;+ ;NAME: DSC_SHIFTLINE ; ;DESCRIPTION: ; Time shift one or more lines of a given TPLOT plot and display ; shift amount on right side label. ; ;KEYWORDS: (Optional) ; DYINFO=: Structure holding dsc_dyplot parameters, as returned in the OLD_DYINFO ; keyword to that routine. Use this to call dsc_dyplot with these parameters. ; DSCDY: Set this to draw DSCOVR confidence intervals for relevant data in all panels. ; dsc_dyplot options are based on tags in each variable's options structure. ; i.e., it calls dsc_dyplot with no keywords. ; Supercedes the DYINFO= keyword. ; NEWVARS=: Returns the names of any new tplot variable names created during this call. ; PANEL=: Scalar or Array of indices describing which panels will be targets for ; time shifting. (1-indexed like TPLOT). Default is all panels. (Int) ; RESET: Set this to return selected lines to initial, un-shifted, state. ; SHIFTSTRING=: A string representing the desired time shift, formatted to comply with the ; 'dsc_time_absolute' class: ; Format: '#d#h#m#s#ms' ; You may leave out unit id strings, but not repeat them: ; OK '3h2m' ; NOT OK '3h45m13m' ; Numbers must all be positive integers, with the execption of the leading negative. ; OK '3d4h23m16s400ms' ; OK '-23h' ; NOT OK '15h-4m' ; NOT OK '15.4m' ; ; If value passed in SHIFTSTRING is scalar, this shift will be used for all panels ; affected by the DSC_SHIFTLINE call. If value is an array, it must be the same size ; as the number of panels in this call. In that case, each shift corresponds to the ; associated panel. (String) ; ; For Example: ; ; dsc_shiftline,varpattern='dsc',shiftstring='30m' ; -- will shift all DSCOVR lines forward by 30 minutes for all the panels. ; ; dsc_shiftline,varpattern='dsc',shiftstring=['30m','-4h'],panel=[1,2] ; -- will shift the DSCOVR line in the first panel 30 minutes forward ; and the DSCOVR line in the second panel backward by 4 hours. ; ; TVINFO=: Structure containing TPLOT variables information - as returned ; from the 'new_tvar' keyword to tplot. ; If not set uses that found in common 'tplot_vars' ; VARPATTERN=: A regex pattern used to match the tplot variable name to shift. ; If value is scalar, this pattern will be used for all panels affected by ; this call. If value is array, it must be the same size as the number of ; panels in this call. In that case, each pattern corresponds to the associated ; panel. (String) ; ; For Example: Given a multi-panel plot, each panel holding both DSCOVR and WIND data ; ; dsc_shiftline,varpattern='dsc',shiftstring='30m' ; -- will shift all DSCOVR lines forward by 30 minutes for all the panels. ; ; dsc_shiftline,varpattern=['dsc','wi'],shiftstring='30m',panel=[1,2] ; -- will shift the DSCOVR line in the first panel and the WIND line in the second panel. ; ; VERBOSE=: Integer indicating the desired verbosity level. Defaults to !dsc.verbose ; ;CREATED BY: Ayris Narock (ADNET/GSFC) 2018 ; ; $LastChangedBy: nikos $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-03-12 09:55:28 -0700 (Mon, 12 Mar 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 24869 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/dscovr/mission_compare/dsc_shiftline.pro $ ;- PRO DSC_SHIFTLINE,TVINFO=tvinfo,PANEL=panel,VARPATTERN=varpattern,SHIFTSTRING=shiftstr,RESET=reset,VERBOSE=verbose, $ DYINFO=dyinfo,DSCDY=dscdy,NEWVARS=newvars COMPILE_OPT IDL2 @tplot_com.pro dsc_init rname = dsc_getrname() if not isa(verbose,/int) then verbose=!dsc.verbose newvars = [] catch, err if err ne 0 then begin if err eq -539 then begin dprint,dlevel=1,verbose=verbose,rname+': Invalid TPLOT Window reference. A TPLOT window must be open before calling this procedure.' endif else dprint,dlevel=1,verbose=verbose,rname+': '+!ERROR_STATE.MSG catch,/cancel return endif ; Keyword checks ;; TVINFO if isa(tvinfo,'UNDEFINED') then tvinfo=tplot_vars np = n_elements(tvinfo.options.varnames) ;; PANEL if (~isa(panel,'UNDEFINED') && ~isa(panel,/INTEGER)) then begin dprint,dlevel=1,verbose=verbose,rname+': PANEL must be integer type' return endif panel = isa(panel,'UNDEFINED') ? indgen(np) : panel-1 if max(panel) ge np then begin dprint,dlevel=1,verbose=verbose,rname+': PANEL number must be between 1 and '+np.toString() return endif ;; VARPATTERN if isa(varpattern,'UNDEFINED') then varpattern = '.' ;; SHIFTSTR if isa(shiftstr,'UNDEFINED') then shiftstr = '0s' nselected_pan = n_elements(panel) scalar_patt = isa(varpattern,/scalar) ? 1 : (n_elements(varpattern) eq nselected_pan) ? 0 : -1 scalar_shft = isa(shiftstr,/scalar) ? 1 : (n_elements(shiftstr) eq nselected_pan) ? 0 : -1 if (scalar_patt eq -1 || scalar_shft eq -1) then begin dprint,dlevel=1,verbose=verbose,rname+': Check Kewords- VARPATTERN, SHIFTSTRING must be scalar or match number of selected panels.' return endif for i=0,n_elements(panel)-1 do begin ix_patt = (scalar_patt) ? 0 : i ix_shft = (scalar_shft) ? 0 : i newnames = [] shft_inc_obj = obj_new('dsc_time_absolute',shiftstr[ix_shft]) if shft_inc_obj eq !NULL then begin dprint,dlevel=1,verbose=verbose,rname+': Bad shift string- PANEL '+(1+panel[i]).toString() endif else begin if (keyword_set(reset) || shft_inc_obj.toSeconds() ne 0) then begin matches = [] ix_matches = [] get_data,tvinfo.options.varnames[panel[i]],data=d,limit=limit0,dlimit=dlimit0 if isa(d,/string,/array) then begin foreach vname,d,j do if vname.Matches(varpattern[ix_patt]) then ix_matches = [ix_matches,j] matches = d[ix_matches] endif else if tvinfo.options.varnames[panel[i]] then matches = [matches,tvinfo.options.varnames[panel[i]]] foreach line,matches do begin shft_obj = shft_inc_obj.Copy() refvar = line get_data,line,data=dataline,dlim=dlimit,lim=limit,alim=alimit if tag_exist(alimit,'shift') then begin extract_tags,shft_prev,alimit,tags='shift' refvar = shft_prev.shift.refvar shft_obj = shft_prev.shift.amount + shft_inc_obj get_data,refvar,data=dataline,dlim=dlimit,lim=limit,alim=alimit endif if keyword_set(reset) || shft_obj.toSeconds() eq 0 then begin newnames = [newnames,refvar] endif else begin shft_str = shft_obj.isNeg() ? '' : '+' shft_str = shft_str+shft_obj.toString(/compact) str_element,dataline,'x',dataline.x+shft_obj.toSeconds(),/add_rep if ~tag_exist(alimit,'labels') then str_element,alimit,'labels',' ',/add_rep str_element,dlimit,'labels',alimit.labels+'!C '+shft_str,/add_rep str_element,dlimit,'labflag',-1 str_element,limit,'labels',/del store_data,refvar+'SHIFT'+shft_str,data=dataline,dlim=dlimit,lim=limit options,/def,refvar+'SHIFT'+shft_str,shift={refvar:refvar, amount:shft_obj} newnames = [newnames,refvar+'SHIFT'+shft_str] endelse endforeach if ~isa(matches,/NULL) then begin ;----handle both compound and single var panels if (isa(d,/string,/array)) then begin ;multi-var panel dnew = d dnew[ix_matches] = newnames prefix = 'W'+(tvinfo.settings.window).toString()+'SHIFT_' if (tvinfo.options.varnames[panel[i]]).Matches('^'+prefix) $ then compound_varname = tvinfo.options.varnames[panel[i]] $ else compound_varname = prefix+tvinfo.options.varnames[panel[i]] str_element,limit0,'labflag',/del str_element,dlimit0,'labflag',-1,/add_rep store_data,compound_varname,data=dnew,dlimit=dlimit0,limit=limit0 tvinfo.options.varnames[panel[i]] = compound_varname tvinfo.settings.varnames[panel[i]] = compound_varname endif else begin ;single-var panel tvinfo.options.varnames[panel[i]] = newnames tvinfo.settings.varnames[panel[i]] = newnames endelse endif else begin dprint,dlevel=2,verbose=verbose,rname+': No variable matches, Panel '+(1+panel[i]).toString() endelse endif endelse newvars = [newvars,newnames] endfor tvinfo.options.datanames[0] = tvinfo.options.varnames[*].Join(' ') tplot,old_tvars=tvinfo if keyword_set(dscdy) then dsc_dyplot $ else if isa(dyinfo) then dsc_dyplot,old_dyinfo=dyinfo END