;+ ;PROCEDURE: thigh_pass_filter, varname, dt, newname = newname ;PURPOSE: ; Uses high_pass_filter to calculate a running average of the input data and ; store the data with the running average subtracted in an output tplot variable. ; ;INPUT: ; varname = variable passed to get_data, example - thg_mag_ccnv ; dt = the averaging time (in seconds) ;KEYWORDS: ; newname: set output variable name ; no_time_interp: Set to save memory by preventing interpolation of time ; array when smoothing data before subtraction. ; This option will probably be significantly slower. ; double: Set so operation is performed at double precision ; regardless of input type. (If input data is double ; calculation is always done in double precision) ; interp_resolution = If time interpolation is being used, set this ; option to control the number of seconds between ; interpolated samples. The default is to use ; the value of the smallest separation between ; samples. Any number higher than this will sacrifice ; output resolution to save memory. (NOTE: This option ; will not be applied if no interpolation is being ; performed because either (1) no_time_interp is set or ; (2) the sample rate of the data is constant) ; ; interactive_warning = pops up a message box if there are memory problems and asks ; the user if they would like to continue ; warning_result = assign a named variable to this keyword to determine the result of the computation ; display_object = Object reference to be passed to dprint for output. ; ; ;HISTORY: ; 14-jan-2008, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ; 06-feb-2008, teq, teq@ssl.berkeley.edu ; 23-Apr-2009, pcruce, pcruce@igpp.ucla.edu, Added extra keyword support ; 28-apr-2008, pcruce, Added interp_resolution option, added memory warning, ; mod to guarantee that precision of output is at least as ; large as precision of input ;$LastChangedBy: adrozdov $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2018-01-10 17:03:26 -0800 (Wed, 10 Jan 2018) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 24506 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/general/misc/thigh_pass_filter.pro $ ;- Pro thigh_pass_filter, varname, dt, newname = newname,warning_result=warning_result, display_object=display_object,_extra=ex get_data, varname, data = data, dlimits = dlimits, limits = limits If is_struct(data) eq 0 Then Begin dprint, 'No data in '+varname, display_object=display_object Endif Else Begin y1 = high_pass_filter(data.y, data.x, dt,warning_result=warning_result,interactive_varname=varname,_extra=ex) str_element, data, 'v', success = ok If(ok Eq 0) Then data1 = {x:data.x, y:y1} $ Else data1 = {x:data.x, y:y1, v:data.v} If(keyword_set(newname)) then name2 = newname $ Else name2 = varname+'_hpfilt' store_data, name2, data = data1, dlimits = dlimits, limits = limits Endelse End