;+ ;Procedure: ; spd_pgs_make_e_spec ; ;Purpose: ; Builds energy spectrogram from simplified particle data structure. ; ; ;Input: ; data: single sanitized data structure ; ; ;Input/Output: ; spec: The spectrogram (ny x ntimes) ; yaxis: The y axis (ny OR ny x ntimes) ; ; -Each time this procedure runs it will concatenate the sample's data ; to the SPEC variable. ; -Both variables will be initialized if not set ; -The y axis will remain a single dimension until a change is detected ; in the data, at which point it will be expanded to two dimensions. ; ; ;Notes: ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: nikos $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2017-02-21 18:05:49 -0800 (Tue, 21 Feb 2017) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 22843 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/general/science/spd_part_products/spd_pgs_make_e_spec.pro $ ;- pro spd_pgs_make_e_spec, data, spec=spec, sigma=sigma, yaxis=yaxis, enormalize=enormalize, _extra=ex compile_opt idl2, hidden if ~is_struct(data) then return ; if set, normalize spec between 0 and 1 if keyword_set(enormalize) && enormalize ne 0 then begin data_energy = data.energy / max(data.energy,/NAN) endif else begin data_energy = data.energy endelse dr = !dpi/180. enum = dimen1(data.energy) anum = dimen2(data.energy) ;copy data and zero inactive bins to ensure ;areas with no data are represented as NaN d = data.data scaling = data.scaling idx = where(~data.bins,nd) if nd gt 0 then begin d[idx] = 0. endif ;weighted average to create spectrogram piece ;energies with no valid data should come out as NaN if anum gt 1 then begin ave = total(d,2) / total(data.bins,2) ave_s = sqrt( total( d * scaling ,2) / total(data.bins,2)^2 ) endif else begin ave = d / data.bins ave_s = sqrt( ( d * scaling ) / data.bins^2 ) endelse ;output the y-axis values ; *check for varying energy levels? y = data_energy[*,0] ;set y axis if undefined(yaxis) then begin yaxis = y endif else begin spd_pgs_concat_yaxis, yaxis, y, ns=dimen2(spec) endelse ;concatenate spectra if undefined(spec) then begin spec = temporary(ave) endif else begin spd_pgs_concat_spec, spec, ave endelse ;concatenate standard deviation if undefined(sigma) then begin sigma = temporary(ave_s) endif else begin spd_pgs_concat_spec, sigma, ave_s endelse end