;+ ;PROCEDURE: padplot,pad ; Plots pad data vs pitch angle. ;INPUTS: ; pad - structure containing pitch angle distribution (PAD) data. ; (Obtained from "pad()" routine) ;KEYWORDS: ; LIMITS - limit structure. (see "xlim" , "YLIM" or "OPTIONS") ; The limit structure can have the following elements: ; UNITS: units to be plotted in. ; ALL PLOT and OPLOT keywords. ; UNITS - convert to given data units before plotting ; MULTI - Set to the number of plots desired across the page. ; OPLOT - Overplots last plot if set. ; LABEL - set to print labels for each energy step. ; ;SEE ALSO: "spec3d" ; ;CREATED BY: Davin Larson ;LAST MODIFICATION: @(#)padplot.pro 1.18 02/04/17 ; ;- ; COLOR - array of colors to be used for each bin pro padplot,tempdat, $ NOCOLOR = nocolor, $ LIMITS = limits, $ UNITS = units, $ COLOR = shades, $ LABEL = labels, $ EBINS = ebins, $ ; MULTI = multi, $ OVERPLOT = oplot if data_type(tempdat) ne 8 or tempdat.valid eq 0 then begin dprint, 'Invalid Data' return endif str_element,limits,'units',value=units dat = conv_units(tempdat,units) nb = dat.nbins title = dat.project_name+'!C'+dat.data_name title = title+'!C'+trange_str(dat.time,dat.end_time) ytitle = units_string(dat.units_name) xtitle = 'Pitch Angle (degrees)' ydat = transpose(dat.data) xdat = transpose(dat.angles) str_element,dat,'ddata',value=dydat if n_elements(dydat) ne 0 then dydat = transpose(dydat) plot={title:title, $ xtitle:xtitle,x:xdat,xmargin:[11,11],xstyle:1,xrange:[0.,180.], $ xtickv:[0.,90.,180.], xticks:3, xminor:9 ,$ ytitle:ytitle,y:ydat,ymargin:[4,5] ,ylog:1 } ;if n_elements(dydat) ne 0 then str_element,/add,plot,'dy',dydat str_element,/add,plot,'dy',dydat if ndimen(labels) ne 0 then begin str_element,limits,'velocity',value=vel x = total(dat.energy,2,/nan) x = x/total(finite(dat.energy),2) f = '(f8.1," eV")' if keyword_set(vel) then begin x = velocity(x,dat.mass) f='(f8.0," km/s")' end labels= strtrim(string(x,format=f),2) endif ;print,ebins wi,lim=limits mplot,data=plot,bins=ebins,COLORS=shades,limits = limits,$ LABELS=labels,overplot=oplot,nocolor=nocolor end