; $Id: mk_html_help2.pro 24506 2018-01-11 01:03:26Z adrozdov $ ;+ ; NAME: ; MK_HTML_HELP2 ; ; PURPOSE: ; Creates a html document from a list of IDL procedures. ; Given a list of IDL procedure files (.PRO), VMS text library ; files (.TLB), or directories that contain such files, this procedure ; generates a file in the HTML format that contains the documentation ; for those routines that contain a DOC_LIBRARY style documentation ; template. The output file is compatible with World Wide Web browsers. ; This version is enhanced over the routine supplied by IDL, It will ; also cross reference, print the purpose, and add links to the source ; code. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Help, documentation. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; MK_HTML_HELP, Sources, Outfile ; ; INPUTS: ; Sources: A string or string array containing the name(s) of the ; .pro or .tlb files (or the names of directories containing ; such files) for which help is desired. If a source file is ; a VMS text library, it must include the .TLB file extension. ; If a source file is an IDL procedure, it must include the .PRO ; file extension. All other source files are assumed to be ; directories. If not provided, searches down directory tree ; from current directory for files. ; ; Outfile: The name of the output file which will be generated without ; HTML extension. ; ; If no inputs are given: All directories in the current directory tree ; are used with the exception of: directories named: 'obsolete' ; or 'SCCS.' (UNIX only) ; ; KEYWORDS: ; TITLE: If present, a string which supplies the name that ; should appear as the Document Title for the help. ; FILENAME: Alternative method of specifying Outfile (see above) ; VERBOSE: Normally, MK_HTML_HELP does its work silently. ; Setting this keyword to a non-zero value causes the procedure ; to issue informational messages that indicate what it ; is currently doing. !QUIET must be 0 for these messages ; to appear. ; STRICT: If this keyword is set to a non-zero value, MK_HTML_HELP will ; adhere strictly to the HTML format by scanning the ; the document headers for characters that are reserved in ; HTML (",&,"). These are then converted to the appropriate ; HTML syntax in the output file. By default, this keyword ; is set to zero (to allow for faster processing). ; CROSSLINK:If this keyword is set MK_HTML_HELP will create a cross ; reference between library files. ; CLTURBO: If this keyword is set to a single character string, then the ; cross reference procedure will only cross reference lines that ; contain the character given in CLTURBO. This greatly increases ; the speed of the routine. By default the double quote (") is ; used ; PRINT_PURPOSE: If this keyword is set then the first line after PURPOSE: ; is printed in the output file. ; MASTLIST: If set, create master list only. Do not create subdirectory ; file listings. ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None. ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; A help file with the name given by the Outfile argument is ; created. ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; The following rules must be followed in formatting the .pro ; files that are to be searched. ; (a) The first line of the documentation block contains ; only the characters ";+", starting in column 1. ; (b) There must be a line which contains the string "NAME:", ; which is immediately followed by a line containing the ; name of the procedure or function being described in ; that documentation block. If this NAME field is not ; present, the name of the source file will be used. ; (c) The last line of the documentation block contains ; only the characters ";-", starting in column 1. ; (d) Every other line in the documentation block contains ; a ";" in column 1. ; ; Note that a single .pro file can contain multiple procedures and/or ; functions, each with their own documentation blocks. If it is desired ; to have "invisible" routines in a file, i.e. routines which are only ; for internal use and should not appear in the help file, simply leave ; out the ";+" and ";-" lines in the documentation block for those ; routines. ; ; No reformatting of the documentation is done. ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; July 5, 1995, DD, RSI. Original version. ; July 13, 1995, Mark Rivers, University of Chicago. Added support for ; multiple source directories and multiple documentation ; headers per .pro file. ; July 17, 1995, DD, RSI. Added code to alphabetize the subjects; ; At the end of each description block in the HTML file, ; added a reference to the source .pro file. ; July 18, 1995, DD, RSI. Added STRICT keyword to handle angle brackets. ; July 19, 1995, DD, RSI. Updated STRICT to handle & and ". ; Changed calling sequence to accept .pro filenames, .tlb ; text librarie names, and/or directory names. ; Added code to set default subject to name of file if NAME ; field is not present in the doc header. ; September, 1995, D. Larson. SSL Berkeley. Added crosslink, print_purpose ; clturbo. ; October 4, 1995, D. Larson. SSL Berkeley. Added link to source file. ; October 3, 1996, F. Marcoline. SSL Berkeley. Added Alphabet Jumpline. ; October 10, 1996, D. Larson. Added Listing by Directory. ; October 1, 2007, J. McTiernan, allow to work with more than 28 ; directories, dropped obsolete /stream keywords from ; openw calls. ; ;FILE: mk_html_help2.pro ;VERSION 1.26 ;LAST MODIFICATION: 99/04/22 ;- ; forward_function setup_sources function setup_sources,base compile_opt idl2 sources = findfile(base+'*') i = where( strpos(sources,':') gt 0,cnt) if cnt gt 0 then sources = sources[i] else return,'' i = where( strpos(sources,'SCCS') lt 0,cnt) ; ignore all SCCS directories if cnt gt 0 then sources = sources[i] else return,'' i = where( strpos(sources,'obsolete') lt 0,cnt) ; ignore all obsolete direcs if cnt gt 0 then sources = sources[i] else return,'' on_ioerror,cantwrite indx = [-1] for i = 0,n_elements(sources)-1 do begin sepsource = str_sep(sources[i],':') sources[i] = sepsource[0] openw,lun,sources[i]+'/foo',/get_lun,/delete free_lun,lun indx = [indx,i] cantwrite: endfor if n_elements(indx) eq 1 then return,'' sources = sources[indx[1:*]] for i = 0,n_elements(sources)-1 do $ sources = [sources,setup_sources(sources[i]+'/')] i = where(sources ne '',cnt) if cnt gt 0 then sources = sources[i] else return,'' return,sources end ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO alt_mhh_strict, txtlines ; ; Replaces any occurrence of HTML reserved characters (",&,") in the ; given text lines with the appropriate HTML counterpart. ; ; entry: ; txtlines - String array containing the text line(s) to be altered. ; exit: ; txtlines - Same as input except that reserved characters have been ; replaced with the appropriate HTML syntax. ; compile_opt idl2 count = N_ELEMENTS(txtlines) FOR i=0,count-1 DO BEGIN txt = txtlines[i] ; Ampersands get replaced with &. Must do ampersands first because ; they are used to replace other reserved characters in HTML. spos = STRPOS(txt,'&') WHILE (spos NE -1) DO BEGIN newtxt = STRMID(txt,0,spos)+'&'+STRMID(txt,spos+1,STRLEN(txt)-spos+1) txt = newtxt spos = STRPOS(txt,'&',spos+1) ENDWHILE txtlines[i] = txt ; Left angle brackets get replaced with < spos = STRPOS(txt,'<') WHILE (spos NE -1) DO BEGIN newtxt = STRMID(txt,0,spos)+'<'+STRMID(txt,spos+1,STRLEN(txt)-spos+1) txt = newtxt spos = STRPOS(txt,'<',spos+1) ENDWHILE txtlines[i] = txt ; Right angle brackets get replaced with > spos = STRPOS(txt,'>') WHILE (spos NE -1) DO BEGIN newtxt = STRMID(txt,0,spos)+'>'+STRMID(txt,spos+1,STRLEN(txt)-spos+1) txt = newtxt spos = STRPOS(txt,'>',spos+1) ENDWHILE txtlines[i] = txt ; Double quotes get replaced with " spos = STRPOS(txt,'"') WHILE (spos NE -1) DO BEGIN newtxt = STRMID(txt,0,spos)+'"'+STRMID(txt,spos+1,STRLEN(txt)-spos+1) txt = newtxt spos = STRPOS(txt,'"',spos+1) ENDWHILE txtlines[i] = txt ENDFOR END ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO alt_mhh_grab_hdr,name,dict,infile_indx,libfile_indx,txt_file,verbose,$ strict, print_purpose=print_purpose,allfiles=allfiles ; ; Searches an input file for all text between the ;+ and ;- comments, and ; updates the scratch text file appropriately. Note that this routine ; will extract multiple comment blocks from a single source file if they are ; present. ; ; entry: ; name - Name of file containing documentation header(s). ; dict[] - Dictionary entries for each documentation block in the .PRO ; file. Each dictionary entry is a structure with an index to ; the source filename, an index to the extracted library ; filename (useful only for VMS text libraries), a subject name, ; scratch file offset, unique id (for duplicate names), and ; number of lines of documentation text. ; This parameter may be originally undefined at entry. ; infile_indx - Index of the source .pro or .tlb filename. ; libfile_indx - Index of extracted library filename. If the source ; filename was not a VMS text library, this value should be ; set to -1L. ; txt_file - Scratch file to which the documentation header will ; be written. ; verbose - TRUE if the routine should output a descriptive message ; when it finds the documentation header. ; strict - If nonzero, the routine will adhere strictly to HTML format. ; The document headers will be scanned for characters that are ; reserved in HTML (",&,"), which are then converted to the ; appropriate HTML syntax in the output file. ; ; exit: ; txt_file - Updated as necessary. Positioned at EOF. ; dict[] - Updated array of new dictionary entries. ; ; Under DOS, formatted output ends up with a carriage return linefeed ; pair at the end of every record. The resulting file would not be ; compatible with Unix. Therefore, we use unformatted output, and ; explicity add the linefeed, which has ASCII value 10. compile_opt idl2 LF=10B on_ioerror,bad IF (libfile_indx NE -1L) THEN $ OPENR, in_file, /GET, FILEPATH('mkhtmlhelp.scr',/TMP), /DELETE $ ELSE $ OPENR, in_file, /GET, name IF (verbose NE 0) THEN dprint, 'File = '+name,dlevel=2 ; IF (verbose NE 0) THEN message,/info, 'File = '+name if keyword_set(allfiles) then docum=0 else docum=1 WHILE (1) DO BEGIN ; Find the opening line of the next header. tmp = '' found = 0 num = 0 header = '' ON_IOERROR, DONE WHILE (NOT found) DO BEGIN READF, in_file, tmp IF (STRMID(tmp,0,2) EQ ';+') THEN found = 1 if eof(in_file) and docum eq 0 then begin found=1 docum=2 endif ENDWHILE IF (found) THEN BEGIN ; Find the matching closing line of the header. if docum eq 2 then begin header = [header,'No Documentation for this routine.'] num = num+1 endif else begin found = 0 WHILE (NOT found) DO BEGIN READF,in_file,tmp IF (STRMID(tmp,0,2) EQ ';-') THEN BEGIN found =1 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN tmp = strmid(tmp, 1, 1000) header = [header, tmp] num = num + 1 ENDELSE ENDWHILE endelse docum=1 IF (strict) THEN alt_mhh_strict,header ; Done with one block of header ; Keep track of current scratch file offset, then write doc text. POINT_LUN,-txt_file,pos FOR i=1, num DO BEGIN WRITEU, txt_file, header[i],LF ENDFOR ; Search for the subject. It is the line following name. index = WHERE(STRTRIM(header, 2) EQ 'NAME:', count) IF (count eq 1) THEN BEGIN sub = STRUPCASE(STRTRIM(header[index[0]+1], 2)) IF (verbose NE 0) THEN dprint, 'Routine = '+sub ; If the NAME field was not present, set the subject to the name of the ; source text file. ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF (verbose NE 0) THEN dprint,'Properly formatted NAME entry not found...' ifname = name CASE !VERSION.OS_FAMILY OF 'Windows': tok = '\' 'MacOS': tok = ':' ELSE: tok = '/' ENDCASE ; Cut the path. sp0 = 0 spos = STRPOS(ifname,tok,sp0) WHILE (spos NE -1) DO BEGIN sp0 = spos+1 spos = STRPOS(ifname,tok,sp0) ENDWHILE ifname = STRMID(ifname,sp0,(STRLEN(ifname)-sp0)) ; Cut the suffix. spos = STRPOS(ifname,'.') IF (spos NE -1) THEN ifname = STRMID(ifname,0,spos[0]) IF (strict) THEN alt_mhh_strict, ifname sub = STRUPCASE(ifname) IF (verbose NE 0) THEN dprint,' Setting subject to filename: '+sub+'.' ENDELSE ; Search for the Purpose. It is the line following purpose: index = WHERE(STRTRIM(header, 2) EQ 'PURPOSE:', count) IF keyword_set(print_purpose) and (count eq 1) THEN BEGIN purpose = STRTRIM(header[index[0]+1], 2) IF (verbose NE 0) THEN dprint, 'Purpose = '+purpose,dlevel=2 ;IF (verbose NE 0) THEN message,/info, 'Purpose = '+purpose ENDIF ELSE purpose='' ; Calculate unique id in case of duplicate subject names. IF (N_ELEMENTS(dict) EQ 0) THEN $ ndup=0 $ ELSE BEGIN dpos = WHERE(dict.subject EQ sub,ndup) IF (ndup EQ 1) THEN BEGIN dict[dpos[0]].id = 1 ndup = ndup + 1 ENDIF ENDELSE ; Create a dictionary entry for the document header. entry = {DICT_STR,subject:sub,purpose:purpose,indx:infile_indx,lib:libfile_indx,$ id:ndup,offset:pos,nline:num} IF (N_ELEMENTS(dict) EQ 0) THEN dict = [entry] ELSE dict = [dict,entry] ENDIF ENDWHILE DONE: FREE_LUN, in_file BAD: ON_IOERROR, NULL END PRO alt_mhh_dum_file,outfile,title,verbose compile_opt idl2 OPENW,final_file,outfile,/GET_LUN IF (verbose NE 0) THEN dprint,'Building '+outfile+'...',dlevel=2 ;IF (verbose NE 0) THEN message,/info,'Building '+outfile+'...' ; Print a comment indicating how the file was generated. PRINTF,final_file,'' ; Header stuff. PRINTF,final_file,'' PRINTF,final_file,' ' ; Title. PRINTF,final_file,'' PRINTF,final_file,'',title,' PRINTF,final_file,'' PRINTF,final_file,' ' ; Title and intro info. PRINTF,final_file,'' PRINTF,final_file,'


' PRINTF,final_file,'

' PRINTF,final_file,'This page was created by the IDL library routine ' PRINTF,final_file,'mk_html_help2.' PRINTF,final_file,'
' ; PRINTF,final_file,' For more information on ' ; PRINTF,final_file,'this routine, refer to the IDL Online Help Navigator ' ; PRINTF,final_file,'or type:

' ; PRINTF,final_file,'

     ? mk_html_help

' ; PRINTF,final_file,'at the IDL command line prompt.' PRINTF,final_file,'

' PRINTF,final_file,'Last modified: ',SYSTIME(),'.

' PRINTF,final_file,' ' PRINTF,final_file,'

' PRINTF,final_file,' ' PRINTF,final_file,'No Documented Routines' PRINTF,final_file,' ' PRINTF,final_file,'' PRINTF,final_file,'' FREE_LUN,final_file return end ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO alt_mhh_gen_file,dict,txt_file,infiles,libfiles,outfile,verbose,title,strict $ ,crosslink = crosslink, clturbo = clturbo, no_dirlist=no_dirlist, $ mastlist = mastlist, listname = listname, nolist = nolist ; ; Build a .HTML file with the constituent parts. ; ; entry: ; dict - Array of dictionary entries. Each entry is a structure ; with a subject name, scratch file offset, number of lines ; of documentation text, etc. ; infiles - String array containing the name(s) of .pro or .tlb files ; for which help is being generated. ; libfiles - String array containing the name(s) of .pro files extracted ; from any .tlb files in the infiles array. ; txt_file - Scratch file containing the documentation text. ; outfile - NAME of final HELP file to be generated. ; verbose - TRUE if the routine should output a descriptive message ; when it finds the documentation header. ; title - Scalar string containing the name to go at the top of the ; HTML help page. ; strict - If nonzero, the routine will adhere strictly to HTML format. ; The document headers will be scanned for characters that are ; reserved in HTML (",&,"), which are then converted to the ; appropriate HTML syntax in the output file. ; no_alpha - Do not print the alphabetical listing of routines. ; ; exit: ; outfile has been created. ; txt_file has been closed via FREE_LUN. ; compile_opt idl2 pathnames = strippath(infiles[dict.indx]) dictpaths = pathnames.dir_name s = sort(pathnames.dir_name) pathnames = pathnames[s] u = uniq(pathnames.dir_name) dictwhdir = lonarr(n_elements(dictpaths)) for i = 0, n_elements(dictpaths)-1 do begin whdir = where(pathnames[u].dir_name eq dictpaths[i]) dictwhdir[i] = whdir[0] endfor ; Append unique numbers to any duplicate subject names. dpos = WHERE(dict.id GT 0, ndup) FOR i = 0, ndup-1 DO BEGIN entry = dict[dpos[i]] dict[dpos[i]].subject = entry.subject+'['+STRTRIM(STRING(entry.id), 2)+']' ENDFOR ; Sort the subjects alphabetically. count = N_ELEMENTS(dict) indices = SORT(dict.subject) ; Open the final file. OPENW, final_file, outfile+'.html', /GET_LUN IF (verbose NE 0) THEN dprint, 'Building '+outfile+'...' ; Print a comment indicating how the file was generated. PRINTF, final_file, '' ; Header stuff. PRINTF, final_file, '' PRINTF, final_file, ' ' ; Title. PRINTF, final_file, '' PRINTF, final_file, '', title, ' PRINTF, final_file, '' PRINTF, final_file, ' ' ; Title and intro info. PRINTF, final_file, '' PRINTF, final_file, '

', title, '

' PRINTF, final_file, '

' PRINTF, final_file, 'This page was created by the IDL library routine ' PRINTF, final_file, 'mk_html_help2.' PRINTF, final_file, '
' ; PRINTF,final_file,' For more information on ' ; PRINTF,final_file,'this routine, refer to the IDL Online Help Navigator ' ; PRINTF,final_file,'or type:

' ; PRINTF,final_file,'

     ? mk_html_help

' ; PRINTF,final_file,'at the IDL command line prompt.' PRINTF, final_file, '

' PRINTF, final_file, 'Last modified: ', SYSTIME(), '.

' PRINTF, final_file, ' ' PRINTF, final_file, '

' PRINTF, final_file, ' ' PRINTF, final_file, '' ; Alphabetic jump list first_letter = strmid((dict[indices].subject), 0, 1) first_uniq = uniq(first_letter) if n_elements(first_uniq) gt 1 then $ first_uniq = [0, first_uniq[0:n_elements(first_uniq)-2]+1] $ else first_uniq = [0] nfu = n_elements(first_uniq) PRINTF, final_file, '' FOR i = 0, nfu-1 DO BEGIN entry = dict[indices[first_uniq[i]]] letter = first_letter[first_uniq[i]] IF (entry.nline GT 0) THEN BEGIN PRINTF, final_file, '', letter, '' IF i NE (nfu-1) THEN PRINTF, final_file, ',' ENDIF ENDFOR PRINTF, final_file, '
' PRINTF, final_file, ' ' purp_delim = '
' if keyword_set(print_purpose) then if print_purpose eq 2 then purp_delim = ' ' PRINTF, final_file, '

' PRINTF, final_file, '

Directories Searched:

' PRINTF, final_file, '

' PRINTF, final_file, '

' if not keyword_set(mastlist) then begin for i = 0, n_elements(u)-1 do begin openw, templun, suboutfile[i]+'.html', /get_lun PRINTF, templun, '' ; Header stuff. PRINTF, templun, '' PRINTF, templun, ' ' ; Title. PRINTF, templun, '' PRINTF, templun, '', pathnames[u[i]].dir_name, '' PRINTF, templun, '' PRINTF, templun, ' ' ; Title and intro info. PRINTF, templun, '' PRINTF, templun, '

' PRINTF, templun, 'This page was created by the IDL library routine ' PRINTF, templun, 'mk_html_help2.' PRINTF, templun, '
' PRINTF, templun, '

' PRINTF, templun, 'Last modified: ', SYSTIME(), '.

' PRINTF, templun, ' ' PRINTF, templun, '

' PRINTF, templun, ' ' PRINTF, templun, '' PRINTF, templun, '

Directory Listing of Routines

' PRINTF, templun, '

' free_lun, templun ;close this file now endfor endif ;stop ; Index. PRINTF, final_file, '

' PRINTF, final_file, '

Alphabetical List of Routines

' PRINTF, final_file, '

' PRINTF, final_file, ' ' if not keyword_set(mastlist) then begin for i = 0, n_elements(u)-1 do begin openw, templun, suboutfile[i]+'.html', /get_lun, /append PRINTF, templun, '

' PRINTF, templun, ' ' ;print, crosslink,clturbo is_letter = bytarr(256) is_letter[65:90] = 1 is_letter[97:122] = 1 is_letter[48:57] = 1 is_letter[95] = 1 ; Descriptions. PRINTF, templun, '

Routine Descriptions

' free_lun, templun endfor ON_IOERROR, TXT_DONE FOR i = 0, count-1 DO BEGIN entry = dict[indices[i]] whdir = dictwhdir[indices[i]] allwhdir = (dictwhdir eq whdir) IF(entry.nline GT 0) THEN BEGIN openw, templun, suboutfile[whdir]+'.html', /get_lun, /append PRINTF, templun, '' PRINTF, templun, '

', entry.subject, '

' prev_i = i - 1 IF (prev_i LT 0) THEN $ dostep = 0 $ ELSE BEGIN prev_ent = dict[indices[prev_i]] in_dir = allwhdir[indices[prev_i]] dostep = prev_ent.nline EQ 0 or in_dir eq 0 ENDELSE WHILE dostep DO BEGIN prev_i = prev_i - 1 IF (prev_i LT 0) THEN $ dostep = 0 $ ELSE BEGIN prev_ent = dict[indices[prev_i]] in_dir = allwhdir[indices[prev_i]] dostep = prev_ent.nline EQ 0 or in_dir eq 0 ENDELSE ENDWHILE IF (prev_i GE 0) THEN $ PRINTF, templun, '[Previous Routine]' next_i = i + 1 IF (next_i GE count) THEN $ dostep = 0 $ ELSE BEGIN next_ent = dict[indices[next_i]] in_dir = allwhdir[indices[next_i]] dostep = next_ent.nline EQ 0 or in_dir eq 0 ENDELSE WHILE dostep DO BEGIN next_i = next_i + 1 IF (next_i GE count) THEN $ dostep = 0 $ ELSE BEGIN next_ent = dict[indices[next_i]] in_dir = allwhdir[indices[next_i]] dostep = next_ent.nline EQ 0 or in_dir eq 0 ENDELSE ENDWHILE IF (next_i LT count) THEN $ PRINTF, templun, '[Next Routine]' PRINTF, templun, '[List of Routines]' PRINTF, templun, '
        tmp = ''
        POINT_LUN, txt_file, entry.offset
        FOR j = 1, entry.nline DO BEGIN
          READF, txt_file, tmp
          if keyword_set(crosslink) then begin
            pos = 0
            if keyword_set(clturbo) then pos = strpos(tmp, clturbo)
            if pos lt 0 then goto, norefsatall
            for cross = 0, count-1 do begin
              reference = dict[cross].subject
              if entry.subject eq reference then goto, noreference
              refdir = dictwhdir[cross]
              pos = strpos(strupcase(tmp), reference)
              if pos lt 0 then goto, noreference
              reflen = strlen(reference)
              tmplen = strlen(tmp)
              refarr = bytarr(tmplen+2)
              refarr[1:tmplen] = byte(tmp)
              if is_letter[refarr[pos]] then goto, noreference
              if is_letter[refarr[pos+reflen+1]] then goto, noreference
              newref = ''+reference+''
              refarr = string(refarr[1:tmplen+1])
              tmp = strmid(refarr, 0, pos)+newref+strmid(refarr, pos+reflen, 300)
              IF (verbose NE 0) THEN $
                dprint, reference+' cross linked in '+entry.subject,dlevel=2
                ;message,/info, reference+' cross linked in '+entry.subject
          PRINTF, templun, tmp
        PRINTF, templun, '

' IF (entry.lib NE -1L) THEN BEGIN fname = libfiles[entry.lib] lname = infiles[entry.indx] IF (strict) THEN BEGIN alt_mhh_strict, fname alt_mhh_strict, lname ENDIF PRINTF, templun, '(See '+fname+' in '+lname+')

' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN fname = strippath(infiles[entry.indx]) dir = fname.dir_name reldir = strippath(fname.dir_name) reldir = reldir.file_name fname = fname.file_name IF (strict) THEN alt_mhh_strict, fname fname = ''+dir+'/'+fname+'' PRINTF, templun, '(See '+fname+')

' ENDELSE PRINTF, templun, '

' PRINTF, templun, ' ' free_lun, templun ENDIF ENDFOR TXT_DONE: ON_IOERROR, NULL FREE_LUN, txt_file endif ; Footer. PRINTF, final_file, '' PRINTF, final_file, '' FREE_LUN, final_file END ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO mk_html_help2, sources, outfile, VERBOSE=verbose,TITLE=title,STRICT=strict $ ,crosslink=crosslink,clturbo=clturbo,print_purpose=print_purpose $ ,FILENAME= outfile2,allfiles=allfiles,no_dirlist=no_dirlist,mastlist=mastlist $ ,listname= listname compile_opt idl2 IF (NOT KEYWORD_SET(verbose)) THEN verbose=0 IF (NOT KEYWORD_SET(title)) THEN title="Extended IDL Help" IF (NOT KEYWORD_SET(strict)) THEN strict=0 if n_elements(crosslink) eq 0 then crosslink = 1 if n_elements(print_purpose) eq 0 then print_purpose = 1 infiles = '' istlb = 0b if not keyword_set(sources) then begin sources = setup_sources('') sources = ['./',sources] endif if keyword_set(outfile2) then outfile = outfile2 if not keyword_set(outfile) then outfile = 'help' if not keyword_set(listname) then listname = outfile+'_list' if n_elements(clturbo) eq 0 then clturbo = '"' count = N_ELEMENTS(sources) IF (count EQ 0) THEN BEGIN DPRINT,'No source IDL directories found.' RETURN ENDIF ; Open a temporary file for the documentation text. OPENW, txt_file, FILEPATH('userhtml.txt', /TMP), /GET_LUN, /DELETE ; Loop on sources. FOR i=0, count-1 DO BEGIN src = sources[i] ; Strip any version numbers from the source so we can check for the ; VMS .tlb or .pro extension. vpos = STRPOS(src,';') IF (vpos NE -1) THEN vsource = STRMID(src,0,vpos) ELSE vsource = src ; Test if the source is a VMS text library. IF (!VERSION.OS EQ 'vms') AND (STRLEN(vsource) GT 4) AND $ (STRUPCASE(STRMID(vsource, STRLEN(vsource)-4,4)) EQ '.TLB') THEN BEGIN infiles = [infiles,src] istlb = [istlb, 1b] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; Test if the file is a .PRO file. IF (STRUPCASE(STRMID(vsource, STRLEN(vsource)-4,4)) EQ '.PRO') THEN BEGIN infiles = [infiles,src] istlb = [istlb, 0b] ; If not a VMS text library or .PRO file, it must be a directory name. ENDIF ELSE BEGIN CASE !VERSION.OS_FAMILY OF 'Windows': tok = '\' 'MacOS': tok = ':' 'unix': tok = '/' 'vms': tok = '' ENDCASE ; Get a list of all .pro files in the directory. flist = FINDFILE(src+tok+'*.pro',COUNT=npro) IF (npro GT 0) THEN BEGIN infiles = [infiles,flist] istlb = [istlb, REPLICATE(0b,npro)] ENDIF ; Get a list of all .tlb files in the directory. flist = FINDFILE(src+tok+'*.tlb',COUNT=ntlb) IF (ntlb GT 0) THEN BEGIN infiles = [infiles,flist] istlb = [istlb, REPLICATE(1b,ntlb)] ENDIF ENDELSE ENDELSE ENDFOR count = N_ELEMENTS(infiles) IF (count EQ 1) THEN BEGIN DPRINT,'No IDL files found.' RETURN ENDIF infiles = infiles[1:*] istlb = istlb[1:*] count = count-1 ; Loop on all files. FOR i=0,count-1 DO BEGIN src = infiles[i] IF (istlb[i]) THEN BEGIN ; If it is a text library, get a list of routines by spawning ; a LIB/LIST command. SPAWN,'LIBRARY/TEXT/LIST ' + src,files lib_count = N_ELEMENTS(files) j=0 WHILE ((j LT lib_count) AND (STRLEN(files[j]) NE 0)) DO j = j + 1 lib_count = lib_count - j - 1 IF (count GT 0) THEN files = files[j+1:*] ; We do a separate extract for each potential routine. This is ; pretty slow, but easy to implement. This routine is generally ; run once in a long while, so I think it's OK. lib_total = N_ELEMENTS(libfiles) IF (lib_total EQ 0) THEN libfiles = files ELSE libfiles = [libfiles, files] FOR j=0, lib_count-1 DO BEGIN name = FILEPATH('mkhtmlhelp.scr',/TMP) SPAWN,'LIBRARY/TEXT/EXTRACT='+files[j]+'/OUT='+name+' '+src alt_mhh_grab_hdr,files[j],dict,i,lib_total+j,txt_file,verbose,strict $ ,print_purpose = print_purpose ENDFOR ENDIF ELSE BEGIN name = infiles[i] alt_mhh_grab_hdr,name,dict,i,-1L,txt_file,verbose,strict, $ print_pu=print_purpose,allfile=allfiles ENDELSE ENDFOR ; Generate the HTML file. if keyword_set(dict) then $ alt_mhh_gen_file,dict,txt_file,infiles,libfiles,outfile,verbose,title,strict $ ,crosslink=crosslink,clturbo = clturbo,no_dirlist=no_dirlist, $ mastlist=mastlist, listname=listname $ else alt_mhh_dum_file,outfile,title,verbose END