;+ ;NAME: ; fa_esa_l2gen ;PURPOSE: ; Generates FAST ESA L2 files ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; fa_esa_l2gen, orbit ;KEYWORDS: ; local_data_dir = if set, then write files in orbit directories under ; local_data_dir/fast/l2 , the default is to ; use ROOT_DATA_DIR, /disks/data ;INPUT: ; Either the date or input L0 file, via keyword: ;HISTORY: ; 2015-09-02, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ; $LastChangedBy: jimm $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2017-05-26 12:02:12 -0700 (Fri, 26 May 2017) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 23357 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/general/missions/fast/fa_esa/l2util/fa_esa_l2gen.pro $ ;- Pro fa_esa_l2gen, orbit, local_data_dir = local_data_dir, _extra = _extra ;Run in Z buffer set_plot,'z' load_position = 'init' catch, error_status If(error_status ne 0) Then Begin help, /last_message, output = err_msg For ll = 0, n_elements(err_msg)-1 Do print, err_msg[ll] If(load_position Eq 'init') Then Begin print, 'Problem with initialization' goto, skip_all Endif Else Begin print, 'Problem with type: '+load_position+' Skipping:'+load_position Case load_position Of 'ies':goto, skip_ies 'ees':goto, skip_ees 'ieb':goto, skip_ieb 'eeb':goto, skip_eeb Else: goto, skip_all Endcase Endelse Endif ;Clear all common blocks fa_esa_clear_common_blocks If(keyword_set(local_data_dir)) Then ldir = local_data_dir $ Else Begin If(~is_string(getenv('ROOT_DATA_DIR'))) Then Begin ldir = root_data_dir() Endif Else ldir = getenv('ROOT_DATA_DIR') Endelse sw_vsn = fa_esa_current_sw_version() vxx = 'v'+string(sw_vsn, format='(i2.2)') ;handle orbit string orbit = long(orbit[0]) orbit_str = strcompress(string(orbit,format='(i05)'), /remove_all) orbit_dir = strmid(orbit_str,0,2)+'000' ;Unlike L1 files, we put the date in L2 files dtemp = fa_orbit_to_time(orbit) date = time_string(dtemp[1], tformat='YYYYMMDDhhmmss') ;For each type, create and output the L2 structure type = 'ies' load_position = type fa_esa_l2create, type = type, orbit = orbit, data_struct = dat If(is_struct(dat)) Then Begin fa_esa_cmn_l2gen, dat, esa_type = type, otp_struct = otp_struct, fullfile_out = fullfile, _extra = _extra If(~is_struct(otp_struct)) Then message, type+' Write to CDF failed: orbit'+strcompress(/remove_all, string(orbit)) Endif Else Begin message, type+' L2 generation failed: orbit'+strcompress(/remove_all, string(orbit)) Endelse ;move the file into the correct database directory relpathname='fast/l2/'+type+'/'+orbit_dir;+'/fa_l2_'+type+'_'+date+'_'+orbit_str+'_'+vxx+'.cdf' final_resting_place = ldir+relpathname file_move, fullfile, final_resting_place, /overwrite skip_ies: type = 'ees' load_position = type fa_esa_l2create, type = type, orbit = orbit, data_struct = dat If(is_struct(dat)) Then Begin fa_esa_cmn_l2gen, dat, esa_type = type, otp_struct = otp_struct, fullfile_out = fullfile, _extra = _extra If(~is_struct(otp_struct)) Then message, type+' Write to CDF failed: orbit'+strcompress(/remove_all, string(orbit)) Endif Else Begin message, type+' L2 generation failed: orbit'+strcompress(/remove_all, string(orbit)) Endelse ;move the file into the correct database directory relpathname='fast/l2/'+type+'/'+orbit_dir;+'/fa_l2_'+type+'_'+date+'_'+orbit_str+'_'+vxx+'.cdf' final_resting_place = ldir+relpathname file_move, fullfile, final_resting_place, /overwrite skip_ees: type = 'ieb' load_position = type fa_esa_l2create, type = type, orbit = orbit, data_struct = dat If(is_struct(dat)) Then Begin fa_esa_cmn_l2gen, dat, esa_type = type, otp_struct = otp_struct, fullfile_out = fullfile, _extra = _extra If(~is_struct(otp_struct)) Then message, type+' Write to CDF failed: orbit'+strcompress(/remove_all, string(orbit)) Endif Else Begin message, type+' L2 generation failed: orbit'+strcompress(/remove_all, string(orbit)) Endelse ;move the file into the correct database directory relpathname='fast/l2/'+type+'/'+orbit_dir;+'/fa_l2_'+type+'_'+date+'_'+orbit_str+'_'+vxx+'.cdf' final_resting_place = ldir+relpathname file_move, fullfile, final_resting_place, /overwrite skip_ieb: type = 'eeb' load_position = type fa_esa_l2create, type = type, orbit = orbit, data_struct = dat If(is_struct(dat)) Then Begin fa_esa_cmn_l2gen, dat, esa_type = type, otp_struct = otp_struct, fullfile_out = fullfile, _extra = _extra If(~is_struct(otp_struct)) Then message, type+' Write to CDF failed: orbit'+strcompress(/remove_all, string(orbit)) Endif Else Begin message, type+' L2 generation failed: orbit'+strcompress(/remove_all, string(orbit)) Endelse ;move the file into the correct database directory relpathname='fast/l2/'+type+'/'+orbit_dir;+'/fa_l2_'+type+'_'+date+'_'+orbit_str+'_'+vxx+'.cdf' final_resting_place = ldir+relpathname file_move, fullfile, final_resting_place, /overwrite skip_eeb: load_position = 'done' message, /info, 'All ESA datatypes finished, Orbit: '+strcompress(/remove_all, orbit) skip_all: Return End