;+ ; ; PROCEDURE: ; spd_pgs_export ; ; PURPOSE: ; Exports SPEDAS particle data to ASCII files ; ; INPUT: ; data_in: standard SPEDAS particle data structure ; ; KEYWORDS: ; filename: output filename ; precise: increases precision to the maximum (microseconds) ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2019-04-10 07:20:38 -0700 (Wed, 10 Apr 2019) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 26982 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/general/science/spd_part_products/spd_pgs_export.pro $ ;- pro spd_pgs_export, data_in, filename=filename, output_dir=output_dir, precise=precise if ~ptr_valid(data_in[0]) and ~is_struct(data_in[0]) then begin fail = 'Invalid data. Input must be pointer or structure array.' dprint, dlevel=1, fail return endif if ptr_valid(data_in[0]) then data = *data_in[0] else data = data_in if undefined(precise) then precise=3 else precise=6 if undefined(output_dir) then output_dir = '' else output_dir = spd_addslash(output_dir) if undefined(filename) then filename = output_dir + strlowcase(data[0].project_name)+strlowcase(data[0].spacecraft)+'_'+strlowcase(strjoin(strsplit(data[0].data_name, ' ', /extract), '_')) ; the following assumes the number of angular and energy bins do not change over time dims = size(data[0].data, /dimensions) if n_elements(dims) eq 3 then begin ncol = dims[0]*dims[1]*dims[2] endif else if n_elements(dims) eq 2 then begin ncol = dims[0]*dims[1] endif data_out = dblarr(n_elements(data), ncol) energy_out = dblarr(n_elements(data), ncol) theta_out = dblarr(n_elements(data), ncol) phi_out = dblarr(n_elements(data), ncol) bins_out = dblarr(n_elements(data), ncol) for time_idx=0l, n_elements(data)-1 do begin data_out[time_idx, *] = reform(data[time_idx].data, ncol) energy_out[time_idx, *] = reform(data[time_idx].energy, ncol) theta_out[time_idx, *] = reform(data[time_idx].theta, ncol) phi_out[time_idx, *] = reform(data[time_idx].phi, ncol) bins_out[time_idx, *] = reform(data[time_idx].bins, ncol) endfor time_precision_str = 'A' + strtrim(21 + precise,2) data_format_string = '(' + time_precision_str + ', ' + strtrim(ncol, 2) + '(2X,e30.17))' misc_format_string = '(' + time_precision_str + ', ' + strtrim(ncol, 2) + '(2X,e20.7))' bins_format_string = '(' + time_precision_str + ', ' + strtrim(ncol, 2) + '(2X,I12))' openw, /get_lun, data_lun, filename+'_data.txt', width=2500 openw, /get_lun, energy_lun, filename+'_energy.txt', width=2500 openw, /get_lun, theta_lun, filename+'_theta.txt', width=2500 openw, /get_lun, phi_lun, filename+'_phi.txt', width=2500 openw, /get_lun, bins_lun, filename+'_bins.txt', width=2500 ; save the data for i=0l, n_elements(data)-1 do begin printf, data_lun, time_string(data[i].time, precision=precise), reform(data_out[i,*]), format=data_format_string printf, energy_lun, time_string(data[i].time, precision=precise), reform(energy_out[i,*]), format=misc_format_string printf, theta_lun, time_string(data[i].time, precision=precise), reform(theta_out[i,*]), format=misc_format_string printf, phi_lun, time_string(data[i].time, precision=precise), reform(phi_out[i,*]), format=misc_format_string printf, bins_lun, time_string(data[i].time, precision=precise), reform(bins_out[i,*]), format=bins_format_string endfor close, data_lun free_lun, data_lun close, energy_lun free_lun, energy_lun close, theta_lun free_lun, theta_lun close, phi_lun free_lun, phi_lun close, bins_lun free_lun, bins_lun end