;+ ;Procedure: ; spd_ui_download_callback ; ; ;Purpose: ; A callback function for the idlneturl object as used by spd_download_file ; ; ;Calling Sequence: ; N/A - function name set as idlneturl object's callback_function property ; ; ;Input/Output: ; status: See "Using Callbacks with the IDLnetURL Object" in IDL documentation ; progress: See "Using Callbacks with the IDLnetURL Object" in IDL documentation ; data: Custom data structure for passing variables from spd_download_file ; to this function. ; { ; net_object: reference to current idlneturl object ; msg_time: pointer to time of the last status message ; msg_data: bytes transferred as of msg_time ; progress_object: reference to applicable status output object ; error: pointer to flag denoting whether an error occurred in this code ; (to be used by handler later) ; } ; ; ;Output: ; return_value: 1 if everything is OK, 0 if operation should be canceled ; ; ;Notes: ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2017-01-13 11:24:43 -0800 (Fri, 13 Jan 2017) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 22594 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/general/spedas_tools/spd_download/spd_download_callback.pro $ ; ;- function spd_download_callback, status, progress, data compile_opt idl2, hidden ; Exceptions in this code would normally be caught in spd_download_file. ; However, if the download is not canceled by returning 0 here then the ; file will remain locked by idl (windows). The flag alerts the error ; handler that the cancel was actually an error. catch, error if error ne 0 then begin catch,/cancel help,/last_message if is_struct(data) then begin *(data.error) = 1b endif return, 0 endif ;time in sec between messages delay = 5d elapsed = systime(/sec) - *(data.msg_time) if elapsed ge delay then begin ;if progress data is valid then print the total progress, ;otherwise print the current status message if progress[0] then begin ;speed in kb/s speed = '('+strtrim( string( (progress[2] - *(data.msg_data)) / elapsed / 1e3, format='(f12.1)'), 2)+' KB/s)' ;if total size is unknown then only print amount transferred and speed if progress[1] eq 0 then begin complete = ' '+strtrim(progress[2],2) + ' bytes' endif else begin complete = string( 100. * progress[2] / progress[1], format='(f5.1)')+'%' ;extra space in case of "100" endelse msg = ' '+complete+' complete '+speed endif else begin msg = ' '+status endelse *(data.msg_time) = systime(/sec) *(data.msg_data) = progress[2] dprint, dlevel=2, sublevel=1, msg if obj_valid(data.progress_object) then begin ;data.progress_object -> update, msg endif endif return, 1 end