;+ ; Procedure: ; goesr_ui_load_data ; ; Purpose: ; Generates the tab that loads goesr data for the gui. ; ; ; $LastChangedBy: nikos $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2021-10-14 19:51:44 -0700 (Thu, 14 Oct 2021) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 30360 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/goesr/spedas_plugin/goesr_ui_load_data.pro $ ;- pro goesr_ui_load_data_event,event compile_opt hidden,idl2 err_xxx = 0 Catch, err_xxx IF (err_xxx NE 0) THEN BEGIN Catch, /Cancel Help, /Last_Message, Output = err_msg Print, 'Error--See history' ok=error_message('An unknown error occured and the window must be restarted. See console for details.',$ /noname, /center, title='Error in Load Data') if is_struct(state) then begin ;send error message FOR j = 0, N_Elements(err_msg)-1 DO state.historywin->update,err_msg[j] if widget_valid(state.baseID) && obj_valid(state.historyWin) then begin spd_gui_error,state.baseid,state.historyWin endif ;update central tree, if possible if obj_valid(state.loadTree) then begin *state.treeCopyPtr = state.loadTree->getCopy() endif ;restore state Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy endif widget_control, event.top,/destroy RETURN ENDIF widget_control, event.handler, Get_UValue=state, /no_copy ;Options widget_control, event.id, get_uvalue = uval ;not all widgets are assigned uvalues if is_string(uval) then begin case uval of 'CLEARPROBE': begin probelist = widget_info(event.handler,find_by_uname='probelist') widget_control,probelist,set_list_select=-1 end 'CLEARTYPE': begin datalist = widget_info(event.handler,find_by_uname='datalist') widget_control,datalist,set_list_select=-1 end 'CLEARRES': begin reslist = widget_info(event.handler,find_by_uname='reslist') widget_control,reslist,set_list_select=-1 end 'PROBELIST': begin ; When a probe is selected end 'DATALIST': begin ; When data type is selected probelist = widget_info(event.handler,find_by_uname='probelist') probeSelect = widget_info(probelist,/list_select) datalist = widget_info(event.handler,find_by_uname='datalist') typeSelect = widget_info(datalist,/list_select) ;print, 'probelist', probeSelect, 'datalist', typeSelect end 'CLEARDATA': begin ok = dialog_message("This will delete all currently loaded data. Are you sure you wish to continue?",/question,/default_no,/center) if strlowcase(ok) eq 'yes' then begin datanames = state.loadedData->getAll(/parent) if is_string(datanames) then begin for i = 0,n_elements(dataNames)-1 do begin result = state.loadedData->remove(datanames[i]) if ~result then begin state.statusBar->update,'Unexpected error while removing data.' state.historyWin->update,'Unexpected error while removing data.' endif endfor endif state.loadTree->update state.callSequence->clearCalls endif end 'DEL': begin dataNames = state.loadTree->getValue() if ptr_valid(datanames[0]) then begin for i = 0,n_elements(dataNames)-1 do begin result = state.loadedData->remove((*datanames[i]).groupname) if ~result then begin state.statusBar->update,'Unexpected error while removing data.' state.historyWin->update,'Unexpected error while removing data.' endif else begin ; store deletion in the call sequence object state.callSequence->adddeletecall,(*datanames[i]).groupname endelse endfor endif state.loadTree->update end 'ADD': begin datalist = widget_info(event.handler,find_by_uname='datalist') typeSelect = widget_info(datalist,/list_select) if typeSelect[0] eq -1 then begin state.statusBar->update,'You must select at least one data type' state.historyWin->update,'GOES-R add attempted without selecting data type' break endif types = state.typeArray[typeSelect] reslist = widget_info(event.handler,find_by_uname='reslist') resSelect = widget_info(reslist,/list_select) if resSelect[0] eq -1 then begin state.statusBar->update, 'You must select at least one resolution' state.historyWin->update, 'GOES-R add attempted without selecting resolution' break endif resolution = state.resArray[resSelect] probelist = widget_info(event.handler,find_by_uname='probelist') probeSelect = widget_info(probelist,/list_select) if probeSelect[0] eq -1 then begin state.statusBar->update,'You must select at least one probe' state.historyWin->update,'GOES-R add attempted without selecting probe' break endif probes = state.probeArray[probeSelect] timeRangeObj = state.timeRangeObj timeRangeObj->getProperty,startTime=startTimeObj,endTime=endTimeObj startTimeObj->getProperty,tdouble=startTimeDouble,tstring=startTimeString endTimeObj->getProperty,tdouble=endTimeDouble,tstring=endTimeString if startTimeDouble ge endTimeDouble then begin state.statusBar->update,'Cannot add data unless end time is greater than start time.' state.historyWin->update,'GOES-R add attempted with start time greater than end time.' break endif loadStruc = { probe:probes, $ datatype:types, $ restype:resolution, $ timeRange:[startTimeString,endTimeString] } widget_control, /hourglass goesr_ui_import_data,$ loadStruc, $ state.loadedData, $ state.statusBar, $ state.historyWin, $ state.baseid, $ overwrite_selections=overwrite_selections state.loadTree->update callSeqStruc = { type:'loadapidata', $ subtype:'goesr_ui_import_data', $ loadStruc:loadStruc, $ overwrite_selections:overwrite_selections } state.callSequence->addSt, callSeqStruc end else: endcase endif Widget_Control, event.handler, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy return end pro goesr_ui_load_data,tabid,loadedData,historyWin,statusBar,treeCopyPtr,timeRangeObj,callSequence,loadTree=loadTree,timeWidget=timeWidget compile_opt idl2,hidden ;load bitmap resources getresourcepath,rpath rightArrow = read_bmp(rpath + 'arrow_000_medium.bmp', /rgb) trashcan = read_bmp(rpath + 'trashcan.bmp', /rgb) spd_ui_match_background, tabid, rightArrow spd_ui_match_background, tabid, trashcan topBase = Widget_Base(tabid, /Row, /Align_Top, /Align_Left, YPad=1,event_pro='goesr_ui_load_data_event') leftBase = widget_base(topBase,/col) middleBase = widget_base(topBase,/col,/align_center) rightBase = widget_base(topBase,/col) leftLabel = widget_label(leftBase,value='Goes-R Data Selection:',/align_left) rightLabel = widget_label(rightBase,value='Data Loaded:',/align_left) selectionBase = widget_base(leftBase,/col,/frame) treeBase = widget_base(rightBase,/col,/frame) addButton = Widget_Button(middleBase, Value=rightArrow, /Bitmap, UValue='ADD', $ ToolTip='Load data selection') minusButton = Widget_Button(middleBase, Value=trashcan, /Bitmap, $ Uvalue='DEL', $ ToolTip='Delete data selected in the list of loaded data') loadTree = Obj_New('spd_ui_widget_tree', treeBase, 'LOADTREE', loadedData, $ XSize=400, YSize=425, mode=0, /multi,/showdatetime) loadTree->update,from_copy=*treeCopyPtr clearDataBase = widget_base(rightBase,/row,/align_center) clearDataButton = widget_button(clearDataBase,value='Delete All Data',uvalue='CLEARDATA',/align_center,ToolTip='Deletes all loaded data') timeWidget = spd_ui_time_widget(selectionBase,$ statusBar,$ historyWin,$ timeRangeObj=timeRangeObj,$ uvalue='TIME_WIDGET',$ uname='time_widget',$ startyear=1995) probeArrayValues = ['8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17'] probeArrayDisplayed = ['GOES 8', 'GOES 9', 'GOES 10', 'GOES 11', 'GOES 12', 'GOES 13', 'GOES 14', 'GOES 15', 'GOES 16', 'GOES 17'] typeArray = ['mag', 'mpsh', 'sgps', 'xrs'] ;typeArray = ['*','b_gsm','b_gei','b_enp','b_total','pos_gsm','pos_gei','vel_gei','t1_counts','t2_counts','dataqual','longitude','mlt'] resArray = ['full', 'avg'] ;create the list box that lists all the probes dataBase = widget_base(selectionBase,/row) probeBase = widget_base(dataBase,/col) probeLabel = widget_label(probeBase,value='Probe: ') probeList = widget_list(probeBase,$ value=probeArrayDisplayed,$ uname='probelist',$ uvalue='PROBELIST',$ xsize=16,$ ysize=15) ; default the index list should be AE widget_control, probeList, set_list_select = 0 clearprobesButton = widget_button(probeBase,value='Clear Probe',uvalue='CLEARPROBE',ToolTip='Deselect all spacecraft') ;create the list box and a clear all buttons for the data types for a given index typeBase = widget_base(dataBase,/col) typeLabel = widget_label(typeBase,value='Data Type:') typeList = widget_list(typeBase,$ value=typeArray,$ uname='datalist',$ uvalue='DATALIST',$ xsize=16,$ ysize=15) clearTypeButton = widget_button(typeBase,value='Clear Data Type',uvalue='CLEARTYPE',ToolTip='Deselect all datatypes') ; default of the data type list should be * widget_control, typeList, set_list_select = 0 ;create the list box and a clear all button for the resolution options resBase = widget_base(dataBase,/col) resLabel = widget_label(resBase,value='Resolution:') resList = widget_list(resBase,$ value=resArray,$ uname='reslist',$ uvalue='RESLIST',$ xsize=16,$ ysize=15) ; set the default resolution to full widget_control, resList, set_list_select = 0 clearResButton = widget_button(resBase,value='Clear Resolution',uvalue='CLEARRES',ToolTip='Deselect all resolutions') availableMsg = 'Available Data' + string(10B) + string(10B) + $ 'GOES 8-15:' + string(10B) + $ 'MAG: full (0.1s), 1995-07-01 to 2017-12-09' + string(10B) + $ 'GOES 13, 14, 15:' + string(10B) + $ 'XRS: full (2s), avg (1m) 2013-06-01 to 2020-03-04' + string(10B) + $ 'GOES 16, 17:' + string(10B) + $ 'MAG: full (0.1s), avg (1m), 2018-09-01 to now' + string(10B) + $ 'XRS: full (1s), avg (1m), 2017-02-07 to now' + string(10B) + $ 'SGPS: full (1m), avg (5m), 2020-11-01 to now' + string(10B) + $ 'MPSH: full (1m), avg (5m), 2018-12-18 to now' + string(10B) + $ '(data availability varies with probe and instrument)' availableLabel = Widget_label(leftBase, value=availableMsg, /align_center, scr_xsize=400, scr_ysize=200, UNITS=0) state = {baseid:topBase,$ loadTree:loadTree,$ treeCopyPtr:treeCopyPtr,$ timeRangeObj:timeRangeObj,$ statusBar:statusBar,$ historyWin:historyWin,$ loadedData:loadedData,$ callSequence:callSequence,$ probeArray:probeArrayValues,$ resArray:resArray,$ typeArray:typeArray} widget_control,topBase,set_uvalue=state return end