;+ ;NAME: ; dsc_time_absolute__define ; ;PURPOSE: ; Defines an object to represent an absolute amount of time, not in reference ; to any date. e.g., "10 minutes." Used to enable time amount conversion and ; string representations. ; ; Designates all times as a combination of days(d), hours(h), minutes(m), ; seconds(s), and milliseconds(ms) and can be both positive and negative. ; The time representation is always kept in a reduced form. So, for example, ; you can define a time of 1 hour and 65 minutes ; IDL> t1 = dsc_time_absolute('1h65m') ; In this case it will be stored as 2 hours and 5 minutes. ; IDL> print,t1 ; 02h 05m ; ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; abstime = Obj_New("DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE") ; abstime = Obj_New("DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE",h=1,mn=30) ; abstime = Obj_New("DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE",'1h30m') ; abstime = dsc_time_absolute() ; abstime = dsc_time_absolute(h=1,mn=30) ; abstime = dsc_time_absolute('1h30m') ; ; ;INPUT: ; TIMESTRING (Optional) If this argument is supplied, all other keywords are ignored. ; A string representing the desired time amount in the format: '#d#h#m#s#ms' ; with d,h,m,s,ms signifying respectively days,hours,minutes,seconds, and milliseconds. ; You may leave out unit id strings, but not repeat them: ; OK '3h2m' ; NOT OK '3h45m13m' ; Numbers must all be positive integers, with the execption of the leading negative. ; OK '3d4h23m16s400ms' ; OK '-23h' ; NOT OK '15h-4m' ; NOT OK '15.4m' ; ;KEYWORDS (Optional): ; NEG: Set this to negate the total time value set by the other keywords ; D=: Days ; H=: Hours ; MN=: Minutes ; S=: Seconds ; MS=: Milliseconds ; ;OUTPUT: ; dsc_time_absolute object reference ; ;METHODS: ; Set - pass a timestring argument or keywords to set the class values ; SetAll - pass a structure to set class values. ; Negate - switch the sign of the time value stored ; Copy - create a copy of this object ; Add - add an amount of time (as specified in a timestring) to this object ; Sub - subtranct an amount of time (as specified in a timestring) from this object ; GetAll - returns a structure of type {dsc_time_absolute} containing this object's values ; GetMilli - returns this object's millisecond field (long) ; GetSeconds - returns this object's seconds field (long) ; GetMinutes - returns this object's minutes field (long) ; GetHours - returns this object's hours field (long) ; GetDays - returns this object's days field (long) ; IsNeg - returns TRUE if time object is negative, FALSE otherwise (boolean) ; ToString - returns string representation of this time. Only non-zeroed fields are displayed (string) ; ToSeconds - returns the total time value of this object, in seconds (double) ; ToMinutes - returns the total time value of this object, in minutes (double) ; ToHours - returns the total time value of this object, in hours (double) ; ToDays - returns the total time value of this object, in days (double) ; StringParse - (Static Method) parse a timestring and return a structure holding the extracted elements ; Convert - (Static Method) convert between units of time. ; usage: dsc_time_absolute.convert(amount, input_unit, output_unit) ; where input/output units are one of the following strings: ; 'd','h','m','s','ms' ; ;NOTES: ; +/- and print/implied print are overloaded for this class. ; e.g., ; t1 = dsc_time_absolute('1h') ; t2 = dsc_time_absolute('55s') ; t3 = t1 + t2 ; print,t3 ; ==> 01h 55s ; t1 ; ==> 01h ; ;CREATED BY: Ayris Narock (ADNET/GSFC) 2018 ; ; $LastChangedBy: nikos $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-03-12 09:55:28 -0700 (Mon, 12 Mar 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 24869 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/dscovr/mission_compare/dsc_time_absolute__define.pro $ ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE::INIT, timestring, $ neg=neg, $ ; Negative Time Flag ms=ms, $ ; Milliseconds s=s, $ ; Seconds mn=m, $ ; Minutes h=h, $ ; Hours d=d ; Days compile_opt idl2 warnexit = 0 if isa(timestring,'UNDEFINED') then begin ; Check for keywords if no string sent if isa(neg,'UNDEFINED') then neg = !FALSE if isa(ms,'UNDEFINED') then ms = 0 if isa(s,'UNDEFINED') then s = 0 if isa(m,'UNDEFINED') then m = 0 if isa(h,'UNDEFINED') then h =0 if isa(d,'UNDEFINED') then d = 0 if ~isa(neg,/BOOLEAN) then begin if ~isa(neg,/NUMBER,/SCALAR)||~(neg eq 1 or neg eq 0) then warnexit = 1 $ else neg = (neg eq 1) ? !TRUE : !FALSE endif if ~isa(ms,/NUMBER,/SCALAR) then warnexit = 1 if ~isa(s,/NUMBER,/SCALAR) then warnexit = 1 if ~isa(m,/NUMBER,/SCALAR) then warnexit = 1 if ~isa(h,/NUMBER,/SCALAR) then warnexit = 1 if ~isa(d,/NUMBER,/SCALAR) then warnexit = 1 endif else begin r = dsc_time_absolute.stringParse(timestring) if isa(r,'STRUCT') then begin neg = !FALSE ms = (tag_exist(r,'ms')) ? r.ms : 0 s = (tag_exist(r,'s')) ? r.s : 0 m = (tag_exist(r,'m')) ? r.m : 0 h = (tag_exist(r,'h')) ? r.h : 0 d = (tag_exist(r,'d')) ? r.d : 0 endif else warnexit = 1 endelse if warnexit eq 1 then begin dprint,dlevel=1,'Usage:{"DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE"} Initialize with properly formatted shortcut string OR time element keywords as scalar numbers' return,0 endif else begin self.setAll,{neg:neg, ms:ms, s:s, m:m, h:h, d:d} return,1 endelse END FUNCTION DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE::_overloadPrint return, self.DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE::toString() END FUNCTION DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE::_overloadImpliedPrint,varname return, self.DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE::_overloadPrint() END FUNCTION DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE::_overloadPlus,left,right compile_opt idl2 out = left.Copy() out.add,(right.toString(/compact)) return,out END FUNCTION DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE::_overloadMinus,left,right compile_opt idl2 out = left.Copy() out.sub,(right.toString(/compact)) return,out END ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; Set the class values by passing a timestring argument or keywords ; ; Timestring argument will supsercede other keywords. ; ; Called with no arguments sets the object to 0 time. ; ;SYNTAX: ; DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE::Set,timestring,neg=neg,ms=ms,s=s,mn=m,h=h,d=d ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mt = dsc_time_absolute() ; mt.set,h=3,mn=32,ms=400 --> time is 3 hours 32 minutes and 0.400 seconds ; ; mt.set,d=3.5,/neg --> time is negative 3 days,12 hours ; ; mt.set,'3h42s' --> time is 3 hours and 42 seconds ; ; mt.set,'-3m' --> time is negative 3 minutes ; ; mt.set --> time is 0 seconds ; ; mt.set,'15h2m',d=2,h=4 --> sets time to 15 hours and 2 minutes NOT 2 days and 4 hours ;- PRO DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE::Set, timestring, $ neg=neg, $ ; Negative Time Flag ms=ms, $ ; Milliseconds s=s, $ ; Seconds mn=m, $ ; Minutes h=h, $ ; Hours d=d ; Days compile_opt idl2 warnexit = 0 if isa(timestring,'UNDEFINED') then begin ; Check for keywords if no string sent if isa(neg,'UNDEFINED') then neg = !FALSE if isa(ms,'UNDEFINED') then ms = 0 if isa(s,'UNDEFINED') then s = 0 if isa(m,'UNDEFINED') then m = 0 if isa(h,'UNDEFINED') then h =0 if isa(d,'UNDEFINED') then d = 0 if ~isa(neg,/BOOLEAN) then begin if ~isa(neg,/NUMBER,/SCALAR)||~(neg eq 1 or neg eq 0) then warnexit = 1 $ else neg = (neg eq 1) ? !TRUE : !FALSE endif if ~isa(ms,/NUMBER,/SCALAR) then warnexit = 1 if ~isa(s,/NUMBER,/SCALAR) then warnexit = 1 if ~isa(m,/NUMBER,/SCALAR) then warnexit = 1 if ~isa(h,/NUMBER,/SCALAR) then warnexit = 1 if ~isa(d,/NUMBER,/SCALAR) then warnexit = 1 if warnexit eq 1 then dprint,dlevel=1,'Usage: obj_new("DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE",s=45,h=5,/neg) where time element keywords are scalar numbers.' endif else begin r = dsc_time_absolute.stringParse(timestring) if isa(r,'STRUCT') then begin neg = !FALSE ms = (tag_exist(r,'ms')) ? r.ms : 0 s = (tag_exist(r,'s')) ? r.s : 0 m = (tag_exist(r,'m')) ? r.m : 0 h = (tag_exist(r,'h')) ? r.h : 0 d = (tag_exist(r,'d')) ? r.d : 0 endif else warnexit = 1 endelse if warnexit eq 0 then self.setAll,{neg:neg, ms:ms, s:s, m:m, h:h, d:d} END ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; Set the class values by passing a structure. ; The fields MS, S, M, H, D, and NEG ; will be assigned if they exist ; or set to 0 if they are missing from the passed structure. ; ; NEG field must be a boolean. ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mt = dsc_time_absolute() ; mstruct = {neg:!TRUE, d:4, s:32} ; mt.SetAll,mstruct ; --> time is negative 4 days and 32 seconds ;- PRO DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE::SetAll, str compile_opt idl2 if isa(str,'STRUCT') then begin if tag_exist(str,'neg') && ~isa(str.neg,/BOOLEAN) then begin dprint,dlevel=1,'Usage: TIMEABSOLUTE.SETALL,STR where STR.NEG must be BOOLEAN' return endif self.neg = !FALSE ;must maintain this order from smallest increment to largest to work with the ;downwardly additive set___ private methods. if tag_exist(str,'ms') then self.setMilli,str.ms else self.setMilli,0 if tag_exist(str,'s') then self.setSeconds,str.s else self.setSeconds,0 if tag_exist(str,'m') then self.setMinutes,str.m else self.setMinutes,0 if tag_exist(str,'h') then self.setHours,str.h else self.setHours,0 if tag_exist(str,'d') then self.setDays,str.d else self.setDays,0 self.reduce ;this may set the neg flag if fields total to negative time if tag_exist(str,'neg') && str.neg then self.Negate endif else begin dprint,dlevel=1,'Usage: DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE.SETALL,STR where STR is a structure' return endelse END ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; Switch the sign of the time value stored ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mt = dsc_time_absolute('4h15m') --> time is 04h 15m ; mt.negate --> time is -04h 15m ; mt.negate --> time is 04h 15m ;- PRO DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE::Negate compile_opt idl2 self.neg = (self.neg) ? !FALSE : !TRUE END ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; Create a copy of this object ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mt = dsc_time_absolute(s=40,mn=12,/neg) ; mtcopy = mt.copy() ;- FUNCTION DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE::COPY compile_opt idl2 str = self.getall() out = Obj_New("DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE", $ neg=str.neg, $ ms=str.ms, $ s =str.s, $ mn =str.m, $ h =str.h, $ d =str.d) return,out END ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; Add an amount of time to this object by passing a ; time string. ; The overloaded '+' operator uses this method internally. ; ; Timestring rules: ; - A string composed of the concatenation of one or more substrings ; of the form substring = '{number}{unit_string}' where: ; * {number} is a positive integer ; * {unit_string} is one of 'd','h','m',s', or 'ms' ; [Representing days, hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds, respectively.] ; - The substrings can be combined in any order, with a limit of one ; substring per {unit_string} type. ; - A leading '-' is accepted to indicate a negative time amount. ; - A leading '+' is accepted (but not required) to indicate a positive time amount. ; ; Time is always stored in reduced form in the dsc_time_absolute object. ; I.e., 300 seconds will show as 5 minutes; 1 hour 90 minutes as 2 hours 30 minutes, etc. ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mt = dsc_time_absolute('3h20m') ; mt.add,'40m' ; --> time is now 4 hours ; ; Alternately, use the '+' operator: ; mt1 = dsc_time_absolute('3h20m') ; mt2 = dsc_time_absolute('40m') ; mt = mt1 + mt2 ; ;- PRO DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE::Add,addstring compile_opt idl2 r = dsc_time_absolute.stringParse(addstring) if isa(r,'STRUCT') then begin if self.neg then begin if tag_exist(r,'ms') then self.setMilli,r.ms-self.ms if tag_exist(r,'s') then self.setSeconds,r.s-self.s if tag_exist(r,'m') then self.setMinutes,r.m-self.m if tag_exist(r,'h') then self.setHours,r.h-self.h if tag_exist(r,'d') then self.setDays,r.d-self.d endif else begin if tag_exist(r,'ms') then self.setMilli,r.ms+self.ms if tag_exist(r,'s') then self.setSeconds,r.s+self.s if tag_exist(r,'m') then self.setMinutes,r.m+self.m if tag_exist(r,'h') then self.setHours,r.h+self.h if tag_exist(r,'d') then self.setDays,r.d+self.d endelse self.neg = !FALSE self.reduce ;this will set the neg flag if fields total a negative time endif END ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; Subtract an amount of time from this object by passing a ; time string. ; The overloaded '-' operator uses this method internally. ; ; Timestring rules: ; - A string composed of the concatenation of one or more substrings ; of the form substring = '{number}{unit_string}' where: ; * {number} is a positive integer ; * {unit_string} is one of 'd','h','m',s', or 'ms' ; [Representing days, hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds, respectively.] ; - The substrings can be combined in any order, with a limit of one ; substring per {unit_string} type. ; - A leading '-' is accepted to indicate a negative time amount. ; - A leading '+' is accepted (but not required) to indicate a positive time amount. ; ; Time is always stored in reduced form in the dsc_time_absolute object. ; I.e., 300 seconds will show as 5 minutes; 1 hour 90 minutes as 2 hours 30 minutes, etc. ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mt = dsc_time_absolute('3h20m') ; mt.sub,'40m' ; --> time is now 2 hours 40 minutes ; ; Alternately, use the '-' operator: ; mt1 = dsc_time_absolute('3h20m') ; mt2 = dsc_time_absolute('40m') ; mt = mt1 - mt2 ;- PRO DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE::Sub,substring compile_opt idl2 r = dsc_time_absolute.stringParse(substring) if isa(r,'STRUCT') then begin if self.neg then begin if tag_exist(r,'ms') then self.setMilli,-self.ms-r.ms if tag_exist(r,'s') then self.setSeconds,-self.s-r.s if tag_exist(r,'m') then self.setMinutes,-self.m-r.m if tag_exist(r,'h') then self.setHours,-self.h-r.h if tag_exist(r,'d') then self.setDays,-self.d-r.d endif else begin if tag_exist(r,'ms') then self.setMilli,self.ms-r.ms if tag_exist(r,'s') then self.setSeconds,self.s-r.s if tag_exist(r,'m') then self.setMinutes,self.m-r.m if tag_exist(r,'h') then self.setHours,self.h-r.h if tag_exist(r,'d') then self.setDays,self.d-r.d endelse self.neg = !FALSE self.reduce ;this will set the neg flag if fields total a negative time endif END ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; (Static Method) ; Parse a timestring and return a structure holding the extracted elements ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; IDL> elements = dsc_time_absolute.StringParse('-1d12h15m') ; IDL> print,elements,/implied ; { ; "D": -1, ; "H": -12, ; "M": -15, ; "S": 0, ; "MS": 0 ; } ;- FUNCTION DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE::StringParse,input compile_opt idl2, static out = {d:0,h:0,m:0,s:0,ms:0} warnexit = 0 if isa(input,/STRING,/SCALAR) then begin if input.Matches('^\-') then begin mysign = -1 input = input.Substring(1,-1) endif else begin mysign = 1 if input.Matches('^\+') then input = input.Substring(1,-1) endelse if input.Matches('([^dhms0-9]|^[dhms]|[0-9]$)') then warnexit = 1 $ else begin dsplit = (input.Split('d',/fold_case)).length hsplit = (input.Split('h',/fold_case)).length msplit = (input.Split('m([^s]|$)',/fold_case)).length ssplit = (input.Split('[^m]s',/fold_case)).length mssplit = (input.Split('ms',/fold_case)).length if dsplit gt 2 || hsplit gt 2 || msplit gt 2 || ssplit gt 2 || mssplit gt 2 then warnexit = 1 endelse if warnexit ne 1 then begin out.d = mysign*((input.Extract('[0-9]+d',/fold_case)).Substring(0,-2)).toInteger() out.h = mysign*((input.Extract('[0-9]+h',/fold_case)).Substring(0,-2)).toInteger() mstring = input.Extract('[0-9]+m([0-9]|$)',/fold_case) out.m = ((mstring.Substring(-1)).Matches('[0-9]')) ? mysign*(mstring.Substring(0,-3)).toInteger() : mysign*(mstring.Substring(0,-2)).toInteger() out.s = mysign*((input.Extract('[0-9]+s',/fold_case)).Substring(0,-2)).toInteger() out.ms = mysign*((input.Extract('[0-9]+ms',/fold_case)).Substring(0,-2)).toInteger() endif endif else warnexit = 1 if warnexit eq 1 then begin dprint,dlevel=1,'Usage: DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE shortcut string error. dprint,dlevel=1,' Format: ''#d#h#m#s#ms''' dprint,dlevel=1,'You may leave out unit id strings, but not repeat them:' dprint,dlevel=1,' OK ''3h2m'' ' dprint,dlevel=1,' NOT OK ''3h45m13m'' ' dprint,dlevel=1,'Numbers must all be positive integers, with the execption of the leading negative.' dprint,dlevel=1,' OK ''3d4h23m16s400ms'' ' dprint,dlevel=1,' OK ''-23h'' ' dprint,dlevel=1,' NOT OK ''15h-4m'' ' dprint,dlevel=1,' NOT OK ''15.4m'' ' out = -1 endif return,out END ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; (Private Method) ;- PRO DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE::SetMilli,ms compile_opt idl2,hidden ; Work around to act as a private method catch, stranger if stranger ne 0 then begin catch, /cancel dprint,dlevel=1,'Call failed; Attempt to call private method; Use .Set or .SetAll' return endif if obj_isa((scope_varfetch('self', level=-1)), 'DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE') then begin if isa(ms,/number,/scalar) then self.ms = round(ms) $ else begin dprint,dlevel=1,'MILLISECONDS must be scalar number' return endelse endif else dprint,dlevel=1,'Call failed; Attempt to call private method; Use .Set or .SetAll' END ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; (Private Method) ;- PRO DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE::SetSeconds,s compile_opt idl2,hidden ; Work around to act as a private method catch, stranger if stranger ne 0 then begin catch, /cancel dprint,dlevel=1,'Call failed; Attempt to call private method; Use .Set or .SetAll' return endif if obj_isa((scope_varfetch('self', level=-1)), 'DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE') then begin if isa(s,/number,/scalar) then begin self.s = floor(s) if (s-self.s gt 0) then self.SetMilli,self.ms+((s-self.s)*1000.) endif else begin dprint,dlevel=1,'SECONDS must be scalar number' return endelse endif END ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; (Private Method) ;- PRO DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE::SetMinutes,m compile_opt idl2,hidden ; Work around to act as a private method catch, stranger if stranger ne 0 then begin catch, /cancel dprint,dlevel=1,'Call failed; Attempt to call private method; Use .Set or .SetAll' return endif if obj_isa((scope_varfetch('self', level=-1)), 'DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE') then begin if isa(m,/number,/scalar) then begin self.m = floor(m) if (m-self.m gt 0) then self.setSeconds,self.s+((m-self.m)*60.) endif else begin dprint,dlevel=1,'MINUTES must be scalar number' return endelse endif END ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; (Private Method) ;- PRO DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE::SetHours,h compile_opt idl2,hidden ; Work around to act as a private method catch, stranger if stranger ne 0 then begin catch, /cancel dprint,dlevel=1,'Call failed; Attempt to call private method; Use .Set or .SetAll' return endif if obj_isa((scope_varfetch('self', level=-1)), 'DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE') then begin if isa(h,/number,/scalar) then begin self.h = floor(h) if (h-self.h gt 0) then self.setMinutes,self.m+((h-self.h)*60.) endif else begin dprint,dlevel=1,'HOURS must be scalar number' return endelse endif END ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; (Private Method) ;- PRO DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE::SetDays,d compile_opt idl2,hidden ; Work around to act as a private method catch, stranger if stranger ne 0 then begin catch, /cancel dprint,dlevel=1,'Call failed; Attempt to call private method; Use .Set or .SetAll' return endif if obj_isa((scope_varfetch('self', level=-1)), 'DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE') then begin if isa(d,/number,/scalar) then begin self.d = floor(d) if (d-self.d gt 0) then self.setHours,self.h+((d-self.d)*24.) endif else begin dprint,dlevel=1,'DAYS must be scalar number' return endelse endif END ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; Return a structure of type {DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE} that containins ; this object's values ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; IDL> mt = dsc_time_absolute('-15m36s300ms') ; IDL> mtall = mt.GetAll() ; IDL> print,mtall,/implied ; { ; "IDL_OBJECT_TOP": 0, ; "__OBJ__": , ; "IDL_OBJECT_BOTTOM": 0, ; "NEG": true, ; "MS": 300, ; "S": 36, ; "M": 15, ; "H": 0, ; "D": 0 ; } ; ;- FUNCTION DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE::GetAll compile_opt idl2 str = create_struct(name=obj_class(self)) struct_assign,self,str RETURN,str END ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; Return this object's Milliseconds field (long) ; Note: Time is always stored in reduced form ; I.e., 5000 milliseconds is stored as 5 seconds ; ; Unit fields are always positive. The sign of the DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE object ; is stored in the NEG field. ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; IDL> mt = dsc_time_absolute('12h2m35ms') ; IDL> mt.getMilli() ; 35 ; ; IDL> mt.set,'3m2s5050ms' ; IDL> mt.getMilli() ; 50 ;- FUNCTION DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE::GetMilli compile_opt idl2 return,self.ms END ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; Return this object's Seconds field (long) ; Note: Time is always stored in reduced form ; I.e., 75 seconds is stored at 1 minute, 15 seconds ; ; Unit fields are always positive. The sign of the DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE object ; is stored in the NEG field. ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; IDL> mt = dsc_time_absolute('12h2s35ms') ; IDL> mt.getSeconds() ; 2 ; ; IDL> mt.set,'3m2s5050ms' ; IDL> mt.getMilli() ; 7 ;- FUNCTION DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE::GetSeconds compile_opt idl2 return,self.s END ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; Return this object's Minutes field (long) ; Note: Time is always stored in reduced form ; I.e., 90 minutes is stored as 1 hour, 30 minutes ; ; Unit fields are always positive. The sign of the DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE object ; is stored in the NEG field. ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; IDL> mt = dsc_time_absolute('3h90m') ; IDL> mt.getMinutes() ; 30 ; ; IDL> mt.set,'30m200s' ; IDL> mt.getMinutes() ; 33 ;- FUNCTION DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE::GetMinutes compile_opt idl2 return,self.m END ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; Return this object's Hours field (long) ; Note: Time is always stored in reduced form ; I.e., 90 minutes is stored as 1 hour, 30 minutes ; ; Unit fields are always positive. The sign of the DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE object ; is stored in the NEG field. ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; IDL> mt = dsc_time_absolute('-3h90m') ; IDL> mt.getHours() ; 4 ; ; IDL> mt.set,'66m' ; IDL> mt.getHours() ; 1 ;- FUNCTION DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE::GetHours compile_opt idl2 return,self.h END ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; Return this object's Days field (long) ; Note: Time is always stored in reduced form ; I.e., 25 hours is stored as 1 day, 1 hour ; ; Unit fields are always positive. The sign of the DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE object ; is stored in the NEG field. ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; IDL> mt = dsc_time_absolute('2d15h') ; IDL> mt.getDays() ; 2 ; ; IDL> mt.set,'-30h' ; IDL> mt.getDays() ; 1 ;- FUNCTION DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE::GetDays compile_opt idl2 return,self.d END ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; Returns TRUE if time object is negative, FALSE otherwise (boolean) ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; IDL> mt = dsc_time_absolute('-30h') ; IDL> mt.IsNeg() ; true ; ; IDL> mt.set,'15s2h' ; IDL> mt.IsNeg() ; false ; ;- FUNCTION DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE::IsNeg compile_opt idl2 return,self.neg END ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; Returns the string representation of this time. ; Only non-zeroed fields are displayed (string) ; ; Use keyword /COMPACT to remove whitespace ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; IDL> mt = dsc_time_absolute(d=3,h=42.5,s=10) ; IDL> mtstring = mt.ToString() ; IDL> print,mtstring ; 04d 18h 30m 10s ; ;- FUNCTION DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE::ToString,compact=compact compile_opt idl2 ;TODO - add option flags - like, /minutes, etc. out = '' compact = keyword_set(compact) ? 1 : 0 prefix = (self.neg) ? '-' : '' if self.d gt 0 then out = out+String(self.d,format='(I02)')+'d ' if self.h gt 0 then out = out+String(self.h,format='(I02)')+'h ' if self.m gt 0 then out = out+String(self.m,format='(I02)')+'m ' if self.ms gt 0 then out = out+String(self.s,format='(I02)')+'.'+String(self.ms,format='(I03)')+'s' $ else if self.s gt 0 then begin out = out+String(self.s,format='(I02)')+'s' endif if compact then begin a = out.Split(' ') out = a.Join() endif if out eq '' then return,'0s' return,(prefix+out).Trim() END ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; Returns the total time value of this object, in seconds (double) ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; IDL> mt.set,'1d1h1m1s1ms' ; IDL> mt.toSeconds() ; 90061.001000000004 ; IDL> mt.negate() ; IDL> mt.toSeconds() ; -90061.001000000004 ;- FUNCTION DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE::ToSeconds compile_opt idl2 result = $ self.convert(self.ms,'ms','s') + $ self.s + $ self.convert(self.m,'m','s') + $ self.convert(self.h,'h','s') + $ self.convert(self.d,'d','s') if self.neg then result = -1*result return,result END ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; Returns the total time value of this object, in minutes (double) ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; IDL> mt.set,'1d1h1m1s1ms' ; IDL> mt.toMinutes() ; 1501.0166833333333 ; IDL> mt.negate() ; IDL> mt.toMinutes() ; -1501.0166833333333 ;- FUNCTION DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE::ToMinutes compile_opt idl2 result = $ self.convert(self.ms,'ms','m') + $ self.convert(self.s,'s','m') + $ self.m + $ self.convert(self.h,'h','m') + $ self.convert(self.d,'d','m') if self.neg then result = -1*result return,result END ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; Returns the total time value of this object, in hours (double) ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; IDL> mt.set,'1d1h1m1s1ms' ; IDL> mt.toHours() ; 25.016944722222224 ; IDL> mt.negate() ; IDL> mt.toHours() ; -25.016944722222224 ;- FUNCTION DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE::ToHours compile_opt idl2 result = $ self.convert(self.ms,'ms','h') + $ self.convert(self.s,'s','h') + $ self.convert(self.m,'m','h') + $ self.h + $ self.convert(self.d,'d','h') if self.neg then result = -1*result return,result END ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; Returns the total time value of this object, in days (double) ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; IDL> mt.set,'1d1h1m1s1ms' ; IDL> mt.toDays() ; 1.0423726967592593 ; IDL> mt.negate() ; IDL> mt.toDays() ; -1.0423726967592593 ;- FUNCTION DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE::ToDays compile_opt idl2 result = $ self.convert(self.ms,'ms','d') + $ self.convert(self.s,'s','d') + $ self.convert(self.m,'m','d') + $ self.convert(self.h,'h','d') + $ self.d if self.neg then result = -1*result return,result END ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; (Private Method) ;- PRO DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE::Reduce compile_opt idl2,hidden ; Work around to act as a private method catch, stranger if stranger ne 0 then begin catch, /cancel dprint,dlevel=1,'Call failed; Attempt to call private method. return endif if obj_isa((scope_varfetch('self', level=-1)), 'DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE') then begin DHMfactor = [86400.,3600.,60.] out = intarr(3) sec = self.toSeconds() self.neg = (sec lt 0) ? !TRUE : !FALSE sec = abs(sec) for i = 0,2 do begin out[i] = floor(sec/DHMFactor[i]) sec = sec mod DHMfactor[i] endfor self.d = out[0] self.h = out[1] self.m = out[2] self.s = floor(sec) self.ms = round((sec mod 1)*1000.) endif END ;+ ;DESCRIPTION: ; (Static Method) ; Convert between units of time. ; Usage: ; dsc_time_absolute.convert(amount, input_unit, output_unit) ; where input/output units are one of the following strings: ; 'd','h','m','s','ms' ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; IDL> dsc_time_absolute.convert(15, 'm', 's') ; 900.00000000000000 ; IDL> dsc_time_absolute.convert(368, 'm', 'h') ; 6.1333333333333329 ;- FUNCTION DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE::Convert,value,in_unit,out_unit compile_opt idl2, static out_value = -1 if (~isa(value,/scalar,/number) || $ ~isa(in_unit,/scalar,/string) || $ ~isa(out_unit,/scalar,/string)) then begin dprint,dlevel=1,'Usage Error: DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE.convert,VALUE,IN_UNIT,OUT_UNIT' dprint,dlevel=1,"and IN_UNIT,OUT_UNIT in the set {'ms','s','m','h','d'}" return,-1 endif in_unit = in_unit.ToLower() out_unit = out_unit.ToLower() strerr = 0 case (in_unit) of 'ms': begin case (out_unit) of 'ms': multiplier = 1d 's' : multiplier = .001d 'm' : multiplier = .001d/60. 'h' : multiplier = .001d/3600. 'd' : multiplier = .001d/(3600.*24.) else: strerr = 1 endcase end 's': begin case (out_unit) of 'ms': multiplier = 1000d 's' : multiplier = 1d 'm' : multiplier = 1d/60. 'h' : multiplier = 1d/3600. 'd' : multiplier = 1d/(3600.*24.) else: strerr = 1 endcase end 'm': begin case (out_unit) of 'ms': multiplier = 60000d 's' : multiplier = 60d 'm' : multiplier = 1d 'h' : multiplier = 1d/60. 'd' : multiplier = 1d/(60.*24.) else: strerr = 1 endcase end 'h': begin case (out_unit) of 'ms': multiplier = 3.6d6 's' : multiplier = 3600d 'm' : multiplier = 60d 'h' : multiplier = 1d 'd' : multiplier = 1d/24. else: strerr = 1 endcase end 'd': begin case (out_unit) of 'ms': multiplier = 24d*3.6e6 's' : multiplier = 24d*3600. 'm' : multiplier = 24d*60. 'h' : multiplier = 24d 'd' : multiplier = 1d else: strerr = 1 endcase end else: strerr = 1 endcase if strerr then begin dprint,dlevel=1,'Usage Error: DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE.convert,VALUE,IN_UNIT,OUT_UNIT' dprint,dlevel=1,"and IN_UNIT,OUT_UNIT in the set {'ms','s','m','h','d'}" return,-1 endif return, value*multiplier END PRO DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE__DEFINE compile_opt idl2 STRUCT = { DSC_TIME_ABSOLUTE, INHERITS IDL_Object, $ neg: !FALSE, $ ; Negative Time Flag ms: 0, $ ; Milliseconds s : 0, $ ; Seconds m : 0, $ ; Minutes h : 0, $ ; Hours d : 0 $ ; Days } END