;+ ; NAME: ; rbsp_efw_make_l2_vsvy_hires ; ; PURPOSE: Create L2 (level-2) CDF files from the Van Allen Probe EFW ; Vsvy data product. ; ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; ARGUMENTS: sc -> Which probe? 'a' or 'b' ; date -> ex, '2013-10-13' ; ; KEYWORDS: ; ; ; EXAMPLES: rbsp_efw_make_l2_vsvy_hires,'a','2012-10-13' ; ; NOTES: This program stuffs the following quantities into the skeleton CDF file. ; V1-V6 -> single-ended potential quantities ; (Vx+Vy)/2 -> opposing boom averages ; ; ; HISTORY: ; March 2020: Created by Aaron Breneman, University of Minnesota ; ; ; VERSION: ; $LastChangedBy: aaronbreneman $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-07-08 08:38:26 -0700 (Wed, 08 Jul 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28864 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/general/missions/rbsp/efw/cdf_file_production/rbsp_efw_make_l2_vsvy_hires.pro $ ;- ;****NOTE: UPDATE THIS FOR PHASE F pro rbsp_efw_make_l2_vsvy_hires,sc,date,$ folder=folder,$ version=version,$ testing=testing rbsp_efw_init skip_plot = 1 ;set to skip restoration of cdf file and test plotting at end of program dprint,'BEGIN TIME IS ',systime() if n_elements(version) eq 0 then version = 1 vstr = string(version, format='(I02)') version = 'v'+vstr sc=strlowcase(sc) if sc ne 'a' and sc ne 'b' then begin dprint,'Invalid spacecraft: '+sc+', returning.' return endif rbx = 'rbsp' + strlowcase(sc[0]) + '_' year = strmid(date, 0, 4) if ~keyword_set(folder) then folder = !rbsp_efw.local_data_dir + $ 'rbsp' + strlowcase(sc[0]) + path_sep() + $ 'l2' + path_sep() + $ 'spinfit' + path_sep() + $ year + path_sep() ; make sure we have the trailing slash on folder if strmid(folder,strlen(folder)-1,1) ne path_sep() then folder=folder+path_sep() if ~keyword_set(no_cdf) then file_mkdir, folder ;Grab skeleton file skeleton='/Volumes/UserA/user_homes/rbsp_efw/Code/tdas_svn_daily/general/missions/rbsp/efw/l1_to_l2/'+rbx+'efw-l2_00000000_vXX.cdf' if ~keyword_set(testing) then begin skeletonfile=file_search(skeleton,count=found) if ~found then begin dprint,'Could not find skeleton CDF, returning.' return endif endif if keyword_set(testing) then $ skeletonfile = '~/Desktop/code/Aaron/RBSP/TDAS_trunk_svn/general/missions/rbsp/efw/l1_to_l2/rbsp'+$ sc+'_efw-l2_00000000_vXX.cdf' skeletonFile=skeletonFile[0] if keyword_set(testing) then folder = '~/Desktop/code/Aaron/RBSP/TDAS_trunk_svn/general/missions/rbsp/efw/l1_to_l2/' ;Load some data timespan,date ;Load the survey data rbsp_load_efw_waveform,probe=sc,type='calibrated',datatype='vsvy',/noclean get_data,rbx+'efw_vsvy',data=vsvy if ~is_struct(vsvy) then begin dprint,rbx+'efw_vsvy unavailable, returning.' return endif times_v = vsvy.x ; ;Not ready to release the V5, V6 values. ; vsvy.y[*,4] = -1.0e31 ; vsvy.y[*,5] = -1.0e31 ;Define keyword inheritance to pass to subroutines. This will ensure that ;subsequent routines don't reload spice kernels or rbsp_efw_init ;extra = create_struct('no_rbsp_efw_init',1) ;**** ; rbsp_efw_position_velocity_crib,probe=sc,/noplot;,_extra=extra ;**** ;Load ECT's magnetic ephemeris rbsp_read_ect_mag_ephem,sc cdf2tplot,'~/Desktop/rbspa_spice_products_2014_0101_v01.cdf' ; 1 rbspa_eu_wake_flag ; 2 rbspa_eu_fixed ; 3 rbspa_ev_wake_flag ; 4 rbspa_ev_fixed ; 5 pos_gsm ; 6 mlt ; 7 mlat ; 8 dis ; 9 lshell ; 10 q_uvw2gsm copy_data,rbx+'ME_pos_gse',rbx+'state_pos_gse' copy_data,rbx+'ME_mlat_eccdipole',rbx+'state_mlat' copy_data,rbx+'ME_mlt_eccdipole',rbx+'state_mlt' copy_data,rbx+'ME_lshell',rbx+'state_lshell' ; rbspa_ME_lshell ; copy_data,'lshell',rbx+'state_lshell' ; copy_data,'q_uvw2gsm',rbx+'state_q_uvw2gsm' ;rbsp_cotrans,rbx+'state_pos_gsm','tst_gse',/gsm2gse get_data,rbx+'state_mlt',data=tmp times = tmp.x epoch = tplot_time_to_epoch(times,/epoch16) ;Downsample the GSE position and velocity variables to cadence of spinfit data varstmp = [rbx+'state_pos_gse',$ rbx+'state_vel_gse',$ rbx+'state_mlt',rbx+'state_mlat',rbx+'state_lshell',$ rbx+'ME_orbitnumber',rbx+'spinaxis_direction_gse'] for qq=0,n_elements(varstmp)-1 do tinterpol_mxn,varstmp[qq],times,newname=varstmp[qq],/spline ;get_data,'vxb',data=vxb get_data,rbx+'state_pos_gse',data=pos_gse get_data,rbx+'state_vel_gse',data=vel_gse get_data,rbx+'spinaxis_direction_gse',data=sa ;get_data,'angles',data=angles get_data,rbx+'state_mlt',data=mlt get_data,rbx+'state_mlat',data=mlat get_data,rbx+'state_lshell',data=lshell ;get_data,rbx+'ME_lshell',data=lshell get_data,rbx+'ME_orbitnumber',data=orbit_num ;dif_data,'rbspa_ME_pos_gse','rbspa_state_pos_gse',newname='posdiffgse' ;tplot,['posdiffgse','rbspa_ME_pos_gse','rbspa_state_pos_gse'] ;dif_data,'rbspa_ME_pos_gsm','rbspa_state_pos_gsm',newname='posdiffgsm' ;tplot,['posdiffgsm','rbspa_ME_pos_gsm','rbspa_state_pos_gsm'] stop if is_struct(orbit_num) then orbit_num = orbit_num.y else orbit_num = replicate(-1.e31,n_elements(times)) ;-------------------------------------------------- ;Get flag values (also gets density values from v12 and v34) ;-------------------------------------------------- stop flag_str = rbsp_efw_get_flag_values(sc,times,density_min=dmin,boom_pair=bp,_extra=extra) flag_arr = flag_str.flag_arr bias_sweep_flag = flag_str.bias_sweep_flag ab_flag = flag_str.ab_flag charging_flag = flag_str.charging_flag ; ibias = flag_str.ibias ;Create average values of opposing antennas v1v2 = 0.5*(vsvy.y[*,0] + vsvy.y[*,1]) v3v4 = 0.5*(vsvy.y[*,2] + vsvy.y[*,3]) v5v6 = 0.5*(vsvy.y[*,4] + vsvy.y[*,5]) ; ;not ready to release V5 or V6 values ; v5v6[*] = -1.0e31 ;;*****TEMPORARY******** ;;Set bad vavg values to ISTP compliant value of -1.0E31 ;goo = where((finite(vsvy.y[*,0]) eq 0) or (finite(vsvy.y[*,1]) eq 0)) ;if goo[0] ne -1 then v1v2[goo] = -1.0e31 ;goo = where((finite(vsvy.y[*,2]) eq 0) or (finite(vsvy.y[*,3]) eq 0)) ;if goo[0] ne -1 then v3v4[goo] = -1.0e31 ;;********************** vsvy_vavg = [[v1v2],[v3v4],[v5v6]] epoch_v = tplot_time_to_epoch(times_v,/epoch16) ;;;charging, autobias, eclipse, and extreme charging flags all in one variable for convenience ;flags = [[flag_arr[*,15]],[flag_arr[*,14]],[flag_arr[*,1]],[flag_arr[*,16]]] ;Stuff values into the cdf skeleton structure year = strmid(date,0,4) & mm = strmid(date,5,2) & dd = strmid(date,8,2) datafile = folder+rbx+'efw-l2_vsvy-hires_'+year+mm+dd+'_v'+vstr+'.cdf' file_copy, skeletonFile, datafile, /overwrite ; Force to replace old file. cdfid = cdf_open(datafile) ;Final list of variables to NOT delete varsave_general = ['epoch','epoch_v','vsvy','vsvy_vavg','flags_all',$ 'mlt','mlat','lshell','position_gse','velocity_gse','orbit_num'] ; 'flags_charging_bias_eclipse'] ;Now that we have renamed some of the variables to our liking, ;get list of all the variable names in the CDF file. inq = cdf_inquire(cdfid) CDFvarnames = '' for varNum = 0, inq.nzvars-1 do begin $ stmp = cdf_varinq(cdfid,varnum,/zvariable) & $ if stmp.recvar eq 'VARY' then CDFvarnames = [CDFvarnames,stmp.name] endfor CDFvarnames = CDFvarnames[1:n_elements(CDFvarnames)-1] ;Delete all variables we don't want to save. for qq=0,n_elements(CDFvarnames)-1 do begin $ tstt = array_contains(varsave_general,CDFvarnames[qq]) & $ if not tstt then print,'Deleting var: ', CDFvarnames[qq] & $ if not tstt then cdf_vardelete,cdfid,CDFvarnames[qq] endfor cdf_varput,cdfid,'epoch',epoch cdf_varput,cdfid,'epoch_v',epoch_v cdf_varput,cdfid,'vsvy',transpose(vsvy.y) cdf_varput,cdfid,'vsvy_vavg',transpose(vsvy_vavg) ;*****THIS CDF VAR IS ON "EPOCH" CADENCE. BUT, FLAG_ARR IS ON "EPOCH_V" CADENCE cdf_varput,cdfid,'flags_all',transpose(flag_arr) cdf_varput,cdfid,'mlt',transpose(mlt.y) cdf_varput,cdfid,'mlat',transpose(mlat.y) cdf_varput,cdfid,'lshell',transpose(lshell.y) cdf_varput,cdfid,'position_gse',transpose(pos_gse.y) cdf_varput,cdfid,'velocity_gse',transpose(vel_gse.y) cdf_varput,cdfid,'orbit_num',orbit_num cdf_close, cdfid dprint,'END TIME IS: ',systime() store_data,tnames(),/delete end