;+ ; NAME: rbsp_efw_create_esvy_uvw_from_vsvy.pro ; (see rbsp_efw_create_esvy_uvw_from_vsvy_testing.pro to compare to known ; good data) ; SYNTAX: ; PURPOSE: Create the UVW Ew waveform data from the single-ended measurements. ; Returns tplot variable rbspx_efw_esvy. ; This routine is similar to rbsp_load_efw_waveform.pro called with ; the 'esvy' keyword. That routine will just load Esvy straight from ; the L1 files. However, the output is based on V12 and V34, which is ; not useful if one of the antennas is bad. This routine allows you ; to construct Esvy UVW from any combination of antenna pairs. ; INPUT: date -> 'yyyy-mm-dd' ; probe -> 'a' or 'b' ; bad_probe -> (integer) probe to avoid (1,2,3, or 4) ; KEYWORDS: ; pairs -> can directly input antenna pairs to be used instead of ; just indicating the bad_antennas ; rerun -> don't reload spice kernels or other stuff ; method -> 1 = (default) Calculate Ew directly using linear combination of diagonal antenna pairs. ; Project the result onto the usual u or v axis. For ; ex, if V1 is bad we can calculate V12 from V23 and V24 ; method -> 2 = Calculate Ew using average of good boom pair. Ex, if V1 ; is bad then E12 = 2*(V3+V4)/2 - V2 ; ; method -> 3 = (NOT WORKING YET) mimic the bad antenna by time-shifting data from adjacent ; antenna by 1/4 spinperiod. For ex, if V4 is bad we can ; substitute V4 data with time-shifted V1 data. This method ; can be useful if two probe potentials are misbehaving. Ex. ; 2015-03-17 at 20:00. Only V2 and V4 are good. ; Comparison of method 1 and 2 ; method 1 -> disadvantage: shorter baseline for calculating Ew ; (length*cos(45) ; advantage: No time-shift involved. Higher resolution ; for final data product ; method 2 -> disadvantage: larger time-shift (1/4 sp as opposed to 1/8) ; advantage: longer antenna baselines. Always 100 m. ; ; ; OUTPUT: tplot variable rb_efw_esvy, which is the Efield in UVW coord. ; This can then be despun using rbsp_uvw_to_mgse.pro or spinfit ; with rbsp_spinfit. ; ; EXAMPLES: Call for two bad antennas. ; rbsp_efw_create_esvy_uvw_from_vsvy,'a',bad_antennas=[1,2],method=1 ; For this example V34 will be time-shifted by 1/4 spinperiod to mimic V12 ; ; Call for one bad antenna ; rbsp_efw_create_esvy_uvw_from_vsvy,'a',bad_antennas=1,method=1 ; ; explicitly define antenna pairs to be used (assume V4 is bad) ; rbsp_efw_create_esvy_uvw_from_vsvy,'a',pairs=['12','31'],method=1 ; In this case V1 will be time-shifted by 1/4 spinperiod to mimic V4. ; ; HISTORY: Written by Aaron W Breneman, June 2016 ; VERSION: ;- ;--modify so that you can explicitly input pairs instead of indicating ;--which antennas are bad pro rbsp_efw_create_esvy_uvw_from_vsvy,$ date,$ probe,$ bad_probe,$ testing=testing,$ method=method,$ pairs=pairs,$ no_spice_load=no_spice_load,$ rerun=rerun if ~KEYWORD_SET(method) then method = 1 timespan,date probe = probe if ~keyword_set(testing) then testing = 0 rb = 'rbsp' + probe rbv = rb + '_efw_vsvy_' rbe = rb + '_efw_esvy_' ;load single-ended potentials rbsp_load_efw_waveform, probe=probe, datatype='vsvy', coord = 'uvw',/noclean split_vec,rb+'_efw_vsvy',suffix='_'+['1','2','3','4','5','6'] ;Load spice stuff if ~keyword_set(no_spice_load) then rbsp_load_spice_kernels ;Get antenna pointing direction and stuff if ~keyword_set(rerun) then rbsp_load_state,probe=probe,/no_spice_load,$ datatype=['spinper','spinphase','mat_dsc','Lvec'] if ~keyword_set(rerun) then rbsp_efw_position_velocity_crib,/no_spice_load,/noplot trange = timerange() ;get boom lengths cp0 = rbsp_efw_get_cal_params(trange[0]) cp = cp0.a boom_length = cp.boom_length boom_shorting_factor = cp.boom_shorting_factor ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Method 1: Calculate linear combinations of remaining 3 good probes ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if method eq 1 then begin ;find probe separation boom_length_adj = sqrt(2)*boom_length[0]/2. if bad_probe eq 1 then begin dif_data,rbv+'3',rbv+'4',newname='tmp' get_data,'tmp',data=dd E34 = dd.y * 1000./boom_length[1] dif_data,rbv+'5',rbv+'6',newname='tmp' get_data,'tmp',data=dd E56 = dd.y * 1000./boom_length[2] dif_data,rbv+'2',rbv+'3',newname='tmp' get_data,'tmp',data=dd E23 = dd.y * 1000./boom_length_adj dif_data,rbv+'2',rbv+'4',newname='tmp' get_data,'tmp',data=dd E24 = dd.y * 1000./boom_length_adj E12 = -1*sqrt(2)/2.*(E23 + E24) endif if bad_probe eq 2 then begin dif_data,rbv+'3',rbv+'4',newname='tmp' get_data,'tmp',data=dd E34 = dd.y * 1000./boom_length[1] dif_data,rbv+'5',rbv+'6',newname='tmp' get_data,'tmp',data=dd E56 = dd.y * 1000./boom_length[2] dif_data,rbv+'1',rbv+'3',newname='tmp' get_data,'tmp',data=dd E13 = dd.y * 1000./boom_length_adj dif_data,rbv+'1',rbv+'4',newname='tmp' get_data,'tmp',data=dd E14 = dd.y * 1000./boom_length_adj E12 = 1*sqrt(2)/2.*(E13 + E14) endif if bad_probe eq 3 then begin dif_data,rbv+'1',rbv+'2',newname='tmp' get_data,'tmp',data=dd E12 = dd.y * 1000./boom_length[1] dif_data,rbv+'5',rbv+'6',newname='tmp' get_data,'tmp',data=dd E56 = dd.y * 1000./boom_length[2] dif_data,rbv+'1',rbv+'4',newname='tmp' get_data,'tmp',data=dd E14 = dd.y * 1000./boom_length_adj dif_data,rbv+'2',rbv+'4',newname='tmp' get_data,'tmp',data=dd E24 = dd.y * 1000./boom_length_adj E34 = 1*sqrt(2)/2.*(E14 + E24) endif if bad_probe eq 4 then begin dif_data,rbv+'1',rbv+'2',newname='tmp' get_data,'tmp',data=dd E12 = dd.y * 1000./boom_length[1] dif_data,rbv+'5',rbv+'6',newname='tmp' get_data,'tmp',data=dd E56 = dd.y * 1000./boom_length[2] dif_data,rbv+'1',rbv+'3',newname='tmp' get_data,'tmp',data=dd E13 = dd.y * 1000./boom_length_adj dif_data,rbv+'2',rbv+'3',newname='tmp' get_data,'tmp',data=dd E23 = dd.y * 1000./boom_length_adj E34 = -1*sqrt(2)/2.*(E13 + E23) endif store_data,'rbsp'+probe+'_efw_esvy',dd.x,[[E12],[E34],[E56]] options,'rbsp'+probe+'_efw_esvy','ytitle','rbsp'+probe+'_efw_esvy'+'!C[mV/m]' endif ;;method eq 1 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Method 2 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if method eq 2 then begin get_data,rbv+'1',times,v1 get_data,rbv+'2',times,v2 get_data,rbv+'3',times,v3 get_data,rbv+'4',times,v4 if bad_probe eq 1 then begin dif_data,rbv+'3',rbv+'4',newname='tmp' get_data,'tmp',data=dd E34 = dd.y * 1000./boom_length[1] dif_data,rbv+'5',rbv+'6',newname='tmp' get_data,'tmp',data=dd E56 = dd.y * 1000./boom_length[2] E12 = 1*1000.*(v3 + v4 - v2)/boom_length[0] endif if bad_probe eq 2 then begin dif_data,rbv+'3',rbv+'4',newname='tmp' get_data,'tmp',data=dd E34 = dd.y * 1000./boom_length[1] dif_data,rbv+'5',rbv+'6',newname='tmp' get_data,'tmp',data=dd E56 = dd.y * 1000./boom_length[2] E12 = -1*1000.*(v3 + v4 - v1)/boom_length[0] endif if bad_probe eq 3 then begin dif_data,rbv+'1',rbv+'2',newname='tmp' get_data,'tmp',data=dd E12 = dd.y * 1000./boom_length[1] dif_data,rbv+'5',rbv+'6',newname='tmp' get_data,'tmp',data=dd E56 = dd.y * 1000./boom_length[2] E34 = 1000.*(v1 + v2 - v4)/boom_length[1] endif if bad_probe eq 4 then begin dif_data,rbv+'1',rbv+'2',newname='tmp' get_data,'tmp',data=dd E12 = dd.y * 1000./boom_length[1] dif_data,rbv+'5',rbv+'6',newname='tmp' get_data,'tmp',data=dd E56 = dd.y * 1000./boom_length[2] E34 = -1*1000.*(v1 + v2 - v3)/boom_length[1] endif store_data,'rbsp'+probe+'_efw_esvy',dd.x,[[E12],[E34],[E56]] options,'rbsp'+probe+'_efw_esvy','ytitle','rbsp'+probe+'_efw_esvy'+'!C[mV/m]' endif ; ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;Method 3 ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ; if method eq 3 then begin ; ; ; get_data,rb+'_spinper',data=sp ; spinper = median(sp.y) ; ; ; ;;Decide which antenna pair you want to mimic. The options are 12 or 34 (or 21 or 43) ; ; pairsm = strarr(3) ; ; for i=0,2 do begin ; ; if pairs[i] eq '12' then pairsm[i] = '12' ; ; if pairs[i] eq '34' then pairsm[i] = '34' ; ; if pairs[i] eq '13' then pairsm[i] = '12' ; ; if pairs[i] eq '14' then pairsm[i] = '12' ; ; if pairs[i] eq '24' then pairsm[i] = '21' ;-->shift V4 by 1/4 spinper to mimic V1 ; ; if pairs[i] eq '23' then pairsm[i] = '21' ; ; endfor ; ; ; goodantennas = ['1','2','3','4'] ; ; for i=0,n_elements(bad_probe)-1 do goodantennas[bad_probe[i]-1] = 'x' ; goodantennas[bad_probe-1] = 'x' ; ; ;Determine which antenna pairs to use. Note that there's some ambiguity to ; ;this. For ex, if V2 is bad_probe, we can use V1-V3 or V1-V4. ; if ~keyword_set(pairs) then begin ; ; pairs = strarr(2) ; ; ; ;Establish the first antenna pair ; ;both V1 and V2 are good ; if goodantennas[0] ne 'x' and goodantennas[1] ne 'x' then begin ; pairs[0] = '12' ; endif ; ; ;both V1 and V2 are bad_probe ; if goodantennas[0] eq 'x' and goodantennas[1] eq 'x' then begin ; pairs[0] = '34' ; ;twobad = 1 ;****IMPLEMENT THIS FOR SPINPERIOD/2 TIME-SHIFT ; endif ; ; ;V1 is bad and V2 is good ; if goodantennas[0] eq 'x' and goodantennas[1] ne 'x' then begin ; if goodantennas[2] ne 'x' then pairs[0] = '32' else $ ; if goodantennas[3] ne 'x' then pairs[0] = '42' ; endif ; ; ;V1 is good and V2 is bad ; if goodantennas[0] ne 'x' and goodantennas[1] eq 'x' then begin ; if goodantennas[2] ne 'x' then pairs[0] = '13' else $ ; if goodantennas[3] ne 'x' then pairs[0] = '14' ; endif ; ; ; ; ;Establish the second antenna pair ; ;both V3 and V4 are good ; if goodantennas[2] ne 'x' and goodantennas[3] ne 'x' then begin ; pairs[1] = '34' ; endif ; ; ;both V3 and V4 are bad ; if goodantennas[2] eq 'x' and goodantennas[3] eq 'x' then begin ; pairs[1] = '12' ; twobad = 1 ; endif ; ; ;V3 is bad and V4 is good ; if goodantennas[2] eq 'x' and goodantennas[3] ne 'x' then begin ; if goodantennas[0] ne 'x' then pairs[1] = '14' else $ ; if goodantennas[1] ne 'x' then pairs[1] = '24' ; endif ; ; ;V3 is good and V4 is bad ; if goodantennas[2] ne 'x' and goodantennas[3] eq 'x' then begin ; if goodantennas[0] ne 'x' then pairs[1] = '31' else $ ; if goodantennas[1] ne 'x' then pairs[1] = '32' ; endif ; ; endif ;establish "pairs" ; ; ; ; ; ;Idealized antenna pairs (static) ; pairsm = ['12','34'] ; ; ; ;extract individual antennas from the pairs ; ; a0 = strarr(3) & a1 = a0 & am0 = a1 & am1 = a1 ; ; a1 = strmid(pairs[0],0,1) ; a2 = strmid(pairs[0],1,1) ; a3 = strmid(pairs[1],0,1) ; a4 = strmid(pairs[1],1,1) ; ; am1 = '1' ; am2 = '2' ; am3 = '3' ; am4 = '4' ; ; ;create the 3D electric field using the unmodified data ; n12 = am1+am2 ; n34 = am3+am4 ; ename = rb+'_efw_esvy_('+ n12 + ')_and_(' + n34 +')_and_(56)' ; ; ; ; ; ;;create electric field (unaltered from V1-V4) ; dif_data,rbv+am1, rbv+am2,$ ; newname=rbe+am1+am2 ; dif_data,rbv+am3, rbv+am4,$ ; newname=rbe+am3+am4 ; dif_data,rb+'_efw_vsvy_5', rb+'_efw_vsvy_6',$ ; newname=rb+'_efw_esvy_56' ; ; ; ; ; get_data,rbe+am1+am2,data=eu ; get_data,rbe+am3+am4,data=ev ; get_data,rb+'_efw_esvy_56',times,ew ; ; times = eu.x ; ; eu = 1000.*eu.y/boom_length[0] ; ev = 1000.*ev.y/boom_length[1] ; ; emag = sqrt(eu^2 + ev^2) ; ; store_data,ename,data={x:times,y:[[eu],[ev],[ew]]},dlim=dlim ; store_data,'Emag',times,emag ; options,ename,'ytitle',ename+'!C[mV/m]' ; ; ; ; b1 = 1. ;unit vector along Eu axis ; ; E_dot_b = Eu*b1 ; Emag = sqrt(eu^2 + ev^2) ; store_data,'Emag',times,Emag ; ; ; ;See if new magnitude compares with original ; store_data,'Emag_comb',data=['Emag','Emag_m2'] ; options,'Emag_comb','colors',[0,250] ; ; tplot,'Emag_comb' ; ; ; delta = acos(E_dot_b/Emag)/!dtor ; store_data,'delta',times,delta ; ; ; ; if a1 eq '1' then adj_time = 0. ; if a1 eq '2' then stop ; if a1 eq '3' then adj_time = 1*spinper/4. ; if a1 eq '4' then adj_time = -1*spinper/4. ; get_data,rbv+a1,data=v ; store_data,rbv+a1+'_to_'+am1,v.x+adj_time,v.y ; ; if a2 eq '2' then adj_time = 0. ; if a2 eq '1' then stop ; if a2 eq '3' then adj_time = -1*spinper/4. ; if a2 eq '4' then adj_time = spinper/4. ; get_data,rbv+a2,data=v ; store_data,rbv+a2+'_to_'+am2,v.x+adj_time,v.y ; ; if a3 eq '3' then adj_time = 0. ; if a3 eq '4' then stop ; if a3 eq '1' then adj_time = -1*spinper/4. ; if a3 eq '2' then adj_time = spinper/4. ; get_data,rbv+a3,data=v ; store_data,rbv+a3+'_to_'+am3,v.x+adj_time,v.y ; ; if a4 eq '4' then adj_time = 0. ; if a4 eq '3' then stop ; if a4 eq '1' then adj_time = spinper/4. ; if a4 eq '2' then adj_time = -1*spinper/4. ; get_data,rbv+a4,data=v ; store_data,rbv+a4+'_to_'+am4,v.x+adj_time,v.y ; ; ; ; if testing then begin ; ; if a1 ne am1 then tplot,[rbv+a1+'_to_'+am1, rbv+am1] ; if a2 ne am2 then tplot,[rbv+a2+'_to_'+am2, rbv+am2] ; if a3 ne am3 then tplot,[rbv+a3+'_to_'+am3, rbv+am3] ; if a4 ne am4 then tplot,[rbv+a4+'_to_'+am4, rbv+am4] ; stop ; ; endif ; ; ; ; ;;create electric field (from modified V1-V4) ; dif_data,rbv+a1+'_to_'+am1, rbv+a2+'_to_'+am2,$ ; newname=rbe+a1+a2+'_to_'+am1+am2 ; dif_data,rbv+a3+'_to_'+am3, rbv+a4+'_to_'+am4,$ ; newname=rbe+a3+a4+'_to_'+am3+am4 ; dif_data,rb+'_efw_vsvy_5', rb+'_efw_vsvy_6',$ ; newname=rb+'_efw_esvy_56' ; ; ; ;tplot,[rbe+am1+am2,rbe+a1+a2+'_to_'+am1+am2] ; ;tplot,[rbe+am3+am4,rbe+a3+a4+'_to_'+am3+am4] ; ; ; ;***** ; rbsp_detrend,[rbe+am1+am2,$ ; rbe+a1+a2+'_to_'+am1+am2,$ ; rbe+am3+am4,$ ; rbe+a3+a4+'_to_'+am3+am4],60.*5. ; ; ; ;compare unaltered to modified electric fields ; store_data,'e12_comp',$ ; data=[rbe+a1+a2+'_to_'+am1+am2+'_detrend',$ ; rbe+am1+am2+'_detrend'] ; ; store_data,'e34_comp',$ ; data=[rbe+a3+a4+'_to_'+am3+am4+'_detrend',$ ; rbe+am3+am4+'_detrend'] ; ; options,'e12_comp','colors',[0,250] ; options,'e34_comp','colors',[0,250] ; ; ylim,['e12_comp','e34_comp'],-2,2 ; ; ; ; ; if testing then begin ; ; if a1 ne am1 or a2 ne am2 then tplot,'e12_comp' else tplot,'e34_comp' ; if testing then tplot,[rbv+a1,rbv+a2,rbv+a3,rbv+a4],/add ; ; stop ; ; ;;These two should be very similar ; if a1 ne am1 or a2 ne am2 then begin ; ylim,[rbe+a1+a2+'_to_'+am1+am2,rbe+am1+am2],0,0 ; tplot,[rbe+a1+a2+'_to_'+am1+am2,rbe+am1+am2] ; endif else begin ; ylim,[rbe+a3+a4+'_to_'+am3+am4,rbe+am3+am4],0,0 ; tplot,[rbe+a3+a4+'_to_'+am3+am4,rbe+am3+am4] ; endelse ; ; ; stop ; endif ; ; ; ; ;;Now give these quantities units of electric field (keep the same ; ;;names). If the pair quantities are reversed, then multiply by -1 ; mult = [1.,1.] ; if pairs[0] eq '21' or pairs[0] eq '31' or pairs[0] eq '41' or pairs[0] eq '42' or pairs[0] eq '43' then mult[0] = -1. ; if pairs[1] eq '21' or pairs[1] eq '31' or pairs[1] eq '41' or pairs[1] eq '42' or pairs[1] eq '43' then mult[1] = -1. ; ; ; ;interpolate these to the unaltered times ; tinterpol_mxn,rbe+a1+a2+'_to_'+am1+am2,times,newname=rbe+a1+a2+'_to_'+am1+am2 ; tinterpol_mxn,rbe+a3+a4+'_to_'+am3+am4,times,newname=rbe+a3+a4+'_to_'+am3+am4 ; ; get_data,rbe+a1+a2+'_to_'+am1+am2,data=eu ; get_data,rbe+a3+a4+'_to_'+am3+am4,data=ev ; ; ; ; data_att = {coord_sys:'uvw'} ; dlim = {data_att:data_att} ; ; ; if not (a1+a2 eq am1+am2) then n12 = a1+a2+'-to-'+am1+am2 else n12 = a1+a2 ; if not (a3+a4 eq am3+am4) then n34 = a3+a4+'-to-'+am3+am4 else n34 = a3+a4 ; enamem = rb+'_efw_esvy_('+ n12 + ')_and_(' + n34 +')_and_(56)' ; ; ; ; ;create the 3D electric field using the modified data ; eu = 1000.*mult[0]*eu.y/boom_length[0] ; ev = 1000.*mult[1]*ev.y/boom_length[1] ; ew = 1000.*ew/boom_length[2] ; ; store_data,enamem,data={x:times,y:[[eu],[ev],[ew]]},dlim=dlim ; options,enamem,'ytitle',enamem+'!C[mV/m]' ; ; ; ; ; stop ; ; ; ; ;;now "pair" is mimicking "pairm". Note that the above ; ;;two don't have to be very similar since they're measuring two ; ;;different full-cadence efields and have different offsets, etc. ; ; if testing then begin ; ; get_data,ename,data=en ; en.y[*,2] = 0. ; store_data,'ename_tmp',data=en ; options,'ename_tmp','ytitle',ename+'!C[mV/m]' ; ; ; get_data,enamem,data=en ; en.y[*,2] = 0. ; store_data,'enamem_tmp',data=en ; options,'enamem_tmp','ytitle',enamem+'!C[mV/m]' ; ; ; rbsp_detrend,['ename_tmp','enamem_tmp'],60.*5. ; options,'ename_tmp_detrend','ytitle',ename+'!C[mV/m]!Cdetrended_20min' ; options,'enamem_tmp_detrend','ytitle',enamem+'!C[mV/m]!Cdetrended_20min' ; ; ; ylim,['ename_tmp','enamem_tmp']+'_detrend',-40,40 ; tplot,['ename_tmp','enamem_tmp']+'_detrend' ; ; stop ; endif ; ; ;;make a copy for use with rest of program ; copy_data,ename,rb+'_efw_esvy' ; ; ; endif ; ; ; ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;Compare both ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; if KEYWORD_SET(testing) then begin ; ; split_vec,enamem ; split_vec,ename ; ; yellow_to_orange ; rbsp_detrend,[ename+'_x',enamem+'_x',$ ; 'Enew_'+a1+a2+'_to_'+am1+am2],60.*5. ; ; rbsp_detrend,['Eu_m2v2','Ev_m2v2'],60.*5. ; ; store_data,'e12_orig_vs_m1_comp',data=[ename+'_x',enamem+'_x']+'_detrend' ; ; store_data,'e12_orig_vs_m2_comp',data=[ename+'_x','Enew_'+a1+a2+'_to_'+am1+am2]+'_detrend' ; store_data,'e12_orig_vs_m2_comp',data=[ename+'_x','Eu_m2v2']+'_detrend' ; ; store_data,'e12_m1_vs_m2_comp',data=[enamem+'_x','Enew_'+a1+a2+'_to_'+am1+am2]+'_detrend' ; store_data,'e12_m1_vs_m2_comp',data=[enamem+'_x','Eu_m2v2']+'_detrend' ; store_data,'e12_orig_vs_m3_comp',data=[ename+'_x','e12_m3_detrend'] ; ; ; options,'e12_orig_vs_m1_comp','colors',[0,75] ; options,'e12_orig_vs_m2_comp','colors',[0,250] ; options,'e12_m1_vs_m2_comp','colors',[75,250] ; options,'e12_orig_vs_m3_comp','colors',[0,200] ; ; options,'e12_orig_vs_m3_comp','ytitle','e12Corig!Cvs!Cm3!Ccomp' ; ; ; ylim,['e12_orig_vs_m1_comp','e12_orig_vs_m2_comp','e12_m1_vs_m2_comp','e12_orig_vs_m3_comp'],-2,2 ; ; tplot,['rbspb_efw_esvy_x','e12_orig_vs_m1_comp','e12_orig_vs_m2_comp','e12_m1_vs_m2_comp','e12_orig_vs_m3_comp'] ; tplot,['e12_orig_vs_m2_comp'] ; ; ; ; ; ; ; rbsp_detrend,[ename+'_y',enamem+'_y',$ ; 'Enew_'+a3+a4+'_to_'+am3+am4],60.*20. ; ; ; store_data,'e34_orig_vs_m1_comp',data=[ename+'_y',enamem+'_y']+'_detrend' ; ; store_data,'e34_orig_vs_m2_comp',data=[ename+'_y','Enew_'+a3+a4+'_to_'+am3+am4]+'_detrend' ; store_data,'e34_orig_vs_m2_comp',data=[ename+'_y','Ev_m2v2']+'_detrend' ; ;store_data,'e34_m1_vs_m2_comp',data=[enamem+'_y','Enew_'+a3+a4+'_to_'+am3+am4]+'_detrend' ; store_data,'e34_m1_vs_m2_comp',data=[enamem+'_y','Ev_m2v2']+'_detrend' ; store_data,'e34_orig_vs_m3_comp',data=[ename+'_y','e34_m3_detrend'] ; ; ; options,'e34_orig_vs_m1_comp','colors',[0,75] ; options,'e34_orig_vs_m2_comp','colors',[0,250] ; options,'e34_m1_vs_m2_comp','colors',[75,250] ; options,'e34_orig_vs_m3_comp','colors',[0,200] ; ; options,'e34_orig_vs_m3_comp','ytitle','e34!Corig!Cvs!Cm3!Ccomp' ; ; ; ylim,['e34_orig_vs_m1_comp','e34_orig_vs_m2_comp','e34_m1_vs_m2_comp','e34_orig_vs_m3_comp'],-4,4 ; ; tplot,['rbspb_efw_esvy_y','e34_orig_vs_m1_comp','e34_orig_vs_m2_comp','e34_m1_vs_m2_comp','e34_orig_vs_m3_comp'] ; tplot,['e34_orig_vs_m2_comp'] ; ; ; ; endif end