;+ ;Procedure FILE_OPEN,type,name ;Purpose: wrapper for OPENW, OPENU, OPENR, FILE_MKDIR ;type must be one of: 'w', 'u', 'r', 'd' (write, update, read, directory) ; This procedure performs the functions of creating/opening files and creating directories. ; It has several useful features which the regular procedures do not have: ; 1) Non-existant directories are created automatically (with optional mode setting) ; 2) If a non-existant file is opened for update, it is created with OPENW instead of producing an error. ; 3) Files (or directories) can be tested to see if they can be created before actually opening (or creating) ; them (use the TEST keyword). (The returned structure INFO will have the WRITE element set) ; ;Example 1: Creating a file for write access: ; FILE_OPEN,'w','/dir1/dir2/dir3/file.tmp',unit=u ; Will create the director tree if it does not already exist. ;Example 2: Creating new directories with defined modes: ; FILE_OPEN,'d','/dir1/dir2/dir3', dir_mode="777 , ; All newly created directories will have the given permissions (Octal 777) ;Example 3: ; FILE_OPEN,'w','/dir1/dir2/dir3/file.tmp',/test,info=info ;This will test if the file ; can be created (with given file system permissions) without actually creating the file. ; The returned info stucture can potentially have info.exists eq to 0 and info.write eq 1 ;Example 4: ; $LastChangedBy: ali $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2021-09-24 13:31:21 -0700 (Fri, 24 Sep 2021) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 30317 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/general/misc/file_open.pro $ ;- pro file_open,type,name,unit=unit,createable=createable,info=fi,test_only=test_only,archive_ext=archive_ext, $ file_mode=file_mode,dir_mode=dir_mode,dlevel=dlevel,verbose=verbose,error_message=mss,compress = compress fi = file_info(name) if keyword_set(compress) then begin if compress eq -1 then gcomp = (strmid(name,2,/reverse_offset) eq '.gz') else gcomp = compress endif else gcomp = 0 if gcomp && fi.exists && type eq 'u' then begin if ~keyword_set(archive_ext) then archive_ext='.arc' file_archive,name,archive_ext=archive_ext,arc_name=arc_name fi = file_info(name) dprint,dlevel=2,'Archived old file: ',file_info_string(arc_name) endif dprint,dlevel=4,verbose=verbose,'"',type,'" ','"'+name+'"',/no_check_events mss = '' create = ~keyword_set(test_only) if create then unit=0 tp = strlowcase(strmid(type,0,1)) createable=fi.write if fi.exists then begin if tp eq 'd' then begin if fi.directory then return ; directory already exists! createable = 0 mss = name+' exists but is not a directory!' dprint,dlevel=dlevel,verbose=verbose,mss,/no_check_events return endif if fi.directory then begin createable = 0 mss = name+' is a directory, can not create as file.!' dprint,dlevel=dlevel,verbose=verbose,mss,/no_check_events return endif if fi.regular && create then begin dprint,dlevel=dlevel,verbose=verbose,'Opening existing file: '+name,/no_check_events case tp of 'w': if fi.write then openw,unit,name,/get_lun,_extra=ex,compress=gcomp 'u': if fi.write then openu,unit,name,/get_lun,_extra=ex,compress=gcomp,/append 'r': if fi.read then openr,unit,name,/get_lun,_extra=ex,compress=gcomp else: dprint,'Invalid type: '+type,/no_check_events endcase return endif return endif if tp eq 'r' then begin if ~create then return mss = 'No such file: '+name dprint,dlevel=dlevel,verbose=verbose,mss,/no_check_events return endif parent_dir = file_dirname(name) ; Create all parent directories (if they don't exist) Not working correctly! if parent_dir ne name then begin file_open,'d',parent_dir,test_only=test_only,createable=d_writeable, $ dir_mode=dir_mode,info=di,error_message=mss ; create parent directory first, make sure it is writeable endif else di={file_info} if tp eq 'd' then begin ; Create new directory if d_writeable then begin if create then begin mss1='Creating new directory: '+name dprint,dlevel=dlevel,verbose=verbose,mss1,/no_check_events file_mkdir,name if keyword_set(dir_mode) then file_chmod,name,dir_mode fi= file_info(name) endif endif else begin if create then begin mss = 'Unable to create directory: '+name dprint,dlevel=dlevel,verbose=verbose,mss,/no_check_events endif endelse createable = d_writeable return endif if tp eq 'u' or tp eq 'w' then begin ; create new files if d_writeable && create then begin dprint,'Creating new file: '+name,dlevel=dlevel,/no_check_events openw,unit,name,/get_lun,_extra=ex,compress=gcomp if n_elements(file_mode) ne 0 then file_chmod,name,file_mode fi = file_info(name) createable = fi.write return endif createable = d_writeable return endif mss='Invalid type: '+type dprint,dlevel=dlevel,verbose=verbose,mss,/no_check_events return end ; test_code: ; file_delete,'/disks/data/misc/dir1/dir2',/recursive ;unit=0 ;test=0 ;name = '/disks/data/misc/dir1/dir2/dir3/test.tmp' ;file_open,'w',test=test,name,info=ui,creat=cr,unit=unit,error=mss,dir_mode='777'o , file_mode='666'o ;printdat,unit,cr,ui,mss ; ;help,/files ;if keyword_set(unit) then free_lun,unit ;end