;+ ;Procedure: ; spd_dist_to_hash ; ;Purpose: ; Convert standard 3D partical distribution structure into hash ; compatible with ISEE_3D ; ;Calling Sequence: ; hash = spd_dist_to_hash( dist [,counts=dist_counts] ; ;Input: ; dist: Standard distribution structure array (pointer) in df units ; counts: Optional copy of dist in counts ; ;Output: ; return value: A hash whose elements are each single distributions, ; The keys are the sample time in millisecond precision. ; ;Notes: ; -Requires IDL 8.0+, 8.2+ recommended ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: aaflores $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2016-05-23 18:52:50 -0700 (Mon, 23 May 2016) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 21180 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/general/science/spd_part_products/spd_dist_to_hash.pro $ ;- function spd_dist_to_hash, d, counts=counts compile_opt idl2, hidden if !version.release lt 8.0 then begin message, 'IDL 8.0 or higher is required to use this function' endif if in_set(ptr_valid(d),0) || ~is_struct(*d[0]) then begin dprint, dlevel=0, 'Invalid input data' return, !null endif counts_set = ~undefined(counts) if counts_set then begin if ~ptr_valid(counts) || ~is_struct(*counts[0]) then begin dprint, dlevel=0, 'Invalid counts data' return, !null endif endif c = 299792458d ;m/s erest = (*d[0])[0].mass * c^2 / 1e6 ;convert mass from eV/(km/s)^2 to eV/c^2 out = hash() for i=0, n_elements(d)-1 do begin ;all fields must be reformed to single dimension later n = n_elements((*d[i])[0].data) for j=0, n_elements(*d[i])-1 do begin time = time_string( (*d[i])[j].time, /msec ) ;calculate velocity in km/s ;use lat instead of co-lat ;fill counts if not set out[time] = hash( 'energy', reform( (*d[i])[j].energy ,n), $ 'v', reform( c * sqrt( 1 - 1/(((*d[i])[j].energy/erest + 1)^2) ) / 1000. ,n), $ 'azim', reform( (*d[i])[j].phi ,n), $ 'elev', 90-reform( (*d[i])[j].theta ,n), $ 'count', reform( counts_set ? (*counts[i])[j].data : fltarr(n) ,n), $ 'psd', reform( (*d[i])[j].data ,n) ) endfor endfor if out.isempty() then return, !null return, out end