;+ ;Procedure: ; spd_slice2d_getticks_rlog ; ; ;Purpose: ; Helper function for spd_slice2d_plot. ; Return an array of formatted annotation strings to be passed ; to an IDL plotting procedure through the [xyz]tickname keyword. ; ; ;Input: ; range: (float) two element array specifying axis range ; precision: (int) number of significant digits for annotation ; style: (int) type of numberical annotation (0=auto, 1=decimal, 2=sci) ; nticks: (int) # of ticks requested by user, this will only be used ; if the axis range is less than 1 order of magnitude (optional) ; ; ;Output: ; tickname: (string) Array of tick names ; tickv: (float) Array of tick values in normalized/shift log space ; ticks: (int) Number of ticks - 1 ; ; ;Notes: ; - This function should be called after the plot window has been initialized; ; otherwise, the AXIS procedure will create an extra window. ; - If the axis range is less than 1 order in log space then IDL will determine ticks. ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: aaflores $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2015-09-08 18:47:45 -0700 (Tue, 08 Sep 2015) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 18734 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/general/science/spd_slice2d/plotting/spd_slice2d_getticks_rlog.pro $ ; ;- pro spd_slice2d_getticks_rlog, range=range, grid=grid, $ precision=precision, style=style, nticks=nticks, $ tickv=tickvals, tickname=ticknames, ticks=ticknum compile_opt idl2, hidden if undefined(style) then style=3 ;Get range and span of axis in log space log_range = alog10(range) log_span = log_range[1] - log_range[0] ;Generate values for ticks in (linear) data space if log_span ge 1 then begin lin_values = 10 ^ ( findgen(ceil(log_span)+1) + floor(log_range[0]) ) endif else begin axis, /yaxis, /ylog, ystyle=1+4, yrange=range, yticks=nticks, ytick_get=lin_values ;ensure center tick is present if lin_values[0] gt range[0] then begin lin_values=[range[0],lin_values] endif ;in case axis returns ticks completely outside the range (sadly, this happens) dummy = where(lin_values gt range[0] and lin_values le range[1], nt) if nt eq 0 then begin lin_values = lin_values < range[1] endif endelse ;Lowest value tick should reflect the minimum range ;(this will be the axis's center tick) lin_values = range[0] > lin_values ;Get values for ticks in log space. log_values = alog10(lin_values) ;Map into normalized range ;This should mirror the original operation performed in spd_slice2d_rlog log_values = log_values - log_range[0] log_values = log_values / log_span ;Initialize text output ticknames = strarr(n_elements(log_values)) ;Format ticks with custom routine lin_values[0] = round(lin_values[0]) ;for aesthetics for i=0, n_elements(lin_values)-1 do begin ticknames[i] = formatannotation(0,0,lin_values[i], $ data={timeaxis:0,formatid:precision,scaling:0,exponent:style}) endfor ;Use spaces to supress text for 0 or 1 ticks if size(nticks,/type) ne 0 then begin if nticks eq 1 then ticknames[1] = ' ' if nticks lt 1 then ticknames[*] = ' ' endif tickvals = [(-1)*reverse(log_values[1:*]), log_values] ticknames[0] = '!Z(00B1)' + ticknames[0] ticknames = ['-'+reverse(ticknames[1:*]), ticknames] ;clip ticks far outside original data range idx = where(tickvals ge 1.1*min(grid) and tickvals le 1.1*max(grid), nok) if nok gt 0 then begin tickvals = tickvals[idx] ticknames = ticknames[idx] endif ticknum = n_elements(tickvals)-1 end