Instrument Milestones

Project Start Date: 11/1/02

Project End Date: 10/31/04

File Name: c:\STEREO\Bnets\SummaryCharts\2003_05_31_IMPACT SWEA Instrument Critical Milestone Chart.ML7

ITEM EVENT Require Action
1 Long Lead Flight Procurements Complete
4/30/03 6/2/03
2 FM 1 HV Board Assembly Complete
5/12/03 5/13/03
3 FM 1 Front End HV Board I & T Complete
5/23/03 6/16/03
4 FM 1 Final Assembly Complete
6/13/03 7/16/03
5 FM 2 Front End HV Board I & T Complete
6/13/03 7/9/03
6 FM 1 Electrical/Environemntal Testing Complete
6/27/03 7/30/03
7 FM 2 Final Assembly Complete
7/18/03 9/17/03
8 FM 2 Electrical/Environemntal Testing Complete
9/12/03 10/1/03
9 FM 1 Front End Calibration Complete
10/10/03 11/13/03
10 Deliver FM 1 Front End to UC-B
11/13/03 11/17/03
11 FM 2 Front End Calibration Complete
1/15/04 2/16/04
12 Deliver FM 2 Front End to UC-B
