;+ ;Procedure: iug_load_iprt_highres, ; iug_load_iprt_highres, datatype = datatype, numbit=numbit, version=version, $ ; trange = trange, verbose = verbose, $ ; downloadonly = downloadonly ;Purpose: ; This procedure allows you to download and plot TOHOKUU_RADIO OBSERVATION data on TDAS. ; This is a sample code for IUGONET analysis software. ; ;Keywords: ; datatype = The type of data to be loaded. In this sample ; procedure, there is only one option, the default value of 'Sun'. ; trange = (Optional) Time range of interest (2 element array), if ; this is not set, the default is to prompt the user. Note ; that if the input time range is not a full day, a full ; day's data is loaded. ; /verbose, if set, then output some useful info ; /downloadonly, if set, then only download the data, do not load it ; into variables. ; ; PROCEDURES USED: ; fits_read, sxpar, fits_open, fits_close, gettok, sxdelpar, sxaddpar, valid_num ; For the use of this procedure, get FITS I/O procedures from ; the IDL Astronomy Library (http://idlastro.gsfc.nasa.gov/fitsio.html). ; You can download these procedures by running get_fitslib. ; ; ;Example: ; timespan,'2010-11-03',1,/hours ; iug_load_iprt ; tplot_names ; zlim,'iprt_sun_L',20,120 ; zlim,'iprt_sun_R',20,120 ; tplot,['iprt_sun_L','iprt_sun_R'] ; ; ;Code: ; Shuji Abe, revised by M. Kagitani ; ;ChangeLog: ; 7-April-2010, abeshu, test release. ; 8-April-2010, abeshu, minor update. ; 27-JUL.-2010, revised for this procedure by M. Kagitani ; 12-NOV.-2010, revised by M. Kagitani ; 25-NOV.-2010, renamed to 'iug_load_iprt.pro' by M. Kagitani ; 22-JAN.-2014, revised by M. Yagi ; 22-NOV.-2017, revised by F. Tsuchiya ; ;Acknowledgment: ; ; ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_2_00/projects/iugonet/load/iug_load_iprt.pro $ ;- ;************************** ;***** Main Procedure ***** ;************************** pro iug_load_iprt_highres, datatype = datatype, numbit = numbit, subtract_bg=subtract_bg, $ version = version, trange = trange, verbose = verbose, $ downloadonly = downloadonly, no_download = no_download ;************************* ;***** Keyword check ***** ;************************* ; verbose if ~keyword_set(verbose) then verbose=0 if ~keyword_set(downloadonly) then downloadonly=0 if ~keyword_set(no_download) then no_download=0 ; dafault data type if ~keyword_set(datatype) then datatype='Sun' ; validate datatype vns=['Sun'];vns=['Sun','Jupiter'] if size(datatype,/type) eq 7 then begin datatype=ssl_check_valid_name(datatype,vns, $ /ignore_case, /include_all);, /no_warning) if datatype[0] eq '' then begin dprint,'IPRT file ',file,' not found. Skipping' ;continue endif endif else begin dprint,'DATATYPE must be of string type.' ; continue endelse ; dafault bit if ~keyword_set(numbit) then begin numbit=8 res=60 endif else begin case numbit of 8: res=60 16: res=60 else: dprint,'The numbit must be 8 or 16.' endcase endelse strbit=string(numbit, format='(i02)') ; dafault version if ~keyword_set(version) then version=1 strver=string(version, format='(i02)') ; subtract_bg if ~keyword_set(subtract_bg) then subtract_bg=0 ; acknowlegment string (use for creating tplot vars) acknowledgstring = '"We would like to present the following two guidelines.' $ + 'The 1st one concerns what we would like you to do when you use the data.' $ + '1. Tell us what you are working on.' $ + 'This is partly because to protect potential Ph.D. thesis projects.' $ + 'Also, if your project coincides with one that team members are working on,' $ + 'that can lead to a fruitful collaboration. The 2nd one concerns what you do '$ + 'when you make any presentations and publications using the data.' $ + '2. Co-authorship:' $ + 'When the data forms an important part of your work, we would like you to '$ + 'offer us co-authorship.' $ + '3. Acknowledgements:' $ + 'All presentations and publications should carry the following sentence:' $ + ' "IPRT(Iitate Planetary Radio Telescope) is a Japanese radio telescope '$ + 'developed and operated by Tohoku University."' $ + '4. Entry to publication list:'$ + 'When your publication is accepted, or when you make a presentation at a '$ + 'conference on your result, please let us know by sending email to PI.'$ + 'Contact person & PI: Dr. Hiroaki Misawa (misawa@pparc.gp.tohoku.ac.jp)' ;************************************************************ ;***** Download files, read data, and create tplot vars ***** ;************************************************************ ;================================= ;=== Loop on downloading files === ;================================= ; make remote path, local path, and download files relpathnames = file_dailynames(file_format='high'+strbit+$ '/YYYY/YYYYMMDD/iprt_amt_l1_high_'+strbit+$ 'bit_YYYYMMDD-hhmm_v'+strver, $ trange=trange, res=res, addmaster=addmaster)+'.fits' ; define file names ;relpathnames = file_dailynames(file_format='/YYYY/YYYYMMDD_IPRT', $ ; trange=trange, addmaster=addmaster)+'.fits' ; define remote and local path information source = file_retrieve(/struct) source.verbose = verbose source.local_data_dir = root_data_dir() + 'iugonet/tohokuU/iit/' ; source.remote_data_dir = 'http://radio.gp.tohoku.ac.jp/db/IPRT-SUN/DATA2/' source.remote_data_dir = 'http://radio.gp.tohoku.ac.jp/db/IPRT-SUN/l1/' print, relpathnames ; download data files = spd_download(remote_file=relpathnames, remote_path=source.remote_data_dir, local_path=source.local_data_dir, _extra=source, no_download=no_download, /last_version) ; if downloadonly set, go to the top of this loop if keyword_set(downloadonly) then return filestest=file_test(files) if total(filestest) ge 1 then begin files=files(where(filestest eq 1)) print, files ;=================================== ;=== Loop on reading IPRT data === ;=================================== xvec_r='' & yvec_r='' xvec_l='' & yvec_l='' for ifile=0, n_elements(files)-1 do begin print, files[ifile] iug_ant_fits2tplot, files[ifile], subtract_bg=subtract_bg get_data, 'iprt_r', data=d, dlim=dlim_r, lim=lim_r append_array, xvec_r, d.x append_array, yvec_r, d.y vvec_r=d.v get_data, 'iprt_l', data=d, dlim=dlim_l, lim=lim_l append_array, xvec_l, d.x append_array, yvec_l, d.y vvec_l=d.v endfor store_data, 'iprt_r', data={x:xvec_r, y:yvec_r, v:vvec_r}, dlim=dlim_r, lim=lim_r store_data, 'iprt_l', data={x:xvec_l, y:yvec_l, v:vvec_l}, dlim=dlim_l, lim=lim_l endif ;****************************** ;print of acknowledgement: ;****************************** print, 'We would like to present the following two guidelines.' print, 'The 1st one concerns what we would like you to do when you use the data.' print, '1. Tell us what you are working on.' print, 'This is partly because to protect potential Ph.D. thesis projects.' print, 'Also, if your project coincides with one that team members are working on,' print, 'that can lead to a fruitful collaboration. The 2nd one concerns what you do ' print, 'when you make any presentations and publications using the data.' print, '2. Co-authorship:' print, 'When the data forms an important part of your work, we would like you to ' print, 'offer us co-authorship.' print, '3. Acknowledgements:' print, 'All presentations and publications should carry the following sentence:' print, ' "IPRT(Iitate Planetary Radio Telescope) is a Japanese radio telescope ' print, 'developed and operated by Tohoku University."' print, '4. Entry to publication list:' print, 'When your publication is accepted, or when you make a presentation at a ' print, 'conference on your result, please let us know by sending email to PI.' print, 'Contact person & PI: Dr. Hiroaki Misawa (misawa@pparc.gp.tohoku.ac.jp)' end