;+ ;Function: mtoq ; ;Purpose: transforms a rotation matrix into a quaternion. If the ;matrix does not perform a rotation, then its behavior may be ill- ;defined ; ;WARNING!!!! - this routine does not conform to the wikipedia definition. see warning for qtom.pro ; ;Inputs: m: a 3x3 element array or an Nx3x3 element array ; ;Returns: q ; ;Notes: Implementation largely copied from the euve c library for ;quaternions ;Represention has q[0] = scalar component ; q[1] = vector x ; q[2] = vector y ; q[3] = vector z ; ;The vector component of the quaternion can also be thought of as ;an eigenvalue of the rotation the quaterion performs ; ; ;Written by: Patrick Cruce(pcruce@igpp.ucla.edu) ; ; ; $LastChangedBy: davin-mac $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-12-16 13:31:22 -0800 (Wed, 16 Dec 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 29515 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/general/misc/quaternion/mtoq.pro $ ;- function mtoq,m compile_opt idl2 dims = size(/dimensions,m) mi = m if(n_elements(dims) eq 2) then begin if((dims[0] ne 3) or (dims[1] ne 3)) then begin dprint,'Wrong dimensions in input matrix' return,-1 endif mi = reform(m,1,3,3) dims = [1,dims] endif else if(n_elements(dims) eq 3) then begin if((dims[1] ne 3) or (dims[2] ne 3)) then begin dprint,'Wrong dimensions in input matrix' return,-1 endif endif else begin dprint,'Wrong dimensions in input matrix' return,-1 endelse ;the code below is copied almost verbatim out of the euve ;quaternion library, with the exception of the fact that this code is ;vectorized...something seems a little odd with this code, however... qout = dblarr(dims[0],4) arg = 1D + mi[*,0,0] + mi[*,1,1] + mi[*,2,2] idx = where(arg lt 0.0D) if(idx[0] ne -1) then arg[idx] = 0.0D qout[*,0] = 0.5D * sqrt(arg) arg = 1D + mi[*,0,0] - mi[*,1,1] - mi[*,2,2] idx = where(arg lt 0.0D) if(idx[0] ne -1) then arg[idx] = 0.0D qout[*,1] = 0.5D * sqrt(arg) arg = 1D - mi[*,0,0] + mi[*,1,1] - mi[*,2,2] idx = where(arg lt 0.0D) if(idx[0] ne -1) then arg[idx] = 0.0D qout[*,2] = 0.5D * sqrt(arg) arg = 1D - mi[*,0,0] - mi[*,1,1] + mi[*,2,2] idx = where(arg lt 0.0D) if(idx[0] ne -1) then arg[idx] = 0.0D qout[*,3] = 0.5D * sqrt(arg) imax = intarr(dims[0]) dmax = dblarr(dims[0]) for i=0,3 do begin idx = where(abs(qout[*,i]) gt dmax) if(idx[0] ne -1) then begin imax[idx] = i dmax[idx] = qout[idx,i] endif endfor idx = where(imax eq 0) if idx[0] ne -1 then begin qout[idx,1] = (mi[idx,2,1]-mi[idx,1,2])/(4*qout[idx,0]) qout[idx,2] = (mi[idx,0,2]-mi[idx,2,0])/(4*qout[idx,0]) qout[idx,3] = (mi[idx,1,0]-mi[idx,0,1])/(4*qout[idx,0]) endif idx = where(imax eq 1) if idx[0] ne -1 then begin qout[idx,2] = (mi[idx,1,0]+mi[idx,0,1])/(4*qout[idx,1]) qout[idx,3] = (mi[idx,2,0]+mi[idx,0,2])/(4*qout[idx,1]) qout[idx,0] = (mi[idx,2,1]-mi[idx,1,2])/(4*qout[idx,1]) endif idx = where(imax eq 2) if idx[0] ne -1 then begin qout[idx,3] = (m[idx,2,1]+m[idx,1,2])/(4*qout[idx,2]) qout[idx,0] = (m[idx,0,2]-m[idx,2,0])/(4*qout[idx,2]) qout[idx,1] = (m[idx,1,0]+m[idx,0,1])/(4*qout[idx,2]) endif idx = where(imax eq 3) if idx[0] ne -1 then begin qout[idx,0] = (mi[idx,1,0]-mi[idx,0,1])/(4*qout[idx,3]) qout[idx,1] = (mi[idx,2,0]+mi[idx,0,2])/(4*qout[idx,3]) qout[idx,2] = (mi[idx,2,1]+mi[idx,1,2])/(4*qout[idx,3]) endif idx = where(qout[*,0] < 0D) if idx[0] ne -1 then qout[idx,*] = -qout[idx,*] qret = qnormalize(qout) return, reform(qret) end