;+ ; Procedure: tplot_force_monotonic ; ; Purpose: ; This routine checks tplot variables for sample time (abscissa: data.x) monotonicity ; and forces them so through removal or replacement of non-monotonic segments, if requested; ; the corresponding elements of data.y and data.v are also repaired. ; Indices of consecutively repeated header times and piece-wise monotonic segment "negative jumps" ; are identified and used to determine monotonicity of tplot variables. If checking, ; the routine will report cause of failures (i.e. negative jumps, repeats). ; Three repair methods are available: /forward, /reverse and /sort (see Keywords) ; ; Inputs: [optional] tplot variable name(s) string/array or wild-card name string or tplot variable number(s); same as input for tnames() ; ; Keywords: ; forward: the recommended repair method, which keeps the older time elements of over-lapping time segments ; reverse: repair method which keeps the newer time elements over-lapping time segments ; sort: repair method which sorts time-lines chronologically, using bsort() ; ; keep_repeats: [optional] do not remove consecutively repeated header times ; replace_NaN: [optional] instead of removing 'bad' elements, replace them with NaN (only applied to data.y and data.v elements, data.x is not modified) ; ; ; Outputs: ; If checking, PASS/FAIL console message per tplot variable, including cause of failures ; If repairing, PASS/FAIL console message per tplot variable and repaired tplot variable(s) (via store_data) ; ; Examples: ; tplot_force_monotonic ; check all tplot variables ; tplot_force_monotonic,'*' ; check all tplot variables ; tplot_force_monotonic,'var1' ; check tplot variable named var1 ; tplot_force_monotonic,['var1','var2'] ; check tplot variables named var1 and var2 ; tplot_force_monotonic,[6,7,9] ; check tplot variables 6, 7 and 9 ; tplot_force_monotonic,/forward ; repair all tplot variables using 'forward' method, discarding repeated sample times (recommended repair method) ; tplot_force_monotonic,/reverse,/keep_repeats ; repair all tplot variables using 'reverse' method, keeping repeated sample times ; tplot_force_monotonic,/sort ; repair all tplot variables using 'sort' method, discarding consecutively repeated sample times ; tplot_force_monotonic,'var?',/forward,/replace_nan ; repair tplot variable(s) in var? using 'forward' method and replace bad elements with NaNs ; ; Notes: ; 1. tplot variables repaired with the /replace_nan keyword will not pass a monotonicity check. ; 2. tplot variables repaired with the /keep_repeats keyword may not pass a monotonicity check. ; 3. A warning is issued if more than 10% of tplot variable elements are removed or replaced. ; ; ToDo: nothing yet ; ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2016-04-25 12:07:51 -0700 (Mon, 25 Apr 2016) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 20911 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/general/tplot/tplot_force_monotonic.pro $ ;- function keep_overlap, i_keep, i_new, time_array, REVERSE=REVERSE, KEEP_REPEATS=KEEP_REPEATS ;;; returns the indices of overlapping time segments to keep if keyword_set(reverse) then begin if keyword_set(KEEP_REPEATS) then begin i_keep_new = where( time_array[i_new] le min(time_array[i_keep]) ,c_new) endif else i_keep_new = where( time_array[i_new] lt min(time_array[i_keep]) ,c_new) endif else begin if keyword_set(KEEP_REPEATS) then begin i_keep_new = where( time_array[i_new] ge max(time_array[i_keep]) ,c_new) endif else i_keep_new = where( time_array[i_new] gt max(time_array[i_keep]) ,c_new) endelse if c_new gt 0 then begin if keyword_set(reverse) then begin i_keep = [i_new[i_keep_new], i_keep] endif else i_keep = [i_keep, i_new[i_keep_new]] endif return, i_keep end function set_difference, set_a, set_b ;;; returns the elements present in set_a but not in set_b (if their intersection is not empty) ;;; returns -1 if intersection of set_a and set_b is empty mm = minmax(set_a) r = where((histogram(set_a, Min=mm[0], Max=mm[1]) ne 0) and (histogram(set_b, Min=mm[0], Max=mm[1]) eq 0)) diff = r + mm[0] if n_elements(set_a) eq n_elements(diff) then begin return, -1 endif else return, diff end pro tplot_force_monotonic, tplot_vars, FORWARD=FORWARD, REVERSE=REVERSE, SORT=SORT, KEEP_REPEATS=KEEP_REPEATS, REPLACE_NAN=REPLACE_NAN ;;; Get and check tplot variable names/numbers tplot_vars = tnames(tplot_vars) if strlen(strjoin(tplot_vars)) eq 0 then begin dprint, 'Invalid tplot variable name(s) or number(s)' return endif max_var_len = 32 ;;; Loop over requested tplot variables for j=0L,n_elements(tplot_vars)-1L do begin tplot_var = tplot_vars[j] ; the following fixes a crash when the tplot variable name is the same length as max_var_len if strlen(tplot_var) ge max_var_len then max_var_len = strlen(tplot_var) + 1 get_data,tplot_var,data=data,dlimits=dlimits,limits=limits ;;; Check if data is a structure if not is_struct(data) then begin dprint,' ',tplot_var,':'+strjoin(strarr(max_var_len-strlen(tplot_var))+' ')+'FAIL - not a valid tplot variable' continue endif time_array = data.x n_time_array = n_elements(time_array) ;;; Check if time array has only one element if (n_time_array eq 1) then begin dprint,tplot_var,':'+strjoin(strarr(max_var_len-strlen(tplot_var))+' ')+'PASS, variable has one time element' continue endif ;;; Identify consecutive repeats and boundaries of piece-wise monotonic segments "negative jumps" i_non_monotonic = where((time_array[1:n_time_array-1]-time_array[0:n_time_array-2]) lt 0d, c_non_monotonic) +1L i_repeat = where((time_array[1:n_time_array-1]-time_array[0:n_time_array-2]) eq 0d, c_repeat) +1L ;;; If time_array is monotonic (i.e. has no negative jumps) and has no repeats, then it PASSES if ((c_non_monotonic eq 0) and (c_repeat eq 0)) then begin dprint,tplot_var,':'+strjoin(strarr(max_var_len-strlen(tplot_var))+' ')+'PASS' continue endif else begin ;;; case: tplot variable is non-monotonic if keyword_set(forward) or keyword_set(reverse) or keyword_set(SORT) then begin if c_non_monotonic eq 0 then GOTO, ONLY_REPEATS ;;; Keep forward portion of overlaps if keyword_set(forward) then begin if i_non_monotonic[0] eq 0 then begin i_keep = 0L endif else i_keep = lindgen(i_non_monotonic[0]) for k = 0L, c_non_monotonic-2L do begin i_new = lindgen(i_non_monotonic[k+1] - i_non_monotonic[k]) + i_non_monotonic[k] i_keep = keep_overlap(i_keep,i_new,time_array,KEEP_REPEATS=KEEP_REPEATS) endfor i_new = lindgen(n_time_array - i_non_monotonic[k] ) + i_non_monotonic[k] i_keep = keep_overlap(i_keep,i_new,time_array,KEEP_REPEATS=KEEP_REPEATS) endif ;;; Keep reverse portion of overlaps if keyword_set(reverse) then begin n = c_non_monotonic-1 if i_non_monotonic[n] eq 0 then begin i_keep = lindgen(n_time_array -1L) +1L endif else i_keep = lindgen( n_time_array - i_non_monotonic[n]) +i_non_monotonic[n] for k = c_non_monotonic-2L,0,-1 do begin i_new = lindgen(i_non_monotonic[k+1]-i_non_monotonic[k]) + i_non_monotonic[k] i_keep = keep_overlap(i_keep,i_new,time_array,/reverse,KEEP_REPEATS=KEEP_REPEATS) endfor if i_non_monotonic[0] eq 0 then begin i_new = 0L endif else i_new = lindgen(i_non_monotonic[0]) i_keep = keep_overlap(i_keep,i_new,time_array,/reverse,KEEP_REPEATS=KEEP_REPEATS) endif ;;; Sort time-series using bsort() if keyword_set(SORT) then i_keep = bsort(time_array) ;;; Keep repeats or not ONLY_REPEATS: if c_non_monotonic eq 0 then i_keep = lindgen(n_time_array) if not keyword_set(KEEP_REPEATS) then begin if (c_repeat gt 0) then begin i_non_repeats = set_difference([i_keep],[i_repeat]) if min(i_non_repeats) ne -1 then i_keep = i_non_repeats endif endif ;;; Repair tplot variable and print summary ;;; Remove "bad" elements of data.x, data.y and data.v if not keyword_set(replace_nan) then begin x = data.x[i_keep] y_dim = size(data.y,/n_dimensions) if y_dim eq 1 then begin y = data.y[i_keep] if tag_exist(data,'v') then begin v = data.v if n_elements(data.y) eq n_elements(data.v) then v = data.v[i_keep] endif endif if y_dim eq 2 then begin y = data.y[i_keep,*] if tag_exist(data,'v') then begin v_dim = size(data.v,/n_dimensions) if v_dim eq 2 then begin v = data.v[i_keep,*] endif else v = data.v endif endif if y_dim eq 3 then begin y = data.y[i_keep,*,*] if tag_exist(data,'v1') then begin v1 = data.v1 v2 = data.v2 endif endif ;;; Replace "bad" elements of data.y and data.v with NaN endif else begin x = data.x i_all = lindgen(n_elements(x)) i_replace = set_difference([i_all],[i_keep]) if min(i_replace) ne -1 then begin y_dim = size(data.y,/n_dimensions) if y_dim eq 1 then begin y = data.y y[i_replace] = 'NaN' if tag_exist(data,'v') then begin v = data.v if n_elements(data.y) eq n_elements(data.v) then v[i_replace] = 'NaN' endif endif if y_dim eq 2 then begin y = data.y y[i_replace,*] = 'NaN' if tag_exist(data,'v') then begin v = data.v v_dim = size(data.v,/n_dimensions) if v_dim eq 2 then v[i_replace,*] = 'NaN' endif endif if y_dim eq 3 then begin y = data.y y[i_replace,*,*] = 'NaN' if tag_exist(data,'v1') then begin v1 = data.v1 v2 = data.v2 endif endif endif endelse ;;; Write modified data to tplot variable if (tag_exist(data,'v') or tag_exist(data,'v1')) then begin if tag_exist(data,'v') then store_data,tplot_var,data={x:x,y:y,v:v},dlimits=dlimits,limits=limits if tag_exist(data,'v1') then store_data,tplot_var,data={x:x,y:y,v1:v1,v2:v2},dlimits=dlimits,limits=limits endif else store_data,tplot_var,data={x:x,y:y},dlimits=dlimits,limits=limits ;;; Determine percentage of elements removed or replaced, and report them percent_removed = (n_time_array - n_elements(i_keep)) / float(n_time_array) * float(100) if not keyword_set(replace_nan) then begin dprint,tplot_var,':'+strjoin(strarr(max_var_len-strlen(tplot_var))+' ')+'FAIL - repaired: '+ strtrim(percent_removed,2) + ' % removed' endif else dprint,tplot_var,':'+strjoin(strarr(max_var_len-strlen(tplot_var))+' ')+'FAIL - repaired: '+ strtrim(percent_removed,2) + ' % replaced with NaN' if percent_removed gt 10d then dprint,'********** Warning: Over 10% removed or replaced from '+strtrim(tplot_var,2)+' **********' endif else begin ;;; Checking case: report causes of failures if ((c_repeat gt 0) and (c_non_monotonic) gt 0) then dprint,tplot_var,':'+strjoin(strarr(max_var_len-strlen(tplot_var))+' ')+'FAIL - '+strtrim(c_non_monotonic,2)+' negative jump(s), '+strtrim(c_repeat,2)+' repeat(s)' if ((c_repeat gt 0) and (c_non_monotonic) eq 0) then dprint,tplot_var,':'+strjoin(strarr(max_var_len-strlen(tplot_var))+' ')+'FAIL - '+strtrim(c_repeat,2)+' repeat(s)' if ((c_repeat eq 0) and (c_non_monotonic) gt 0) then dprint,tplot_var,':'+strjoin(strarr(max_var_len-strlen(tplot_var))+' ')+'FAIL - '+strtrim(c_non_monotonic,2)+' negative jump(s)' endelse endelse endfor ;;; end of loop over tplot variables end