;+ ; PRO RBSP_LOAD_SPICE_STATE ; ; SYNTAX: ; rbsp_load_spice_state,probe='a',coord='GSE' ; rbsp_load_spice_state,probe='a',coord='GSE',dt=3600. ; hourly ; rbsp_load_spice_state,probe='a',coord='GSE',times=time_array ; rbsp_load_spice_state,probe='a',coord='GSE',/no_spice_load ; skip spice load ; ; PURPOSE: Loads SPICE position and velocity in one of the RBSP SPICE supported ; coordinate systems: ; GEI, GEI_TOD, GEI_MOD, MEAN_ECLIP, GEO, GSE, MAG, GSM, or SM ; ; KEYWORDS: ; probe = 'a' or 'b' NOTE: single spacecraft only, does not accept ['a b'] ; coord = coordinate system. Valid coordinate systems are defined in the ; rbsp general frame kernel (rbsp_generalxxx.tf) and include: ; GEI, GEI_TOD, GEI_MOD, MEAN_ECLIP, GEO, GSE, MAG, GSM, or SM ; dt = time step (s). Generate state every dt seconds for the current TPLOT ; timespan. Default dt is 60s. ; times = times. Optionally define an array of times at which to return ; SPICE state (dt keyword is ignored). ; /no_spice_load - skip loading/unloading of spice kernels ; abcorr = aberration correction. See SPICE documentation for description. ; Default is NONE. ; obs = SPICE observer. Default is EARTH. ; _extra --> possible useful keywords include: ; no_spice_load ; ; HISTORY: ; 1. Created Oct 2012 - Kris Kersten, kris.kersten@gmail.com ; ; VERSION: ; $LastChangedBy: aaronbreneman $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-06-29 14:11:22 -0700 (Mon, 29 Jun 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28822 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/general/missions/rbsp/spacecraft/rbsp_load_spice_state.pro $ ; ;- pro rbsp_load_spice_state,$ probe=probe,$ coord=coord,$ dt=dt,$ times=times,$ abcorr=abcorr,$ obs=obs,$ _extra=extra if ~icy_test() then return if ~keyword_set(probe) then begin message,'Probe not set. Returning.',/continue return endif else begin probe=strlowcase(probe) if probe ne 'a' and probe ne 'b' then begin message,"Invalid probe. Returning.",/continue return endif endelse ; valid RBSP SPICE coordinate systems (as defined in rbsp_general010.tf ; frame kernel) vcoords=['GEI', $ 'GEI_TOD', $ 'GEI_MOD', $ 'MEAN_ECLIP', $ 'GEO', $ 'GSE', $ 'MAG', $ 'GSM', $ 'SM' ] if ~keyword_set(coord) then begin message,'Coordinate system not set. Returning.',/continue message,'Valid coordinate systems: '+ $ string(vcoords,format='(9(A, :, ", "))'),/continue return endif else begin coord=strupcase(coord) xx=where(vcoords eq coord,cfound) if cfound eq 0 then begin message,'Unknown coordinate system: '+coord+'. Returning.',/continue message,'Valid coordinate systems: '+ $ string(vcoords,format='(9(A, :, ", "))'),/continue return endif endelse ; set default SPICE options if ~keyword_set(abcorr) then abcorr='NONE' if ~keyword_set(obs) then obs='EARTH' if ~keyword_set(times) then begin if ~keyword_set(dt) then dt=60. tr=timerange() nt=long((tr[1]-tr[0])/dt)+1 times=tr[0]+(dindgen(nt))*dt endif else begin times=time_double(times) endelse rbsp_load_spice_kernels,_extra=extra ts=time_string(times) strput,ts,'T',10 cspice_str2et,ts,et scid='RADIATION BELT STORM PROBE '+strupcase(probe) cspice_spkezr,scid,et,coord,abcorr,obs,state,ltime position=transpose(state[0:2,*]) velocity=transpose(state[3:5,*]) data_att = {coord_sys:strlowcase(coord),$ st_type:'pos',$ units:'km'} dl = {spec:0b,$ log:0b,$ data_att:data_att,$ colors:[2,4,6],$ labels:['x','y','z']+'_'+strlowcase(coord),$ ysubtitle:'[km]'} store_data,'rbsp'+probe+'_state_pos_'+strlowcase(coord), $ data={x:times,y:position,v:[1,2,3]},dlimits=dl dl.data_att.st_type='vel' dl.data_att.units='km/s' dl.labels=['vx','vy','vz']+'_'+strlowcase(coord) dl.ysubtitle='[km/s]' ;Calculate velocity from position rather than straight from SPICE. ;I've found (Aaron, June 20, 2020) that it's more accurate this way. ;(see ephemeris_comparison.pro) get_data,'rbsp'+probe+'_state_pos_'+strlowcase(coord),data=d vx = deriv(d.x,d.y[*,0]) & vy = deriv(d.x,d.y[*,1]) & vz = deriv(d.x,d.y[*,2]) store_data,'rbsp'+probe+'_state_vel_'+strlowcase(coord),$ d.x,[[vx],[vy],[vz]],[1,2,3],dlimits=dl ; store_data,'rbsp'+probe+'_state_vel2_'+strlowcase(coord), $ ; data={x:times,y:velocity,v:[1,2,3]},dlimits=dl ;rbsp_load_spice_kernels,/unload,_extra=extra end