PRO timebar,t1,color=color,linestyle=linestyle,thick=thick,verbose=verbose,$ varname=varname,between=between,transient=transient,databar=databar ;+ ;NAME: timebar ;PURPOSE: ; plot vertical (or horizontal) lines on TPLOTs at specified times (or values) ;CALLING SEQUENCE: timebar,t ;INPUTS: t: dblarr of times at which to draw vertical lines, ; seconds since Jan, 1, 1970. (Or a single datavalue at which to draw a horizontal ; line in units of the TPLOT variable named in VARNAME). ;KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; DATABAR: Set to plot horizontal lines. *** Must set VARNAME also (for the time being) ***. ; COLOR: byte or bytarr of color values ; LINESTYLE: int or intarr of linestyles ; THICK: int or intarr of line thicknesses for any of the above keywords, a scalar input will apply to all times ; VERBOSE: print more error messages; useful for debugging ; VARNAME: TPLOT variable names or indices indicating panel in which ; to plot bar, can be an array or glob string, color, linestyle ; thick should either be scalar or n_elements(varname) for ; multiple varables ; BETWEEN: array of two TPLOT variable names indicating between which two panels to plot timebar ; TRANSIENT: timebar,t,/transient called once plots a timebar. Called twice, it deletes the timebar. ; Note: 1) all other keywords except VERBOSE ; be the same for both calls. 2) COLOR will most ; likely not come out what you ask for, but ; since it's transient anyway, shouldn't matter. ;OUTPUTS: ;OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: ;COMMON BLOCKS: tplot_com ;EXAMPLE: ; load_3dp_data,'95-01-01',2 & get_pmom ; tplot,['Np','Tp','Vp'] ; t=time_double('95-01-01/1:12') ; timebar,t ;put a white line at 1:12 am, Jan, 1, 1995 ; ctime,t1,t2 ;select two times from the plot ; timebar,[t1,t2],color=!d.n_colors-2 ;plot them in red ;SEE ALSO: ; "CTIME","TPLOT" ;CREATED BY: Frank V. Marcoline ;LAST MODIFICATION: 2009/05/14, W.M.Feuerstein ;FILE: ;VERSION: 1.91 ;- @tplot_com ; Validate parameter according to whether it is a timebar or a databar: ; if undefined(t1) then begin case keyword_set(databar) of 0: t = time_double(t1) 1: begin t1 = 0d read, prompt = 'Please provide numeric value for databar: ', t1 t = t1 end endcase endif else begin case keyword_set(databar) of 0: t = time_double(t1) 1: t = double(t1) endcase endelse ;If varname is an array and /databar is set, call recursively, jmm, ;2016-07-29 if keyword_set(databar) then begin if ~keyword_set(varname) then begin dprint, 'VARNAME is requred when DATABAR is set. Returning,...',dlevel=2 return endif vn = tnames(varname) nvn = n_elements(vn) if nvn Eq 0 then begin dprint, 'No valid varnames for /databar option. Returning,...',dlevel=2 return endif if n_elements(vn) gt 1 then begin ;handle arrays in keywords if keyword_set(color) then begin if is_string(color) then color = get_colors(color) if n_elements(color) eq nvn then clr = color $ else clr = intarr(nvn)+color[0] endif else clr = bytarr(nvn) if keyword_set(linestyle) then begin if n_elements(linestyle) eq nvn then lns = linestyle $ else lns = intarr(nvn)+linestyle[0] endif else lns = bytarr(nvn) if keyword_set(thick) then begin if n_elements(thick) eq nvn then thk = thick $ else thk = fltarr(nvn)+thick[0] endif else thk = fltarr(nvn) for j = 0, nvn-1 do begin timebar, t, color=clr[j], linestyle=lns[j], $ thick=thk[j], verbose=verbose,$ varname=vn[j],/databar endfor return endif endif nt = n_elements(t) if not keyword_set(color) then begin if !p.background eq 0 then color = !d.n_colors-1 else color = 0 endif else begin if is_string(color) then color = get_colors(color) endelse if n_elements(color) ne nt then color = make_array(nt,value=color) if not keyword_set(linestyle) then linestyle = 0 if n_elements(linestyle) ne nt then linestyle = make_array(nt,value=linestyle) if not keyword_set(thick) then thick = 1 if n_elements(thick) ne nt then thick = make_array(nt,value=thick) if ! eq 'X' or ! eq 'WIN' then begin current_window= !d.window > 0 wset,tplot_vars.settings.window endif str_element,tplot_vars,'settings.x.window',xp str_element,tplot_vars,'settings.x.crange',xr nd1 = n_elements(tplot_vars.settings.y)-1 nd0 = 0 if keyword_set(varname) then begin nd = where( tnames(varname[0]) eq tplot_vars.options.varnames) nd0=nd[0] nd1=nd[0] endif else if keyword_set(databar) then begin dprint, 'VARNAME is requred when DATABAR is set. Returning,...',dlevel=2 return endif nt = n_elements(t) yp = fltarr(2) yr = fltarr(2) if keyword_set(between) eq 0 then begin yp[0] = tplot_vars.settings.y[nd1].window[0] yp[1] = tplot_vars.settings.y[nd0].window[1] if keyword_set(databar) then begin yr[0] = tplot_vars.settings.y[nd1].crange[0] yr[1] = tplot_vars.settings.y[nd0].crange[1] endif endif else begin nd0 = (where(between[0] eq tplot_vars.options.varnames))[0] nd1 = (where(between[1] eq tplot_vars.options.varnames))[0] yp[0] = tplot_vars.settings.y[nd1].window[1] yp[1] = tplot_vars.settings.y[nd0].window[0] endelse if keyword_set(transient) then $ device, get_graphics = ograph, set_graphics = 6 ;set to xor if ~keyword_set(databar) then begin ;timebar for i=0l,nt-1 do begin tp = t[i] - tplot_vars.settings.time_offset tp = xp[0] + (tp-xr[0])/(xr[1]-xr[0]) * (xp[1]-xp[0]) if tp ge xp[0] and tp le xp[1] then begin plots,[tp,tp] ,yp ,color=color[i],linestyle=linestyle[i],thick=thick[i],/normal endif else if keyword_set(verbose) then $ dprint, 'Time '+time_string(t[i])+' is out of trange.' endfor endif else begin for i=0l,0l do begin ;databar ;for now work only on first element. dp = t[i] if tplot_vars.settings.y[nd[i]].type then dp = yp[0] + (( alog10(dp) - yr[0] )/(yr[1]-yr[0]) * (yp[1]-yp[0])) else $ dp = yp[0] + (dp-yr[0])/(yr[1]-yr[0]) * (yp[1]-yp[0]) ; if dp ge yp[0] and dp le yp[1] then begin if dp ge yp[0,i] and dp le yp[1,i] then begin plots,xp,[dp,dp],color=color[i],linestyle=linestyle[i],thick=thick[i],/normal endif else if keyword_set(verbose) then $ dprint, 'Data value '+string(t[i])+' is out of trange.' endfor endelse if keyword_set(transient) then device,set_graphics=ograph if ! eq 'X' or ! eq 'WIN' then begin wset,current_window endif return END