;+ ;Procedure: ; spd_pgs_regrid ; ;Purpose: ; Regrids rotated data to a new set of regularly gridded spherical interpolates ; ;Input: ; data: The struct to be regridded ; regrid_dimen: 2-element array specifying the requested number of phis & thetas in regridded output. ; ;Output: ; output=output: The struct of regridded data ; error=error: 1 indicates error occured, 0 indicates no error occured ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2017-07-05 09:17:03 -0700 (Wed, 05 Jul 2017) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 23548 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/general/science/spd_part_products/spd_pgs_regrid.pro $ ;- pro spd_pgs_regrid,data,regrid_dimen,output=output,error=error compile_opt idl2,hidden error = 1 n_energy = (dimen(data.data))[0] ;code copied from thm_part_moments2.pro ;not necessarily the most efficient way, but the best way to match old result n_phi_grid = ulong64(regrid_dimen[0]) n_theta_grid = ulong64(regrid_dimen[1]) n_bins_grid = n_phi_grid*n_theta_grid ;Modified to use ull's so we problably don't need this chec ; check to make sure the xyz array sizes don't exceed 32-bit limit ; if (n_bins_grid * ns * 3D * 8 gt 2D^31) AND gui_flag then begin ; mess = ['Regrid sizes are too large for amount of time requested.', $ ; strupcase(format) + ' will not be processed.'] ; dum = dialog_message(mess, title='THM_PART_GETSPEC: Insufficient Memory', $ ; /center, /info) ; continue ; end ; create FAC version of phis, thetas, dphis, dthetas using REGRID input d_phi_grid = 360./n_phi_grid d_theta_grid = 180./n_theta_grid phi_grid = replicate(1,n_energy)#((findgen(n_bins_grid) mod n_phi_grid)*d_phi_grid + d_phi_grid/2) theta_grid = replicate(1,n_energy)#(fix(findgen(n_bins_grid)/n_phi_grid)*d_theta_grid + d_theta_grid/2 - 90) d_phi_grid = replicate(1,n_energy)#(fltarr(n_bins_grid)+d_phi_grid) d_theta_grid = replicate(1,n_energy)#(fltarr(n_bins_grid)+d_phi_grid) data_grid = fltarr([n_energy,n_bins_grid]) bins_grid = intarr([n_energy,n_bins_grid]) ;copied from thm_pgs_clean_sst.pro output_t = {data:data_grid, $ ;particle data 2-d array, energy by angle. (Float or double) scaling:data_grid, $ mass:data.mass, $ time:data.time, $ ;sample start time(1-element double precision scalar) end_time:data.end_time, $ ;sample end time(1-element double precision scalar) phi:phi_grid, $ ;Measurment angle in plane parallel to spacecraft spin.(2-d array matching data array.) (Float or double) dphi:d_phi_grid, $ ;Width of measurement angle in plane parallel to spacecraft spin.(2-d array matching data array.) (Float or double) theta:theta_grid, $ ;Measurment angle in plane perpendicular to spacecraft spin.(2-d array matching data array.) (Float or double) dtheta:d_theta_grid, $ ;Width of measurement angle in plane perpendicular to spacecraft spin. (2-d array matching data array.) (Float or double) energy:data_grid, $ ;Contains measurment energy for each component of data array. (2-d array matching data array.) (Float or double) denergy:data_grid, $ ;Width of measurment energy for each component of data array. (2-d array matching data array.) bins:bins_grid $ ; 0-1 array, indicating which bins are enabled for subsequent calculations. (2-d array matching data array.) (Integer type.) } ; add dimensions if it exists in the input structure; some MMS PGS routines use ; this to determine angular bin sizes if tag_exist(data, 'dims') then str_element, output_t, 'dims', data.dims, /add if tag_exist(data, 'orig_energy') then str_element, output_t, 'orig_energy', data.orig_energy, /add ;some magic with griddata goes here ; ;griddata magic copied from thm_part_slice2d_getxyz.pro method = 'NearestNeighbor' ; phigrid = interpol( [0.,360], regrid[0]) ; thetagrid = interpol( minmax(thedata.theta), regrid[1]) ;assumes energies are constant across angle output_t.energy = data.energy[*,0] # replicate(1,n_bins_grid) output_t.denergy = data.denergy[*,0] # replicate(1,n_bins_grid) ;qhull will choke if given only a single angle to triangulate if n_elements(reform(data.phi[0,*])) gt 1 then begin ; Create a (required) spherical triangulation ;for ESA & SST this triangulation is invariant across energy, even if the angles themselves may change across energy qhull, reform(data.phi[0,*]), reform(data.theta[0,*]), triangles, sphere=dummy endif for i = 0,n_energy-1 do begin ; Angles and data must be copied into new variable for triangulation/gridding phi_temp = reform(data.phi[i,*]) theta_temp = reform(data.theta[i,*]) data_temp = reform(data.data[i,*]) bins_temp = reform(data.bins[i,*]) scaling_temp = reform(data.scaling[i,*]) ; if regrid[0] lt n_elements(phitemp[uniq(phitemp, sort(phitemp))]) or $ ; regrid[1] lt n_elements(thetatemp[uniq(thetatemp, sort(thetatemp))]) then begin ; dprint, dlevel=1, "WARNING: Current regrid settings are below the current data's resolution." ; endif ; ;qhull will choke if given only a single angle to triangulate if n_elements(phi_temp) gt 1 then begin ;If griddata is reports triangles not in counterclockwise order: ; -look directions my differ between energies ; (this will require that qhull be called for each energy) ; -there may be duplicate points in the input to qhull ; (check for theta = +-90) ; Interpolate this energy's data onto a regular spherical grid output_t.data[i,*] = griddata(phi_temp, theta_temp, data_temp, $ method=method, /sphere, /degrees, $ triangles=triangles, $ ;/grid,$ xout=reform(phi_grid[i,*]), yout=reform(theta_grid[i,*])) ; Interpolate this energy's bins onto a regular spherical grid output_t.bins[i,*] = griddata(phi_temp, theta_temp, bins_temp, $ method=method, /sphere, /degrees, $ triangles=triangles, $ ;/grid,$ xout=reform(phi_grid[i,*]), yout=reform(theta_grid[i,*])) ; Interpolate this energy's scaling factors onto a regular spherical grid ; (for error estimate) output_t.scaling[i,*] = griddata(phi_temp, theta_temp, scaling_temp, $ method=method, /sphere, /degrees, $ triangles=triangles, $ ;/grid,$ xout=reform(phi_grid[i,*]), yout=reform(theta_grid[i,*])) endif else begin ; output_t.data[i,*] = data_temp output_t.bins[i,*] = bins_temp output_t.scaling[i,*] = scaling_temp ; endelse endfor output=output_t ; overwrite output with temp variable error = 0 end