;+ ;PROCEDURE: ; elf_cal_epd ; ;PURPOSE: ; Calibrate EPD raw data (counts/sector) into calibrated products. ; Supported product types are: ; - 'raw': raw data from epd packets ; - 'cps': counts per second [counts/s] in 16 ADC pulse-height channels ; - 'nflux': differential-directional number flux [#/cm^2-s-str-MeV] in 16 energy channels ; - 'eflux': differential-directional energy flux [MeV/cm^2-s-str-MeV] in 16 energy channels ; ;KEYWORDS: ; tplotname: name of tplot variable containing epd data. tvars include ela_pef, ela_pif, ; ela_pes, ela_pis (and same for elb) ; trange: time range of interest [starttime, endtime] with the format ; ['YYYY-MM-DD','YYYY-MM-DD'] or to specify more or less than a day ; ['YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss','YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss'] ; type: type of calibrated data cps, nflux, eflux ; probe: name of probe 'a' or 'b' ; nodownload: set this flag to force routine to use local files ; deadtime_corr: set this flag to zero to not correct for deadtime, or to your preferred deadtime (default = 8.e-6 seconds) ; ;AUTHOR: ; 2021-03-21 (VA) added capability for summed spins [normalizes cps etc. accordingly] ; also vectorized dt (accumulation time) division, avoiding do-loops (faster) ; 2021-02-19 (VA) fixed: dt to median over spin (does not falter if it includes gaps) ; overaccumulation now applied along with dt, prior to deadtime ; dead time correction now applied on total cps in sector ; revised maxcps to 1.25e5 +2% after review of all 2019 data ; eliminated <0 val's from deadtime cor. (set=0 & then nearest-neighbor interpol.) ; Version: xprmnt4_wIBO_collection ; Initially written by Colin Wilkins (colinwilkins@ucla.edu) ;- PRO elf_cal_epd, tplotname=tplotname, trange=trange, type=type, probe=probe, $ no_download=no_download, deadtime_corr=my_deadtime, nspinsinsum=my_nspinsinsum if undefined(probe) then probe = strmid(tplotname, 2, 1) else probe = probe sc='el'+probe if ~keyword_set(my_nspinsinsum) then my_nspinsinsum=1 ; determine which epd instrument - ion or electron if strpos(tplotname, 'pef') GE 0 then begin instrument='epde' stype='pef' endif if strpos(tplotname, 'pif') GE 0 then begin instrument='epdi' stype='pif' endif if undefined(type) then type = 'eflux' ; get epd data and double check that it exists get_data, tplotname, data=d, dlimits=dl, limits=l if size(d,/type) NE 8 then begin dprint, dlevel = 1, 'There is no data in ' + tplotname return endif get_data, sc+'_'+stype+'_spinper', data=dspinper ; handled, clr THIS NEEDS TO BE MODIFIED TO INLCUDE MATCHING VARIABLE (A OR B, E OR I) get_data, sc+'_'+stype+'_sectnum', data=dsectnum ; handled, clr THIS NEEDS TO BE MODIFIED TO INLCUDE MATCHING VARIABLE (A OR B, E OR I) ; check that time range variable is correctly set if (~undefined(trange) && n_elements(trange) eq 2) && (time_double(trange[1]) lt time_double(trange[0])) then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Error, endtime is before starttime; trange should be: [starttime, endtime]' return endif if ~undefined(trange) && n_elements(trange) eq 2 $ then tr = timerange(trange) $ else tr = timerange() ; based on a probe, instrument (epde or epdi), and time range retrieve the data needed to ; calibrate the epd instrument epd_cal = elf_get_epd_calibration(probe=probe, instrument=instrument, trange=trange, no_download=no_download) if size(epd_cal, /type) NE 8 then begin dprint, dlevel = 1, 'EPD calibration data was not retrieved. Unable to calibrate the data.' return endif ; ; setup variables num_samples = (size(d.x))[1] ebins = epd_cal.epd_ebins cal_ch_factors = epd_cal.epd_cal_ch_factors overint_factors = epd_cal.epd_overaccumulation_factors ebins_logmean = epd_cal.epd_ebins_logmean n_sectors=16. ; <--- this needs to be part of the CDF in the future, hardcoded for now! ; useful quantities dE = 1.e-3*(ebins[1:15]-ebins[0:14]) ; in MeV dE = [dE,6.2] ; energy in units of MeV mytimesra=make_array(num_samples,/float,value=1.) n_energies=n_elements(ebins) mynrgyra=make_array(n_energies,/float,value=1.) ; ; ... for dead time correction if ~keyword_set(my_deadtime) then begin $ my_deadtime = 1./(1.02*1.25e5) ; [default ~ 2% above ~max cps in data (after overaccum. corr.) of 125Kcps corresponds to 8.e-6 us peak hold in front preamp] print, 'Deadtime correction applied with default deadtime; to not apply set deadtime_corr= 0. or a tiny value, e.g. 1.e-9' endif ; dt= (my_nspinsinsum*(dspinper.y/n_sectors)*overint_factors[dsectnum.y]) # mynrgyra ; accumulation time ; ; Perform calibration Case type of 'raw': store_data, tplotname, data={x:d.x, y:d.y, v:findgen(n_energies) }, dlimits=dl, limits=l 'cps': begin d.y=d.y/dt ; this is cps now totcps=total(d.y,2,/NaN)#mynrgyra d.y=d.y/(1.0 -totcps*my_deadtime) ; deadtime correction ineg=where(total(d.y,2,/NaN) lt 0,jneg) ; only reason for negatives is deadtime corr. if jneg gt 0 then begin d.y[ineg,*]=0 d3interpol=d.y d3interpol[1:num_samples-2,*]=(d.y[0:num_samples-3,*]+d.y[2:num_samples-1,*])/2. d.y[ineg,*]=d3interpol[ineg,*] endif store_data, tplotname, data={x:d.x, y:d.y, v:ebins_logmean }, dlimits=dl, limits=l end 'nflux': begin d.y=d.y/dt ; this is cps now totcps=total(d.y,2,/NaN)#mynrgyra d.y=d.y/(1.0 -totcps*my_deadtime) ; deadtime correction d.y=d.y*(mytimesra#(cal_ch_factors/dE)) ; relative energy calibration and division by dE ineg=where(total(d.y,2,/NaN) lt 0,jneg) ; only reason for negatives is deadtime cor. if jneg gt 0 then begin d.y[ineg,*]=0 d3interpol=d.y d3interpol[1:num_samples-2,*]=(d.y[0:num_samples-3,*]+d.y[2:num_samples-1,*])/2. d.y[ineg,*]=d3interpol[ineg,*] endif store_data, tplotname, data={x:d.x, y:d.y, v:ebins_logmean }, dlimits=dl, limits=l end 'eflux': begin d.y=d.y/dt ; this is cps now totcps=total(d.y,2,/NaN)#mynrgyra d.y=d.y/(1.0 -totcps*my_deadtime) ; deadtime correction d.y=d.y*(mytimesra#(ebins_logmean*cal_ch_factors/dE)) ; relative energy calibration and division by dE ineg=where(total(d.y,2,/NaN) lt 0,jneg) ; only reason for negatives is deadtime cor. if jneg gt 0 then begin d.y[ineg,*]=0 d3interpol=d.y d3interpol[1:num_samples-2,*]=(d.y[0:num_samples-3,*]+d.y[2:num_samples-1,*])/2. d.y[ineg,*]=d3interpol[ineg,*] endif store_data, tplotname, data={x:d.x, y:d.y, v:ebins_logmean }, dlimits=dl, limits=l end Endcase END