;+ ;NAME: ; tplot_window ;PURPOSE: ; Allowd various widget-like features in a tplot window, this is ; accomplished by setting up the window as a draw widget. ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; tplot_window, tplot_vars ;DESCRIPTION: ; Called just like tplot, e.g., ; ; tplot_window, tplot_variable_names ; ; (The variable names are optional, if left out, then the previous set ; of tplotted variables are used) ; ; Once tplot_window is called, the all succeeding "tplot" commands are ; sent to that first window, unless tplot is called using the WINDOW ; keyword. (To get a new widget, call tplot_window again.) ; ; Tplot_window makes the tplot window a draw widget, and enables ; keyboard commands, e.g., ; 'z' for zoom in by 50%; ; 'o' for zoom out by200%; ; 'r' for reset to initial time range; ; 't' for interactive tlimit, which allows you to set ; the plotted time range by clicking same as in a regular ; window; ; 'b' for shift back by 25%; ; 'f' for shift forward by 25%; ; 'c' centers the plot on the cursor, without zooming ; Arrow keys work too, up zooms in, down zooms out, left shifts back, ; right shifts forwards. ; ; All tplot keywords are allowed except window and wshow. The draw widget ; does not respond to click events, so that calling tlimit, ctime, etc.. ; from the command line still works. ; ; Note that the widget has no 'memory' so if you zoom out right after ; zooming in, you don't necessarily return to the same time range, unless ; you are careful about where on the window you start. ; The zoom in commands key on the cursor position on the plot, while the zoom ; out commands zoom out from the center of the current plot. ; ; Note that all issues with multiple windows have not been sorted ; out. To return control of tplot to a given window, call ; tplot with no arguments except for the appropriate value using the ; window keyword, e.g., ; tplot, window = 32 will return control to the original ; tplot_window. ;INPUT: ; tplot_vars = tplot variable names or numbers ;OUTPUT: ; no explicit output, just plots and keywords ;KEYWORDS: ; Same as tplot.pro, excluding WINDOW: ; TITLE: A string to be used for the title. Remembered for future plots. ; ADD_VAR: Set this variable to add datanames to the previous plot. If set ; to 1, the new panels will appear at the top (position 1) of the ; plot. If set to 2, they will be inserted directly after the ; first panel and so on. Set this to a value greater than the ; existing number of panels in your tplot window to add panels to ; the bottom of the plot. ; LASTVAR: Set this variable to plot the previous variables plotted in a ; TPLOT window. ; PICK: Set this keyword to choose new order of plot panels ; using the mouse. ; VAR_LABEL: String [array]; Variable(s) used for putting labels along ; the bottom. This allows quantities such as altitude to be labeled. ; VERSION: Must be 1,2,3, or 4 (3 is default) Uses a different labeling ; scheme. Version 4 is for rocket-type time scales. ; OVERPLOT: Will not erase the previous screen if set. ; NAMES: The names of the tplot variables that are plotted. ; NOCOLOR: Set this to produce plot without color. ; TRANGE: Time range for tplot. ; NEW_TVARS: Returns the tplot_vars structure for the plot created. Set ; aside the structure so that it may be restored using the ; OLD_TVARS keyword later. This structure includes information ; about various TPLOT options and settings and can be used to ; recreates a plot. ; OLD_TVARS: Use this to pass an existing tplot_vars structure to ; override the one in the tplot_com common block. ; GET_PLOT_POSITION: Returns an array containing the corners of each ; panel in the plot, to make it easier to overplot and annotate plots ; HELP: Set this to print the contents of the tplot_vars.options ; (user-defined options) structure. ;HISTORY: ; 2016-09-23, jmm, jimm@ssilberkeley.edu ; $LastChangedBy: jimm $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2016-10-21 11:05:30 -0700 (Fri, 21 Oct 2016) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 22185 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/general/tools/tplot/tplot_window/tplot_window.pro $ ;- Pro tplot_window_event, event @tplot_com ;Insert catch here so that state remains defined err0 = 0 catch, err0 If(err0 Ne 0) Then Begin catch, /cancel help, /last_message, output = err_msg For j = 0, n_elements(err_msg)-1 Do print, err_msg[j] If(is_struct(state)) Then Begin widget_control, event.top, set_uval = state, /no_copy Endif Return Endif ;kill request block, note this is the only way to exit If(TAG_NAMES(event, /STRUCTURE_NAME) EQ 'WIDGET_KILL_REQUEST') Then Begin exit_sequence: widget_control, event.top, /destroy Return Endif ;Resize? See xtplot and http://www.idlcoyote.com/widget_tips/resize_draw.html If(TAG_NAMES(event, /STRUCTURE_NAME) EQ 'WIDGET_BASE') Then Begin widget_control, event.top, get_uvalue = state, /no_copy widget_control, state.draw_widget, draw_xsize = event.x, draw_ysize = event.y widget_control, event.top, set_uvalue = state, /no_copy tplot, verbose = 0 tplot_apply_timebar & tplot_apply_databar Return Endif widget_control, event.top, get_uval = state, /no_copy If(state.init Eq 0) Then Begin ;there always seems to be an event at the start, do nothing state.init = 1 widget_control, event.top, set_uval = state, /no_copy Return Endif Else widget_control, event.top, set_uval = state, /no_copy ;what sort of events, only keystrokes to start used_tlimit = 0b If(tag_exist(event, 'type') && (event.type Eq 5 || event.type Eq 6)) Then Begin If(event.release Eq 1) Then Begin If(~is_struct(tplot_vars) || ~is_struct(tplot_vars.options)) Then Return widget_control, event.top, get_uval = state, /no_copy ;Check to be sure that the graphics device is set to the tplot window, ;sometimes this is not the case when windows get deleted or moved ;around wset, tplot_vars.options.window tplot, verbose = 0, get_plot_pos = ppp ;Figure out where we are in non-device coordinates ;Now some xtplot hacks geo = widget_info(state.draw_widget, /geo) ;widget geometry widget_control, event.top, set_uval = state, /no_copy ;We never want to get into a situation where we are getting prompted ;for times, unless no data has been loaded trange = tplot_vars.options.trange If(trange[0] Eq 0 And trange[1] Eq 0) Then $ trange = tplot_vars.options.trange_full If(trange[0] Eq 0 And trange[1] Eq 0) Then Begin If(tag_exist(tplot_vars.options, 'varnames') && $ is_string(tplot_vars.options.varnames)) Then Begin vn = tplot_vars.options.varnames tr = trange For k = 0, n_elements(vn)-1 Do Begin get_data, vn[k], data = d If(is_struct(d)) Then tr = minmax(d.x) If(total(abs(tr)) Gt 0) Then trange = tr Endfor Endif Endif If(trange[0] Eq 0 And trange[1] Eq 0) Then Return ;Her we have a time range so continue x = event.x time = ((event.x/geo.xsize)-ppp[0, 0])*$ ((trange[1]-trange[0])/(ppp[2, 0]-ppp[0, 0]))+$ trange[0] time = (time < trange[1]) > trange[0] ; dprint, dlevel=4, print, time_string(time) ; dprint, dlevel=4, event.x, event.y ;Be sure that you are in the window before doing anything xlimit = geo.xoffset+[0.0, geo.xsize] ylimit = geo.yoffset+[0.0, geo.ysize] If(event.x Gt xlimit[0] And event.x Lt xlimit[1] And $ event.y Gt ylimit[0] And event.y Lt ylimit[1]) Then Begin ;What key did i press? If(event.type Eq 5) Then Begin keyval = strlowcase(string(event.ch)) Case keyval of 'c': Begin ;If 'c' then center the plot on the cursor tmid = 0.5*(trange[1]+trange[0]) dt1 = time-tmid tlimit, trange[0]+dt1, trange[1]+dt1 used_tlimit = 1b End 'z': Begin ;If 'z', then zoom in by 50% dt0 = trange[1]-trange[0] dt1 = dt0/4.0 ;25% on either side of the point tlimit, time-dt1, time+dt1 used_tlimit = 1b End 'o':Begin ;zoom out by 200% dt1 = trange[1]-trange[0] tmid = 0.5*(trange[1]+trange[0]) tlimit, tmid-dt1, tmid+dt1 used_tlimit = 1b End 'r': Begin ;If 'r' go back to initial time range tlimit, tplot_vars.options.trange_full[0], $ tplot_vars.options.trange_full[1] used_tlimit = 1b End 't':Begin ;If t, just call tlimit tlimit used_tlimit = 1b End 'b':Begin ;If 'b' shift back by 25% dt0 = trange[1]-trange[0] dt1 = dt0/4.0 ;25% on either side of the point tlimit, trange[0]-dt1, trange[1]-dt1 used_tlimit = 1b End 'f':Begin ;If 'f' shift forward by 25% dt0 = trange[1]-trange[0] dt1 = dt0/4.0 ;25% on either side of the point tlimit, trange[0]+dt1, trange[1]+dt1 used_tlimit = 1b End Else:Begin End Endcase Endif Else If(event.type Eq 6) Then Begin ;arrow keys keyval = event.key Case keyval of 5:Begin ;left arrow If 'b' shift back by 25% dt0 = trange[1]-trange[0] dt1 = dt0/4.0 ;25% on either side of the point tlimit, trange[0]-dt1, trange[1]-dt1 used_tlimit = 1b End 6:Begin ;right arrow shift forward by 25% dt0 = trange[1]-trange[0] dt1 = dt0/4.0 ;25% on either side of the point tlimit, trange[0]+dt1, trange[1]+dt1 used_tlimit = 1b End 7: Begin ;up arrow then zoom in by 50% dt0 = trange[1]-trange[0] dt1 = dt0/4.0 ;25% on either side of the point tlimit, time-dt1, time+dt1 used_tlimit = 1b End 8:Begin ;down arrow zoom out by 200% dt1 = trange[1]-trange[0] tmid = 0.5*(trange[1]+trange[0]) tlimit, tmid-dt1, tmid+dt1 used_tlimit = 1b End Else:Begin End Endcase Endif Endif Endif Endif If(used_tlimit) Then Begin tplot_apply_timebar & tplot_apply_databar Endif If(is_struct(state)) Then widget_control, event.top, $ set_uval = state, /no_copy Return End Pro tplot_window, datanames, $ NOCOLOR = nocolor, $ VERBOSE = verbose, $ wshow = wshow, $ OPLOT = oplot, $ OVERPLOT = overplot, $ VERSION = version , $ TITLE = title, $ LASTVAR = lastvar, $ ADD_VAR = add_var, $ LOCAL_TIME= local_time,$ REFDATE = refdate, $ VAR_LABEL = var_label, $ OPTIONS = opts, $ T_OFFSET = t_offset, $ TRANGE = trng, $ NAMES = names, $ PICK = pick, $ new_tvars = new_tvars, $ old_tvars = old_tvars, $ datagap = datagap, $ get_plot_position=pos, $ xsize = xsize, $ ysize = ysize, $ help = help @tplot_com common tplot_window_private, state ;create a widget master = widget_base(/row, title = 'tplot window ', $ /align_top, /tlb_kill_request_events, $ /tlb_size_events) ;Define a state structure state = {master:master, $ window_id:-1L, $ ww0:'', $ draw_widget:-1L, $ init:0} ;add a draw widget If(keyword_set(xsize)) Then xsz0 = xsize Else xsz0 = 960 If(keyword_set(ysize)) Then ysz0 = ysize Else ysz0 = 600 id0 = widget_draw(master, xsize = xsz0, ysize = ysz0, $ ; /button_events, /motion_events, /tracking_events, $ /keyboard_events) state.draw_widget = id0 widget_control, master, /realize xmanager, 'tplot_window', master, /no_block state.window_id = !d.window state.ww0 = strcompress(string(!d.window)) widget_control, master, tlb_set_title = 'tplot window '+state.ww0 widget_control, master, set_uval = state, /no_copy tplot, datanames, $ WINDOW = !d.window, $ NOCOLOR = nocolor, $ VERBOSE = verbose, $ OPLOT = oplot, $ OVERPLOT = overplot, $ VERSION = version , $ TITLE = title, $ LASTVAR = lastvar, $ ADD_VAR = add_var, $ LOCAL_TIME= local_time,$ REFDATE = refdate, $ VAR_LABEL = var_label, $ OPTIONS = opts, $ T_OFFSET = t_offset, $ TRANGE = trng, $ NAMES = names, $ PICK = pick, $ new_tvars = new_tvars, $ old_tvars = old_tvars, $ get_plot_position=pos,$ help = help ;GO ahead an apply any time and databars tplot_apply_timebar tplot_apply_databar Return End