Function temp_dtx_test, dtx0, min_dtx_fraction = min_dtx_fraction, _extra = _extra ; Function to get an effective minimum value for dtx, this will reject ; any negative or unduly small values, that show up fewer times than ; min_dtx_fraction (default is 0.10) times the peak value ;No zero values are allowed If(keyword_set(min_dtx_fraction)) Then mf = min_dtx_fraction Else mf = 0.10 xxx = where(dtx0 Gt 0) If(xxx[0] Eq -1) Then Return, 1.0 ;you've got troubles ;Get a histogram of log(dtx) dtx = alog10(dtx0[xxx]) ;bin in orders of magnitude minv = double(long(min(dtx)))-1.0d0 maxv = double(long(max(dtx)))+1.0d0 ;note that there should always be 3 bins h = histogram(dtx, min = minv, max = maxv, binsize = 1.0) edges = minv+findgen(n_elements(h)+1) lowest_reasonable_bin = min(where(h Ge mf*max(h))) otp = min(dtx[where(dtx Ge edges[lowest_reasonable_bin])]) otp = 10.0^otp Return, otp End Function temp_t_integration, array, n ;simulate a time integration using the smooth function ;at each point, ;result = n*smooth(array, n)/(n-1)-shift(array, ;-n/2)/(2.0*(n-1))-shift(array, n/2)/(2.0*(n-1)) ;put n values on either side of the array to avoid edge issues narr = n_elements(array) first = array[0] last = array[narr-1] array_x = [replicate(first, n), temporary(array), replicate(last, n)] array_x = n*smooth(array_x, n)/(n-1)-$ shift(array_x,-n/2)/(2.0*(n-1))-$ shift(array_x, n/2)/(2.0*(n-1)) return, array_x[n:n+narr-1] End ;+ ;NAME: ; smooth_in_time ;PURPOSE: ; Runs smooth for irregular grids, after regularising grid ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ts = smooth_in_time(array, time_array, dt, /backward, /forward, ; /double, /no_time_interp) ;INPUT: ; array = a data array, can be 2-d (ntimes, n_something_else), the ; first index is smoothed or averaged. ; time_array = a time array (in units of seconds) ; dt = the averaging time (in seconds) ;KEYWORDS: ; backward = if set, perform an average over the previous dt, the ; default is to average from t-dt/2 to t+dt/2 ; forward = if set, perform an average over the next dt ; double = if set, do calculation in double precision ; regardless of input type. (If input data is double ; calculation is always done in double precision) ; no_time_interp = if set, do *not* interpolate the data to the ; minimum time resolution. The default procedure is ; to interpolate the data to a regularly spaced grid, ; and then use ts_smooth to get the running ; average. This alternative can be slow. ; smooth_nans = if set, replace Nan values in the input array with the ; average values calculated using the ts_smooth ; process. This has not been implemented for the ; no_time_interp option. ; true_t_integration = if set, subtract 1/2 of the end points of the ; integration from each value, to obtain the ; value for an integration over time of the ; appropriate interval. This has not been ; implemented for the no_time_interp option. ; Ths is created for the high_pass_filter. ; interp_resolution = If time interpolation is being used, set this ; option to control the number of seconds between ; interpolated samples. The default is to use ; the value of the smallest separation between ; samples. Any number higher than this will sacrifice ; output resolution to save memory. (NOTE: This option ; will not be applied if no interpolation is being ; performed because either (1) no_time_interp is set or ; (2) the sample rate of the data is constant) ; dtx_min_fraction = When interp_resolution is not set, the default is to use ; the value of the smallest separation between ; samples, with the caveat that this value of smallest ; separation has to occur relatively ; frequently. Dtx_min_fraction is used to get an ; effective value for the minimum of the input time ; resolution. If a suspected minimum value occurs ; less than dtx_min_fraction times the peak of a ; histogram of time resolutions, it is ; discarded. The default value is 0.10 ; interactive_warning = if keyword is set pops up a message box if there are memory problems and asks ; the user if they would like to continue ; interactive_varname = set this to a string indicating the name of the quantity to be used in the warning message. ; warning_result = assign a named variable to this keyword to determine the result of the computation ; display_object = Object reference to be passed to dprint for output. ; ;OUTPUT: ; ts = the data array smoothed or averaged ; ; ;HISTORY: ; 13-mar-2008, jmm,, hacked from ; and added ts_smooth as the default ; 13-mar-2008, ts_smooth is way too slow, just uses now ; 6-may-2008, jmm, added sort for input data for cases with ; non-monotonic time_arrays ; 23-apr-2008, pcruce, Added padding for no_time_interp option, added _extra keyword ; 28-apr-2008, pcruce, Added interp_resolution option, added memory warning, ; mod to guarantee that precision of output is at least as ; large as precision of input ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2019-04-10 17:15:44 -0700 (Wed, 10 Apr 2019) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 27000 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh:// $ ;- Function smooth_in_time, array, time_array, dt, $ backward = backward,$ forward = forward, $ double = double, $ no_time_interp = no_time_interp, $ smooth_nans = smooth_nans, $ true_t_integration = true_t_integration, $ interp_resolution = interp_resolution, $ interactive_warning = interactive_warning, $ interactive_varname = interactive_varname, $ warning_result = warning_result, $ display_object=display_object, $ _extra = _extra out_array = -1 ;initialize warning_result = 1 ;; determine number of rows in input array ;; Note: this is a tplot array, reversed from ;; idl array n = n_elements(array[*, 0]) ;; Make sure time values exist for each entry If(n_elements(time_array) Ne n) Then Begin dprint, 'Array mismatch', display_object=display_object return, out_array Endif ;; Produces array of values, the first being the dimension of the array ;; which will later be used as a check sz = size(array) If(sz[0] Eq 2) Then nv = sz[2] Else nv = 1 ;the 2nd index will be looped over ;; Now declare output array, fill with NaN's If(keyword_set(double)) || is_num(array,/double) Then Begin out_array = double(array) & out_array[*] = !values.d_nan Endif Else Begin out_array = float(array) & out_array[*] = !values.f_nan Endelse ;; Do the calculation If(keyword_set(no_time_interp)) Then Begin ;; This for loop will take us through the full array of values; this ;; can be very slow ;Note: The loop below could probably be speed-optimized by use of the value_locate routine ;which would prevent the where function from being called on every iteration ;This might entail the need to allocate copies of the inputs for the duration For j = 0l, n-1 Do Begin ;; Get subscripts of group to take running average over ;; nss is the number values returned If(keyword_set(backward)) Then Begin t0 = time_array[j]-dt t1 = time_array[j] Endif Else If(keyword_set(forward)) Then Begin t0 = time_array[j] t1 = time_array[j]+dt Endif Else Begin t0 = time_array[j]-dt/2.0 t1 = time_array[j]+dt/2.0 Endelse ;padding is done in-place. This probably entails a speed hit because the operation is repeated, ;But it is assumed that the /no_time_interp is being used because the user values space over time ss = where([time_array[0]-dt/2.0, time_array, time_array[n-1]+dt/2.0] Lt t1 And $ [time_array[0]-dt/2.0, time_array, time_array[n-1]+dt/2.0] Ge t0, nss) ;; Check if subscripts available If(nss Gt 0) Then Begin For k = 0l, nv-1 Do Begin ok = where(finite(([array[0, k], array[*, k], array[n-1, k]])[ss]), nok) ;Do not include NaN's If(nok Gt 0) Then out_array[j, k] = total(([array[0, k], array[*, k], array[n-1, k]])[ss[ok]])/nok Endfor Endif Endfor Endif Else Begin ;default behavior is to interpolate For k = 0, nv-1 Do Begin ok = where(finite(array[*, k]), nok) ;Do not include NaN's If(nok Gt 0) Then Begin tx = time_array[ok] ;ok times ax = array[ok, k] ;ok data points dtx = tx[1:*]-tx bad_dtx = where(dtx Le 0.0, nbad_dtx) If(nbad_dtx Gt 0) Then Begin ;sort the data dprint, 'Data is non-monotonic, Sorting...', display_object=display_object ss_tx = sort(tx) tx = tx[ss_tx] ax = ax[ss_tx] dtx = tx[1:*]-tx Endif if keyword_set(interp_resolution) then begin dtx0 = interp_resolution[0] ;needs to be scalar endif else begin dtx0 = temp_dtx_test(dtx, _extra = _extra) dtx0 = dtx0[0] ;needs to be scalar endelse ; dtx0 = min(dtx[where(dtx Gt 0.0)]) ;min value of t resolution not_min = where(abs(dtx-dtx0) Gt dtx0/100.0, cnot_min) ;small allowance nrv = ceil(dt/dtx0) ;Note that for non-forward or backwards, this value must be an odd ;number gt 3 If(nrv Lt 3) Then begin dprint, 'Number of smoothing points is LT 3, Smoothing over 3*minimum resolution', display_object=display_object endif nrv = nrv > 3 If(nrv Mod 2 Eq 0) Then Begin dprint, 'Even number of smoothing points:'+strcompress(string(nrv))+', Adding 1', display_object=display_object nrv = nrv+1 Endif ;Now do the smoothing If(cnot_min Ne 0) Then Begin ;Create the regular grid nr = ceil((tx[nok-1]-tx[0])/dtx0) t1 = tx[0]+dtx0*dindgen(nr) Endif Else Begin t1 = tx nr = nok Endelse ;first loop warning on memory allocation if k eq 0 then begin if is_num(out_array,/double) then begin vector_mem_factor = 2 endif else begin vector_mem_factor = 1 endelse ;elements in target * 4 bytes/word * ((2 words per time element)+(1 or 2 words per data element)) ;divided by 1024 bytes per kB and 1024 kB per mB mem_usage_mb_interp = 4D*n_elements(t1)*(2D + vector_mem_factor)/(1024D^2) if keyword_set(true_t_integration) then begin ;(padding elements(front and back) + n of data elements)*4 bytes/word*(1 or 2 bytes per data element) ;divided by 1024 bytes per kB and 1024 kB per mB mem_usage_mb_smooth = (nrv * 2 + n_elements(t1))*4*vector_mem_factor*2/(1024D^2) endif else begin mem_usage_mb_smooth = 0 endelse mem_usage_total = max([mem_usage_mb_smooth,mem_usage_mb_interp]) ;only warn if memory usage is significant if mem_usage_total gt 100 then begin ;because of temporary allocation during operations, memory allocation may be as much as double the declared usage if keyword_set(interactive_warning) then begin if keyword_set(interactive_varname) then begin s = 'WARNING: Operation on ' + interactive_varname + ' will take between ' + strtrim(mem_usage_total,2) + ' MB and ' + strtrim(2*mem_usage_total,2) + ' MB of memory. Do you want to continue?' endif else begin s = 'WARNING: Operation will take between ' + strtrim(mem_usage_total,2) + ' MB and ' + strtrim(2*mem_usage_total,2) + ' MB of memory. Do you want to continue?' endelse ok = dialog_message(s,/question,/center) if strlowcase(ok) eq 'no' then begin warning_result = 0 return,out_array endif endif else begin msg = 'WARNING: Operation will take between ' + strtrim(mem_usage_total,2) + ' MB and ' + strtrim(2*mem_usage_total,2) + ' MB of memory' dprint, msg, display_object=display_object endelse endif endif out1 = interpol(temporary(ax), temporary(tx), t1) ;interp to hi-res ;get the average, pad backward and forwards if needed If(keyword_set(backward)) Then Begin out1 = [fltarr(nrv/2)+out1[0], out1] If(keyword_set(true_t_integration)) Then Begin rout1 = temp_t_integration(out1, nrv) Endif Else rout1 = smooth(out1, nrv, /edge_truncate) rout1 = rout1[0:nr-1] Endif Else If(keyword_set(forward)) Then Begin out1 = [out1, fltarr(nrv/2)+out1[nr-1]] If(keyword_set(true_t_integration)) Then Begin rout1 = temp_t_integration(out1, nrv) Endif Else rout1 = smooth(out1, nrv, /edge_truncate) rout1 = rout1[nrv/2:*] Endif Else Begin If(keyword_set(true_t_integration)) Then Begin rout1 = temp_t_integration(out1, nrv) Endif Else rout1 = smooth(out1, nrv, /edge_truncate) Endelse ;And interpolate back to the full time_array If(keyword_set(smooth_nans)) Then Begin out_array[*, k] = interpol(rout1, t1, time_array) Endif Else out_array[ok, k] = interpol(rout1, t1, time_array[ok]) Endif Endfor Endelse Return, out_array End