pol] = xread5[3] esa1_fov_str.pol4[ram,i_ene,i_pol] = xread5[4] endif else begin reads,line_dum,xread4 esa1_fov_str.ene[ram,i_ene] = xread4[2] esa1_fov_str.pol16[ram,i_ene,i_pol] = xread4[3] endelse endwhile close,1 free_lun,1 end endcase end 1: begin ;- ESA-S2 if size(esa2_fov_str,/tname) ne 'STRUCT' then $ ;- initialize str esa2_fov_str $ = {az64:fltarr(64), $ ;- deg. az16:fltarr(16), $ ;- deg. ene:fltarr(8,32), $ ;- keV pol16:dblarr(8,32,16), $ ;- deg. pol4:intarr(8,32,4) } ;- deg. case chpol of 'ch': begin xread3 = dblarr(3) & xread2 = dblarr(2) & line_dum='' & i_az = 0 openr,1,fname,compress=compress readf,1,line_dum ;- read header while not EOF(1) do begin readf,1,line_dum reads,line_dum,xread2 i_az = fix(xread2[0]) if i_az lt 16 then begin reads,line_dum,xread3 esa2_fov_str.az64[i_az] = xread3[1] esa2_fov_str.az16[i_az] = xread3[2] endif else begin reads,line_dum,xread2 esa2_fov_str.az64[i_az] = xread2[1] endelse endwhile close,1 free_lun,1 end 'pol': begin xread5 = dblarr(5) & xread4 = dblarr(4) & line_dum='' & i_pol = 0 openr,1,fname,compress=compress readf,1,line_dum ;- read header while not EOF(1) do begin readf,1,line_dum reads,line_dum,xread4 i_ene = fix(xread4[0]) i_pol = fix(xread4[1]) if i_pol lt 4 then begin reads,line_dum,xread5 esa2_fov_str.ene[ram,i_ene] = xread5[2] esa2_fov_str.pol16[ram,i_ene,i_pol] = xread5[3] esa2_fov_str.pol4[ram,i_ene,i_pol] = xread5[4] endif else begin reads,line_dum,xread4 esa2_fov_str.ene[ram,i_ene] = xread4[2] esa2_fov_str.pol16[ram,i_ene,i_pol] = xread4[3] endelse endwhile close,1 free_lun,1 end endcase end 2: begin ;- IMA if size(ima_fov_str,/tname) ne 'STRUCT' then $ ;- initialize str ima_fov_str $ = {az64:fltarr(64), $ ;- deg. az16:fltarr(16), $ ;- deg. ene:fltarr(4,32), $ ;- keV pol16:dblarr(4,32,16), $ ;- deg. pol4:intarr(4,32,4) } ;- deg. case chpol of 'ch': begin xread3 = dblarr(3) & xread2 = dblarr(2) & line_dum='' & i_az = 0 openr,1,fname,compress=compress readf,1,line_dum ;- read header while not EOF(1) do begin readf,1,line_dum reads,line_dum,xread2 i_az = fix(xread2[0]) if i_az lt 16 then begin reads,line_dum,xread3 ima_fov_str.az64[i_az] = xread3[1] ima_fov_str.az16[i_az] = xread3[2] endif else begin reads,line_dum,xread2 ima_fov_str.az64[i_az] = xread2[1] endelse endwhile close,1 free_lun,1 end 'pol': begin xread5 = dblarr(5) & xread4 = dblarr(4) & line_dum='' & i_pol = 0 openr,1,fname,compress=compress readf,1,line_dum ;- read header while not EOF(1) do begin readf,1,line_dum reads,line_dum,xread4 i_ene = fix(xread4[0]) i_pol = fix(xread4[1]) if i_pol lt 4 then begin reads,line_dum,xread5 ima_fov_str.ene[ram,i_ene] = xread5[2] ima_fov_str.pol16[ram,i_ene,i_pol] = xread5[3] ima_fov_str.pol4[ram,i_ene,i_pol] = xread5[4] endif else begin reads,line_dum,xread4 ima_fov_str.ene[ram,i_ene] = xread4[2] ima_fov_str.pol16[ram,i_ene,i_pol] = xread4[3] endelse endwhile close,1 free_lun,1 end endcase end 3: begin ;- IEA if size(iea_fov_str,/tname) ne 'STRUCT' then $ ;- initialize str iea_fov_str $ = {az64:fltarr(64), $ ;- deg. az16:fltarr(16), $ ;- deg. ene:fltarr(4,32), $ ;- keV pol16:dblarr(4,32,16), $ ;- deg. pol4:intarr(4,32,4) } ;- deg. case chpol of 'ch': begin xread3 = dblarr(3) & xread2 = dblarr(2) & line_dum='' & i_az = 0 openr,1,fname,compress=compress readf,1,line_dum ;- read header while not EOF(1) do begin readf,1,line_dum reads,line_dum,xread2 i_az = fix(xread2[0]) if i_az lt 16 then begin reads,line_dum,xread3 iea_fov_str.az64[i_az] = xread3[1] iea_fov_str.az16[i_az] = xread3[2] endif else begin reads,line_dum,xread2 iea_fov_str.az64[i_az] = xread2[1] endelse endwhile close,1 free_lun,1 end 'pol': begin xread5 = dblarr(5) & xread4 = dblarr(4) & line_dum='' & i_pol = 0 openr,1,fname,compress=compress readf,1,line_dum ;- read header while not EOF(1) do begin readf,1,line_dum reads,line_dum,xread4 i_ene = fix(xread4[0]) i_pol = fix(xread4[1]) if i_pol lt 4 then begin reads,line_dum,xread5 iea_fov_str.ene[ram,i_ene] = xread5[2] iea_fov_str.pol16[ram,i_ene,i_pol] = xread5[3] iea_fov_str.pol4[ram,i_ene,i_pol] = xread5[4] endif else begin reads,line_dum,xread4 iea_fov_str.ene[ram,i_ene] = xread4[2] iea_fov_str.pol16[ram,i_ene,i_pol] = xread4[3] endelse endwhile close,1 free_lun,1 end endcase end endcase endfor ;- i_file loop end