;+ ;Procedure: ; spd_slice2d_orientslice ; ; ;Purpose: ; Helper function for spd_slice2d. ; Performs transformation into user specified coordinates. ; This transformation is applied after the CUSTOM_ROTATION ; and ROTATION transformation have been performed. ; ; ;Input: ; slice_z: (float) 3 vector specifying the slice's normal ; slice_x: (float) 3 vector to be projected into the slice plane ; vectors: (float) N x 3 array of velocity vectors ; bfield: (float) magnetic field 3-vector ; vbulk: (float) bulk velocity 3-vector ; sunvec: (float) spacecraft-sun direction 3-vector ; ; ;Output: ; If 2d or 3d interpolation are being used then this will transform ; the velocity vectors and support vectors into the target coordinate system. ; The transformation matrix will be passed out via the MATRIX keyword. ; ; ;Input/Output (transformed if present): ; vectors: array of particle 3 vectors ; bfield: b field vector ; vbulk: bulk velocity vector ; sunvec: sun position vector ; ;Notes: ; ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: jimm $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2020-05-04 13:37:27 -0700 (Mon, 04 May 2020) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 28663 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/general/science/spd_slice2d/core/spd_slice2d_orientslice.pro $ ; ;- ; Perform rotation from user specified coordinates to the ; slice plane's coordinates (determined by SLICE_NORM and SLICE_X) pro spd_slice2d_orientslice, vectors=vectors, vbulk=vbulk, bfield=bfield, sunvec=sunvec, $ type=type, slice_x=slice_x, slice_z=slice_z, $ matrix = matrix, fail=fail, perp_vbulk=perp_vbulk compile_opt idl2, hidden tolerance = 5d-5 ;arbitrary ;check z-axis input if undefined(slice_z) then begin slice_z = [0,0,1d] endif if total(~finite(slice_z)) then begin fail='Invalid slice normal, please specify a valid tpot variable or 3-vector.' dprint, dlevel=1, fail return endif ;copy slice normal and normalize z = double(slice_z) z = z/norm(z) ;if x-axis direction is not specified use projection of ;the ordinate closest to the slice plane if undefined(slice_x) then begin ;get angle between norm and each ordinate ord = [ [1,0,0], [0,1,0], [0,0,1] ] angles = (180/!dpi) * acos( [ total(ord[*,0]*z), $ total(ord[*,1]*z), $ total(ord[*,2]*z) ] ) ;use ordinate that is closest to perpendicular with norm dummy = min( abs(angles - 90), ind) slice_x = ord[*,ind] dprint, dlevel=4, 'Slice x-axis not set, using projection of default '+ $ (['x','y','z'])[ind] + '-axis)' endif if total(~finite(slice_x)) then begin fail='Invalid slice normal, please specify a valid tpot variable or 3-vector.' dprint, dlevel=1, fail return endif ;normalize vector used to define slice's x-axis xp = double(slice_x) xp = xp/norm(xp) ;get slice's y axis y = crossp(z,xp) if norm(y) lt tolerance then begin fail='Cannot orient slice plane, x-axis and slice '+ $ 'normal are too close to being parallel.' dprint, dlevel=1, fail return endif y = y/norm(y) ;get slice's x axis x = crossp(y,z) if norm(x) lt tolerance then begin ;this should never be true fail='Cannot orient slice plane due to an unkown error.' dprint, dlevel=0, fail return endif x = x/norm(x) ;get rotation matrix ;keep input data from being mutated to double (for performance) matrix = float([[x],[y],[z]]) ;Transform particle and support vectors if ~undefined(vectors) then vectors = matrix ## temporary(vectors) if n_elements(vbulk) eq 3 then vbulk = matrix ## vbulk if n_elements(perp_vbulk) eq 3 then perp_vbulk = matrix ## perp_vbulk if n_elements(bfield) eq 3 then bfield = matrix ## bfield if n_elements(sunvec) eq 3 then sunvec = matrix ## sunvec end