;+ ;FUNCTION average(array,d [,STDEV=stdev] [,/NAN]) ;PURPOSE: ; Returns the average value of an array. ; The input array can be an array of structures ; Similar to TOTAL, but returns the average over the given dimension. ; Also returns standard deviation via an optional keyword argument. ; Works with structures only if d eq 0 ; ; ;Notes: ; ; $LastChangedBy: ali $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2017-05-01 12:37:30 -0700 (Mon, 01 May 2017) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 23254 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/general/tools/misc/average.pro $ ;- function average,x,d,nan=nan,stdev=s,do_stdev=do_stdev $ ,double=double,total=tot,weight=weight,ret_median=ret_median $ ,ret_total=ret_total,ret_min=ret_min,nsamples=norm compile_opt idl2 if n_params() eq 1 then d=0 if n_elements(do_stdev) eq 0 then do_stdev = arg_present(s) nan1=keyword_set(nan) if d gt ndimen(x) then begin s = !values.f_nan return,x endif type = size(/type,x) case type of 7: begin a=x[0] ; strings s='' ;stdev end 8: begin ; structures if d ne 0 then dprint,'warning! Dimension must be 0 for input structures' a=x[0] if n_elements(x) eq 1 then begin s=fill_nan(a) return,a endif nt = n_tags(a) if do_stdev then s=a for i=0,nt-1 do begin val = x.(i) a.(i) = average(val,ndimen(val),nan=nan,stdev=sd,do_stdev=do_stdev, $ total=tot,/double,weight=weight,ret_median=ret_median,ret_total=ret_total, $ ret_min=ret_min) if do_stdev then s.(i) = sd endfor end else: begin ;numbers dim = dimen(x) if keyword_set(ret_min) then begin if d eq 0 then a = min(x,nan=nan1) else begin a= total(x,d) if d eq 1 then begin tmp = reform(x,n_elements(x)/n_elements(a),n_elements(a)) for i = 0,n_elements(a)-1 do a[i] = min(tmp[*,i],nan=nan1) endif if d eq 2 then for i = 0,n_elements(a)-1 do a[i] = min(x[i,*],nan=nan1) if d ge 3 then message,'Incomplete code' endelse endif else $ if keyword_set(ret_median) then begin ; printdat,x,'med' if d eq 0 then a = median(x,/even) else begin a= total(x,d) if d eq 1 then begin tmp = reform(x,n_elements(x)/n_elements(a),n_elements(a)) for i = 0,n_elements(a)-1 do a[i] = median(tmp[*,i],/even) endif if d eq 2 then for i = 0,n_elements(a)-1 do a[i] = median(x[i,*],/even) if d ge 3 then message,'Incomplete code' endelse endif else begin if not keyword_set(weight) then weight=1. norm = total(weight*finite(x),d) ; if (d ne 0) and (not nan1) then norm = dim[d-1] else norm = total(finite(weight*x),d) tot = total(weight*x,d,nan=nan1,double=double) a = tot / norm if do_stdev then begin if d eq 0 then s = sqrt(total(weight*(x-a)^2,nan=nan1,double=double) / norm ) $ else begin a2 = total(weight*x^2,d,nan=nan1,double=double) / norm s = sqrt(a2-a^2) endelse endif endelse end endcase return,keyword_set(ret_total) ? tot : a end