;+ ; PROCEDURE: iug_load_camera_omti_asi ; ; PURPOSE: ; To load the OMTI ASI data from the STEL ERG-SC site ; ; NOTE: This procedure is a simple alias to "erg_load_camera_omti_asi" ; and calls the original one by just providing the same ; arguments/keywords given. ; Some load procedures for the ground-based observational data ; in the ERG mission, named "erg_load_???", can be also called ; by "iug_load_???", because these data are related to the both ; ERG and IUGONET projects. ; For more information, see http://www.iugonet.org/en/ ; and http://gemsissc.stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp/erg/ ; See the rules of the road. ; For more information, see http://stdb2.stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp/omti/ ; ; KEYWORDS: ; site = Observatory name, example, iug_load_camera_omti_asi, site='sgk'. ; The default is 'all', i.e., load all available stations. ; This can be an array of strings, e.g., ['sgk', 'sta'] ; or a single string delimited by spaces, e.g., 'sgk sta'. ; Sites: ith rsb trs ath mgd ptk rik sgk sta yng drw ktb syo ; wavelength = Wavelength in Angstrom, i.e., 5577, 6300, 7200, 7774, 5893, etc. ; The default is 5577. This can be an array of integers, e.g., [5577, 6300] ; or strings, e.g., '5577', '5577 6300', and ['5577', '6300']. ; /downloadonly, if set, then only download the data, do not load it into variables. ; /no_server, use only files which are online locally. ; /no_download, use only files which are online locally. (Identical to no_server keyword.) ; trange = (Optional) Time range of interest (2 element array). ; /timeclip, if set, then data are clipped to the time range set by timespan ; ; EXAMPLE: ; iug_load_camera_omti_asi, site='sgk', wavelength=5577, trange=['2012-01-01/00:00:00','2012-01-02/00:00:00'] ; ; Author: Y. Miyashita, Mar 28, 2013 ; ERG-Science Center, STEL, Nagoya Univ. ; erg-sc-core at st4a.stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp ; ; Written by: Y.-M Tanaka, Feb. 5, 2014 (ytanaka at nipr.ac.jp) ; ;- pro iug_load_camera_omti_asi, $ site=site, wavelength=wavelength, $ downloadonly=downloadonly, no_server=no_server, no_download=no_download, $ trange=trange, timeclip=timeclip erg_load_camera_omti_asi, $ site=site, wavelength=wavelength, $ downloadonly=downloadonly, no_server=no_server, no_download=no_download, $ trange=trange, timeclip=timeclip end