;PROCEDURE xfer_parameters ;PURPOSE: ; transfers values between an array and a structure. ; Used only by the FIT procedure. ;USAGE: ; xfer_parameters,struct,names,array,/array_to_struct ;or: ; xfer_parameters,struct,names,array,/struct_to_array ; pro xfer_parameters,params,names, a, fullnames=fullnames,varname=varname, num_params=pos ,$ struct_to_array=struct_to_array, $ array_to_struct=array_to_struct if size(/type,params) ne 8 then return tags = tag_names(params) if keyword_set(names) then begin if size(/type,names) le 3 then p_names=tags[names] else begin if size(/n_dimen,names) eq 0 then p_names=strsplit(names,' ',/extract) else p_names=names endelse endif else begin ; dts = data_type(params,/struct) ; w = where(dts eq 5 or dts eq 8,c) ; if c ne 0 then p_names = tags[w] p_names = tags endelse a_to_s = keyword_set(array_to_struct) np = n_elements(p_names) if a_to_s eq 0 then a = 0.d fullnames = '' pos = 0 if not keyword_set(varname) then varname='' for nstr =0,n_elements(params)-1 do begin for n=0,np-1 do begin name = strupcase(p_names[n]) dotpos = strpos(name,'.',0) basename = strmid(name,0,uint(dotpos)) ; parse strings if dotpos gt 0 then begin subnames = strmid(name,dotpos+1,100) subnames = strsplit(subnames,':',/extract) endif else subnames = '' parenpos1 = strpos(basename,'[',0) if parenpos1 gt 0 then begin parenpos2 = strpos(basename,']',parenpos1) indnum= strmid(basename,parenpos1+1,parenpos2-parenpos1-1) indnum= strsplit(indnum,',',/extract) ; returns an array! indnum = fix(indnum) basename2 = strmid(name,0,parenpos1) endif else begin indnum=0 basename2 = basename endelse ind = (where(basename2 eq tags,count))[0] if count ge 1 then begin v = params[nstr].(ind) dt = size(/type,v) if dt eq 8 then begin ; structure elements handled recursively ns = n_elements(v) if ns gt 1 then indnums = string(indgen(ns),format="('[',i0.0,']')") else indnums = '' if size(/n_dimen,indnum) ne 0 then begin v = v[indnum] indnums = indnums[indnum] endif else indnum = indgen(ns) prefix = basename2+indnums+'.' at = a[pos:*] xfer_parameters,v,subnames,at,fullnames=elnames,num_p=ns ,array_to_struct=a_to_s,varname=prefix if a_to_s then begin ; (params[nstr].(ind))[indnum] = v ; tough to get IDL to do this! param = params[nstr] vt = param.(ind) for i=0, n_elements(indnum)-1 do vt[indnum[i]] = v[i] param.(ind) = vt params[nstr] = param endif else a=[a,at] fullnames = [fullnames,elnames] pos = pos + ns endif else begin ; extract numerical values if not keyword_set(names) and dt ne 5 then continue ns = n_elements(v) if ns gt 1 then indnums = string(indgen(ns),format="('[',i0.0,']')") else indnums = '' if size(/n_dimen,indnum) ne 0 then begin v = v[indnum] indnums = indnums[indnum] endif else indnum = indgen(ns) ns = n_elements(indnums) if a_to_s then v = a[pos:pos+ns-1] if a_to_s then params[nstr].(ind)[indnum] = v[*] else a=[a,v[*]] fullnames = [fullnames,varname[nstr mod n_elements(varname)]+basename2+indnums] pos = pos + ns endelse endif else dprint,verbose=verbose,dlevel=0,'index not found' endfor endfor if pos gt 0 then begin if a_to_s eq 0 then a = a[1:*] fullnames= fullnames[1:*] endif return end ;+ ; NAME: ; FIT ; ; PURPOSE: ; Non-linear least squares fit to a user defined function. ; This procedure is an improved version of CURVEFIT that allows fitting ; to a subset of the function parameters. ; The function may be any non-linear function. ; If available, partial derivatives can be calculated by ; the user function, else this routine will estimate partial derivatives ; with a forward difference approximation. ; ; CATEGORY: ; E2 - Curve and Surface Fitting. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; FIT,X, Y, PARAMETERS=par, NAMES=string, $ ; FUNCTION_NAME=string, ITMAX=ITMAX, ITER=ITER, TOL=TOL, $ ; /NODERIVATIVE ; ; INPUTS: ; X: A row vector of independent variables. The FIT routine does ; not manipulate or use X, it simply passes X ; to the user-written function. ; ; Y: A row vector containing the dependent variable. ; ; KEYWORD INPUTS: ; ; FUNCTION_NAME: The name of the function to fit. ; If omitted, "FUNC" is used. The procedure must be written as ; described under RESTRICTIONS, below. ; ; PARAMETERS: A structure containing the starting parameter values ; for the function. Final values are also passed back through ; this variable. The fitting function must accept this keyword. ; If omitted, this structure is obtained from the user defined ; function. ; ; NAMES: The parameters to be fit. Several options exist: ; A string with parameter names delimited by spaces. ; A string array specifying which parameters to fit. ; An integer array corresponding to elements within the PARAMETERS structure. ; If undefined, then FIT will attemp to fit to all double precision ; elements of the PARAMETERS structure. ; ; WEIGHT: A row vector of weights, the same length as Y. ; For no weighting, ; w(i) = 1.0. ; For instrumental weighting, ; w(i) = 1.0/y(i), etc. ; if not set then w is set to all one's (equal weighting) ; ; DY: A row vector of errors in Y. If set, then WEIGHTS are set to: ; W = 1/DY^2 and previous values of the WEIGHTS are replaced. ; ; ERROR_FACTOR: set this keyword to have DY set to ERROR_FACTOR * Y. ; ; ITMAX: Maximum number of iterations. Default = 20. ; ; TOL: The convergence tolerance. The routine returns when the ; relative decrease in chi-squared is less than TOL in an ; interation. Default = 1.e-5. ; ; NODERIVATIVE: (optional) ; If set to 1 then the partial derivatives will be estimated in CURVEFIT using ; forward differences. ; If set to 0 then the user function is forced to provide ; partial derivatives. ; If not provided then partial derivatives will be determined ; from the user function only if it has the proper keyword ; arguments. ; ; VERBOSE: Verbose level (0: prints only errors, 1: prints results, 2: prints each iteration) ; (see "DPRINT" for more info) ; MAXPRINT: Maximum number of parameters to display while iterating ; (Default is 8) ; SILENT: Equivalent to VERBOSE=0 ; ; KEYWORD OUTPUTS: ; ITER: The actual number of iterations which were performed. ; ; CHI2: The value of chi-squared on exit. ; ; FULLNAMES: A string array containing the parameter names. ; ; P_VALUES: A vector with same dimensions as FULLNAMES, that ; contains the final values for each parameter. These values ; will be the same as the values returned in PARAMETERS. ; ; P_SIGMA: A vector containing the estimated uncertainties in P_VALUES. ; ; FITVALUES: The fitted function values: ; ; OUTPUT ; Returns a vector of calculated values. ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; NONE. ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; The function to be fit must be defined and called FUNC, ; unless the FUNCTION_NAME keyword is supplied. This function, ; must accept values of X (the independent variable), the keyword ; PARAMETERS, and return F (the function's value at X). ; if the NODERIV keyword is not set. then the function must also accept ; the keywords: P_NAMES and PDER (a 2d array of partial derivatives). ; For an example, see "GAUSS2". ; ; The calling sequence is: ; ; CASE 1: (NODERIV is set) ; F = FUNC(X,PAR=par) ; if NODERIV is set or: ; where: ; X = Variable passed into function. It is the job of the user-written ; function to interpret this variable. FIT does NOT use X. ; PAR = structure containing function parameters, input. ; F = Vector of NPOINT values of function, y(i) = funct(x), output. ; ; CASE 2: (NODERIV is not set) ; F = FUNC(X,PAR=par,NAMES=names,PDER=pder) ; where: ; NAMES = string array of parameters to be fit. ; PDER = Array, (NPOINT, NTERMS), of partial derivatives of FUNC. ; PDER(I,J) = Derivative of function at ith point with ; respect to jth parameter. Optional output parameter. ; PDER should not be calculated if P_NAMES is not ; supplied in call. If the /NODERIVATIVE keyword is set in the ; call to FIT then the user routine will never need to ; calculate PDER. ; ; PROCEDURE: ; Adapted from "CURVEFIT", least squares fit to a non-linear ; function, pages 237-239, Bevington, Data Reduction and Error ; Analysis for the Physical Sciences. ; ; "This method is the Gradient-expansion algorithm which ; combines the best features of the gradient search with ; the method of linearizing the fitting function." ; ; Iterations are performed until the chi square changes by ; only TOL or until ITMAX iterations have been performed. ; ; The initial guess of the parameter values should be ; as close to the actual values as possible or the solution ; may not converge. ; ;EXAMPLE: Fit to a gaussian plus a quadratic background: ; Here is the user-written procedure to return F(x) and the partials, given x: ; ;See the function "GAUSSIAN" for an example function to fit to. ; ;x=findgen(10)-4.5 ; Initialize independent variables. ;y=[1.7,1.9,2.1,2.7,4.6,5.5,4.4,1.7,0.5,0.3]; Initialize dependent variables. ;plot,x,y,psym=4 ; Plot data. ;xv = findgen(100)/10.-5. ; get better resolution abscissa. ;oplot,xv,gaussian(xv,par=p) ; Plot initial guess. ;help,p,/structure ; Display initial guess. ;fit,x,y,func='gaussian',par=p,fit=f ; Fit to all parameters. ;oplot,x,f,psym=1 ; Use '+' to plot fitted values. ;oplot,xv,gaussian(xv,par=p) ; Plot fitted function. ;help,p,/structure ; Display new parameter values. ; ;names =tag_names(p) ; Obtain parameter names. ;p.a2 = 0 ; set quadratic term to 0. ;names = names([0,1,2,3,4]) ; Choose a subset of parameters. ;print,names ; Display subset of names ;fit,x,y,func='gaussian',par=p,names=names ; Fit to subset. ; ; Please Note: Typically the initial guess for parameters must be reasonably ; good, otherwise the routine will not converge. In this example the data ; was selected so that the default parameters would converge. ; ;The following functions can be used with FIT: ; "gaussian", "polycurve", "power_law", "exponential", "gauss2", "igauss" ; ;KNOWN BUGS: ; Do NOT trust the P_SIGMA Values (uncertainty in the parameters) if the ; the value of flambda gets large. I believe ; That some error (relating to flambda) was carried over from CURVEFIT. -Davin ; ;MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Function adapted from CURVEFIT Written, DMS, RSI, September, 1982 ; and last modified by Mark Rivers, U. of Chicago, Febuary 12, 1995. ; Davin Larson, U of California, November 1995, MAJOR MODIFICATIONS: ; - Changed FUNCTION_NAME to a function (instead of procedure) that ; accepts a structure to hold the parameters. This makes the usage ; much more user friendly, and allows a subset of parameters to ; be fit. ; - Allowed vectors and recursively searched structures to be fit as well. ; ; $LastChangedBy: davin-mac $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2021-07-14 16:07:22 -0700 (Wed, 14 Jul 2021) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 30126 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/general/tools/fitting/fit.pro $ ; ; ;- pro fit, x, yt, $ FUNCTION_NAME = Function_Name, $ weight = w, $ dy =dy, $ error_factor = error_fac, $ parameters = params, $ names = p_names, $ p_values = a, $ p_sigma = sigma, $ p_limits = p_limits, $ fullnames = fullnames, $ itmax=itmax, iter=iter, tol=tol, chi2=chi2, $ maxprint=maxprint, $ noderivative=noderivative, $ logfit = logfit, $ debug = debug, $ testname = testname, $ minresolution = minres, $ pre_result = pre_result, $ result = result, $ fitvalues = fitvalues, $ overplot = overplot, $ silent = silent, $ verbose = verbose, $ summary = summary, $ qflag = qflag ;added ajh common fit_com, function_name_com,b,c,d,e str_element,params,'func',function_name_com if keyword_set(function_name) then function_name_com=function_name if not keyword_set(function_name_com) then function_name_com="FUNC" logf = keyword_set(logfit) fitvalues = 0 result = 0 qflag = 0 ;added ajh chisqr = !values.f_nan ; SET ALL DEFAULTS: ;Name of function to fit if n_elements(tol) eq 0 then tol = 1.e-6 ;Convergence tolerance if n_elements(itmax) eq 0 then itmax = 20 ;Maximum # iterations chi2= !values.f_nan ;derstr +=" parameter names= '"+string(strupcase(p_names),/print)+"'" ;check for derivative option: if n_elements(NODERIVATIVE) eq 0 then begin wh = where(routine_info(/functions) eq strupcase(function_name_com), compiled) if compiled eq 0 then resolve_routine,/is_function,function_name_com args = routine_info(function_name_com,/funct,/param) kw_args = strmid(args.kw_args,0,4) wh = where((kw_args eq 'PDER') or (kw_args eq 'P_NA'),c) NODERIVATIVE = c ne 2 endif if keyword_set(silent) then verbose = 0 derstr = "FUNCTION= '"+strupcase(function_name_com)+"' " derstr +='Partial derivatives computed '+ [ 'analytically','numerically' ] if keyword_set(dy) then derstr += ' (weighted fit)' printdat,p_names,/value,output=str dprint,verbose=verbose,dlevel=2,derstr[NODERIVATIVE]+' '+str ; If we will be estimating partial derivatives then compute machine ; precision if NODERIVATIVE then begin res = machar(DOUBLE=1) eps = sqrt(res.eps) endif ;Get params structure if not defined if not keyword_set(params) then $ yfit = call_function( Function_name_com, param=params) type = size(/type,params) if type ne 8 then begin message,'PARAMETERS must be a structure.' endif ndat = n_elements(yt) if ndat eq 0 then begin dprint,dlevel=1,'No data provided. Assuming function is to be minimized' w = 1.d y = 0d ; return endif else begin y = yt[*] if keyword_set(error_fac) then dy = error_fac*y if keyword_set(dy) then begin if logf then w = (y/dy[*])^2 else w=1/(dy[*])^2 endif if logf then y = alog(y) if n_elements(w) eq 0 then w = replicate(1.d, n_elements(y) ) endelse ; if 0 then begin ; wh = where(finite(yt),ngood) ; if ngood ne n_elements(yt) then begin ; if ngood eq 0 then begin ; message,/info,'No valid data!' ; return ; endif ; message,/info,'Warning! Invalid data is ignored.' ;; x = x ; endif ; endif flambda = 0.001 ;Initial lambda if not keyword_set(maxprint) then maxprint = 10 nterms_last = 0 nformat='(a4,40(" ",a11))' gformat='(a4,40(" ",g11.4))' vformat='(i3,":",20(" ",g11.4))' sformat='("Unc:",20(" ",g11.4))' params_0 = params xfer_parameters,params,p_names,a,fullnames=fullnames,num_p=nterms,/struct_to_array if nterms eq 0 then begin dprint,'No parameters to fit' qflag = 6 goto , done endif if keyword_set(p_limits) then begin xfer_parameters,p_limits[0],p_names,a_min,/struct_to_array xfer_parameters,p_limits[1],p_names,a_max,/struct_to_array a = a_min > a < a_max xfer_parameters,params,p_names,a,/array_to_struct dprint,dlevel=3,'LLIM',0.,a_min,format = gformat ; 'Limiting parameter range' dprint,dlevel=3,'ULIM',0.,a_max,format = gformat ; 'Limiting parameter range' endif else begin a_min = replicate( -!values.d_infinity, nterms) a_max = replicate( !values.d_infinity, nterms) p_min= params xfer_parameters,p_min,p_names,a_min,/array_to_struct p_max= params xfer_parameters,p_max,p_names,a_max,/array_to_struct p_limits = [p_min,p_max] endelse for iter = 1, itmax do begin ; Iteration loop xfer_parameters,params,p_names,a,fullnames=fullnames,num_p=nterms,/struct_to_arr ; pder = dblarr(n_elements(y),nterms) if keyword_set(NODERIVATIVE) then begin ; Evaluate function and estimate partial derivatives yfit = (call_function( Function_name_com, x, param=params))[*] ndat = n_elements(yfit) pder = dblarr(ndat,nterms) if logf then yfit = alog(yfit) xfer_parameters,params,p_names,a,/struct_to_array for term=0, nterms-1 do begin p = a ; Copy current parameters ; Increment size for forward difference derivative inc = eps * abs(p[term]) if (inc eq 0.) then inc = eps if keyword_set(minres) then inc = inc > minres p[term] = p[term] + inc tparams = params xfer_parameters,tparams,p_names,p,/array_to_struct yfit1 = (call_function( Function_name_com, x, param=tparams))[*] if logf then yfit1 = alog(yfit1) pder[*,term] = (yfit1-yfit)/inc endfor endif else begin ; The user's procedure will compute partial derivatives pder = dblarr(ndat,nterms) yfit = (call_function(Function_name_com, x, param=params, p_na=fullnames,pder = pder))[*] if logf then begin pder = pder / (yfit # replicate(1.,nterms) ) yfit = alog(yfit) endif xfer_parameters,params,p_names,a,/struct_to_array endelse mp = (nterms < maxprint)-1 if nterms ne nterms_last then $ dprint,verbose=verbose,dlevel=2,'Iter','Chi',fullnames[0:mp],'Lambda',format=nformat nterms_last = nterms if not keyword_set(testname) then begin pderthresh = 1e-12 pdernz = total(/nan,abs(pder) gt pderthresh,1) gt 0 wpdernz = where(pdernz,npdernz) wpderaz = where(pdernz eq 0,nz) if npdernz ne nterms then begin dprint,verbose=verbose,'Warning: Not fitting the following parameters: ',fullnames[wpderaz],dlevel=3 endif endif else begin wpdernz=indgen(nterms) npdernz = nterms endelse if npdernz le 0 then begin dprint,verbose=verbose,dlevel=0,'No free parameters to fit!' qflag = 5 chisq1 = !values.f_nan goto, done endif nfree = ndat - npdernz ; Degrees of freedom if nfree lt 0 then begin dprint,verbose=verbose,dlevel=0, 'Not enough data points.' nfree = .25d ; ??? endif if nfree eq 0 then begin dprint,verbose=verbose,dlevel=1,'Warning: No Degrees of Freedom' nfree = 0.5d endif diag = lindgen(npdernz)*(npdernz+1) ; Subscripts of diagonal elements ; Evaluate alpha and beta matricies. ds = ((y-yfit)*w)[*] wf = where(finite(ds),/null) if keyword_set(wf) eq 0 then begin break endif ds = ds[wf] pder = pder[wf,*] if npdernz gt 1 then beta = ds # pder[*,wpdernz] else beta = [total(ds * pder[*,wpdernz],/nan)] if n_elements(ds) eq 0 then w_pder = 1 else w_pder = w[wf] # replicate(1.,npdernz) alpha = transpose(pder[*,wpdernz]) # (w_pder * pder[*,wpdernz]) chisq1 = total(/nan,w*(y-yfit)^2)/nfree ; Present chi squared. dprint,verbose=verbose,dlevel=2,strtrim(iter,2),sqrt(chisq1),a[0:mp],flambda,format=gformat ; If a good fit, no need to iterate all_done = chisq1 lt total(/nan,abs(y[wf]))/1e7/nfree ; ; Invert modified curvature matrix to find new parameters. flambda=1e-5 tparams = params repeat begin flambda = flambda*10. c = sqrt(alpha[diag] # alpha[diag]) array = alpha/c array[diag] = array[diag]*(1.+flambda) ; if nterms gt 1 then array = invert(array) $ ; else array = 1/array array = invert(array) b = a b[wpdernz] = a[wpdernz]+ array/c # transpose(beta) ; New params b = a_min > b < a_max ; limit range of parameters if ~total(finite(b)) then begin dprint,'Bad Parameters' endif xfer_parameters,tparams,p_names,b,/array_to_struct yfit = (call_function( Function_name_com, x, param=tparams))[*] if logf then yfit = alog(yfit) chisqr = total(/nan,w*(y-yfit)^2)/nfree ; New chisqr if finite(chisqr) eq 0 then begin qflag = 4 ;added ajh dprint,dlevel=0,verbose=verbose,'Invalid Data or Parameters in function '+function_name_com+' Aborting' dprint,dlevel=0,verbose=verbose,iter,sqrt(chisq1),b[0:mp],format=vformat ; dprint,'Determinant=',determ(array,/check) if keyword_set(debug) then stop goto,done2 endif if flambda ge 1e5 then begin qflag = 2 ;added ajh dprint,dlevel=1,verbose=verbose,'flambda too large (',flambda,') for ',function_name_com,' Aborting' dprint,dlevel=1,verbose=verbose,iter,sqrt(chisq1),b[0:mp],format=vformat ; print,'Determinant=',determ(array,/check) if keyword_set(debug) then stop goto,done2 endif ; if all_done then goto, done if keyword_set(debug) then stop endrep until chisqr le chisq1 ; flambda = flambda/10. ; Decrease flambda by factor of 10 a=b ; Save new parameter estimate. params = tparams if ((chisq1-chisqr)/chisq1) le tol then goto,done ; Finished? endfor ;iteration loop qflag = 3 ;added ajh dprint,verbose=verbose,dlevel=1, 'Failed to converge' done2: done: sigma = replicate(!values.d_nan,nterms) ; need a test for when nterms eq 0 if npdernz ge 1 then begin sigma[wpdernz] = sqrt(array[diag]/alpha[diag] * sqrt(chisqr)) ; Return sigma's endif ; sigma[wpdernz] = sqrt(array[diag]/alpha[diag] * (1+flambda)) ; Return sigma's ; sigma[wpdernz] = sqrt((invert(alpha/c))[diag]/alpha[diag] ) ; Return sigma's chi2 = float(chisq1) ; Return chi-squared ; IF iter NE itmax+1 THEN qflag = 1 ;added ajh dprint,verbose=verbose,dlevel=1,strtrim(iter+1,2),sqrt(chi2),a[0:mp],flambda,format=gformat dprint,verbose=verbose,dlevel=2,'Unc:',sqrt(chi2),sigma[0:mp],flambda,format=gformat dprint,verbose=verbose,dlevel=4,'Chi2 =',chi2,' flambda =',flambda if npdernz ne nterms then begin dprint,verbose=verbose,'Warning: Not fitting the following parameters: ',fullnames[wpderaz],dlevel=1 endif if logf then yfit = exp(yfit) fitvalues = yfit if arg_present(summary) then begin summary ={ p_names:fullnames, p_values:a, p_sigma:sigma, chi:sqrt(chi2), nterms:nterms, npdernz:npdernz ,its:iter, qflag:qflag} endif if arg_present(result) then begin nul_params = fill_nan(params) dparams = nul_params xfer_parameters,dparams,p_names,sigma,/array_to_struct ;pre_struct = {time:systime(1), index:0l } result = { par:params, dpar:dparams, chi:sqrt(chi2), nterms:nterms, npdernz:npdernz ,its:iter , qflag:qflag ,ndat:ndat} if keyword_set(pre_result) then result = create_struct(pre_result,result) if qflag ge 4 then begin result.par = nul_params result.dpar = nul_params endif endif if keyword_set(overplot) then begin xv = dgen() oplot,xv,call_function(Function_name_com,xv, param=params) endif return END