;+ ; Name: ; iug_get_datainfo ; ; PURPOSE: ; Search granule at the IUGONET metadata database. ; ; Example: ; iug_get_datainfo, nlat=60, slat=40, elon=15, wlon=0, $ ; ts='2005-1-1', te='2005-1-2', query='Kyoto', data=data ; ; KEYWORDS: ; nlat: the northernmost latitude (degree) ; slat: the southernmost latitude (degree) ; elon: the easternmost longitude (degree) ; wlon: the westernmost longitude (degree) ; ts: start time of observation ; te: end time of observation ; rpp: number of records per a query ; query: free word to search ; data: information of obtained data files (structure) ; ; Written by Y.-M. Tanaka, Feb. 13, 2010 (ytanaka at nipr.ac.jp) ;- pro iug_get_datainfo, nlat=nlat, slat=slat, elon=elon, wlon=wlon, $ ts=ts, te=te, rpp=rpp, query=query, $ xmldir=xmldir, xmlfile=xmlfile, $ data=data data='' ;----- keyword check -----; if ~keyword_set(rpp) then rpp=300 if ~keyword_set(xmldir) then xmldir=root_data_dir() if ~keyword_set(xmlfile) then xmlfile='tmp.xml' ;----- Make query -----; in_query=iug_makequery_mddb(/granule, query=query, nlat=nlat, slat=slat, $ elon=elon, wlon=wlon, ts=ts, te=te, rpp=rpp) ;----- download xmlfile -----; file_http_copy, xmlfile, serverdir=in_query, localdir=xmldir ;----- Parse XML file -----; ;----- Station name -----; ResID=iug_parsexml_mddb(filename=xmldir+xmlfile, tag='ResourceID') if size(ResID, /dimensions) ne 0 then begin nstn=n_elements(ResID) stname=strarr(nstn) for istn=0, nstn-1 do begin rem_ResID=ResID[istn] for irep=0, 5 do begin pos=strpos(rem_ResID, '/') rem_ResID=strmid(rem_ResID, pos+1, strlen(rem_ResID)-pos-1) endfor pos_end=strpos(rem_ResID, '/') stname[istn]=strmid(rem_ResID, 0, pos_end) endfor ;----- Latitude -----; sc_nlat=iug_parsexml_mddb(filename=xmldir+xmlfile, tag='NorthernmostLatitude') sc_slat=iug_parsexml_mddb(filename=xmldir+xmlfile, tag='SouthernmostLatitude') lat=string((float(sc_nlat)+float(sc_slat))*0.5, format='(f6.2)') ;----- Longitude -----; sc_elon=iug_parsexml_mddb(filename=xmldir+xmlfile, tag='EasternmostLongitude') sc_wlon=iug_parsexml_mddb(filename=xmldir+xmlfile, tag='WesternmostLongitude') lon=string((float(sc_elon)+float(sc_wlon))*0.5, format='(f7.2)') ;----- URL -----; url=iug_parsexml_mddb(filename=xmldir+xmlfile, tag='URL') data = {name:stname, glat:lat, glon:lon, url:url} iug_show_obsinfo, obs=data endif end