; time.pro ; ======== ; Author: R.J.Barnes ; ; $License$ ; ; TimeYrsectoYMDHMS Convert seconds of year to YMDHMS ; TimeYMDHMStoYrsec Convert YMDHMS to seconds of year ; TimeEpochtoYMDHMS Convert seconds of epoch to YMDHMS ; TimeYMDHMStoEpoch Convert YMDHMS to seconds of epoch ; TimeJuliantoYMDHMS Convert Julian time to YMDHMS ; TimeYMDHMStoJulian Convert YMDHMS to Julian time ; ; --------------------------------------------------------------- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;+ ; NAME: ; TimeYrsectoYMDHMS ; ; PURPOSE: ; Convert seconds of year to YMDHMS. ; ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; status = TimeYrsecToYMDHMS(yr,mo,dy,hr,mt,sc,yrsec) ; ; All the arguments must be given. ; ; The returned value is zero for success, or -1 for failure ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; function TimeYrsecToYMDHMS,yr,mo,dy,hr,mt,sc,yrsec nday=[0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365] lday=[0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 366] if ((yr mod 4) eq 0) and (((yr mod 100) ne 0) or ((yr mod 400) eq 0)) then $ jday=lday else jday=nday yd=fix(yrsec/(24L*60L*60L)); n=0 while ((n lt 12) and (yd ge jday[n])) do n=n+1 mo=n if (n gt 0) then dy=1+yd-jday[n-1] else dy=yd+1 dt=yrsec mod (24L*60L*60L) hr=fix(dt/(60L*60L)) mt=fix((dt mod (60L*60L))/60L) ;sc=fix(dt mod 60L) sc=(dt mod 60L) return, 0 end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;+ ; NAME: ; TimeYMDHMSToYrsec ; ; PURPOSE: ; Convert YMDHMS to seconds of year. ; ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; yrsec = TimeYMDHMSToYrSec(yr,mo,dy,hr,mt,sc) ; ; All the arguments must be given. ; ; The returned value is the number of seconds past the ; start of the year for success, or -1 for failure ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; function TimeYMDHMSToYrsec,yr,mo,dy,hr,mt,sc jday=[0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334] mday=[31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31] if ( (mo lt 1) or (mo gt 12) or (hr lt 0) or (hr gt 23) or $ (dy lt 1) or (mt lt 0) or (mt ge 60) or (sc lt 0) or $ (sc ge 60) ) then return, -1 if (dy gt mday[mo-1]) then begin if (mo ne 2) then return, -1 $ else if (dy ne (mday[1] +1) or ((yr mod 4) ne 0)) then return, -1 endif t = jday[mo-1] + dy - 1 if ( (mo gt 2) and ((yr mod 4) eq 0) and $ (((yr mod 100) ne 0) or ((yr mod 400) eq 0))) then t=t+1 ;return, (((t*24L + hr)*60L + mt)*60L)+sc return, (((t*24D + hr)*60D + mt)*60D)+sc end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;+ ; NAME: ; TimeYMDHMSToEpoch ; ; PURPOSE: ; Convert YMDHMS to seconds of epoch. ; ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; epoch = TimeYMDHMSToEpoch(yr,mo,dy,hr,mt,sc) ; ; All the arguments must be given. ; ; The returned value is the number of seconds since 0:00UT ; January 1, 1970 for success, or -1 for failure ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; function TimeYMDHMSToEpoch,yr,mo,dy,hr,mt,sc YEAR_SEC=365.0D*24.0D*3600.0D LYEAR_SEC=366.0D*24.0D*3600.0D if (yr lt 1970) then return, -1 yrsec=TimeYMDHMSToYrsec(yr,mo,dy,hr,mt,sc); if (yrsec eq -1) then return, -1 ;tme=double(yrsec) tme=yrsec lpyear=(yr-1969)/4; ryear=(yr-1970)-lpyear; tme=tme+(lpyear*LYEAR_SEC)+(ryear*YEAR_SEC) return, tme end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;+ ; NAME: ; TimeEpochToYMDHMS ; ; PURPOSE: ; Convert seconds of epoch to YMDHMS. ; ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; status = TimeEpochToYMDHMS(yr,mo,dy,hr,mt,sc,epoch) ; ; All the arguments must be given. ; ; The returned value is zero for success, or -1 for failure ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; function TimeEpochToYMDHMS,yr,mo,dy,hr,mt,sc,tme i=0 yrsec=0.0D YEAR_SEC=365.0D*24.0D*3600.0D LYEAR_SEC=366.0D*24.0D*3600.0D while (yrsec le tme) and (i lt 10000) do begin if ((i mod 4) eq 2) then yrsec=yrsec+LYEAR_SEC $ else yrsec=yrsec+YEAR_SEC i=i+1 endwhile if (((i-1) mod 4) eq 2) then tmptme=tme-(yrsec-LYEAR_SEC) $ else tmptme=tme-(yrsec-YEAR_SEC) yr=i+1969 return, TimeYrsecToYMDHMS(yr,mo,dy,hr,mt,sc,tmptme) end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;+ ; NAME: ; TimeYMDHMSToJulian ; ; PURPOSE: ; Convert YMDHMS to Julian date. ; ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; julian = TimeYMDHMStoJulian(yr,mo,dy,hr,mt,sc) ; ; All the arguments must be given. ; ; The returned value is the julian time for success, ; or -1 for failure ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; function TimeYMDHMSToJulian,yr,mo,dy,hr,mt,sc DAY_SEC=24.0D*3600.0D yr=yr-1 i=fix(yr/100) A=i i=fix(A/4) B=fix(2-A+i) i=floor(365.25*yr) i+=floor(30.6001*14) jdoy=i+B+1720994.5D dfrac=1.0+TimeYMDHMSToYrsec(yr+1,mo,dy,hr,mt,sc)/DAY_SEC; return,jdoy+dfrac end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;+ ; NAME: ; TimeJulianToYMDHMS ; ; PURPOSE: ; Convert Julian date to YMDHMS. ; ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; status = TimeJulianToYMDHMS(yr,mo,dy,hr,mt,sc,epoch) ; ; All the arguments must be given. ; ; The returned value is zero for success, or -1 for failure ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; function TimeJulianToYMDHMS,yr,mo,dy,hr,mt,sc,jd DAY_SEC=24.0D*3600.0D factor=0.5/DAY_SEC/1000; F=(jd+0.5)-floor(jd+0.5) if ((F+factor) ge 1.0) then begin jd=jd+factor; F=0.0; endif Z=floor(jd+0.5); if (Z lt 2299161) then A=Z $ else begin alpha=floor((Z-1867216.25)/36524.25) A=Z+1+alpha-floor(alpha/4) endelse B=A+1524; C=floor((B-122.1)/365.25) D=floor(365.25*C) E=floor((B-D)/30.6001) day=B-D-floor(30.6001*E)+F if (E lt 13.5) then month=floor(E-0.5) $ else month=floor(E-12.5) if (month gt 2.5) then year=C-4716 $ else year=C-4715 yr=fix(floor(year)) mo=fix(month) dy=fix(floor(day)) A=(day-floor(day))*DAY_SEC; hr=fix(floor(A/3600.0)) mt=fix(floor((A-hr*3600.0D)/60.0)) sc=A-hr*3600.0-mt*60.0 end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; NAME: ; AACGM_v2_Dayno ; ; PURPOSE: ; Determine the day number of the given date. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; AACGM_v2_Dayno, yr,mo,dy, days=days ; ; Input Arguments: ; yr - 4-digit year ; mo - Month: 1-January, 2-February, etc. ; dy - Day of month, starting at 1 ; ; date inputs can be an array, but must be the same size and it is ; assumed that each day is from the same year. ; ; Keywords: ; days - set to a variable that will contain the total number of ; days in the given year. ; ; Return Value: ; dayno - day number of the current year. ; ; HISTORY: ; ; Revision 1.0 14/06/10 SGS initial version ; ;+----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; function AACGM_v2_Dayno, yr,mo,dy, days=days ; works on an array. assume that all from same day ; WHAT IS THE POINT OF AN ARRAY OF THE SAME DAY?! mdays=[0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31] nelem = n_elements(yr) if (yr[0] ne yr[nelem-1]) or $ (mo[0] ne mo[nelem-1]) or $ (dy[0] ne dy[nelem-1]) then begin print, '' print, 'Not same day in AACGM_v2_Dayno' print, '' exit endif tyr = yr[0] ; leap year calculation if tyr mod 4 ne 0 then inc=0 $ else if tyr mod 400 eq 0 then inc=1 $ else if tyr mod 100 eq 0 then inc=0 $ else inc=1 mdays[2]=mdays[2]+inc if keyword_set(days) then days = fix(total(mdays)) if nelem eq 1 then $ doy = total(mdays[0:mo[0]-1])+dy[0] $ else $ doy = intarr(nelem) + total(mdays[0:mo[0]-1])+dy[0] return, fix(doy) end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; NAME: ; AACGM_v2_Date ; ; PURPOSE: ; Determine the date from the given day number and year. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; AACGM_v2_Dayno, yr, dayno, mo,dy ; ; Input Arguments: ; yr - 4-digit year ; dayno - day number, starting at 1 for Jan 1 ; ; Output Arguments: ; mo - Month: 1-January, 2-February, etc. ; dy - Day of month, starting at 1 ; ; HISTORY: ; ; Revision 1.0 14/06/10 SGS initial version ; ;+----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; pro AACGM_v2_Date, yr,dayno, mo,dy err = 0 mdays=[0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31] ; leap year calculation if yr mod 4 ne 0 then inc=0 $ else if yr mod 400 eq 0 then inc=1 $ else if yr mod 100 eq 0 then inc=0 $ else inc=1 mdays[2]=mdays[2]+inc tots = intarr(13) for k=0,12 do tots[k] = total(mdays[0:k]) q = where(tots ge dayno, nq) mo = q[0] dy = dayno - tots[q[0]-1] end ;------------------------------------------------------ ; AACGMIDL_V2 ; This procedure initializes environmental variables ; and compiles routines used for AACGM ;------------------------------------------------------ pro aacgmidl_v2 ; set up the environmental variables rt_info = routine_info('aacgmidl_v2',/source) basedir=file_dirname(rt_info.path) envstring1='AACGM_v2_DAT_PREFIX='+basedir+path_sep()+'coeffs'+path_sep()+'aacgm_coeffs-13-' envstring2='IGRF_COEFFS='+basedir+path_sep()+'magmodel_1590-2020.txt' setenv,envstring1 setenv,envstring2 ; compile and initialize all routines needed for aacgm-v2 igrflib_v2 aacgmlib_v2 aacgm_v2 astalg mlt_v2 end