;+ ; NAME: ; rbsp_cotrans (procedure) ; ; PURPOSE: ; A wrapper of cotrans for RBSP, with a few mission-specific features added. ; ; CATEGORIES: ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; rbsp_cotrans, from_tvar, to_tvar $ ; , gse2gsm = gse2gsm $ ; , gsm2gse = gsm2gse $ ; , dsc2gse = dsc2gse $ ; , dsc2mgse = dsc2mgse $ ; , dsc2gsm = dsc2gsm $ ; , gse2dsc = gse2dsc $ ; , gse2mgse = gse2mgse $ ; , gsm2dsc = gsm2dsc $ ; , dsc2fac = dsc2fac $ ; , mat_dsc = mat_dsc $ ; , tmag = tmag $ ; , vectype = vectype $ ; , verbose = verbose ; NOTES: ; 1. A tplot variable of magnetic field in DSC, specified with tmag keyword, ; is required to perfrom dsc2fac. The default value of tmag is something ; like 'rbspa_mag_dsc'. ; 2. A tplot variable of rotation matrix from DSC to GSE, specified with the ; mat_dsc keyword, is required to perform dsc2gse, gse2dsc, dsc2gsm, ; and gsm2dsc. The rotation matrix is usually generated by ; *rbsp_load_state*. The default value of mat_dsc is something like ; 'rbspa_mat_dsc'. ; ; ARGUMENTS: ; from_tvar: (In, required) A tplot variable to which the rotation is applied. ; to_tvar: (Out, required) A tplot name for storing the rotation results. ; ; KEYWORDS: ; The following keywords enable the transformations indicated by their names. ; /gse2gsm, /gsm2gse, /dsc2gse, /dsc2gsm, /gse2dsc, /gsm2dsc ; ; mat_dsc: (In, optional) A tplot name of the rotation matrix between DSC and ; GSE. It is usually loaded in rbsp_load_state. By default, this name is ; derived as ; strmid(from_tvar, 0, 6) + 'mat_dsc' ; vectype: (In, optional) The type of the vectors being transformed. Valid ; types are 'E', 'B', and 'V'. By default, vectype = ''. This string is ; used for labelling the to_tvar. ; verbose: (In, optional) A number to indicate the verbose level. See dprint. ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; ; EXAMPLES: ; ; SEE ALSO: ; ; HISTORY: ; 2012-11-03: Created by Jianbao Tao (JBT), SSL, UC Berkley. ; 2012-11-05: JBT, SSL, UC Berkley. ; Initial release to TDAS. ; 2012-11-20: JBT, SSL, UC Berkley. ; 1. Added dsc-to-fac transformation. ; ; VERSION: ; $LastChangedBy: aaronbreneman $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-12-19 12:45:43 -0800 (Thu, 19 Dec 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28129 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/general/missions/rbsp/efw/rbsp_cotrans.pro $ ; ;- pro rbsp_cotrans, from_tvar, to_tvar $ , gse2gsm = gse2gsm $ , gsm2gse = gsm2gse $ , dsc2gse = dsc2gse $ , dsc2mgse = dsc2mgse $ , dsc2gsm = dsc2gsm $ , gse2dsc = gse2dsc $ , gse2mgse = gse2mgse $ , gsm2dsc = gsm2dsc $ , dsc2fac = dsc2fac $ , mat_dsc = mat_dsc $ , tmag = tmag $ , vectype = vectype $ , verbose = verbose compile_opt idl2 type = 'dum2dum' if keyword_set(gse2gsm) then type = 'gse2gsm' if keyword_set(gse2dsc) then type = 'gse2dsc' if keyword_set(dsc2gsm) then type = 'dsc2gsm' if keyword_set(dsc2gse) then type = 'dsc2gse' if keyword_set(gsm2gse) then type = 'gsm2gse' if keyword_set(gsm2dsc) then type = 'gsm2dsc' if keyword_set(dsc2mgse) then type = 'dsc2mgse' if keyword_set(gse2mgse) then type = 'gse2mgse' if keyword_set(dsc2fac) then type = 'dsc2fac' if keyword_set(gse2gsm) then to_coord = 'gsm' if keyword_set(gse2dsc) then to_coord = 'dsc' if keyword_set(dsc2gsm) then to_coord = 'gsm' if keyword_set(dsc2gse) then to_coord = 'gse' if keyword_set(gsm2gse) then to_coord = 'gse' if keyword_set(gsm2dsc) then to_coord = 'dsc' if keyword_set(dsc2fac) then to_coord = 'fac' if keyword_set(dsc2mgse) then to_coord = 'mgse' if keyword_set(gse2mgse) then to_coord = 'mgse' rbx = strlowcase(strmid(from_tvar, 0, strpos(from_tvar, '_')+1)) ; Default name for the rotation matrix from DSC to GSE. if ~keyword_set(mat_dsc) then begin mat_dsc = rbx + 'mat_dsc' endif ; Default name for background magnetic field if ~keyword_set(tmag) then begin tmag = rbx + 'mag_dsc' endif ; print, 'tmag = ', tmag if n_elements(vectype) eq 0 then vectype = '' ; Prefix for component labels case strupcase(vectype) of 'E': prefix = 'E' 'B': prefix = 'B' 'V': prefix = 'V' else: prefix = '' endcase labels = prefix + ['x ', 'y ', 'z '] + strupcase(to_coord) tmpname = 'rbsp_cotrans_tmp' case type of 'gse2gsm': begin ; dprint, verbose = verbose, 'GSE -> GSM...' cotrans, from_tvar, to_tvar, /gse2gsm end 'gse2dsc': begin if ~spd_check_tvar(mat_dsc) then begin dprint, 'ERROR: ' + $ 'The rotation matrix between GSE and DSC is not available.' return endif dprint, verbose = verbose, 'GSE -> DSC...' tvector_rotate, mat_dsc, from_tvar, /invert, newname = to_tvar,/vector_skip_nonmonotonic end 'dsc2gse': begin if ~spd_check_tvar(mat_dsc) then begin dprint, 'ERROR: ' + $ 'The rotation matrix between GSE and DSC is not available.' return endif dprint, verbose = verbose, 'DSC -> GSE...' tvector_rotate, mat_dsc, from_tvar, newname = to_tvar,/vector_skip_nonmonotonic end 'dsc2mgse': begin ; dsc to gse, and construct wgse for rbsp_gse2mgse if ~spd_check_tvar(mat_dsc) then begin dprint, 'ERROR: ' + $ 'The rotation matrix between GSE and DSC is not available.' return endif get_data, from_tvar, data = dtmp tarr = dtmp.x y = dblarr(n_elements(tarr), 3) y[*,2] = 1d store_data, 'tmp_wgse_in_dsc', data = {x:tarr, y:y}, $ dlim = {data_att:{coord_sys:'dsc'}} dprint, verbose = verbose, 'DSC -> GSE...' tvector_rotate, mat_dsc, from_tvar, newname = tmpname,/vector_skip_nonmonotonic tvector_rotate, mat_dsc, 'tmp_wgse_in_dsc', newname = 'tmp_wgse_in_gse',/vector_skip_nonmonotonic get_data, 'tmp_wgse_in_gse', data = dtmp wgse = dtmp.y store_data, 'tmp_wgse_in_gse', /del store_data, 'tmp_wgse_in_dsc', /del ; gse to mgse rbsp_gse2mgse, tmpname, wgse,newname = to_tvar store_data, tmpname, /del end 'gse2mgse': begin ; dsc to gse, and construct wgse for rbsp_gse2mgse if ~spd_check_tvar(mat_dsc) then begin dprint, 'ERROR: ' + $ 'The rotation matrix between GSE and DSC is not available.' return endif get_data, from_tvar, data = dtmp tarr = dtmp.x y = dblarr(n_elements(tarr), 3) y[*,2] = 1d store_data, 'tmp_wgse_in_dsc', data = {x:tarr, y:y}, $ dlim = {data_att:{coord_sys:'dsc'}} dprint, verbose = verbose, 'DSC -> GSE...' tvector_rotate, mat_dsc, 'tmp_wgse_in_dsc', newname = 'tmp_wgse_in_gse',/vector_skip_nonmonotonic get_data, 'tmp_wgse_in_gse', data = dtmp wgse = dtmp.y store_data, 'tmp_wgse_in_gse', /del store_data, 'tmp_wgse_in_dsc', /del ; gse to mgse rbsp_gse2mgse, from_tvar, wgse,newname = to_tvar end 'dsc2gsm': begin if ~spd_check_tvar(mat_dsc) then begin dprint, 'ERROR: ' + $ 'The rotation matrix between GSE and DSC is not available.' return endif dprint, verbose = verbose, 'DSC -> GSE...' tvector_rotate, mat_dsc, from_tvar, newname = tmpname,/vector_skip_nonmonotonic cotrans, tmpname, to_tvar, /gse2gsm store_data, tmpname, /del end 'gsm2gse': begin cotrans, from_tvar, to_tvar, /gsm2gse end 'gsm2dsc': begin if ~spd_check_tvar(mat_dsc) then begin dprint, 'ERROR: ' + $ 'The rotation matrix between GSE and DSC is not available.' return endif cotrans, from_tvar, tmpname, /gsm2gse dprint, verbose = verbose, 'GSE -> DSC...' tvector_rotate, mat_dsc, tmpname, /invert, newname = to_tvar,/vector_skip_nonmonotonic store_data, tmpname, /del end 'dsc2fac': begin if ~spd_check_tvar(tmag) then begin dprint, 'ERROR: ' + $ 'Background magnetic field not available. Abort.' return endif thm_fac_matrix_make, tmag, other_dim = 'Zdsl', $ newname = rbx + 'dsc2fac_matrix', error = error ; print, 'error = ', error if error eq 0 then begin dprint, 'ERROR: ' + $ 'Fail to make rotation matrix. Abort.' return endif tvector_rotate, rbx + 'dsc2fac_matrix', from_tvar, $ newname = to_tvar,/vector_skip_nonmonotonic store_data, rbx + 'dsc2fac_matrix', /del get_data, to_tvar, dlim = dl str_element, dl, 'data_att.coord_sys', 'fac', /add str_element, dl, 'data_att.coord_note', $ 'FAC: Z->parallel, X->spin-plane perp', /add store_data, to_tvar, dlim = dl end else: begin dprint, verbose = verbose, 'The transformation type ' + type + $ ' is not yet supported. Probably never will be. Sorry.' return end endcase options, to_tvar, colors = [2, 4, 6], labels = labels, labflag = 1 end