;+ ;FUNCTION: A = data_cut(name, t) ;PURPOSE: Interpolates data from a data structure. ;INPUT: ; name: Either a data structure or a string that can be associated with ; a data structure. (see "get_data" routine) ; the data structure must contain the element tags: "x" and "y" ; the y array may be multi dimensional. ; t: (scalar or array) x-values for interpolated quantities. ;RETURN VALUE: ; a data array: the first dimension is the dimension of t ; the second dimension is the dimension of name ; ; NOTE!! keyword options have been temporarily removed!!!! ; ;KEYWORDS: ; EXTRAPOLATE: Controls interpolation of the ends of the data. Effects: ; 0: Default action. Set new y data to NAN or to MISSING. ; 1: Extend the endpoints horizontally. ; 2: Extrapolate the ends. If the range of 't' is ; significantly larger than the old time range, the ends ; are likely to blow up. ; INTERP_GAP: Determines if points should be interpolated between data gaps, ; together with the GAP_DIST. IF the data gap > GAP_DIST, ; follow the action of INTERP_GAP ; 0: Default action. Set y data to MISSING. ; 1: Interpolate gaps ; GAP_DIST: Determines the size of a data gap above which interpolation ; is regulated by INTERP_GAP. ; Default value is 5, in units of the average time interval: ; delta_t = (t(end)-t(start)/number of data points) ; MISSING: Value to set the new y data to for data gaps. Default is NAN. ; LAST_VALUE: Set this keyword to return the last value of y array: y[index] (no interpolation performed) ; ;CREATED BY: Davin Larson ;LAST MODIFICATION: @(#)data_cut.pro 1.19 02/04/17 ; Added the four keywords. (fvm 9/27/95) ;- FUNCTION data_cut,name,t, $ COUNT=count, $ EXTRAPOLATE=EXTRAPOLATE,INTERP_GAP=INTERP_GAP,gap_thresh=gap_thresh,$ GAP_DIST=GAP_DIST,MISSING=MISSING,LAST_VALUE=LAST_VALUE if size(/type,name) eq 7 or size(/type,name) eq 2 or size(/type,name) eq 3 then begin get_data,name,data=dat,index=h if h eq 0 then begin count = 0 return,0 endif endif if size(/type,name) eq 8 then dat=name if n_elements(MISSING) eq 0 then MISSING = !values.f_nan if keyword_set(INTERP_GAP) then begin trange = minmax(dat.x) dt = (trange[1]-trange[0]) / n_elements(dat.x) gap_thresh = dt * (keyword_set(GAP_DIST) ? GAP_DIST : 5.0) endif nt = dimen1(t) count = nt nd1 = dimen1(dat.y) nd2 = dimen2(dat.y) if n_elements(dat.x) le 1 then return,0 if 1 then begin y = interp( dat.y, dat.x, t, interp_thr=gap_thresh, last_value=last_value ) endif else begin dprint,' This old method was very sloppy and lost precision by forcing floating point precision' y = fltarr(nt,nd2) ;do the interpolation, including the gaps and ends for i=0,nd2-1 do begin y[*,i] = interp(double(dat.y[*,i]),dat.x,t,interp_thr = gap_thresh,last_value=last_value) endfor endelse if not keyword_set(EXTRAPOLATE) then begin tlim = minmax(dat.x) dt = (tlim[1]-tlim[0]) / (n_elements(dat.x)-1) tlim = tlim + [-dt,dt] outside = where( (t lt tlim[0]) or (t gt tlim[1]) ,c) if c ne 0 then y[outside,*] = MISSING endif if (ndimen(t) eq 0) and (ndimen(dat.y) eq 1) then return,y[0] $ else return,reform(y) end