SECCHI_PREP is an IDL tool for scientists interested in using SECCHI data. It calibrates EUVI, COR 1, COR 2, HI 1 and HI 2 FITS Level 0.5 files to the current FITS Level 1.0 specification. It also creates FITS Level 2.0 for COR 1 and COR 2 files.


SECCHI Rectified Cheat Sheet

Secchi Prep Updates


SC: HI diffuse source correction updated to correct issue relating to IPSUM


SC: HI diffuse source correction added for MSB output [only partial correction due to issues with IPSUM]


NR: SECCHI_PREP for EUVI now updates CRPIX in the header by default. It implements a new pointing drift correction.


SC: HI-2 preliminary calibration factors 


NR: As discussed at our Monday telecon, I have made changes in to fix the reported HI "Level-1" filename problem. Summary of changes (for all SECCHI images):

  • HI /NOCALFAC_BUTCORRFORIPSUM will result in '1' in the file-level position in the filename (for COR and EUVI it is '0')
  • HI "level-1" will have 'b' in the file-level position (for COR and EUVI it is '1')
  • try to ensure correct values for BUNIT and added CALFAC keyword to FITS header structure
  • Fix these values for /POLARIZ_ON, as it was not consistent

Routines affected are:,,,, These will appear in Solarsoft tonight. I will also be updating FITS header definition to clarify these changes and put a note on the wiki. Let me know if there are any problems.


SC: HI-1 changed calibration factor to that from Bewsher 2010 Solar Phys


SC: HI-1 added calibration factor


SC: HI-1 calibrated flatfield from stellar sources


SC: HI columns with saturated data flagged by Na Ns


SC: HI adjusted flatfields to allow for stitch lines on the CC Ds

Secchi Prep Feature Requests

Current Status of SECCHI_PREP

The current status of SECCHI_PREP is updated in the SECCHI_PREP Users Guide. Here, we list features requested with developer comments.

Scientists are encouraged to add features to this list. The developer(s) will add comments from time to time to update their own progress. Please reference this page before emailing new ideas to the developers.

Note again that, currently, SECCHI_PREP is a Beta release and therefore some planned functionality has not yet been implemented.

Current Requests

  1. Output in image formats other than FITS. (JPEG 24 bits, PNG)
  2. Allow user to define the size of the occulter and edge masking.

Obsolete Requests

  1. denied: have secchi_prep also make coffee


  1. Released SECCHI_PREP Beta - 04/OCT/06
  2. Updated SECCHI_PREP Beta - 28/NOV/06
    1. SECCHI_PREP returns output to IDL instead of only outputting a FITS file. It can handle returning several images of different sizes. 
    2. All Level 0.5 keywords are carried into Level 1.0. Any keywords that are obsolete at Level 1.0 are set to their default null value.
    3. /calibrate_off keyword turns calibration off 
    4. /trim_off keyword, to return the images with the under and over scan regions. Also set /calibration_off and outsize=2176. 
  3. Added keyword /rotate_on to rotate images to north solar north up. - 15/DEC/06