;+ ;Procedure: minvar_matrix_make ; ;Purpose: tplot wrapper for minvar.pro. This routine generates a ;matrix or set of matrices from a time series of 3-d vector data that ;will transform three dimensional data into a minimum variance ;coordinate system. This routine takes a tplot variable that stores 3 ;dimensional vector data as an argument and produces a tplot variable ;storing the transformation matrix or matrices. ; ;The minimum variance coordinate system is taken by generating the covariance ;matrix for an interval of data. This matrix is then diagonalized to ;identify the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the covariance matrix. ;The eigenvector with the smallest eigenvalue will form the direction ;of the z component of the new coordinate system. The eigenvector ;with the largest eigenvalue will form the direction of the x ;component of the new coordinate system. The third eigenvector will ;form the y direction of the coordinate system. ; ;Warning: The resulting transformation matrices will only correctly ;transform data from the coordinate system of the input variable to ;the minimum variance coordinate system. So if in_var_name is in gse ;coordinates then you should only use the output matrices to transform ;other data in gse coordinates. ; ;Arguments: ; in_var_name: the name of the tplot variable holding the input ; data, can be any sort of timeseries 3-d data ; ; tstart(optional): the start time of the data you'd like to ; consider for generating the transformation matrix(defaults to ; minimum time of in_var timeseries) ; ; tstop(optional): the stop time of the data you'd like to ; consider for generating the transformation matrix(defaults to ; maximum time of in_var timeseries) ; ; twindow(optional): the size of the window(in seconds) you'd like to ; consider when using a moving boxcar average to generate ; multiple transformations. (defaults to the entire time series) ; ; tslide(optional): the number of seconds the boxcar should ; slide forward after each average.(defaults to twindow/2) ; set tslide=0 to cause the program to generate only a single ; matrix ; ; newname(optional): the name of the tplot variable in which to ; store the transformation matrix(matrices) (defaults to ; in_var_name+'_mva_mat' ; ; evname(optional): the name of the tplot variable in which to ; store the eigenvalues of the mva matrix(matrices) (defaults to ; nowhere, ie if unset doesn't store them ; ; error(optional): named variable that holds the error state of ; the computation, 1=success 0 = failure ; ; tminname(optional): name of a tplot variable in which you would ; like to store the minimum variance direction vectors this ; vector will be represented in the original coordinate system ; ; tmidname(optional): name of a tplot variable in which you would ; like to store the intermediate variance direction vectors this ; vector will be represented in the original coordinate system ; ; tmaxname(optional): name of a tplot variable in which you would ; like to store the minimum variance direction vectors this ; vector will be represented in the original coordinate system ; ; ; SEE ALSO: ; minvar.pro ; tvector_rotate.pro ; thm_crib_mva.pro (THEMIS project) ; ; $LastChangedBy: jwl $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2021-12-10 11:18:45 -0800 (Fri, 10 Dec 2021) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 30461 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/general/cotrans/special/minvar/minvar_matrix_make.pro $ ;- pro minvar_matrix_make,in_var_name,tstart=tstart,tstop=tstop,twindow=twindow,tslide=tslide,newname=newname,evname=evname,error=error,tminname=tminname,tmidname=tmidname,tmaxname=tmaxname error = 0 if not keyword_set(in_var_name) then begin dprint,' fx requires in_var_name to be set' return endif if tnames(in_var_name) eq '' then begin dprint,' fx requires in_var_name to be set' return endif get_data,in_var_name,data=d,limits=l,dlimits=dl d_s = size(d.y,/dimensions) if n_elements(d_s) ne 2 then begin dprint,' fx requires in_var_name.y to have 2 dimensions' return endif if d_s[1] ne 3 then begin dprint,' fx requires cardinality of the second dimensions of in_var_name.y to equal 3' return endif if not keyword_set(tstart) then start_d = d.x[0] $ else start_d = time_double(tstart) if not keyword_set(tstop) then stop_d = d.x[n_elements(d.x)-1L] $ else stop_d = time_double(tstop) if(start_d ge stop_d) then begin dprint, 'fx requires tstart to be greater than or equal to tstop' return endif if not keyword_set(twindow) then twindow = stop_d - start_d ;sets it to something large enough that it will only generate one ;matrix in the default case if not keyword_set(tslide) then tslide = twindow/2 if not keyword_set(newname) then newname = in_var_name+'_mva_mat' current_d = start_d ;estimate the number of output matrices to generate temporary storage if tslide ne 0 then $ o_num = (stop_d - start_d) / tslide $ else $ o_num = 1 o_times = dindgen(o_num) ;allocate output storage space o_lams = dindgen(o_num, 3) o_eigs = dindgen(o_num, 3, 3) i = 0 while(current_d + twindow le stop_d) do begin ;loop over time windows if(i ge o_num) then begin ;output storage should never exceed allocated space dprint, ' fx output array index out of bounds' return endif o_times[i] = current_d + twindow/2 ;output time for the mva matrix is the midpoint time for the interval idx = where(d.x ge current_d and d.x le current_d + twindow) if(size(idx, /n_dim) eq 0 && idx eq -1L) then begin ;non-fatal, this prevents output spam ;dprint, 'fx had where index error' current_d += tslide i++ continue endif in_data = transpose(d.y[idx, *]) ;minvar takes dimensions transposed from tplot storage convention minvar, in_data, o_eig, lambdas2 = o_lam o_lam = reform(o_lam) ;minvar returns a 1x3 array instead of just a 3-d array ;the conditionals below should never fail, but it doesn't hurt to test if not array_equal(size(o_eig, /dimensions), [3, 3]) then begin dprint, 'minvar produced transformation matrix with wrong dimensions' return endif if not array_equal(size(o_lam, /dimensions), [3]) then begin dprint, 'minvar produced lambda matrix with wrong dimensions' return endif ;o_eigs[i, *, *] = o_eig o_eigs[i, *, *] = transpose(o_eig) o_lams[i, *] = o_lam i++ ;increment output storage index current_d += tslide ;increment loop variable if(tslide eq 0) then break endwhile str_element,d,'v',SUCCESS=s if(s) then $ o_d = {x:o_times[0:i-1L], y:o_eigs[0:i-1L, *, *], v:d.v} $ else $ o_d = {x:o_times[0:i-1L], y:o_eigs[0:i-1L, *, *]} if keyword_set(dl) then begin o_dl = dl e_dl = dl str_element,e_dl,'data_att.coord_sys','minvar', /add endif else begin datt = {coord_sys:'unknown'} o_dl = {data_att:datt} ; Prevent crash setting evname variable coordinate system, if input dl is empty JWL 2021-12-08 e_datt={coord_sys:'minvar'} e_dl = {data_att:e_datt} endelse str_element,o_dl,'data_att.coord_sys',success=s if s eq 1 then begin str_element,o_dl,'data_att.source_sys',o_dl.data_att.coord_sys,/add_replace endif str_element,o_dl,'data_att.coord_sys','minvar',/add_replace str_element,o_dl,'labels',SUCCESS=s if s then begin o_dl.labels = ['maxvar','midvar','minvar'] endif else begin str_element,o_dl,'labels',['maxvar','midvar','minvar'],/add endelse str_element,o_dl,'labflag',SUCCESS=s if s then begin o_dl.labflag = 1 endif else begin str_element,o_dl,'labflag',1,/add endelse str_element,o_dl,'colors',SUCCESS=s if s then begin o_dl.colors = [2,4,6] endif else begin str_element,o_dl,'colors',[2,4,6],/add endelse store_data, newname, data = o_d, limits = l, dlimits = o_dl if keyword_set(evname) then begin str_element,d,'v',SUCCESS=s if(s) then $ e_d = {x:o_times[0:i-1L], y:o_lams[0:i-1L, *], v:d.v} $ else $ e_d = {x:o_times[0:i-1L], y:o_lams[0:i-1L, *]} store_data, evname, data = e_d, limits = l, dlimits = e_dl endif if keyword_set(tminname) then begin str_element,d,'v',SUCCESS=s if(s) then $ tm_d = {x:o_times[0:i-1L], y:reform(o_eigs[0:i-1L, 2, *],i,3), v:d.v} $ else $ tm_d = {x:o_times[0:i-1L], y:reform(o_eigs[0:i-1L, 2, *],i,3)} store_data, tminname, data = tm_d, limits = l, dlimits = dl endif if keyword_set(tmidname) then begin str_element,d,'v',SUCCESS=s if(s) then $ tm_d = {x:o_times[0:i-1L], y:reform(o_eigs[0:i-1L, 1, *],i,3), v:d.v} $ else $ tm_d = {x:o_times[0:i-1L], y:reform(o_eigs[0:i-1L, 1, *],i,3)} store_data, tmidname, data = tm_d, limits = l, dlimits = dl endif if keyword_set(tmaxname) then begin str_element,d,'v',SUCCESS=s if(s) then $ tm_d = {x:o_times[0:i-1L], y:reform(o_eigs[0:i-1L, 0, *],i,3), v:d.v} $ else $ tm_d = {x:o_times[0:i-1L], y:reform(o_eigs[0:i-1L, 0, *],i,3)} store_data, tmaxname, data = tm_d, limits = l, dlimits = dl endif ;if we make it all the way to the end success!!! error = 1 end